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Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

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Lazy day by the lake [invite only] Empty Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

Post by Alpha Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:30 am

Clouds hovered over head, a dull grey in color but no precipitation really fell from them, they just lazily hung over head while Ryan looked up at them with wariness.  Luckily he was not going to have to worry about being stuck in it if it did rain, as he now had some manner of home to return to, even if he was just sleeping on a couch. It just felt nice, being fully clothed, warm and even having food that wasn't a week old. His body was thanking him for that much, and he was even beginning to look healthier. His eyes held a certain healthy gleam to them and his hair was no longer oily. Right now he was strolling around the city, dressed in a simple black t-shirt and khaki shorts, simple attire really but it worked for him. His destination was the shore of lake Michigan, a small one that touched the great lake that reached into Chicago.

Sand clung to the edge of the great water body, which meant that it was almost like a beach, and that was something that he kinda looked forward to seeing. It would have been nice to be near a body of water that did not fall down upon him constantly, and so here the male was walking along the shore of the lake. Sand would crunch under his feet, creating a pleasant sound as Ryan hummed to himself, burying hands into his pocket and just walking along without a care in the world. His mind at the moment was on his new family, one that had taken him in without much hesitation, and that was more than enough reason for the male to be happy, yet the clouds remained. Deluge wondered if he was doing something wrong, or if the clouds were just a curse from some god.

If it were the latter case, then he would probably just have to get over it. His eyes would scan out over the lake, one that stretched far beyond the eye could see, and for a moment felt more like the ocean. Granted he had only been to the ocean once, it was a sight that he could nto forget no matter how long he lived. That sweet seabreeze and the feel of the wind against his flesh, that was a happiness that he could not forget, and his mind did not even register that the clouds above had begun to break. Yet he did not know what lurked underneath the surface, an ancient presence and one that had slumbered for centuries. ”Times like this I wish I had a cellphone.” Ryan muttered crossing his arms over his chest. ”Can't call Silus even if I wanna.” of course he could always water port back to the Alai house, or atleast to a near by water source.

Lazy day by the lake [invite only] CjhXQha
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Lazy day by the lake [invite only] Empty Re: Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

Post by Blacklight Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:18 am

It was an incredibly dull day that reminded him almost entirely of London. Dark clouds hung low in the sky but as of yet showed no signs of breaking. He quite liked just walking around on days like this as it was usually calm and peaceful, which was something that his life had been lacking recently. So many different instances of heroics had taken up so much of his time that everything had been getting a bit much. He was walking around Lake Michigan away from the nonstop movement of the nearby city, alone with his thoughts and lost in his own mind. The shores were filled with golden sand that was slightly dulled by the overall weather of the day but pleasant to observe nonetheless.

Removing his hands from the pockets of his leather jacket Rick knelt down to pick up a handful of pebbles out of the sand, all of the excess filtering through his hand to rejoin the shore; a gentle wind carrying the airborne sand gently along it. Standing up again with pebbles in his left hand he looked out over the subtly rippling water as it ebbed and flowed towards him. Observing further along the shores he could only see one other person, a boy who looked to be only in his late teens was standing similarly to him, taking in the ambience and watching the lake.

Taking hold of one of the pebbles in his right hand Rick made a whipping motion throwing at the water. PLOP. The pebble went directly into the water without even a single bounce off of the water’s surface. Rick checked around the area before chuckling to himself,
“Well I’m glad nobody was around to see that one!”
Passing another pebble to his right hand he paid a little more attention this time, it was a smaller and flatter pebble so it would be a lot easier to skim it correctly off of the water’s surface. He angled it as he threw it across the water’s surface, keeping it really low to try and get the right contact. As this one hit the water it bounced upwards a further 2 times across the surface. Good, but he thought he could still do better; swapping a third stone into his right hand he was determined to keep going until he managed a three or even a four skimmer.
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Lazy day by the lake [invite only] Empty Re: Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

Post by Alpha Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:50 am

Deluge knelt down, running fingers through the moist sand that existed at the fringe of the water, enjoying the feel of the moisture that permeated it. Perhaps it was just the part of him that controlled water that enjoyed the feel, but something about water against his skin was like magic, and being submersed within it was even better. Eventually he would let a hand glide over the water, washing and lapping against the small shore lazily, shuddering slightly pleased at the feel of the coolness, smiling to himself as if feeling whole. It had been a long while that he was not dealing with a constant rain, and instead it was just the water lapping against his palm, this lake giving him a sort of calm that he had been seeking for years. His attention would turn to the male skipping rocks, someone who seemed to be enjoying themselves almost as much as Ryan was.

