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Burn Victim (Ranger)

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by Ace_ June 28th 2014, 5:44 pm

Jason sat on the edge of the curb, head buried in his hands as he waited. Fire flicked across his skin impatiently as if it wanted to get the hell out of there. But Jason couldn't. He was stuck sitting here as the police gathered reports from witnesses. Luckily that girl he had saved really came through for him. She had been there the whole time and was on his side to explaining things to the police. Truth be told though, he didn't really care all that much. He could get away right this instant if he wanted to.

But Jason was still thinking about that man he had shot. Turns out, it was the police commissioner. They didn't know if he was going to make it or not, the burns were a lot of damage. Which had been caused by Jason. Jason had looked at that wound and seen what he had done to a normal guy he was suppose to be protecting. Just like that, he might have killed someone.

With a small sigh, Jason pulled his head out of his hands as he heard footsteps coming his way. It was the girl he had saved, with a smile on his face. That gave Jason a small bit of hope, bringing a weak smile to his face.

She spoke quickly "Okay, so you have been offically cleared by the police. They are now looking for a guy with heavy burns headed north. Not to hopeful though as metas tend to be slippy. Anyways though, they have you cleared for the damages and are letting the insurance companies take over now. You should probably leave now"

Jason grinned and nodded as he stood up. Leaving was exactly what he wanted to do.

"Thanks for all the help ma'am."

He stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to do next. So he just waved to the girl and began to walk away down the street still in his fire form. She called out after him

"Wait! Whats your name?!"

My name? Jason hadn't really thought about that part yet. Short on options, Jason went with an old nickname his father used to call him


With that Jason took off running. After a bit he ducked down an alleyway and killed the switch on his flames. He leaned against the wall, battered, bruised, and tired as hell. Such a long day

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by The Ranger June 28th 2014, 7:24 pm

Ranger heard about the attack on the police commissioner from Knightwatch Lair and the computer left there by The Black Knight, and was going to respond until he saw that not only had another hero responded to the call he had pretty much handled the situation himself. Having watched everything that transpired through the Computer screen the hooded archer sat back in his chair quite impressed, throughout the entire thing he was ready though to move at a moment’s notice as the entrance to the lair was not too far from where the fight had been transpiring. That and he was able to move at around six hundred miles an hour he was certain he’d be there before anything serious happened to the young hero. But as it happened he wasn’t needed, which interested The Ranger and as how currently the Lair was feeling empty…

Standing up and throwing his hood on he was gone without a moment’s notice. Taking off at super human speeds he made his way to the scene of the crime, staying out of site by turning himself invisible. Taking a quick scan of the area to make sure nothing was going to go wrong, other than the police commissioner dying from the wounds he received. That was a tragedy in more ways than one, he was a good and honest cop who liked most metahumans; he was probably the last one on the police force to think that way too. Moving through the area again he found his way to the young hero, who actually stuck around to talk with the police and give them his side of the story. Which to Ranger was odd as he was never one to stick around, making him even more interested in the kid.

When the kid took his leave Ranger too took his leave following the kid until he felt it would be the best moment to stop him. Which as it happened was not too long because the kid ducked into an alley and let the flames on his body die down much the pleasure of The Ranger for even with super human abilities when he wasn’t moving he was just your average joe…when it came to bullets and knives and the such penetrating skin. Turning visible in front of the boy he looked him up and down, sizing the kid up as much as he could from the position the kid was in. He was battered and bruised, but lucky to be alive. “Nice job out there kid…you did good, pretty impressive fighting style as well.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Burn Victim (Ranger) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by Ace_ June 28th 2014, 8:02 pm

Jason  had just let the flames die down when he heard a voice behind him. Jason turned around slowly, putting his back against the wall as he ready his powers up a bit. The air began to become dry until Jaosn releized what the man was saying. He was complimenting the fight? Jason blinked a couple times and looked at the guy closer

Oh shit its the Ranger

Jason had seen this guy on the news before! He was one of the heros Jason could actually manage to follow all the way up at his home in canada. They only got tv really, so chicago was just close enough to get any exciting news about Heros. Jason tried to stammer out a few words before he finally managed to clear his throat.

