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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Aurelius March 19th 2015, 9:04 pm

So Oliver was in Chicago for something, he didn't quite know what, only that Alpha was after someone or something. All he knew was there were reports of a pretty powerful being attacking people, and that Alpha had an interest in the female. That was good enough for him, plus he wanted to watch Alphas back considering the fact they didn't know exactly what they were dealing with. Even if Alpha hadn't asked him to come, he would have. Regardless of the others beliefs he was probably the most powerful in the family, or at least the most versatile. He knew he deserved more then the rank of Theta, he was after all one of the first created. His lack of power before had kept him from his rightful place, perhaps this would show the others his merits.

They were tracking this woman with their companies satellite, she had a tremendous energy signature, which was rather interesting. They were traveling in a sleek black sports car which looked very out of place in contrast to the dirty downtown area. With him was Alpha in the front seat and Beta sitting soundless in the back. Beta was only there if Alpha and Theta couldn't subdue her, it was always in Alphas nature to come with a back up plan after all. They drove and drove and at once they arrived at the place there tracker lead them. A mostly empty concrete parking garage, it looked pretty much abandon. Theta pulled the car up close before stopping and turning to Alpha.

"I'd be willing to bet she is on the upper level, lets get too it." He said opening the door and getting out. The garage was about three stories high, so they could go the usual way or they could simply fly up there. Of course, Oliver would need to barrow something first.

"Beta, you mind if i...." He said with his hand stretched out at the boy who was now out of the car. He hoped Beta knew what he meant, because saying "can i have some of your powers" was way to awkward..
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Humor : *Screams of anime determination*
Registration date : 2015-03-10

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Alpha March 19th 2015, 10:41 pm

How does one track a large source of energy one might ask, and Alpha would have answered rather simply. Because, in truth it's one of the most simple things that anyone could do if they had the equipment to do it. As to the why, there were many reasons why he would want to track down this unknown energy source, one of which being an insatiable curiosity that burned through him, yet that was only one of them. Regardless, he followed this signature and along with it, continued to measure what manner of energy was being let off, so that he would not be caught absolutely off guard by what it was they were facing. The research itself had taken two nights to finish, and then came developing the method by which he could take whatever it was down. The result of such research was what he held within his hand, a small unassuming sphere of metal oppulant within his hand.

If what he was following was even close to what he thought it was, then his hypothesis would be correct and that meant that would not have too much trouble with this woman. With him were three of his most powerful siblings, or rather the ones that would be powerful within this situation. Gamma,Theta and Beta if he needed him. Honestly, Alpha was not planning to do anything beyond watch from a safe distance, only acting if their situation became utterly hopeless. ”Make sure to act carefully, I don't want any mistakes.” Alpha stated simply, handing this unknown metallic core to Gamma, who considered it carefully with a smirk feeling the use behind it. She did not know what it was now, but soon enough she would know. Granted, it was not his trump card by any means, so Alpha had another small ace within his pocket should the target grow more annoying.

Their location was Chicago, where he remembered sending a certain employee of his, though Alpha found himself hoping they did not end up crossing paths. If that were to happen, well he would not be to happy with the circumstance.  Once they had reached their destination, Alpha slipped on his mask, along with Gamma and likely Theta, all three stepping out. Without even needing to ask, Beta offered his hand and let Theta borrow his own power, for now the male capable of using his telekinesis for the time being. ”It should be around here somewhere.” Alpha noted in his usual tone lifting himself, and Gamma up to the third story of wherever they were landing upon.

”Now we wait.”

Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Orsy March 19th 2015, 11:10 pm

Stargirl slowly and quietly floats into the third floor of the parking garage from somewhere outside, her eyes curiously roaming around the building.  She looks around at the cars parked, peeking through their windows to look at their interiors.  These are machines, she knows that much.  Humans use them to go places faster because they can’t fly, which is sad because flying is really fun.  

The floating woman stops to peer into the back window of a big SUV, spotting a stuffed teddybear resting against the back seat.  Stargirl, not knowing the difference between stuffed animals and real ones, tilted her head and knocked on the glass. “Hello…?  Are you trapped..?” She stares at the stuffed toy for a moment, expecting a response from the inanimate creature, “Do you need help..?”  Another silent pause, obviously the stuffed bear isn’t going to speak.  

Stargirl doesn’t wish for the bear to be trapped in the car, “I’ll help you!” She lets out an excited giggle and slowly puts her hand on the car door, digging her finger straight through the metal.  She gives the door a quick yank and effortless rips it clean off the side of the car.  Though instead of immediately going in to rescue the poor stuffed bear, she dropped the door and puts her hands up to her ears as the car alarm floods her ears.  “I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!” She floats backwards to get away from the car and bumps into another one, setting off that alarm too. “Stop it… too loud..!” She quickly stops flying and sits down on the floor, hugging her knees close to her chest and shuts her eyes, locking up until the car alarms finally stop.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 29
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Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Aurelius March 20th 2015, 5:13 am

Beta grabbed onto Olivers hand before he had even finished his sentence, well that was nice of him. Or course, it was for the fulfillment of what Alpha wanted, so he was likely doing it more for the success of the mission. Yet again, some just didn't care as much as others. He felt Betas powers ripple through his body, almost like a shock. His pupils dilated, and in under a second he had the young mans potent telekinesis. He took a step back, adjusting to his powers for a moment before pushing himself off the ground just as Alpha had done.

