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Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles]

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Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles] Empty Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles]

Post by Alpha January 16th 2014, 10:11 pm

The feral child crouched low in the midst of the ruin that was New York City, onyx eyes narrowing ever so slightly as they seemed to see with a clarity greater than any human eye could. It was within this intersection that the very ground had turned black, necrotically so and with it many of the buildings had turned into black dust, some retaining their shape, some even now resembling black crystals. It smelt like his daddy, and that made Shael smile, dashing along the streets at speeds that most would not expect of a twelve year old boy, on all fours as he zipped about. Strange how this section was not yet being refurbished like the others, but his dad had said that it was because of what had happened, enough nether gathering here to prolong that aspect if rebuilding.

He was dressed in camo style pants with the extra pockets, a black t-shirt with a chain jingling around his neck, skin a lovely tan color that seemed to compliment the slightly messy black hair atop his head. With a powerful leap, he bounded over the destroyed remains of a blackened car, whirling as he did so before landing on all fours once again. The wild child was enjoying himself, the city like a large playground he could hunt. However there was nothing to hunt, save for the small amount of birds that would occasionally fly about above him. Their height did not save them really, so that explained the blood that was ringing his mouth, a deep red that he occasionally let his tongue run over. Not that it really caused his primal hunger to abate, but perhaps only increase.

He wanted something better, like a deer or something along those lines. Taking down one of those would perhaps fulfill the primal hunger easier than a simple city bird ever could. Skidding along the concrete, the male let his eyes dart about, looking for something worth actually hunting but all he saw was….a raccoon? That would work. Skin began to ripple, teeth lengthening and guttural growl ripping through his lips. Within moments his clothing seemed to morph into fur along with the fur that was forming along his skin, boy changing into a wolf. Within moments he rushed after the poor scavenger, one who had no time to retreat. It was within seconds the blood filled his mouth as his teeth tore into the things flesh, ripping fur from body and head shaking about primally. Blood fell from down his lips in rivulets, as it let the carcass fall to the ground and began to feast.

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles] Empty Re: Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles]

Post by Madame Versailles January 17th 2014, 9:41 pm

Ms.Versailles was admiring the reconstruction effects of this "Genesis Vivification Movement" that has been all over the media. There was a small benefit happening that Madame had been so graciously invited to. It did not seem like the coordinator of the event, Jessica Magic, had made an appearance just yet. The benefit was showcasing the first parts of the reconstructed city hoping that the progress would inspire more donations towards the cause. It was coming along quite nicely. There were a few residential areas that had been put back together and a handful of office buildings. What seemed to be the most impressive was the HeadQuarters that Ms.Magic was constructing for herself. It was to be a powerful structure and maybe, just maybe, Ms.Versailles would contribute to the efforts.
Before she arrived, Madame sent out her lovely pets Buttons 1 and 2 in order to search the area. Just to give her a better view of what was going on. They were flying high above the city and everything that had been rebuilt thus far looked extremely normal. There was nothing out of the ordinary here. However, as they began to venture to the 'darker' parts of the city a eerie aura befell the two spherical creatures. It did feel as if some sort of dark form of magic had tainted the area. Scattered about there were remains of vehicles that used to roam the streets. The buildings could still be made out even though they had taken an almost crystalline form. It was almost terrifying this part of the city, it was no wonder the reconstruction efforts have not made it this far yet. It was the absolute perfect opportunity to explore.

Madame excused herself from the crowed for a moment and stepped through her underlying sub dimension and appeared right where both of her Buttons were.
"Oh my, you guys were right. This place is pretty dark. Almost like the very ground itself is emanating a shadow..."
Buttons 1 and 2 began to surge a small amount of electricity through their magnets creating a bit of light for Madame to see where she was walking. Did not want to accidentally step in a puddle of anything and ruin her shoes. Though as she walked down the barren streets there were occasional appearances of an animal. A rodent here and a bird there gave Madame the idea that it all wasn't too terrible. If this place was truly riddled with evil forces there shouldn't have been an animal in sight. From what she's noticed they tend to stray from 'darker' areas.
It seemed like some of the dark crystal like material had made it onto the streets, which she treaded across lightly as it seemed somewhat fragile. Her heels clicked as she moved along the glass surface with her two round pets floating next to her, glancing upwards there was something that caught her eye. It appeared as if someone, or something, had snatched a bird right out of the sky. Whatever it had been it could move impressively fast. This piqued Madame's interest even further, she transported herself to the top of a rather high building that overlooked most of the still destroyed city. A couple of blocks below her she could see what she thought was a boy, however her eyes must have deceived her as Ms.Versailles what was a boy moved now as if it were a wolf. The creature sprinted forward and caught a small raccoon in its jowls. Poor little thing. The both of them. A possible shapeshifting boy that was scavenging for food and of course the poor little raccoon situationally victimized by the wolf-boy.
Most likely making a dangerous decision Versailles dematerialized herself and then rematerialized about 500 feet behind the wolf-child and began to walk close. She would probably be instantly discovered by the clicking of her heels as she approached, though Madame meant no harm she was unsure if this creature was friendly or not. Just in case though, Buttons 1 and 2 hovered next to her.
"Hello there... How are you doing little guy...?"
She tried to say in a timid yet caring voice.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles] Empty Re: Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles]

