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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Empty Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

Post by The Doctor October 15th 2014, 3:05 am

Keep moving. That was the only thing that came to mind right now. Keep going, but not fast enough to reveal himself. There was no need for him to be going 200 mph, let alone forcing himself through the sound barrier three times over. The nine foot alien maneuvered himself with masterful skill, crawling up the walls with his claws, his tail wiggling and curving as to avoid dangling in front of a window or drawing attention to himself. He was on the hunt. He was looking for someone, anyone. He needed them, he wanted someone to show up, something to show up. Then when they did... he would devour them. Yes, this creature was about to prey upon and devour a living person, a human being. But why would it? In it's right mind it WAS a human, it was one of them. What could have driven this once-person to devouring human beings? The answer to this was quite simple, and the answer revolved around the same reason this creature did anything it did. PAIN. The Pain was excruciating, and it was constant. The chronic pain burned win every joint, all of his muscle were virtually numbed to the point that they were physically weakened. There was a constant throbbing, an aching in his spine that throbbed, like the bones were grating together. The air of earth felt like a cheese grater to his lungs, his posture was so terrible as the warmth of his stomach wrenched, twisted and churned as his gnashing teeth ached to their core. No manner of healing could help him, no manner of potion or elixir would save him. There was only three things that could help him. The Tree his race was sent here with, A genetic correctional specialist worthy of alien intelligence, or to devour.

   Chicago was far enough from home, and he had no gene-specialist here, so this was his last resort. Oh how he would have regularly wished he didn't have to...but right now, he didn't care. He was in pain, and when a creature is in pain there is only one thing that is truly important to it. Ending the suffering. Oh and this was terrible mind you, his pain was so intense that his physical prowess was deteriorating. He was like an arthritic squirrel with a tooth ache, herniated disc's in his back, a migraine and a constant wrenching in the stomach. His kin would laugh to see him so weak and famished... but that was soon to change. This creature would take whatever next caught his eye, and he would take it and devour to sate his pain. That's right...he wasn't even hungry, but eating was one of the few things that soothed the pain. When their digestive juices were stimulated endorphins and a natural enzyme which increased in his body's ability to interrupted pain receptors, easing the pain by 1000 times over, and clearing his head. IT was just unfortunate for him to be driven so mad by pain to awake and know that someone else had to die for his sanity. But none of that mattered right now as the window opened and an arm stuck out to water the plants. the Tail slithers down, dancing around while the beast doesn't even look at it, keeping just above the vision of the person as they held the watering can outside the window. The creature slaps the watering can and it falls to the ground, it's movements so quick the person would just assume something fell... and then they would do what the creature would hope. They'd look out their window, down to the alleyway below and to the watering can...and then they'd look up... and they'd not see anything else ever again.

   Flesh tearing from the sinew. The tender muscles being plucked form the sweet, shining juice covered bone. The yellowing calcium and thick bone structure living proof of their dedicated life of bone-healthy calcium. Their strings of hamstring were like stretch jerky and refused to chew easily, it kept the salivation going. It kept him hungry, it kept him from pain.  Vicious snarling, a little screech as his mouth bit into his prey's throat, the tail slithering around the knee and securing itself as his hand held at the hip. With a fluent motion, from head to tale the creature yanked. The leg was ripped from the body and the entire head fell to the found with a look of horror. A clawed hand piercing through the thoracic cavity as it began to remove them piece by piece. Inside and out, leaving the bone literally licked clean, except the head, and the heart. They remained untouched. Just like that, the creature felt no more pain, on all fours it crawled in a slithering fashion to the window it let itself in, and then it slithered to the rooftops. "HELP!" A voice called frantically. "HELP!!!" The man yelled again, across the street were sirens, a bank robbery, or a hostage situation? "SOMEONE HELP THEY HAVE HOSTAGE!!" The man cried and then suddenly his head was gone following a loud boom, a pink mist squirting up as the headless corpse fell to the ground, leaving the creature, leaving  Tsxero to watch and wonder form the rooftops as it then maneuvered itself back to the side of the building, keeping to shadow.

(914 Words)

Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Empty Re: Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

Post by Zodiac October 16th 2014, 10:09 pm

Walking home from school was always nice. Not really, he missed the bus because Misses Riley decided to give him detention for talking. Even when it was obviously Alex who was the one talking, Regal wasn't too happy with this. At the moment he hoped that old woman would just croak for this. Sure this didn't go on his permanent record or anything like that, but still the old lady be was messing with his membrane. He followed Wesley road as he always did, made his way through East Main and then down Scherard Avenue before emerging around a small little neighborhood. A market nearby, a bank across the street, but otherwise it was just housing complexes and alleyways. He was still a good twenty minute walk from home, providing he got at the stop lights at the perfect timing and didn't have to wait for them. Of course he didn't notice anything different at all, until he heard police sirens blaring off in his ear as they rushed past. Everything looked normal until they pulled around the bank a single man running out and screaming.

