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Vulcan, Man Of War

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Vulcan, Man Of War Empty Vulcan, Man Of War

Post by Vulcan Daggerfall May 20th 2015, 3:47 am

Vulcan Daggerfall
"I am the toughest opponent you will ever face"

Basic Biography

Real Name: Vulcan Daggerfall
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Vulcan has no need for an alias, so his true name is what he will be regarded by.
Title: The Hand of War
Alignment: Vulcan could be most depicted as chaotic neutral. He has no sway toward wickedness or justice, only his own thriving ambitions of battle and making a name in history. In tune with that, he has no regard for law or any obstruction that gets in his way, tackling everything without a second though. He is a warrior, first, second, and third.
Age: Though nearly fifty years of age, Vulcan retains a youthful appearance and physical aptitude of someone in their early twenties.
Race:Human(Blessed by Divine Power)
Blood type: O+

The Looks

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Hair:Vulcan's hair takes on a bright shade of white. It is unorthodox, having characteristics that are out of the oridinary.  Pieces if hair all flow upward, contrary to the usual pull of gravity. This occurs naturally without the need of any products to generate the effect. The consistency of it is stiff to maintain the sloped sections of hair. They ride backward, leading to small points of hair around the back of the scalp. The rest flows together quite nicely despite the unusual direction.
Eyes:The man's iris is also a rare shade of white, bordering the color silver.   Aside the odd distinction of color, there are no differences normally. However, in the heat of battle or in times of frustration, the iris may begin to glow a pure shade of white, making the entire eye appear that color and give off the vibe of battle lust. The soul of the man can be told through those eyes, a being that isn't malevolent, but craves battle by any means needed.
Height:Vulcan stands at a not-so imposing height of five feet and eight inches tall. This is something that doesn't bother him, even though most brute-types tend to be of the larger variety. He is adorned in seldom clothing, the upper-body completely exposed and leaving the muscular definition of his form in the open most of the time. The lower-body is covered in black and gold garbs with symbolism of the God of War in red across the legs. Metal sandals cover the feet, leaving the toes exposed while protecting and augmenting the power behind the underside of the foot.
Weight: Due to muscle density, Vulcan has a cumbersome weight of two-hundred and seventy-five pounds.  This is especially odd for someone of his height, but true non-the-less. Every fiber of his physical form is quite muscular, especially the arms which are frequently seen both physically and in real application of the power behind them. Markings adorn his flesh that carry even more symbolism to the god of war behind them.

The Legacy

Personality:  Vulcan is by all means a man with a one-track mind. That track? The battlefield. It is very clear he has an unhealthy obsession with battle; proving his strength and aiming to surpass any and everything he can. Not just to sedate his pride, but the man takes great pleasure in the experience of battle. This is for a number of reasons, but none too malicious. His intent is seldom to kill or maim, but in some instances these things can''t be avoided. One branch that governs this love for battle is a small degree of masochism. Not to an extremist extent, but the sensation of pain in battle drives him forward, filling him with the idea that he is in fact alive and thriving.  Another many share is that he is very prideful. Vulcan considers himself the strongest warrior there is, even when that isn't true. He pushes himself to any extreme to prove that, jumping into fights he has no business or assosiation with just to make a name for himself and show the world his power.  If word pass of any powerful contender near him, it isn't uncommon for a challenge to be posed toward them.

Outside the life of a warrior, Vulcan does indulge in the pleasures of peace time. While battle is a huge part of his existence, it isn't all there is. Eating, rivalry, even friendly contest and flirting are all things he takes fondly to. The appetite carried is another monster to quench, often leading to the end of food to feed an entire family.  His taste in rivals and significant others both follow the concept of power. The stronger someone is, the more likely he is to get along with them and develop bonds of sorts. Even if they no longer keep up with his ability as time goes on, these bonds remain.  The man also has morals to a degree. Though having no regard for the law or common decency in many things, outright slaughter of the powerless and pointless torment don't amuse him. In most cases if someone has the power to bring about such things, they should have enough to fight him though..So too if they can prevent it though. This leads to mixed siding in the conflict of good and evil.

More often than not, Vulcan will always side with a disadvantaged party, as it leads to a greater battle for himself. He has no attachment toward sides, only fighting when the time comes and switching on and off between who he supports an crushes under his fists.  He is a man of battle, of war, of conflict. He is a biological machine designed for that purpose of striking down those around it.