Post by Alpha January 17th 2014, 11:09 pm

The sentient wolf licked its blood lips before swallowing the last bit of flesh that was within its gullet, shaking head side to side as the golden orbs within its skull darted about. It was then that he smelt something, the scent of a human...or something like that,with the click of heels that Shael associated with the Titan Sheiara. This woman spoke and the way that she spoke showed that she had no intentions of hurting him, which meant that the male could relax, not that he was scared to begin with. The wolf tilted its head to the side for a second, considering the female letting his tail wag left to right much like a dog. Slowly walking towards her, he looked to the things floating beside her catching his interest just as much as the woman herself.

He knew however that he could not really speak within this form, and so Shael decided to take another one, well the only one that could make words. His human form, blood still clinging around hid lips and making the young male appear monstrous. ”Well I was hungry, but not anymore.” he noted with a small smile, a bit of flesh stuck between his canines.

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles] Empty Re: Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles]

Post by Madame Versailles January 18th 2014, 12:04 am

The wolf was wagging its tail when he noticed Madame and made its way over to her. It then transformed back into the boy which she had initially saw. She made a little bit of a face seeing that there was still blood around his mouth, not to mention a little bit of flesh still stuck in his teeth. He seemed so young, too young even, to be on his own. And of all places, the dark grimy ruins of New York. Did this child have any parents? Or anyone looking after him at all. For what it was worth he seemed to be quite capable on his own, however young children should not be out alone like this.
"I suppose that's good to hear... You missed a little bit there though.." she said sort of awkwardly still not sure what to make of this young boy. A handkerchief appeared in her hand and she bent over trying to wipe off the blood from his mouth.
"So then, kiddo, who's watching you out in these parts? Pretty spooky place to be wondering by yourself I think." She said continuing to clean off the animal remains from his face, but after a few moments of scrubbing she was able to get most of it off. Madame held up the cloth with two fingers, again with a sort of disgusted look on her face. She opened up her palm a and bright light appeared around the bloody piece of fabric. The light took the form of a round cut diamond and in an instant the handkerchief had vanished along with the diamond shape. In her pocket she had a mint that she more than likely had picked up from the benefit not too long ago, unwrapping it Madame flicked it upwards hoping the animal like child would catch it in his mouth. If there was one thing this boy needed it was a breath mint... And a bath.
"Heh, you clean up pretty nicely if I do say so myself." She straightened up and put her hands on her hips admiring her work.
"Now then, do you have a name by which I may call you? I go by Madame Versailles!" she said in a grand tone.
"I have a much much longer title, but I think I'll tell you that when you're older."
Kid was cute when his face wasn't all blood stained she would give him that. Though the meeting impromptu, Madame may have found a new friend.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2012-06-03

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Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles] Empty Re: Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles]

Post by Alpha January 23rd 2014, 7:02 pm

The woman smelt of awkwardness, perhaps because of the feral child standing before her but whatever the deal was, he did not seem to mind it within the least. In fact he did not even flinch when she reached out with the handkerchief and whipped away the blood that was pooled around his mouth, cleaning up the rather pudgy face that was looking up at her. One thing that he could tell was that the human lady was nice enough, even if she looked kinda weird, so he wouldn’t try to run. She asked him who was looking out for him, and he was now sure that she did not know who his daddy was. ”My daddy, but he’s busy with super-secret important stuff. He told me not to go here, but I don’t see what’s so dangerous about it.” The young male said, squirming slightly as the woman wiped away the residual blood and animal matter from his face.

It took a few moments, but she got most of the mess from his face, leaving only the most minute of remains as she performed a strange power and the handkerchief was gone. This caught the males eyes, sparkling like gems it would seem as they watched her gift in motion. He didn’t know what it was, yet in the end the dirty bit of fabric disappeared within that moment. ”I’m Shael Atterrius, but I just go by Shael, shorter if you ask me.” The child said simply as he rattled off the name running a finger through his hair and catching a small insect, crushing it between his fingers and flicking it away. It was then that he noticed the woman throw something his way, what looked like a mint and without thinking he snapped it up, teeth grinding it as soon as it entered his mouth. The taste was bitter, yet had a certain tinge about it.

”So what is a pretty lady like you doing here?” He asked slowly chewing on the mint in question.

Bloody times in New York [Madame Versailles] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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