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Post by Silus November 9th 2013, 2:27 am

      Silus was in Chicago, like always staying with uncle-second cousin three times removed, dog’s girlfriends sister’s brother’s boyfriend or whatever Niall was to him. It bugged him more and more every time he thought about it. What was Niall to him? Niall was a Atterrius, but he was not hid daddy’s brother, and he wasn’t even biologically related. What’s up with that!? He sat on the park bench, as he watched other kids run around and have fun. Silus was just content to have a moment of silent thought…and a moment of solitude. He was wondering when his dad’s would send for him to come home…well…Ouroboros anyway, if Sean knew that he was here Silus would be afraid for Niall’s life.

      ”Why don’tcha go play?” The thick Irish voice came form behind him. Speak of the devil, Niall himself. He sat on the bench and let out a sigh through his nose as his blue green eyes shined down at Silus. Silus just hugged his knees and watched the other people playing. His shaggy brown hair slightly getting in his way, but he was still able to observe everything.

      ”uh-hm-hhhho.” Silus made the noises, faintly giving off the phonetic hum of “I don’t know” to Niall. Niall took in a breath and brushed Silus’ bangs out of his face. Silus smirked, it was funny how much Niall and Ouroboros were so much alike…yet so different. Niall was a nice loving guardian who doubles as a hero…and Ouroboros was a kind loving father, who in his spare time collected people’s arms and caused terror upon humanity.

      ” C’mmon bud. Soon you’ll be a teenager and you won’t want to go to the park…you’ll just want to sit in the house with your friends and text each other…even thought your literally three feet from each other.” Niall said as he jerked his left leg, causing his knee to bump into Silus’ shoe. Silus smiled and his eyes shimmered with a child-like joy as he looked at Niall. Niall immediately smiled when he saw it, those eyes made it clear to Niall why Ouroboros was so attached to Silus.

      ”What friends? My friends don’t have thumbs.” Silus said. Niall dropped his jaw, arched an eyebrow and looked to Silus with that look that just said “really dude?” Silus chuckled a little, more of a childlike giggle at Niall as he unlocked his arms and let his legs come form the bench onto the grass. Silus went to move when Niall got a phone call. Silus looked to Niall, wondering if he was getting called away to work…or to go with his boyfriend…which Silus had still yet to meet. Which one was it which one was it!?!? Dopey Grin, yup BF alert. Silus sniggered as he shrugged. Niall rolled his eyes at Silus who crossed his arms and pouted dramatically.

      ”Yah, see ya soon.” Niall said hanging up the phone and pointing to Silus accusingly. ”You wanna come?”

      ”Eh…ya wanna think about that for a sec?” Silus said. Niall suddenly looked as if he just kicked a puppy, realizing that he just told Brandon he’d meet up with him when he couldn’t let the Hales know about Silus… he was ditching Silus… ”mhm.” Silus said, answering the question before it was asked. Niall gave an apologetic smile and waved as he backed away, calling out that he’d see Silus in the hotel later.

      Well here he was…alone at the park…without his wolves…great…what was he supposed to do now!?
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Post by Augsp November 9th 2013, 2:55 am

After an agonizing session of sludging through Jane Austen, Lily was postiviely hysterical from the lack of movement. Sure, her brain had worked, but when she meant work, she meant physical work, like sports, or well...........moving around. Books, especially classics, bored her to death. Lily idn't have anything against books. She loved books. But when it came to classics, it was a bore. Espescially that Austen woman's dull writing.
Remind me, how is this writing supposed to
She threw her mechanical pencil onto the floor, and went to her closet. That writing practice could wait. It was lucky that her mom didn't have Ranger's number. othewise, she'd be very, very cross with her young daughter.
Pulling on her coat, she swapped her slippers for a pair of boots and headed out. Time for a little fun. Maybe she'd go to the Knightwatch base, bully anybody there to play with her. That was the one downside with her teammates; Lily was too young for most of them. No one would of her mental age to play with her.
Normally, she'd converse with them, but always feel very young, compared to the others. Grant, she fgured, would fit well with them.
The park looked beautiful today. It was sad that she didn't have friends. Technically, she did have a few, but she never knew about where they were. She would have wanted to call them, and spend some time with them.
Well then, time to seek out someone alone to play with.
She scanned the lively area, one hand obove her eyes to shield her eyes from the sunlight. It wasn't too hard.
Everybody was so occupied with their company to notice the boy, saying goodbye to an older man. A cousin? Probably a family memeber. But........odd. Why would a man leave a family member, a young one at that, at a park?
She continued to watch the kid. He seemed........confused. Time to act.
She walked in front of the boy and smiled brightly.
"Hi. Why are you alone?"

