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Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin)

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Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin) Empty Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin)

Post by Eris April 12th 2015, 8:57 am

Eris wanders around the city on foot, since Star was off being Star again and she had to wait for her to stop to even catch up again, with how fast she could move compared to how slow Eris was. She gives out a slow sigh, then just bounces along, figuring that she could do some shopping and get Star some new clothes. She did need some, having just her current outfit for how long? Way too long in Eris' opinion, time for an upgrade!

She goes through the different shops, buying what she thinks would look good on Star with the money she got from trading in some gold she collected while on another planet. Humans seemed to love gold, not that it was useful for anything really. It was as the day was fading that she met the beast. Some horrible furred monster. She had seen a lot of them around when she was walking but managed to avoid actually getting close to one so far, but this one, it went straight at her.

Eris backed up quickly, she wasn't ready for such an encounter and was soon trapped, too scared to even think about casting fly on herself and getting out of danger that way, or even to scream for help. The beast just stared at her, almost like it was taunting her, letting her fear grow before it eats her. What kind of weird planet let's monsters like this roam around unchecked?

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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2015-04-04

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Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin) Empty Re: Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin)

Post by Atlas April 16th 2015, 11:17 am

Oxygen, now that was something he had never been expecting to breath so soon, and yet here he was doing so without a single bit of pain. Nɇaroviin took in a deep breath as the oxygen passed through his lips, feeling it enter his lungs and with an exhale it all whistled out through his mouth. It was with this freedom that he could go out into the world, and learn more about humanity, something that thrilled the hunter more than anything. Eventually however he found himself in one of their large cities, New York as they had called it. Like great fingers some of their buildings reached into the sky, defiant almost as if trying to pierce the heavens. To him humanity was almost infinitely fascinating, each thing they did more interesting than the last, so he had to know what made them work.

Not that he would do anything like dissect someone, that was just weird and invasive. They also had someone in his race that did that, no need to add to the whole vivisection portion of their family. He was striding through the city dressed casually, faded jeans with a large hole in one knee and a muscle shirt that for the most part showed off toned arms. There were so many things he didn't know, but they were just begging for him to learn about them, so that was what guided the male today and just everyday really. That was until he came upon a rather strange sight, a small creature seemingly frightening a young human female. The strange part was that it wasn't doing anything threatening, just standing there and wagging its tail. Nɇaroviin blink, confused by why she would be scared of something that looked so harmless.

Regardless, he was feeling in a good mood, so the male decided to help out. Walking over to the two, he knelt next to the dog which seemed to turn at him and growl, perhaps more than aware of what he was. Nɇaroviin smirked, letting out a sound that sounded like a growl but impossible to replicate with human vocal cords. That seemed to work as the dog whimpered, putting its tail between its legs and running away. ”There you go, the dog is gone.” He said with a smirk.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin) Empty Re: Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin)

Post by Eris April 18th 2015, 6:23 pm

Eris didn't know how long she was there, staring at the besat that had her trapped until her knight in shining, her knight in jeans and a t-shirt came to save her. The man did did something that made the animal turn tail and flee. Eris stares at the direction that the beast ran for a moment before giving the man that saved her a huge hug. "Thank you, I didn't know what I was going to do."

It took Eris a moment to compose herself again, and another to realize that she was hugging the stranger that saved her. Pushing away from him she takes a few step back, her hand covering her mouth. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I'd like to thank you for saving me though. Is there anything you'd like?" Eris wasn't really concerned about the cost, after all, money on this planet wasn't usable anywhere else and she wasn't exactly poor from all of the planet hopping she does.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2015-04-04

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Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin) Empty Re: Holding out for a hero. (Nearoviin)

Post by Atlas April 20th 2015, 10:43 am

The little animals humans called dogs, for all the posturing, they ran away when something way scarier than them happened along and made itself scary. Not that he looked scary in his human form, unless tall muscular men scared you. Then he was fucking terrifying. Once the female had seemingly calmed down from the sudden fright of the dog, she confused the male even more by suddenly hugging him. Not that the hug was noticeable, as she seemed pretty weak much like most humans did compared to him, even not a bit weaker than that. It took her a few seconds to realize she was hugging a stranger, pulling away and apologizing for it.

”No problem, not everyday I get a hug.” Nearoviin said with a shrug, not really off put by the whole thing. ”No need to pay me back or anything like that either.” Not like he needed that weird paper that humans so loved, something about currency or whatever. If they wanted to waste their lives in its pursuit, that was their business really but he hated the idea of money in general. ”I guess you not being hurt or anything is all the reward or whatever.” It sounded somewhat sappy but Nearo had his moments.
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Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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