A smirk would play along his lips as he watched the male do it for a few minutes, rocks skipping along the surface of the water before sinking down into its depths. Yet when his eyes darted out towards the lake once again, something....kept his attention. A strange protrusion would jut out from the water, black in color and chitinous almost in appearance. This sighting was only brief however, a second it was there and then it was gone, leaving Ryan gawking slightly at the water with what one could an awestruck expression. Had he just seen some weird thing poking out of the water? If so, what was it and would he needed to get the hell out of here before ti decided to come ashore and rip him to pieces? While he may have been thinking this, Ryan was only really sitting upon the shore still with the same dumbstruck expression.

He would likely not go anywhere however, he would sit there considering what he would do instead of actually doing anything. In fact it was likely that he would forget that he had seen something, unless of course it did come to devour him. It was then that he would likely try to defend himself, and then nearly get devoured of course, but then again he was near a lake. Even with his lack of control over his metahuman gifts, maybe the excess of water would be enough to give him a slight advantage. His mind however then moved on to thinking of other things, like how hungry he was and his new friends, mostly Silus and that Yancey kid. Sure he was a strange little guy, with the whole wolf form thing, as well as the overall personality.

However his mind then snapped to that Zell guy, the one that was supposedly an older brother or something. It was while he found himself lost within his thoughts that something would begin to rise from the water, great in size was the monster with flailing tentacles and a maw that revealed rows of sharp yellowed teeth, and glowing runes along its body. Ryan blinked as his head snapped up to see the strange create, hazel eyes widening. ”Oh no....this is not good.” One of the long reaching tendrils of flesh would slam down onto the shore, causing a loud boom to emanate from where it had collided. Ryan found himself being thrown onto his side as the thing would release a loud roar.

Lazy day by the lake [invite only] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Lazy day by the lake [invite only] Empty Re: Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

Post by Blacklight Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:38 am

Senselessly skimming the rocks across the water he wasn’t having much luck in making a throw to be proud of. Rick ran out of pebbles pretty quickly and looked down to his feet to see if there was any more that he could find, as it was a pretty nice distraction to not be worried about anything. Unfortunately there was nothing useable and a big rock sat rested by his feet. He decided to pick the large rock up and just throw it at the water as a big splash was always fun to see. Most people would have described him as a large Man-child; He wouldn’t disagree.

As the rock hit the water there was the ever satisfying plop as a large eruption of water flung into the air, getting caught on the breeze and spraying a gentle mist over Rick as he stood there. The water wasn’t allowed to settle again however, as a large rumbling began to fill the area and ripples turned into waves that crashed against the shore. Confused Rick looked up to see what appeared to be a gigantic monster of some sort; Tentacles, massive teeth, pretty much everything that you didn’t want to see rising out of a river. Rick began to throw his regular clothes into a nearby bush hoping that they would still be there later and as always had his suit beneath them. He began muttering to himself while getting changed,
“It had to be a freaking monster didn’t it… Guns?! noooo too easy for Blacklight why not just throw a 100 foot squid at him! That’ll be a laugh!”
Fully changed he took his mask in his left hand and got ready to act quick, remembering the young man he had seen standing further across the lake from him.