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 9th 2013, 11:45 pm

       A girl? Great...Silus was bashful enough around normal people and adults, let alone girls. The worst part is Silsu was left with no security. You know how that peanuts kid linus or whatever hads a blanket? Silus had his daddy's coat that he hung onto, he had his wolves that cuddled up with him, and he had an adult to talk for him at most times. Right now he had nothing. He bashfully tepped back and looked to the ground. He began to quiver insdie, tremble really. He didn't know what to say or do? Should he tell her the truth, or a lie? what lie should he tell her?
      "I-I-I-I u-uhm..I-I Ido-don't know." He stuttered and stammered. You'd have thought this was his first time speaking the way he was acting. He knew he sounded like an idiot and it embarassed him, making him turn a deep red as he popped up his shoulders, placed his hands in his hoodie pockets and tucked his head down with his eyes clenched shut. His trembling made it look like he himself was experiencing a form of seziure. The only girl he had extensive contact with was Xarlessa....and Ouro wouldnb't let the two be around each other...for some reason Silus didn't think that Ouro trusted Xarlessa with something.... probably information. Ouro was a rather secretive man...unless it came to dealing with Niall. He wished Niall had held off for a few more minutes before leaving..maybe he could have kept things smooth...because right now...Silus was scared.
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Post by Augsp November 9th 2013, 11:58 pm

He was scared. Maybe he hadn't been alone before. Lily looked around, looking for a guardian or a friend of some sort.
"Why so nervous?" She inquired in a softer tone. "Are you okay?" she asked, reaching out with one hand to tentatively touch the kid. He probably wasn't that old, probably two or three years younger.But Lily was never good at guessing ages. Or expressions. But Right now, she was reaching out to a very nervous, or shy, boy. He looked so nervous, almost terrified. Was he hiding something? Should she step back and give him space? Her head spun with thoughts, but she stood her ground.
He started to shake, and Lily took a step back in surprise. Maybe he truly was scared.
"Please, are you okay?"
She'd never seen anyone act like this boy before. Not Peter, who she didn't know a thing about in terms of background, not any of her teammates None of the temporary friends she'd had from frequent trips to parks and malls. Nope, no one had ever been this nervous. Then he definitely wasn't normal.
"Am I bothering you?"
Oh great. She'd landed in a particularly tedious situation.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 10th 2013, 12:26 am

       "I-I'm sorry." Silus blurtted out as he sat down on the park bench, looking up to the girl. He then sighed and looked down at his hands, thinking about what he should do. He didn't want to make the girl feel bad, but he didn't know how to get over how timid he was. After he heard her ask if she was bothering him he shook his head. "I-I J-just don't get to be out much..." he confessed. In truth, Silus never did really get to leave his house much...mainly because Valhalla had everything he needed....and the other Ethereal kids picked on him and made fun of him for not having powers. They bullied him physically...but that only happened once... then they learned who his dad was. Ever since then he kept to the castle...where his own brothers tormented him. He didn't exactly have great people experiences.

       "I-I uh...I'm S-s-Silus." He said as he found himself not able to look at the girl at eye level. He felt so awkward right now...he was too shy for this interaction stuff. Give him his daddy's hydra-skin coat to latch on to and he'd follow him around all day. This weas going to be a good learning experience though..he just didn't know it yet. It was about time he met soemone that was at least remotely close to his age.There was a sudden loud wolf howl and Silus shot a big and child-like enthusiastic smile as he looked over the bench towards the small "park woods" that was really just a small dense area of trees. He knew that howl anywhere. It was definately Abra!

       "Abra!" Siluis cheered as he got on his knees, turned around, his belly on the becnch back and he started waving to the invisible wolf.

