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Thunder Struck (Done)

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Swooce May 26th 2015, 11:07 pm

Feel the THUNDER!

Basic Biography

Real Name: Jackson Mace
Hero Name: Thunder Struck
Title: Lord of Storms, Champion of Woltt
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Host to an inter-dimensional being
Hair: Black, in dread locks
Eyes: Chocolate Brown, All Yellow when in "Thunder Form", mentioned below
Height: 5'8'', 7'3'' when powered
Weight: 150 lbs, 250 lbs, see below
Blood type: B-

The Looks

Jackson Mace is a rather average person. An average build, he tries to get in a work out when he can, but his job both as an electrician and a hero usually keep him busy. Atop his head are short dread locks that move with him as he walks or runs, with slim features adorning his face. His chin is not too thin nor too square, something in the middle. His nose is flat, almost hooking along his bridge. Below said nose is a medium size pair of lips, the upper only slightly larger than the lower. His eyes are a chocolate brown, and his ears are of medium size. His arms and legs aren't really lanky nor bulky, again, somewhere in the middle. His skin is a light brown  color,whitening around the palms and the bottoms of his feet. His hands are usually slightly dirty from his work, and his usual attire consists of either his jump suit, cap combo, or a hoodie, shirt, denim jeans, and sneaker set.

While in this form, Jackson grows from a 5'8 to an imposing 7'3''. In this form, his muscles grow to such a point where they almost physically show through the costume that comes with the massive lightning strike. His features are now hyper masculine, his face squaring out, a mask appearing on his face, his eyes becoming an ethereal yellow glow, occasionally giving off a spark from their edges.  His over all costume is a turquoise blue , with a design of six yellow bolts on his abdomen, three on each sde from the top and from the side pointing to his chest, where an extra bolt in particular looks to be striking downward. His boots and gloves follow a rather classic design, with a fold at their top, yellow in color like the bolts. Around his neck is a cape that reaches to his calves, clasped in place by a T shaped pendant.    

The Legacy

Personality: Jackson is a down to earth kind of person. he only takes the most grievous of situations seriously, and even then would look on the bright side of things. He's usually focused on the tasks set in-front of him, of which consist of electrical engineering and crime fighting... for a price. Jackson has a certain mindset that he could use his powers for good, which he does, but for a price. He doesn't spend the money frivolously, in fact he gives some of it to charity for the poor... and the tax detuctable. But he faces facts. Everyone would like to be a hero, but there's no benefit in it for him besides a smile and a pat on the back, which is good, but smiles don't pay bills. Even if certain organizations did offer him funding for his crime fighting, he wouldn't take it, as his mindset would have him believe he is stealing from people as a whole. He does hero work to bring peace of mind to the people who come to him, not for any sense of a "greater good". He's a very family oriented person, placing the good of others before his own. That being said, he can extend this to friends and strangers, as he couldn't live with himself if he let someone else down (see history).

             Jackson was born on January 18, 1993, into a family of four in the middle of Tornado Alley, Missouri. His father worked for the MPUA, and his mother was an office woman, both of whom brought back the bacon. He also had a sister, Emily Mace, affectionately called "Emmy", 5 years younger than he, and they were your regular brother and sister. However, intense family values had forged them a bond that not all the forces of the universe could break. Jackson would die for his sister, and she for him.

            Jackson had a normal life, good grades throughout high-school, almost made valedictorian at his college graduation! But, issues arose, and Jackson's home town where his Father, Mother, and Sister lived was hit by a vicious storm. Thunder and Lighting raged, Tornadoes landed, destroying all in their path, threatening to demolish Jackson's home! He rushed there, not caring for the violent wind or vile rain, he was concerned with his family first and foremost. He dashed into the house, his father and mother safely away, but Emily had yet to leave, and had hidden inside the restroom inside the bathtub.