History: Vulcan was born with his purpose in the city of Rome 50 years ago. His infant flesh was scarred with the markings of war. They were up for interpretation whether they were cast by Ares, or the alternative force, Mars. The physical make up of the child was tested, as this was an event never seen before in the times of the current generation. After extensive testing, it became clear that this was not something of chance, but a mark of the gods will. The child displayed feats of ability impossible for any normal children. These things ranged from finding and instinctively playing with any historical blades or spears it could find at only a year old, to having exceptional jumping ability to reach higher places. The amount of strength for such a small body to exhibit made there little doubt to divine intervention in the child's conception.

Being followers of the religious belief, Vulcan's parents quickly came to believe the child had some greater purpose for an upcoming great event of terror and chaos. Whether it was positive, negative, or something to set things in motions was unclear, but it had a defined purpose. As such, years were spent learning the ancient methods of the Romans and picking up skill as a warrior, both in the use of old weapons and some time spent with firearms. Though not particularly unskilled with the latter, the spears and blades of days long passed is where super-human skill showed, as well as determination to constantly press forward and do what they previously could not. Given only a basic education, Vulcan never developed to be intelligent, but had amassed many skills and arts of the ancient Romans.

It was near the age of fifteen where the obsession of violence and a disregard for authority kicked in, as it did for many teenagers. The young Vulcan took up anyone who would fight him, be they his age, or far older. Given supernatural ability,. this quickly lead to issues a midst the community and even an attempt to lock away the man. This was something he wouldn't stand for though. Out of his own volition, Vulcan departed from his home, forcing past any that tried to block his way. He had a desire flowing through him to find the secrets and monsters this world had hidden in it's crevices and proving himself. The older he got, the more these supernatural things developed and the more he dared to fight the impossible. Over the years, the man dismissed normal Humanity. They were far too weak for him. He ventured for years and continues onward now, looking for the most powerful beings that exist in this existence to fight and crush them. His means of survival typically reduced to taking what he needed, and then leaving which caused great unrest with most cultures. Had they a problem? He'd fight them about it without a second though.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Power 1:Superior Strength- The primary and only tool Vulcan needs in battle is his great strength. Though not as vast as other super-powered beings, it is far above the scope of normal human ability. At any time the man has a basic level of physical might that can lift as much as twenty tons with ease. This force can be controlled by will, exerting less power if desired, but often putting out that much force in real battle. Most metal constructs and basic barriers fall to the might of his fists in time and they are definitely not something one should take lightly.

Power 2:Superior Speed- Vulcan is also quite fast, both in his ability to move, react, and shift a movement path. At top speeds he can move at two hundred miles an hour, still not the best around, but better than any normal man can hope to contend. His reaction  time and subtle motions are all on par with his top speed, allowing him to interact with anything at that rate of motion.

Power 3:Durability- One of, if not the most amplified physical characteristic of Vulcan is his ability to take and sustain damage. Attacks vastly above his own physical limits may only leave a few bruises. This isn't just regarding physical durability, but the power to take damage in excess from plasma, attacks of spiritual and magical nature, and even internal problems such as poison and illusion magic. He isn't invulnerable to any of these things, but they'll all prove far less effective against him even by superhuman standards.  Only  the strongest of powers and forces can bring about serious injury to the tank of a man.  Likewise, the man has excessive stamina to boot. Vulcan, as intended as a son of war, can and will fight for hours upon hours, even days on end. Fatigue is nigh non-existent to him.

Power 4:The strongest and the true power of Vulcan is his ability to become even stronger. As battle progresses and more attacks strike him, the man's physical ability drastically raise. The Superhuman powers already demonstrated become even stronger the more time passes. This becomes clear very quickly to any who are observant. It isn't uncommon for any and all of his physical characteristics to double in strength multiple times throughout the course of battle. This ability to become stronger and more resilient is amplified even further when facing an enemy stronger than himself or during bouts of rage. It is uncertain what his defined limit is with his progression, if there is one, but the peak of his potential increase in power can only be attained when faced against terrifying strength or ability.  This is not a balanced process either. When outmatched, the characteristic that needs the biggest amplification to contend is what will be most augmented over time. This usually means strength and speed regarding certain adversaries, as a strong suit in his durability means a  seldom need for a vast increase in that characteristic.  In most battles, Vulcan will stand leagues upon leagues above his former power and durability at the beginning of conflict, escalating to new heights with each stronger challenger(s) he comes across.