"Oh shit mate... You saw that? Well thanks man"

Jason rubbed the back of his head, not really knowing what to say. He was talking to an actual hero right now and he was at a loss for words. Way to make a great impression there mate...

"I'm Ace!. You are the ranger right?"

It was the only thing that Jason could think of right now. Guess he was really going to be stuck with the Hero name Ace from now on. Damn.. should have spent more time trying to think of soemthing cool.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by The Ranger June 30th 2014, 2:56 pm

The Ranger nodded his head when the kid asked if he had saw what transpired, and it was obvious he had when only moments ago he told the rising super that he indeed had saw what happened. From the looks of things it was no small feat to defeat whomever the assailant was, and even though he had been unable to apprehend the man it was still enough to send him running for his life. The Ranger though would have to have everyone keep watch for the man in case he decided to show his face again, a quick facial recognition scan in the computer would allow them to know when and where the man decided to show his face again. Then with a quick press of a button forcewave or someone else in Knightwatch who Ranger thought could handle themselves against him would be at the man’s location.

“Yes, I am the Ranger…walk with me Ace, I have something I’d like to show you.” The Ranger motioned with his hand walking down into the alley. He knew every way to get to the Lair in this city and there wasn’t one path he had not memorized. “So, tell me a little bit about yourself. Why you want to be a hero, what your goals are, and although I saw you fight. What can you do?” It wasn’t his normal pitch and sweep as he usually liked to fight a long side the person he was intending on recruiting first but after what he watched he figured the kid could handle himself. That and if he was not able to there were more than enough people back at the base who were more than capable of doing so themselves.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Burn Victim (Ranger) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by Ace_ June 30th 2014, 7:53 pm

"My goals?"

Jason didn't really know what to say to that. He had just set out to try and establish himself in one of the bigger cities as a hero. No real overarching goal yet, Jason had just hoped to find it along the way.

"Well... I guess just helping people out really. I just came here to establish myself as a hero to someone. You know, just get a start somewhere."

Jason had figured that Chicago would be the best start. An active hub full of heros and villains. As Jason had already found out. He paused though from his thinking and looked around. He had no idea where the man was taking him now. He was still new to the city and had no idea where to begin.

"and uhh... fighting, I can control and manipulate fire. I'm tougher then the average man and have a better reaction time, but thats about all I really know what I can do. No flying yet."

Jason had tried. Lots of times.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by The Ranger July 1st 2014, 11:27 am

“To get a start and establish yourself, and what better place than Chicago what with New York still rebuilding from the atrocity that transpired there not too long ago.” Nodding his head in understanding, every new kid on the block with powers tried to make it big in Chicago, well actually that was New York’s job but the people of Chicago were getting used to it. They continued to walk for a little bit coming up on the abandoned warehouse now as Ace answered the other part of The Ranger’s questions and he simply nodded his head in response, at first, thinking about what he said. “No flying huh? Well guess you’ll have to stick to the ground like the rest of us mortals.” He half-heartedly joked with the kid. “Almost there…just follow me and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.” The Ranger spoke out as he turned ever so slightly, cringing as he did, and motioned with his head for her to follow down the side road where he headed over to the ‘Abandoned’ Warehouse.