           He went in to save her, only to have the house torn from the earth itself, and caught in a lightning infused tornado. Jackson and Emily were both hit whilst flying around in the wash basin, but only Jackson was left unscathed. Emily had been left critically injured and in a coma, and Jackson was experiencing both immense guilt and a voice within his head. Emily was sent to the hospital, with the voice in his head explained itself. His name was Woltt. A being from another dimension, and he explained that he had been in exiled from his dimension, and happened upon Jackson during the storm by chance. Jackson, not having a job yet, managed to set himself up his own own electric repair company, now known as Mace Electric. The first time he achieved Thunder From was actually by accident, while he sang along to AC/DCs Thunder Struck, and he accidentally uttered the words.

           Since then, he had realized that he could use these powers for one of two things. Heroism, or Villainy. He chose neither, and decided to fence sit on the matter. he would use his powers for good, but at a price, so as to help himself and his sister, whom was still in a coma. He swore to himself that he would wake Emily up, no matter the cost to himself, or not even the people around him would matter.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Power 1: "Thunder Form". As Jackson is playing host to a certain inter-dimensional being within him, he is allowed to use this beings power. He shouts the keyword "THUNDER STRUCK and from the sky comes a colt of Lighting from Woltts' dimension, and Strikes Jackson, empowering him with the attributes of Woltt. In this form he is granted Super Strength (Max 20,000 tons), Super Speed (Top Speed: Mach 3), Flight (See Speed), and Super Human Endurance.

Power 2: Electromancy: As the name would suggest, Jackson has control over electricity, both in and out of his Thunder Form. His heart acts as his battery, and the more it pumps, the more energy is stored up. He can manipulate this is various ways, from making it give life to inanimate objects, to channeling it through his hands as a human defibrillator.


Weakness 1: Time Limit: Having such strength does not come without restraints. Jackson's Thunder Form can only last around two hours (12 posts) and a number of factors can actually make it shorter. Not to mention that to call upon Woltts power, certain conditions need to be met. for one, he needs to be outside and in the sun, a second is mentioned below in number 3.

Weakness 2: Electromancy is fatal: Although he can manipulate electricity and have it be relatively harmless in small doses, larger doses, say, 60-90 volts can prove to damage Jackson's' organs, and enough energy can prove to be fatal].

Weakness 3: Recharge: Indeed, the more he strains his form, the longer it takes for Jackson to recharge. This can take anywhere from days, to weeks, to even months and in the worst case scenario whole years. The only way to recharge is to absorb electric energy, batteries, his own heart beat, power plants, thunder storms... anything, so long as it contains some measure  electricity.  

Weakness 4: Rubber: Or rather, insulation. Anything that cannot be used as a conductor, rubber, wood, stone, etc. Jackson will have no effect on. He may zap a piece of rubber with a 50,000,000,000 bolt of lightning, but the rubber will be unscathed, not even luke warm from the blast. That being said, physical contact is a different story...

Weakness 5: Endurance only goes so far: Granted, Jackson would stop most attacks whilst is Thunder Form, from a hail of bullets to even a missile blast, but this can only last for so long. Though he can take a beating, he will eventually cave. Nothing lasts forever.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):

Physical Priority

Thunder Form

Human Form:

Last edited by Swooce on May 29th 2015, 11:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Quote : Well that was... shocking.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Humor : Puns fo' days!
Registration date : 2014-11-27

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Re: Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Swooce May 29th 2015, 10:48 pm

Bumpity bump bump.

Status :

Quote : Well that was... shocking.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Humor : Puns fo' days!
Registration date : 2014-11-27

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Re: Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Forceaus May 29th 2015, 11:07 pm

Speed is only allowed to go up to mach 3 and nigh limitless strength probably isn't going to work.

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Re: Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Swooce May 29th 2015, 11:21 pm

And that should fit.

I mean I just read off the thing, "powerful as they want". I also have no concept of speed in terms of sound, so that helps.

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Quote : Well that was... shocking.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Humor : Puns fo' days!
Registration date : 2014-11-27

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Re: Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Forceaus May 29th 2015, 11:23 pm

Chaotic Lawful isn't an alignment. I need to know if this character is a hero, villain or renegade.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Re: Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Swooce May 29th 2015, 11:28 pm

And boom, done.

Status :

Quote : Well that was... shocking.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Humor : Puns fo' days!
Registration date : 2014-11-27

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Thunder Struck (Done) Empty Re: Thunder Struck (Done)

Post by Forceaus May 29th 2015, 11:33 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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