"I never get tired of flying." He said smiling as he looked down at the ground. He then hovered himself up after Alpha and Gamma, following skillfully behind. He had used this power the most, so he was quite skilled with it, though probably not as much as the others who had it all the time. Once they reached the top level Theta dropped himself to the ground softly, the sound of his boots echoing in the concrete structure. He thought it might of been a bit loud, and maybe could have alerted anyone hiding out here. But the flurry of sound that came next pretty much removed any fear of that. On the other side of the level a few car alarms and a voice could be heard, the loud noises directing the group right to whatever this thing was presumably.

As Theta and possibly the others neared the car alarms slightly irritated his ears, not to the point of actually harming him but he was glad they ceased. They finally arrived, Theta staring right at what they were looking for. It was the woman he saw from the videos, wearing the same torn clothing, if one could call it that. Assuming the others had followed him Theta decided to just get to the point rather then trying to talk to her.

"Lets get to it then." He said with an arrogant smirk. With a wave of his hand some of the concrete floor was pulled out in a perfect 4x4 foot cube. With another simple gesture the cube was flung at high speeds toward his target. This was definitely a sizing up shot, as anything that could take this could probably take most of his basic attacks, he would need to think bigger if she came out without a scratch.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 110
Location : The Shroud
Job : Warden of Will
Humor : *Screams of anime determination*
Registration date : 2015-03-10

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Alpha March 21st 2015, 12:53 am

The sign that their target was near came in the form of a loud cacophony of car sirens sounding off not too far from where they were. Alpha smirked from behind his mask, realizing how easy it was to find this strange being but perhaps they did not care to stay hidden. Quickly pin pointing the source of the noise, the three would follow it until they found what looked like a strangely garbed woman, if what she was wearing could even be called clothing. Gamma would let her fingers curl around the metal sphere, gripping it tightly in preparation for whatever this woman was. With all of the radiation she had been letting out, there was noway that she was only an average metahuman, perhaps something more than that. ”So...this is our target? Looks like some kind of slut.” Gamma noted with a dismissive scoff while Theta began the preemptive attack.

”Don't take her lightly, she might be more dangerous than she looks.” Alpha stated, not that Gamma would do anything so stupid like that anyway. With a thought, the metallic orb would begin to convert to a strange liquid metal, rapidly multiplying to the point that it was almost insane. Sloshing around on the ground, it would only continue to increase, while a few tendrils of the substance would stretch out in an attempt to latch onto the energy being who was possibly disoriented by the prior attack. If Alpha had been right, considering the density of this unique metal of his, perhaps its properties would mess with the radioactive nature of the being before him.

If the metal had latched onto the woman, it would begin to rapidly multiply in an attempt to cocoon her.

Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Orsy March 21st 2015, 4:36 pm

Stargirl blinks her eyes and looks up at the concrete cube hurtling towards her and lets out a small, “Meep!” in surprise as she quickly flies upward to dodge the incoming object.  In her quick vertical escape, she accidentally smacked her head against the ceiling, causing the concrete to crack at the impact but no visual signs of damage to the head that cracked it.  Star looks up at the roof and frowns, hopping that she didn’t break it too bad.

Her thoughts were interrupted by some weird liquid metal tentacles shot up at her and managed to wrap themselves around her left leg and are quickly starting to encase her body.  “Huh!?  No! Let go!” She frowns at it and tries to fly upwards again to break loose from the metal’s hold. “Errgh!” She lets out a gasping noise as her lower body was fully swallowed, sending her to the floor quickly.  

“Go away!” She looks down at the metal and her eyes begin to glow with a bright fiery yellow before two intense beams of concentrated solar energy shoots from Stargirl’s eye sockets and at her own legs, trying to slice her way through the metallic substance and free herself before it fully consumes her.
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Age : 29
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Aurelius March 23rd 2015, 5:11 am

So that's what that was. Oliver couldn't help but smirk under his mask at the sight of the liquid metal lashing out at the energy being and then beginning to coat her. That was quite the ingenious move on Alpha's part, but then again it came to be expected from the male. The woman had shown she was quick enough to react to aN unexpected attack, and she also showed she was quite durable. So in many ways Theta's sizing up had succeeded. He also now knew she had some energy output in the form of some kind of eye beams, that called for some more defense.