Power 5:Regeneration- A very minor case of it, but there non-the-less. Vulcan regenerate much faster than a normal Human, even healing wounds not normally possible; such as lost limbs. However, this isn't quick. The healing factor has no sway in real time combat. Only during long breaks during a great battle or extensive periods  of rest is this seen. Wounds that cripple a normal person for months may heal for him n the duration of a day's time. This also adds further survivability to his already great defensive bulk by allowing any wounds to recover over time. This attribute also defines why he no longer ages, as the cells of the body fail to decay after meeting their peak point.


Weakness 1: Being the type he is, Vulcan seldom dodges attacks even with the speed to do so. If he thinks he can survive it, he'll very well charge through rays of destruction and walls of fire to land a blow against an enemy as they attack. Even with vast durability, this is a very dangerous practice that can lead to serious problems when charging through something that is better avoided.

Weakness 2:Being a purely physical warrior, Vulcan has very few, if any means of ranged combat. Sure, he could throw something, but the damage of such items would be minor and often break from the force of the man alone. Because of this he is forced to get up close, and fight an enemy in the most vulnerable range.  This also attributes to a lack of effectiveness against beings that are not physical, Using only raw strength and superhuman power, beings that can;t be touched by physical means are  a near impossibility for him to deal with at the moment.

Weakness 3:Vulcan isn't very intelligent. He has no form of high-end education and knows only the battlefield. Even in regards to war, his tactical affairs are most basic and rarely carry too much complexity or thought. This makes it very easy to outsmart or trick the man into certain situations.  Though his battle intellect is more average, in common day situations and more complicated things like planning can show just how clueless Vulcan is on things.

Weakness 4:Given his lust for battle and cocky nature, Vulcan rarely kills people he really should. He wants people to get stronger to give him a proper challenge, and in tune with that will let severe threats to humanity and himself walk away just to later sedate his own need for violence. Letting these things go can often come back to haunt him and others, and if people try to revoke his decision on the fate of others, they'll be met with a firm punch to the face.

Weakness 5:While Vulcan's power to grow more powerful is great and terrifying in some aspects, it isn't permanent. After an hour or so of staying out of conflict, the power and adapted ability amassed over the course of any amount of time will begin to rapidly fade away. This prevents him from ever becoming too powerful  and leaves him weaker for periods of time, which some may try to take advantage of  in secondary battles.  To keep his power up, Vulcan has to fight and take hits frequently. It isn't healthy and may be the death of him in the same way it lead to his thriving nature in combat.

Power Capacity:Though the full extent of how much stronger Vulcan can become is unknown to him, the maximum he can achieve is ten times his base super Human ability, be that overall or in a concentrated attribute for a situation. Very seldom do things reach that point, only being brought out when faced with the toughest monsters the world has to offer and given ample time and a fair beating to build up to that point. The process of gaining strength is exceedingly slower as well when facing off with weaker foes. The rate contorts and shifts constantly, increasing when being hit by powerful attacks or while being restrained and lowering while standing still and doing something like casual conversation. This makes it difficult to determine when his unknown limitations will be met, if there ever is a need for them at all.
RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):


[b">Item/Character Advancement Name: Conduit of War

Item/Character Advancement Description: Vulcan only has one weapon with him, that being a long sword attached to his hip. It is refined to a sharp point and made of reinforced metal blessed by the god of war. The blade is carried in a thick sheath traditional of roman soldiers.

Item Power(s): The weapon has no special property other than always being sharp and having durability to match the strength of the man holding it. The stronger Daggerfall becomes, the more durable this sword will be to maintain itself when swung by the man. This magical property is constant and can be maintained even if it breaks so long as the original pieces are put back together.  This also means that, should the holder be sufficiently powerful,  the blade can combat forces normal metal can't contend with, such as extensive heat or powerful blasts of force and energy.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es): Other than it's durability and edge, the sword has no unique aspects or benefit, making it a minor help at best.  It can't do anything unique that would have it stand out or cause any strong reaction out of people, nor is it exclusively used by the hand of Vulcan. Anyone could easily take it and use it as their own, or even break it down if their power can surpass Vulcans. This is especially easy early on when his power is more limited, as is the strength of the weapon.

Physical Priority
Vulcan Daggerfall
Vulcan Daggerfall

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Vulcan, Man Of War Empty Re: Vulcan, Man Of War

Post by Forceaus May 20th 2015, 7:39 pm

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