 No girls allowed... (Closed to Droplet) Lucife10
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Post by Augsp November 10th 2013, 12:41 am

"Oh. Okay. I understand," Lily smiled sympathetically. So that's why he was so nervous. He hadn't had a very.......normal life. He probably didn't have much social interaction either, judging by how nervous he was. She didn't really think he was a shy person. This boy, in social terms, was a baby, a newborn who didn't know much.A protective instinct rose up in her heart as the boy- no, Silus Lily thought- stammered and introduced himself. She looked at the boy rather curiously. Interesting.
"My name's Lily. Lily Walker," Lily told Silus stretching a hand towards him. Surely his parent or guardian had taught him some, well, manners.
Maybe this guy would be a potential friend for her. She didn't have many, and it was hard to make excuses to run outside and spend some time. Of course, she didn't use her friends to get out of studying. She played with them. If, well, finding a rampant thief or criminal and stopping him or her was a fun activity. Secretly, she wanted to have a normal life. To go to school and make friends. Spend hours studying for tests and then go on shopping sprees. Join the girl scouts troop. There was a lot of things that she's missed. And somehow, she felt that Silus might be similar.
A howl broke her from her thoughts and she jerked her head towards the general direction. Abra?
It definitely wasn't a dog. But then, what was it?
"Who's abra?"

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 10th 2013, 1:25 am

   "H-he's my friend." Silus offered up before he got up and hopped over the bench back, making a small firendly jog towards the treeline. He ended up full sprinting and leaping into the air as if he were going to dive face first into the ground, only to land in mid air and flip over, as if he had hit something, when clearly nothing was there. Anyone watching probably thought it was crazy and odd as all get out. The poor Lily girl probably thought that Silus was mentally retarded at this rate. He just tackled air..and actually managed to flip himself doing so. Of course it would change in a moment.

      Abra stopped using his power, and stopped bending the light form around him, hiding himself. Now it was clear that Silus tackeld the large four and a half foot Prismatic wolf. With a wolf that shmmered the colors of the rainbow it was likely that there was going to be some shock form Lily, if not from the general public. Silsu saw this as a slight issue and he pushed on his friendly little wolf and pointed to the trees. Without further need of instruction the wolf ran back tot he woods, away from public eye . Silus looked at Lily and chuckled lightly and nervously as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand and cleared his throat.

      "P-p-please don't tell anyone!" He begged with the biggest blue puppy dog eyes ever. It was what he was used to doing. He was the only normal kid in his family after all. He went towards the woods...part of him hoped Lily wouldn't freak out and she'd follow him. But then again that wasn't likely...she'd probably just yell at him...or call him a monster or be afraid and run. Story of his life. Silus got back to the treeline where he began to scratch the lagre wolf form behiund the ear. Silus was much more comfortable now, knowing he had soemone to protect him if this girl turned out to be another one of theos edemon thingy's that wanted to eat him. 

       "Hey buddy" Silus began, talking liek every excited eleven year old kid whose excited to see their dog. The wolf used it's large bushy and powerful tail to club Silus in the back to pull him into the wolf itself. The wolf pressed it's large muzzle against Silus' cheek the traces of a smile on the wolf.

 No girls allowed... (Closed to Droplet) Lucife10
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Post by Augsp November 10th 2013, 8:44 am

Lily only looked at Silus with an inquisitive look as he sprinted towards It was a pet,right?
Something in her gut told her to not follow, but she went after the kid impulsively. It wasn't as if it was always right. She let out an amused giggled and ran after Silus.
Sure, as a hero, she shouldn't be like this. But Lily was a little girl as well as a hero. And in her view, running after a boy around her age wouldn't possibly hurt. That is, if Silus wasn't some supervillan in disguise, ready to kill/torture/ kidnap her. Hopefully it wasn't the latter. Then the rest of Knightwatch would have to save her and my how embarrasing that would be.
A wolf? Lily was taken back by suprise. This boy Silus definately wasn't normal. But something about him was just so.....pure. She wanted to protect hom even if he were to be a trap. Or if he was the boy of a supervilan family that was hoping to get her. Whatever case it was, Lily Walker was one impulsive child.
“I won't,” she promised as she follwed Silus. Man, he was fast. When the wolf and boy were settled in the trees, Lily approached the two quietly, a rather motherly expression occuping her face. She'd regret it later, but who cared? She stretched a hand out to caress the wolf's fur lightly, and looked at Silus.
“” she inquired, a look of wonder on her face. Everything was so....peculiar and yet innocent at the same time