Suddenly multiple tentacles were slammed into the ground one knocking the other person off of their feet and momentarily distracting Blacklight, when a second was accompanied by a large roar, slamming inches from Blacklight and creating a shockwave that took him by surprise and ripped him from his balance. The mask was flung from his hand and landed in somewhere in a pile of sand, buried deep below the muck and sludge that was brought up by the creatures attack.
“Perfect,” Rick said as he scrambled back up to his feet, with no time to look for the mask as he had no idea as to the fate of the other individual caught in the attack. With a big motion he conjured up a large ultraviolet harpoon into his hands as he thought it would be appropriate to the enemy at hand. Definitely more appropriate than his first idea of a fishing rod at least. Holding it steady he launched the harpoon towards the beast’s tentacle and watched it sink firmly into the flesh as it recoiled from the shore in pain. With that done he began to run across the sand to where he had previously seen the other, hoping that he would be able to get him to safety.
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Lazy day by the lake [invite only] Empty Re: Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

Post by Alpha Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:21 am

Ryan hit the sand hard, letting out a little whine as he did so, a small amount of pain shooting through his buttocks as his eyes shot to the large tentacle that had slammed upon the shore. Sand was thrown up in clouds that would drift, his ears ringing and his heart beat beginning to accelerate, leaving everything in a state of slow motion as he began to spiral into fear. He was scared of the thing that had seemingly tried to kill him and scared of the possibility that he would die, which was not a comforting one in the least. His ears were likely ringing from the loud roar that the monster unleashed, but still he was somewhat scared of the thing that would likely be out to devour him, and anyone else that was inhabiting the beach. Luckily however someone had come to his aid, in the form of a metahuman that wielded some kind of strange power, damaging the thing and temporarily forcing it back.

Ryan would push upwards with his right hand, rising to his feet and keeping his eyes upon the thing that had risen from the lake to lash out at him, considering how he would both save himself and keep his temporary ally from finding themselves in a grave as well. His attention snapped to the male that had run to him, raising an eyebrow and then turning back to the thing that was bleeding what looked like a thick black substance, one that even began to turn the water where it was thrashing about a corrupted black color, leading him to shudder at the thought. ”Ummm…thanks for the help.” He found himself saying, wiping off some of the sand from his butt and then concentrating hazel eyes upon the thing that was still out there and likely pissed.

His mind would stretch out towards the water of the lake as the thing began to rise from the water with wrathful tentacles, rising angrily into the air as if intending to have them lash out at Ryan, and yet he already had a plan in motion. It was not his most brilliant of plans, but it was a plan that he would execute regardless, fingers clenching tightly into a fist as the water would begin to respond around the kraken like thing, quickly rushing around it, and freezing to form some sort of hyper durable ice prison of sorts, yet the tentacles would lash out against it and cause cracks to run along the icy surface. To say however that it was breaking through with no problem would have been a lie, because it was seemingly having some trouble, but not enough to warrant any sort of hope.

Lazy day by the lake [invite only] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Lazy day by the lake [invite only] Empty Re: Lazy day by the lake [invite only]

Post by Blacklight Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:18 am

He arrived to find the boy was ok, a little shaken up as was naturally to be expected but no obvious physical damage. He would probably have to run this boy pretty far to save him from the massive beast that inhabited the large body of water. The boy had however fought his way back up to his feet and was facing directly at the monster with a sense of what could only be described as fear and determination. As he stood by the boy he was aware that the creature was rearing itself up again for another attack. Turning to gauge what time he had he saw a black sludge like blood seeping from the wound that he had inflicted on it, as the tentacles were again raised up to be slammed down. However, before he could even turn back the water began to rise up and envelop the tentacles and massive frame of the beast, freezing solidly in place to restrict its movement and stop it from attacking.

The beast began thrashing against its icy cage, momentarily stopped from attacking some more but as crystals of ice began to fall and cracks began to slowly form Blacklight was aware that they wouldn’t have an incredibly long time. He could tell now that the boy was incredibly powerful, being able to conjure up such an impressive structure as he did, yet he was still incredibly young and this was one of the biggest threats Blacklight had come face to face with. He was going to have to act like the adult, which was definitely not his strong suit.
“Hey, I love what you did with the ice and all that but this things huge, maybe you should go get somewhere safe. I can handle this.”
He couldn’t.
Rick had no idea what he was ever going to do about the giant beast but he had to be responsible, he had to actually be the hero and not just act it.

He took a few steps closer to the waters edge and conjured up a massive trident, which he held in both hands. The ultraviolet glow reflected off of the water below as he stood only ankle deep, anticipating the beast to break out of it’s large icicle at any second and bring the fight back to him.
“Alright then Squid… show me what you’ve got.”
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