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White☆Star Empty White☆Star

Post by White Star May 1st 2014, 6:11 pm

   "My power is endless, just like the night sky!"

Basic Biography

   Real Name: Jorge Hunters
   Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: White☆Star
   Title: The Shooting Star
   Alignment: Lawful Good
   Age: 18
   Gender: Male
   Race: Metahuman
   Hair: White
   Eyes: Dark Brown
   Height: 6' 1''
   Weight: 165 lbs.
   Blood type: AB +
The Looks

Jorge looks like an average teen, not much special about him except for his vibrant white hair. His body is lean, to say the most, but it has a very skinny look to it, especially considering his previously weak form. While his body wouldn't be noticeable for its muscles, his limbs have a lithe look to them, and he definitely fills out in all the right places. His skin is tanned as a part of his Hispanic heritage, and his face has a child-like look to it. His white hair is fairly long, enough to cover his forehead and the sides and back of his head with large, spiky strands. Jorge's clothes are usually a snug fit, and his favorite colors are red and black, so it stands to reason that a lot of his garb is that color. His "super suit" isn't very flashy or anything, it wouldn't even look like a super suit. It is, however, made to withstand his extreme speeds, as are a lot of his clothing, but not as much as the suit. Like most of his clothing, the super suit is a snug fit, allowing freedom of movement along with protection from the elements. It is completely black, with a red line going along the arms, shoulders, and connecting at the chest to create an arrow pointing downwards. His shoes don't stand out much from the suit's black coloring, but they cover his feet so that he doesn't go barefoot.

The Legacy

   Personality: Jorge is as wild and reckless as he is courageous and pure, which is saying a lot, considering the guy will run over buildings just to save him some extra time if it's the better option. While he isn't considered all that smart, he isn't a complete dunce by any means, just extremely foolish and child-like. It's very hard to keep this guy down. Sitting still for more than five minutes gets him agitated, and he looks for something to release his boredom on, which usually results in destruction. There are times, when it truly matters, that Jorge will take things seriously. He knows that he has limits, so even while he is reckless and likes to play fun with testing those limits, he will not put himself intentionally into a situation where he might very well die. Jorge wasn't always this wild, however, only after getting his powers was he like this. Before getting his powers, the boy used to be shy, which rarely shows anymore, masked by arrogance.

   History: Jorge was born in Puerto Rico, and lived there for the first five years of his life. His parents believed that they would have a better life in America, however, and decided to move there after their house was taken away from them. Upon reaching Florida, their new home, Jorge's parents found out that their son had succumbed to a genetic virus, which threatened his very life. They never told him about this, though, so he grew up ignorant of the fact. As a child, he was physically weaker than all of the other kids in his neighborhood, yet he always pushed himself to keep up with them. Everyone, even the elders of that town, appreciated his strong determination.

In Jorge's awkward tween years, he joined a track team, despite his family's genetic disease. Although, because of this, he was made fun of for his disabilities. He was so physically weaker than the others, that he was sometimes abused. Although he was too shy to do anything about it. Grade school wasn't his high point, really, but when he became a freshman, things changed for the better.

Their freshman year, all of the new highschoolers were brought to a laboratory for a field trip. This laboratory specialized on creating ideal weather conditions at a moment's notice, to break the laws of mother nature herself. One of their main attractions was a large machine that could create tornadoes, just for show of course. As always, Jorge was being bullied by the bigger, stronger kids from his track team. They shoved him into the machine before the presentation was about to begin, and locked him in. The poor boy kicked and screamed, but nobody could hear him in the airtight chamber. The scientists activated the tornado, and Jorge was sucked into it, whipped around in the scientifically created storm for what seemed like forever. At one point, when the scientists were demonstrating how they could shape the tornado into anything they felt like, Jorge was trapped in the center of it, his body feeling as though it would rip apart. When the presentation was over, the scientists tried to turn off the tornado, but it was self-sustaining itself somehow. It began to break through the chamber, and it triggered an explosion. When all was quiet, the laboratory evacuated and leveled to the ground, Jorge was found amongst the wreckage. He was sent to the hospital, who couldn't find anything wrong with fact, he seemed to be better than ever!

Finally returning home after being thoroughly examined, Jorge embraced his family. He discovered his new gifts almost immediately the next day in track meet, where he zipped around the field over 100 times in a couple of seconds. He was amazed at his new speed, and his illness had seemed to disappear as well. His body became stronger, and the rest of his high school quite literally zipped right by. He received a scholarship in track, and is currently in college. Although he didn't just sit on his ass the entire time during high school, he had trained his speed, and even learned a couple martial arts, for an idea he had always had. He wanted to become a superhero, using his new powers for the good of others. Quickly realizing that he might have to develop his abilities, he began to create a signature technique for him, in the form of the Kazekyu. It took him awhile, but he finally perfected the technique, and got right into the hero business. His grandfather was the one who created the design for his suit, being a major in art. Now he tries to balance his life between heroing and his college studies, but he manages to get by.

The Powers

  Power 1: Super Speed: White☆Star can move much faster than the average human. This power is very general, which gives him the ability to use it in many ways, including a technique he invented and perfected himself, the Kazekyu.

   Power 2: Kazekyu: White☆Star has the ability to move his hands in a fashion that makes the air around him condense into a tight ball, which is then self-sustaining. He must attack with this sphere still near his palm, meaning he must be close to the target to attack with it. The sphere, if it hits its target, will drill into the impact point for a couple of seconds before releasing the condensed air, resulting in the knockback of the target. If it misses and he does not hit anything else with it, it will simply dissipate slowly.

   Intelligence: 2
   Occult: -
   Strength: 4
   Speed: 8
   Durability: 4
   Ability: 6 (Kazekyu)
   Fighting Skills: 6
   Magic: -
   Spells: -
   Flight: 0
   Wealth: 1

White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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White☆Star Empty Re: White☆Star

Post by Forceaus May 1st 2014, 9:57 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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