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 10th 2013, 7:34 pm

”His guardian actually” Abra responded with a nice chipper voice, soft anf fluffy yet somehow child-like and alive. Silus giggled as the wolf circled him and acted like a large blanket. The wolf reached out and sniffed the girl with narrowed eyes and a low growl. Taking in her scent, it was clear that the girl was indeed not Michael as she lacked the scent, and the strange energy. Though there were others whom would kill to have the Ethereal prince as a bargaining chip. He displayed his trust of this girl by no longer growling and panting happily, as if he were a thirsty puppy. Silus only let out another little laugh as he wrapped his arms around Abra and burying his forehead into the large wolf’s neck. ”Sorry, I figured you may have been his brother, attempting to torture him.” Abra said with a slight grin and a closed eye as Silus snuggled up to him.
       ”Th-this is Abra.” Silus said, his shyness just barely beginning to peel away now that he was feeling a bit safer. Silus sighed as he stood u, letting go of the wolf, who sat and proved to be just about as tall if not taller than Silus himself. Silus placed his hands in his hoodie pocket and cleared his throat a little as he bounced form his heels to the tippy-toes of his feet and bit his lower lip. Now that he was in a bit of a more comfortable he wasn’t so reserved, but he wasn’t exactly outgoing. He was at that middle ground. ”He-he uh…he’s one of the three wolves that protect me.” Silus said, hoping that him having three magical wolf body-guards didn’t make it obvious that he was important…or considered important anyway…he didn’t think of himself that way.
       Silus watched as Abra got up and yawned, letting out slight whine instinctively as he did so, only to lick his chops with a smile and looking to Lily and then back to Silus. Silus just kept shifting from his heels to his toes nervously, but keeping himself still rather calm compared to earlier. Suddenly there was a loud grumble. Silus’ face turned bright red, remembering that he had yet to eat today…and unlike his father and Niall, he was still young enough to require a mandatory food intake in order to live. His older brothers might have found it annoying, but eating for sustenance was all Silus knew, so it wasn’t too inconvenient at this point. Abra snickered and brought his tail down his face as if it were his own form of a face-palm. Silus sighed and his shoulders fell slightly. ”Ehehe…sorry.”
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Post by Augsp November 12th 2013, 3:27 am

Lily was suprised when Abra spome out loud. Okay, not suprised. More like shocked out of her mind. But hey, this was the world she lived in. For now, anyway. Trying to convince herself that this wasn not an illusion, she rubbed her eyes once and put on a smile
“I see,” well, duh, of course he wasn't left alone. Lily did remeber a moment when Silus had a man by her side. But she wasn't sure, as she'd been loking around the whole park for a playmate.
“His brother?” she let out a light laugh. “Oh no, I definately wouldn't be his sibling,”
Well, if what Abra was saying was true. Then that man definately wouldn't have been a brother.
Maybe another brother, or a cousin or somebody. Her smile grew a little wider as Silus patted Abra and well, played around with him. Again, the mother-ish feeling. She really shouldn't have had those poptarts.
“Really? Then where are the others?” she inquired, petting Abra a little more.
His fur was so soft, softer than mom's mink coat.
Obviously Silus was from an important, or powerful, family. Or both. There must be a mage in the family. A powerful one. Then did Silus have powers too? Perhaps. You never knew. The next day, you might be meeting this guy as teammates. Although, that was a fun idea.
“Hungry?” Lily's eyes glittered as she looked at Silus. He was probably pretty hungry. It was about time for a little slmething to eat anyhow.
“Wanna go get something?” with a guardian wolf without getting abducted by the government, that is. Hopefully that mage in his family had given Abra the power to turn into a golden retriever or something.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 12th 2013, 9:29 pm