Entering it with the boy next to him he proceeded to walk over to the ‘long’ hallway that eventually led to an elevator; there he pressed a button and allowed the retinal scan to do its thing. The elevator doors opened and he stepped inside, leaning against the door as he waited for Ace to follow him. “You coming or what?” The Ranger muttered out closing his eyes and waiting for the elevator to go down. Sure, he probably shouldn’t trust Ace with all of this information without first consulting Forcewave at least but he figured he could be trusted. It had worked out once and it would hopefully work this time. That and Ranger believed there was a place for him on the team. If he wanted to be on the team that was of course. When the doors to the elevator finally closed Ranger let himself relax while they descended. “Ace…welcome to Knightwatch Lair.” The old base for the Phantoms, he thought to himself as the doors opened and he lumbered inside to a chair.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Burn Victim (Ranger) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by Ace_ July 1st 2014, 5:20 pm

"Yea, I'm right behind... you."

Jason let his mouth drop a bit as he walked into the Knightwatch Lair. Holy crap, just what the hell was going on here. He took a couple steps out of the elevator and looked around. Holy crap... THIS WAS AWESOMEEE. This had been part of Jason's dream ever since he was a little kid. To go to an actual hero base. He really didn't know what to do besides standing there with his mouth a gawp. He just stood there looking around before finally looking back at the Ranger

"Dude... this is so awesome."

He took a couple steps forward, looking around. He spun around so his backwas to Ranger as he got a better look at the place then turned to face him again.

"I don't even know what to say. Holy crap man."

Jason just stood there with a doopy grin on his face as he tried to take in the base. What could he say? This place was freakin amizing to him. But a thought struck him, snapping him out of his small stupor

"Why did you bring me here?"

Jason looked at Ranger with a puzzled look on his face. This was a secret base yea? Wasn't it to suppose to say a secret? Jason was struggling to make the connections, but he was exusted right now. He was barely standing on his feet as it is, way to tired to try and think about this. The only reason he could come up with was that the Ranger wanted him to join the knightswatch. Jason blinked.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by The Ranger July 1st 2014, 8:05 pm

Ranger sat in the chair in front of the big bad computer and spun around to watch the new kid as he stood there in awe of the Lair. It was only the entrance room, but in Ranger’s honest opinion it was one of the best rooms in the Lair and probably the only coolest looking one as well. It took the kid a while, a bit longer than he thought it would but it turned out brains were not exactly the kids specialty. But, Ranger didn’t recruit him for his brains, they had enough of that going around and the kid had common sense and enough know how to keep himself safe in a fight. Which was all that he really needed. Well that and a bit more experience and some training in the real deal.

When the sense of realization finally came in and hit the kid and he sort of spun around giving Ranger the big ‘Oh’ eyes he couldn’t help but smile. “Recruitment. That’s why you’re here Ace as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now. If you’ll join us that is, but from what I’ve seen you have already accepted my offer. So, welcome to Knightwatch Ace, I do hope you’ll enjoy your stay. Give it a day or so and we’ll have your eye ready for the retinal scan and eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later, you’ll meet the rest of the Scooby gang.” He said with a silly grin, at his own little joke.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Burn Victim (Ranger) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Burn Victim (Ranger) Empty Re: Burn Victim (Ranger)

Post by Ace_ July 1st 2014, 8:32 pm

Jason broke out into a big grin, unable to contain his excitemen.t

"fuck YES"

Jason did a little squating motion with a fist pump at the same. He accidentally flared up into his fire form in that motion, the exicment turning it on. Jason blinked as he caught sight of his hands, noticing the flames after a second. He brought himself back underneath control and stood up.

"I accept!"

He was going to be a member of the Knightwatch now. A contingent of powerful heroes that worked together. That was sooooooo sweet. It would be great to have backup out in the field. Hell, it'd just be great to meet some other metas. Most of the ones he had meet so far have well... tried to kill him. Not the best of experiences. Jason looked down at his feet though, a small ring of burnt floorin around him

"Might need a fire proof room though... and maybe some fireproof things as well."

It was that Jason lacked control over his powers, it was just that sometimes he wanted to be in his fire form. If he could have a place where he could be in his fire form freely without worrying about setting stuff ablaze, it would be a place like home for him. Back in the snowy regions of canada, he could just go outside and let loose. Here in the city, not so much.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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