   The man was screaming help. Regal froze in his tracks and watched as the police circled the front of the bank, other officers around the back. Many of them opened the doors to their cars and seemed to use them as shields, the windows down as their arms stuck through them and their heads peered over, arms drawn at the bank. Regal still had his hand secured to his backpack as he looked to the scenario as if it were a movie. or free entertainment of some kind. This was unfortunately a terrible thing to watch, but there was nothing he could do, well...nothing he could do really. He cocked his head to the side as he stepped forward, suddenly ailed with a strange sensation. His heart fluttered as he turned and looked to the roof of the building behind him. Nothing there? Oh well. With a shrug, Regal would return to walking towards the alignment of police cars. Suddenly, BAM and then there was a pink mist, a haze thrown up as blood squirted from the thing that was once a man's neck. Regal was frozen, mouth opened and eyes wide at what he had just witnessed. Sure he had seen corpses...he had seen bodies. Hell he even watched people get murdered with his Psychometry...but this. Something about this was off. Different. Here, now, before his very eyes someone was murdered. It was so different for him...unlike the Psychometry this was so REAL and personal to him. He wasn't really expecting it.

  Okay. Keep calm. You see dead people all the time. Just stay calm. But regardless of what he told himself it did very little to csalm him.  But then he rememebred he just had to suck it up and deal with it. He did a damn fine job too, just a little sigh, a shake of the head and then continuing his walk. He approached the nearest vehicle and then squatted down, back pressed up against the trunk of a cop car. He closed his eyes, focusing he tried to expand his mind, a little energy pulsing, unable to be felt by most people without super sensory of some regular kind. The energy mapped itself in and out and all around. 300 meters around him, mapped out perfectly. It felt like being on a roller coaster, being sent out in every direction though, then in a circle, and then it felt like you were seeing everything around you in great detail. With a blink he looked around. Twelve men in ski masks, semi-automatic arms, all of them short but not midget short. Regal chuckled at the thought of midget robbers. Who would ever take them seriously? Though the thought was amusing he couldn't help but notice one thing that made his face pale as he looked up to the building he had his back to up until this point. The same building he just looked to the roof, and had the bad feeling about... well turns out he had a reason to be afraid. A 9 foot tall silver-fish of a problem. Regal looked right up at the creature that clung to the shadows and whistled. "Well dayum..." he said as his mapping power revealed the skeletal remains in the apartment just behind the creature... it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what scary monster and bone-piles indicate. Regal bit his lower lip as he prepared to dive put of the way, should the creature acknowledge him.

Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Empty Re: Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

Post by The Doctor October 17th 2014, 1:05 am

The creature watched as it began to realize the sirens and flashing lights were these people's law enforcement officers. The creature let out little gurgles and murmurs of an incoherent nature in response to processing these events. The Pain had dulled, not subsided by any means, but dulled enough that he could thing more clearly, and to regret what he had done. Normally he was content to feed upon cat and dog, stray animals and the like, but in moments of dire pain he was so far from human. He found himself growling when he found himself looking upon a human child, one that looked to him. He looked to the child, and the child to him. He then looked back to the building he hadn't identified as a bank. He found himself curious as to why all these humans were pointing their little firearms at the bank. Did that building have something bad inside? Most curious indeed, perhaps the partially sane and no longer pained alien should investigate. The alien would leap down, landing just before the child and looking to him and then leaping through the air and landing on the bank roof and still on all crawling. He wasn't sure if he had been caught or not, or noticed. He was far too worried about learning what exactly was in here.

  The creature made it's way to the ventilation system at the top and then began to poke and pry at it with it's tail before removing the vent and crawling in, fitting it's lanky body in nice and snug before scurrying through the vents and further into the building. It allowed itself to maneuver around before it could reach any part it needed to be in to see anything. There were two people there, strange individuals. One of them had skin of what looked like steel, or dark greyish-brown iron. The second one appeared to be a woman dressed in white. The Alien then made it's way further before realizing that his weight was a little more than the vent could handle, and he fell through. Why now? Probably because he was finally sessile and unmoving. He hissed as he flipped himself around and scurried to a wall. "What the Hell is that!? Forge!" She shrieked as she stepped back. The creature she called "Forge" had glowing orange eyes with no defined Iris, and the skin seemed to rust and fall off as he walked, leaving shards in it's wake. The woman in white turned her attentions back to the vault and began to hack through the computer systems, allowing her access, causing the creature to fight this "Forge" creature.