”The others are close, but far enough away to keep people from being suspicious.” Abra said as he lifted up a paw and placed it n Silus’s head, almost as if he were wrestling with the little mop-headed kid. The wolf then proceeded to bite the large hood on the hoodie Silus was wearing, and yanked him around a little, shaking the little guy. Silus giggled as the wolf was messing around with him. When Abra did it it was endearing. When Michael did it, it was malicious….or at least that’s how Silus saw it. He continued to be played with by the large wolf until Silus heard mention of him being hungry. His face turned red, slightly embarrassed that she heard his stomach and he nodded with a small smile forming on his lips.
           ”O-okay!” He said with a little smile, getting a little more excited than he should have. He shot up and his eyes lit up. Suddenly he felt completely out of his comfort zone again. He looked down to Abra, almost as if he were asking permission. Abra nodded and placed his forelegs on the ground, only to rest his head on it. He stepped out of Abra’s zone and seemed to be fine with Lily, after Abra had scanned her over. Though he was slightly concerned as he looked back to Abra. The curious look had not been there more than a second when Abra yawned.
     ”I will follow. You won’t see me, but I’m there.” Abra said to Silus and Lily before wagging his large wolfish tail happily. Silus nodded, and he was going to follow Lily from that point. Silus looked back only once to see the wolf still eagerly wagging his tail. The second Silus was out of sight, Abra laid down with another yawn. ”I’ll…I’ll be right along…Right after this nap.” He said quietly so he could relax and catch a quick nap. He was more than willing to believe that Hocus and Kaisses could protect him, after all he could already tell and sense that they were on the move with him, lurking in shadow.  Silus kept close to Lily, he didn’t exactly know how to interact in human society yet, well he did…but he didn’t like to. All he could wonder was where he was going, and if his pack mates were with him. He was certain that he saw Hocus in an alley, keeping to the shadows as is his advantage being the dark color he is.
      ”S-so…uh…where are we…going?” He asked her, his little blue eyes shifting, trying to take everything in, trying out of trouble. He kept to Lily almost like she was Ouro, always on her heels, trying to keep up, which wasn’t a surprise considering she was the only remotely familiar thing in the area that wasn’t hiding and waiting to take any nare-do-wells by surprise.
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Post by Augsp November 13th 2013, 2:37 am

"You must be very protective of him," Lily said, looking at Abra and Silus brightly. They looked just like Grant and herself when they were younger, Grant dragging his incompetent sister to his team, introducing her, helping her train and such. Protecting his little sister from what she'd soon face. Well, hopefully Lily wouldn't be like the monster she first met alone to Silus. Hopefully. Okay, she did take care of the guy.......if spraying his face with a jet of boiling water, permanently blinding him and also burning the man's face was her only way of taking care of villains. Well, there wasn't much she could have done, right? Right?
"Well then, we're wasting daylight," the blonde smiled down at her new friend, and, after receiving what looked like permission to venture out, Lily walked towards the closest opening to the streets the big park offered. her mind began to swim with a million possibilities. Where in the world was Lily Walker going to take this kid to? suddenly, she flt like a commoner who was taking a young prince to a homely place for shelter. Well, that proved how exactly silly she was. Would she then be rewarded by the man who left SIlus at the park and marry Silus? Not possible. She bit back a laugh, and grabbed Silus's hand. The poor guy was following her around like some lost dog. Okay, wrong noun. But still.
"I dunno. Depends. What do you like to eat?" Lily inquired, looking around. There were plenty of place to have lunch around, but Lily honestly hoped he'd pick something normal. Her eyes glittered as she imagined him saying some obscure food that only his family had or something. That would definately show how special his family was.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 13th 2013, 11:31 pm

        ”Eh…well…I-I don’t know what do normal people eat?” Silus asked, unwilling to expose his normal dietary habits. He was conditioned pretty well to not disclose information, no matter how pointless and trivial it was. There was really something to this anonymity thing, he really wasn’t very good at it. And what’s more suspicious than asking what “Normal” people eat? Silus just cleared his throat, and followed Lily, starting to wonder what Niall was doing about now. It was probably nice to not be so shy…but it wasn’t like Silus could help it. He knew what he knew and he was comfortable with it. He really had nothing about this stuff to make him comfortable, though Lily was enough of a constant at the moment to make him a little more relaxed.

      ”S-so uh…do you live here alone?” Silus wondered out loud to Lily as he sat on the little table provided. Silus probably looked like a little punk form the outside perspective, sitting on a picnic bench table with his feet on the seats, leaned over in a hoodie too big for him, and one eye closed as he looked at Lily. Even Hocus and Kaisses who were watching from the distance snickered.

      ”He looks like a little hoodlum” Hocus said, the large black wolf rolling on his back yipping with laughter. Kaisses looked around suspiciously before he nipped Hocus in the ear, prompting the darker wolf to stop his laughing before a human heard him. Hocus calmed himself and slipped into shadow, perching as he saw Silus on the bench.

      ”He fits in rather well, though once someone talks to him he doesn’t seem to fill the role of what he wears…” Kaisses added in. They both resolved that they would eventually need to either toughen Silus up into his appearance, or get him a hair cut and a helicopter hat with glasses to make him look like the shy nerd he really is. Abra yawned as he came into the scene, taking his nice little nap and ending it a little early.