As the metal did its work Oliver knelt down and touched the concrete, copying its properties. In an instant his skin was covered in a ridged rock like armor from head to toe. He looked pretty normal, just more.....rocky. This he hoped would be enough to protect him if the woman was fortunate enough to hit him with those nasty looking eye beams. For the most part the metal would do its work, attacking her would only hinder its progress or so it seemed. So he waited until the outcome was obvious. If she managed to break free he would let out a very strong pulse of telekinetic energy, to make matters worse as it swept toward her it ripped shards of concrete out of the floor and ceiling that would undoubtedly make the attack even more unpleasant for the woman.

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Number of posts : 110
Location : The Shroud
Job : Warden of Will
Humor : *Screams of anime determination*
Registration date : 2015-03-10

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Alpha March 24th 2015, 5:52 pm

Despite her initially avoiding Theta's attack, that was only a ruse on Alpha part as she had only made herself unable to avoid Gamma's own attack. With  a burst of powerful energy, the star child would attempt to free herself of the strange metal, not knowledgeable of why it was so dangerous to her. Sure, her energy would do some damage but not as much as she would have likely hoped it would, as instead of being eviscerated it would only begin to melt away at a slower rate. She would get free with effort of course, but it would not be a trivial matter, as Alpha had thought this out. ”This is going just as planned.” Eventually however, she would be able to escape, yet Theta already had a few attacks coming at her while Alpha waited.

He didn't need to do anything, his two siblings had everything taken care of. While this happened, the metal would begin to rapidly expand once again, five spikes branching off from it aimed to stab into her.

Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Stargirl March 25th 2015, 12:39 pm

Stargirl continues with her heat-vision attack at the liquid metal making its way up to her chest at this point, the metal itself starting to creak and groan as the spikes being form begin to strain heavily under the sheer difficulty of trying to puncture the energy beings extremely dense outer form.  It was as if her flesh was harder than any element none to man.  While they seem to not be stabbing into her; they do appear to be striking a nerve as Stargirl scowls and cries out louder in increased anger.

“Go away!!” her eyes glow brighter as even brighter beams of light shoot from her eyes at her metal cocoon, obviously more intense than the last she used.  The metal around her begins to warp and bend in ways counterproductive to her capture, most likely reacting under the massive amount of heat and radiation being shot out of her eyes.  Stargirl lets out a loud, “Gyaaaaaah!!” As her arms rip out of her metallic casing with a loud crack!  Her next move was to send her hands straight into the metal around her and use her immense physical strength to rip it open and escape from its grasp!  

The energy being quickly flies away from the superheated metal before it could cool down and resume its intended function, the heat most likely causing it to lose ability to move with precision.  Before she could react again Stargirl was smashed into by a powerful wall of telekinetic energy and debris, sending her body flying out the side of the parking garage and into the open air.  

She looked to her left and saw a car was also sent out of the building as was now falling on a collision course with a man in a phone booth.  “Oh no!” Stargirl gasps loudly and quickly flies down and under the car to quickly, and effortlessly catch the falling car before it crushes the man.  Stargirl slowly lands on the road, and very gently places the car down in the street, away from the people it could have crushed.  The man in the phonebooth time between shitting himself to give Stargirl a raspy and fearful, “Th-thanks!”  Stargirl replies to him with only a smile and a happy giggle before quickly floating back into the air to look for the people trying to catch her in the garage.

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Quote : "Uhm... do I have to talk into this thing?" *Taps the mic* "Helloooooo?"

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Registration date : 2015-03-22

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Aurelius March 26th 2015, 8:03 am

Well that was just fabulous, the woman some how got free JUST as Oliver had made his telekinetic attack. This threw her out of sight, and therefor out of their immediate control. So this was of course going to take the fight into over drive, they no longer had the advantage of surprise.

"I would suggest getting another one of your plans ready there Alpha, she was practically unphased by all of that." Theta said as he dashed off into a telekinetic flight after the woman. Theta got there just in time to see her save a man from a falling car, which sprang an idea within the male. With a smirk Theta would start tossing cars around at the pedestrians to lure her into saving them, this would likely buy them some time. Three cars in total were tossed at three groups of people, all only having a small chance of survival without Stargirls help.
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Registration date : 2015-03-10

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

Post by Alpha March 28th 2015, 6:07 pm

So it had seemed that his prior plan had failed, but then again it was only a test more than anything. He had his other plan, but that required one thing to actually work, one that had not been done quite yet. So he would have to make it happen, granted if things went as planned it would anyway. This being did not seem like the most intelligent, so perhaps they could just trick it into doing exactly what he wanted. So he would wait, always watching for the moment to strike while his siblings continued in the hopes of whittling her down in some fashion. While he had thought, Theta did something of his own, throwing a few vehicles at a small group of pedestrians, something Gamma would capitalize on, whether the poor star child saved them or not.

If she did rush to save them, then the strange liquid metal would form more, denser blades to attempt to stab into the star woman, and if she attempted to avoid, well they would hit the humans instead.

Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel) Empty Re: Catch a falling star and put it in your....(Alpha, Steel)

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