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Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga)

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Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga) Empty Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga)

Post by Shadow Wolf June 29th 2014, 9:51 pm

(Razz not really in the mood to do a super long post)

Jared yawned as flipped through the clothes in his hotel room's closet and pulled out a pair of dark jeans and slipped them on over his boxers. He grabbed a plain black t-shirt off the bed and pulled it over his head as he walked to the door to get his shoes.
"I wonder where I should go to eat... Oh! Maybe I could go try that meta-human bar and grill that I heard about." He opened the door and walked out, but before he closed it all the way he walked back in the room and picked his wallet up off the nightstand.
"That would have been embarrassing..." After putting his wallet into his back pocket he walked outside and closed the door behind him.

When he exited the lobby doors he saw some people hailing cabs, but with his speed he figured it would be quicker just to run there since he wouldn't have to worry about traffic or speed limits. As he deftly weaved through the people on the sidewalk he thought about what he'd get. Some burgers? Steaks? Fried foods? Or all of the above? He licked his lips as he thought about what he hoped would be delicious food, though he quickly went back to making sure he didn't run over any of the people he was darting around.

Soon he arrived at the bar and made his way inside, staring at the short man who looked to be made of rubber for a moment as he walked. He was pretty unusual looking, though most people probably thought the same of him. He looked around the place after he got through the main doors and waited to be seated. It had an interesting style to it,  but right now he was more interested in eating as much food as he could possibly fit in his stomach.

Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga) 095a8ec5-5ede-4059-9ce8-12d2e252c884

Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA
Age : 32
Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga) Empty Re: Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga)

Post by The Nekromonga July 1st 2014, 10:10 pm

Billy Ray’s Bar and now, Grill, to make it more family friendly, was the happening place for discreet metahumans who wanted to be themselves in public. Or rather, it was a place where the clients were almost entirely metahumans, and drunks who wouldn’t care after they’d had a few bottles. Typical Sad Country music was playing, while most of the customers were middle aged metahuman men in biker attire, men who’d long since retired from crime and villainy to take up regular jobs.

The owner, bartender and now grill man Billy Ray had a cowboy hat, boots, jeans and a comfortable work shirt with apron as he worked the grill in the corner. The workers and waitresses were known metahumans or sympathetic relatives, and overall it was a close community that welcomed all... as long as no one was stupid enough to fight.

Indeed, a few characters from yesteryears of meta-humanity could be seen here- Carl Charadon, aka Shark Face, an old, grey skinned and toothy-grinning mafia enforcer now running his own show, or Brickfist the Living Brick, now doing successful construction projects for society. Even the infamous Mirage; sorceress, illusionist and master thief, had a friendly family photo up on the metahuman wall, now doing shows in Vegas and here. Their stories were up on the wall for the public to see.

Mirage was apparently married to the Bar’s Bouncer, Mac, and their daughter was the gold skinned metahuman head waitress and cashier, Golda. She welcomes Wolf to the establishment.

“Sorry stranger, we’re pretty packed at dinner. Hope you don’t mind sharing a table, we’re all kin here now, ain’t we? Let’s see... we’ve got two tables open...” Golda said with that southern belle charm of hers, bringing Wolf to a couple of booth tables with some space. The first table had a very... large, balding korean man in a yellow jumpsuit and wearing a bib sitting at it, eating a steak... and a whole chicken... and a burger... and a mound of fries... and a 24 ounce softdrink... and a sundae... He looks at Wolf with a grin, gravy dripping down the side of his mouth. “Won Ton Fuey always eager to meet new fellow metahumans! Please sit!” Given the size of his gut pushing the table, there was only room for a very skinny person opposite him.

The second booth meanwhile had a dark, hooded figure in a dark jacket, smaller and quieter, having a cup of tea. Her features were hidden, but the long red hair trailing down from her hood indicated she was a pale skinned, crimson haired woman. She said nothing, and simply nodded when Golda asked if she didn’t mind company.

“Well... pick out a seat sugah, and I’ll take yer order real quick yeah?” Golda walks off, entertaining the other nearby tables, refilling their... iced teas, as people were encouraged to not imbibe so much alcohol anymore.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga) Empty Re: Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga)

Post by Shadow Wolf July 2nd 2014, 5:47 pm

Wolf smiled when Golda welcomed him and followed her to be seated.  On the way to the table he gazed at all the old and new photos. He recognized a few of the people in the photos, but not all of them. the place seemed to have a great deal of history.
So how long has this place been around? I'm still pretty new to Chicago and I've only heard of it recently." Soon after his question they arrived at the tables and she wondered if he'd be ok sharing one.
"Oh that's fine, I don't mind." He looked between the two tables she showed him. One with a large and rather friendly Asian man with more food than Wolf thought he could eat himself in a sitting.  At the other was a mysterious young (he assumed) woman. Though the man at the first table seemed nice, it looked like it would be a tight fit even for him and he seriously doubted that the table could hold their combined orders, so he decided to sit at the table with the woman drinking tea.
"I'll take 3 burgers, no lettuce, tomato, pickles, or onions, rare. Fries, and... Pepsi, if you have it. If not I'll take a Sprite. Oh, and do you have those fried mozzarella stick things? I really like those." He took his seat at the table with hooded woman and flashed her a smile when he sat down.
"Hi, my name's Jared. How are you?"

Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga) 095a8ec5-5ede-4059-9ce8-12d2e252c884

Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA
Age : 32
Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga) Empty Re: Once upon a time in Chicago (Nekromonga)

Post by The Nekromonga July 2nd 2014, 8:16 pm

“Oh, awhile back... About ten years already. I was a little eight year old when my daddy and Billy Ray built the place. Course we folks kept it low profile.” Golda explained, taking Wolf’s order then bringing it to the kitchen.

The hooded figure didn’t seem very enthusiastic about her tea, nor of Wolf. She looked at him briefly. “I’m fine...” She said in a rather weak voice. She sounded either tired or sick.

A few awkward minutes later, Golda returns with Wolf’s order. “Here ya go sugah, three burgers rare, fries and fried cheese sticks... and a pepsi.” She quickly unloads the tray onto the table for Wolf.

The hooded figure continues to remain quiet. The only other thing she seems to do is check on her carry tube, safely leaning against the wall, as if she were paranoid someone was going to steal it through the brick wall.

“We get lots of the quiet types round here. Well, enjoy your dinner.” Golda said, seeing that Wolf had to sit with the quiet types. The girl looked at her Golda for a bit, then her tube a second time, checking if it was still there. "She's a nice person..." She commented about Golda.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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