  "Alright. Commere ya Fugly bastard!" This "Forge" guy called out. It charged the wall, The creature would leap across the room with a fierce speed before observing what the man did to the wall. Chunks and dust of brick flew about. The creature wasn't  a genius, but it knew that this thing could pack a punch, and it would need to be very careful.

(518 Words)

Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Empty Re: Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

Post by Zodiac October 18th 2014, 6:45 am

Regal almost had a heart attack when he saw the creature leap down and sitting in front of him. "Woah Ugly..." He said as he held his hands up as if saying he were unarmed. Regal could hear his mother chiding him from the back of his head about insulting monsters that could eat him. Though Regal was "taming" himself down buy simply calling the creature ugly. He could have told it how it looked like a Kristen Stewart and Christian Bale lovechild, or how it's breath smelled like an old person's home, or the fact it was legitimately a freaky freak. His mother's "chiding" in the back of his head made him want to have a brain-ectomy, but on the other side of the brain. He wouldn't quite call it a reverse, but maybe a posterior- is doesn't even exist he was wasting too much time on this and-oh hey where's the monster? Regal would blink and look to the left and to the right, noticing nothing, though thanks to his energized mapping, he was able to detect the creature landing upon the roof of the bank. Didn't anyone see him? Was he really that quick and stealthy? This shocked Regal, especially when it came back to the capacity of fitting in the vents.

   Then the thing dropped down and there within the room. Just passed the men in masks there were two others. A woman in white, and a hulking metallic behemoth of sorts. The woman called him "Forge" and this "Forge" fellow seemed to share Regal's opinion on the supercreep creature. The "Fugly" creature proved more than apt at moving and dodging. The woman in white seemed to be moving herself to the vault, or rather moving herself to the computers or whatever it was she was doing. From what Regal could surmise from this was that the woman in white really needed money. "With a torn up night gown like that I might let her take some just off of principle, girl that night gown in ratty." He murmured to himself as he stepped up and moved away. He found that the area of brick where this "Forge" had smashed was now an utter "blind spot" to him, and given the nature of the power it wasn't as if eh could really compensate for it for a little while longer. Regal began to wonder what he could do to buy himself some time before things went down and the bank was swarmed by S.W.A.T or something to that effect. He had the free "movie" he could see throughout the 300 meter radius, so he could totally go get a smoothie, smoothies were pretty super. Yeah, he's going to go get a smoothie.

  7-11's were the creepiest places in the world some times. There were no normal people in this place at all. It's times like this I feel like I hit the genetic lottery. He'd think to himself as he passed a dark skinned woman with a child in her arm, a large rounded belly and what had to be the biggest puffy face he'd ever seen. "Oookay. So she's either really pregnant or smokey there tried to suck the honey out of the hive." He said to himself as he maneuvered to the back of the store, a slushy machine still swirling. Mountain Dew flavored? Are you serious, who in their right mind would want a Mt.Dew flavored slushy? Regal then moved over and proceeded to mix a little of every type, excluding the Mt.Dew. He was gonna get a sugar high the old fashioned way. Not that he knew what the old fashioned way was, but who was going to correct him? He proceeded to the register as he passed a pale old man whose dentures dropped out of his mouth and onto the floor. Regal just kept to himself as he put the Slushy up on the counter. ..He's got a bomb, he's got a bomb, he's got a bomb, he's got a bomb."Thanks!" He said cheerily as he took the chain and the slushy in hand. "Thank you, come again!" The man chimed in a very heavy accent. He looked down at the Slushy cup and hummed when he noticed the writing "I got this Slushy from my 7-11!". Regal reached into his messenger bag and withdrew a fat sharpie marker as he quickly made a few modifications.

    When Regal returned to the scene of the events, a grand many people had amassed, and there were several "Blind Spots" in his mapping. Fire had broken out apparently, many men in masks keeping to cover and a couple officers "down" from bullet wounds. Regal stepped forward sipping from his Slushy as the large, overweight african-american soldier looked to Regal and held out his white hand. Yeah, He's African-American and white. White people live in Africa too, Racist. Hey everyone! Guest is a racist! No, I'm kidding. But seriously, African-American white dude held up his hand to Regal to stop him. "Whoa little mister I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to..." He pauses as he see's Regal's cup and it says "I got this Slushy from my 7-11 and just beneath the scribbled out 7-11 was "Local Terrorist" in sharpie Marker. Without skipping a beat Regal took a step back and watched the events transpire, courtesy of his energy-mapping power.

Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Empty Re: Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

Post by The Doctor October 19th 2014, 6:27 am

The creature was certainly having a hard time. As men in Ski masks began to take aim at him, the think known as Forge stopped them. "Keep watch of the front ya maggots! This one is MIIINE!" The man growled as he charged off at the serpentine monstrosity that was the were-alien. The creature frantically scurried up the wall and then into the vent again, hoping this time he didn't stay immobile long enough for his weight to take effect. Forge watched as the creature slithered into the grey duct work and growled as he listened to the clangs and clatter and then suddenly there was no more noise. Forge growled as he ran over and jumped up grabbing the duct work with a powerful swipe of the hand, tearing it down as he fell and looking to find...absolutely nothing. That was where the noise stopped, but there was nothing here. Forge was confused to be sure, how could the creature have given him the "HELP!" was a voice that came most unexpected for the hulking metal man. He turned his attention to the door, where the source of the noise came from. "Can't you do anything yourselves!?" He snarled as he took a step forward, the men looking to him with a confused look as a couple of them fired warning shots at the ground of the officers outside.

   "We didn't....say anything boss." The one ski-masked goon said as he looked to Forge. A silvery stringy segmented and liked tail slithered and danced down, dangling behind Forge's head, as if trying to be enticing or entrancing in it's movements. The graceful movements did in fact warrant a strange look from the man taking to Forge, and when Forge noticed the strange look on the man's face he turned to see the ail dangling there. He then looked up and saw the creature looking down at him. "SURPRISE!" The monster's voice howled, a mix between a demonic reverb and a chibi-monster's gurgling. The creature's claws fastened to Forge's head thumbs trying to dig into his eyes sockets, its feet planted against Forge's back, claws trying to grip on his metallic skin, yet his claws couldn't pierce it. Using his tail he began whipping at Forge's knee, wrapping the tail around it and using his strength to force the knee into buckling. Meanwhile the creature leaned back and caused Forge's own momentum and weight to come crashing down on his head and into the ground, breaking the tile like flooring. Forge let out an audible groan, but didn't seem really affected by this. Disoriented maybe, but not damaged in the slightest. The creature began to leap away, but Forge caught it's tail and yanked it back, propelling it back towards the wall, opposite of where he was leaping too.

   The creature twisted and maneuvered itself so that it flipped around and landed claws on the wall, before letting fo with it's right arm and foot and swinging open a little to look at Forge with a hiss. Forge chuckled as he cracked his neck, looking at the little beast with a smile. "Oh boy. You and I are gonna get along JUST fine." Forge said with a chuckle. The next thing anyone knew, Forge was running at the creature, and the creature shoved off the wall leaping at Forge with arm brought back and claws at the ready.

Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Empty Re: Chicago Styled Silence. (Open)

Post by Zodiac October 27th 2014, 6:50 am

Regal didn't have too much that he was able to do, save for obviously watch the events unfold. He found himself ever so curious as he heard gun fire from within the bank. A chorus of gasps and screams as people seemed to duck and seek cover of some kind. Regal just stood there all the same, thanks to his energy-mapping power he knew no one had their guns trained on anyone outside the bank, and no hostages were in any real danger at that moment. He had far too many blind spots at the moment though. These two were going at it hard. Regal was enjoying it. It was sort of like watching The Lizard versus Spider-Man where Stan Lee made his cameo in the library. There was just one thing trying to jump all on and around this large creature to bring it down, as this monstrosity was wrecking desks and garbage all around. Regal continuously found himself more and more interested with this woman dressed in white however, and as his curiosity grew, so did his caution.

This battle ensuing in the main area of the bank was providing quite the distraction, and the armed men with automatic armaments weren't helping the cops any. There was literally nothing more that could be done here at this moment in time, but Regal was still watching, and watching...and watching. Eventually he grew bored of watching though and he decided to spice life up a little bit. With his ever devious mind and his energy-mapping, he was able to locate the computer nearest to the woman in white. Then he decided it was time to do a little of his magic. Well, not really magic, but it was definitely the "Regal touch" on things. With a little focus he was able to use the power of animation on the computer, which promptly made a rather distinct noise. "I say-well I say Pardon me Miss. Are you trying to do that illegally?" The computer asked with a rather thick accent that seemed far too partial for the south. The woman in white looked to the computer with a look of confusion on her face as she ignored the computer. "Well now shucks. I can't help but think this has somethin' to do with yer ma and pa. Did they hug you as a child? Now you just listen to good old Uncle Del here and we'll get you settled right away." The computer said with warm tone in it's computerized voice. The greatest enigma to Regal at the moment was why a Japanese computer in the middle of a place like this had a southern accent. It made no sense. Then again a Xenomorph was attacking the Iron Giant in a bank. What about this made sense?

Chicago Styled Silence. (Open) Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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