       ”That would be so appropriate for him. Little pup is such a little kid. It’s almost cute though.” Abra yawned as he squinted to see.

       Silus suddenly put his hamburger down with both hands ripped his hands up to his hoodie collar and pulled the hoodie out, so he could sneeze down into his hoddie, keeping his germs to himself as best as he could. He rubbed his eyes and cleared hisw throat before looking to Lily with a nervous smile. ”S-sorry Lily.” he said with a small chuckle. He suddenly felt a tug in his stomach, he looked around to try and figure out what was different….and then he knew it. There was a siren in the distance.

 No girls allowed... (Closed to Droplet) Lucife10
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Post by Augsp November 14th 2013, 2:36 am

"Normal people?" Lily wondered out loud. Okay, that proved her theory This guy definitely wasn't quite......normal. Far from normal, probably.
"Well......" She looked around, looking for the best place. She definitely shouldn't take him to someplace with a foreign cuisine. Her mom would take her to Korean restaurants and things on occasion, but something like that wouldn't be appropriate. A good, old-fashioned All-american restaurant would work. Finding a small place that seemingly fit her, no their, needs, Lily walked into the place, and opened the door. A confused waitress led them to a small table outside, and Lily sat down.
Taking a look at the menu, she picked the most American-ish thing on the whole thing. And, okay, the cheapest. She had a hunch that she'd end up paying, and her allowance wouldn't allow a pricey meal and enough money for a magazine.
"Two of these," she pointed at the set and the woman scurried away. The hamburger came out relatively quickly. Maybe the staff of this restaurant didn't trust them. Well, duh. Here was a barely teenage girl, coming in hand-with-hand, a younger "punk" boy by her side. In school hours. Lovely. As daintily as she could manage, Lily picked up the hamburger and took a bite. Seeing Silus do the same confused her. What was this boy?
", can you tell me a little about your family?" she asked cautiously.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

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Post by Silus November 15th 2013, 12:11 am

       His eyes widened, and he suddenly went pale- well… he went paler. How did he answer this one? This was a delicate matter, one that needed him to devote his total attention and caution to answer. Too bad his heart stopped and he was starting to sweat a little. A freaking out Silus was a strange thing to see. He didn’t freakout out loud, but you could tell by the stone cold face and thoughtful expression that he was trying to formulate what to say. He kept chanting to himself that he had to be normal. I need to be normal. I have to be normal. I just want to be normal. He thought to himself. How oh how would he do that. Wait! He should totally make something up right? Make himself sound normal, like he was form a normal family right? Silus swallowed his bite of food and he looked to her. Okay, he just needed to make himself sound normal.
      ”Ehhhh-uh..well.” He hesitated. In his mind he just told himself to calm down, it’s not like this was the first time he’d talked to a girl…well total lie, the only girl he’s ever talked to was Xarlessa…but still that wasn’t hard. The hard part was making himself normal. Okay…not hard. Just be normal. ”W-well I have my dad, Sean and Ouroboros-“ Silus said that and immediately wanted to face palm himself. He couldn’t get a dang sentence without already making himself weird. First of all, who has two dads? He should have lied and made it a dad and a mom…and of that who the heck has a parent named Ouroboros. He loved his daddy a ton, but he needed to replace that name with a motherly name, like Ophelia! Dang it, too little too late. Okay though, from now on Silus has a mom and a dad. Sean and Ophelia. So long as Ouro doesn’t find out he should be good…
        ”Eh…well I have three brothers, I had a sister but she died. Eh…My family all has crazy powerful abilities and stuff, and I’m pretty sure they don’t like normal humans very much… I’m the only one in the family who doesn’t have powers, so my brothers all pick on me but…my daddy keeps me protected…and when he doesn’t Abra and my pack keeps me close.” Silus explained. He was rather forthright with this information. He had a family, it was awkward and full of superhumans, two dads, three brothers and he was powerless. The only thing he didn’t say was that they were villains…but it might have been picked up when he mentioned them not liking humans much. He then looked back at her with a little bit of a pout and a raised eyebrow…there were the puppy dog eyes.
      ”H-hey! IW-wait I asked ya if ya lived here alone. You cheated!” He said playfully, though it didn’t take away from the eyes. The kid was good at it, but then again Lily probably knew how to use them too. The Sirens became louder and louder. What could it possibly be that was so bad?
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