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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by dantoon December 25th 2013, 9:55 pm

Chicago, the Windy City, a hub of criminal activity, despite the best efforts of the law enforcement. But tonight, it wasn't the criminals that prowled through the dark streets, for creatures far more dangerous crawled through the dark. Beneath the cramped streets and alleyways, in the underground tunnels of the city, lived a putrid creature of death and pestilence. With the appearance of a rotten corpse, it needed to keep itself out of sight from the people on the surface. It shambled through the dark corridors, occasionally stumbling onto the ground. The pain was too great, it could feel it's body rotting while it rebuilt itself, keeping it in this perpetual state of agony. It needed to sate the pain, it craved the taste of flesh. It managed to find a hole that it could crawl through and climbed up the ladder to the surface, where it's next meal would probably be

It took at look at the dark night sky and a wide grin crept over it's face. The memories of a time long past swept over it, it could remember every detail of the life it lived. Those thoughts were eventually overwhelmed by the immense hunger it felt. Something caught it's eye, a lone person wandering the streets. He had the appearance of a vagabond, his unkempt features combined with his ragged clothes gave the fact away. The creature realized that it would be easy prey as long as no one was around. It crept on towards the man, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Last edited by dantoon on December 26th 2013, 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by Nathaniel A. Lincoln December 26th 2013, 12:13 am

Dammit he smelt like death at the moment, no, no, that was being much too kind, he smelt worse than death, he smelt like the worse kind of decay. Uhhh, the things he did to keep people safe. He had masked his scent by lathering himself all over in mud and god knows what else which was native to the soil located in slums of this city. "And how do they thank me." the man barely out of his teens mumbled angrily to himself, taking a break from his complaining, coughing from the cold. "Hell thank me? I'm lucky if I don't get mugged while I'm hunting down he...." his conversation with himself was abruptly cut short when his magical senses flared, so his ploy had worked after all, whatever was preying on the degenerates of this city, had found it's dinner tonight, him.

"I assume were going to kill it now correct?" the winged phantom in the background was deciding to chime in, he had no doubt sensed the nearby energies as well, his pointlessly obvious statement of course only alerted the lunatic that always accompanied him. "I did oh so hope we could unalive something today, what do you think it would taste like? Stick with me Michael and I'll help you unalive and cook all the monsters you can eat my friend. Hell I'll even throw in a recipe book, of course since I don't have hands to pick up a pen, so it'll be in my head, but that only means you get to hear my beautiful voice right! It's a win win" damn he hadn't shut up since Michael picked up the sword. What made it worse was the fact that he was not even consistently insane, his personalities switched every five minutes or so. The Angel was one thing, he could handle him but not this psychopath.

"We are not going to eat him, we're here to kill this thing not become it." at least the angel had some sense, although it would probably just stir the demon up more, and sure enough he was talking again within the minute. "Well Mr. High and Mighty why do you think it goes around unaliving people and eating them? I'll tell you why because it's a hoot. You know I bet he has some good recipes, ask him before we unalivatate him okay?" Uhhh, why did these things never shut up, and what the hell did unalivatate mean.

"Be quiet you two, it's getting closer." Michael said this as his gloved hands began to pulsate with a faint golden aura. Which even somewhat managed to peak through the thick black leathers. "You do realize it can't hear use right?" He was going to ignore that last comment, he didn't have time to think about the Angel's uncharacteristic smartalike tendencies right now, he was formulating a plan. He would wait until this thing decided to make it's move. Then he'd strike. Unfortunately the sun was about to set fully as well, meaning he might have to deal with this thing in his hunter form and not with his magic.

Michael(Hunter Form):
Nathaniel A. Lincoln
Nathaniel A. Lincoln

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Humor : They say everyone needs an Arch villain but I keep killing mine because its so satisfying >:D!
Registration date : 2013-11-24

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by Samael Christensen December 26th 2013, 12:50 am

Brandon yawned loudly, letting a fist slam against the punching bag, a resounding crash echoing around the training room. A small bead of sweat ran down his face, trailing from forehead, nose and falling down from his chin. Another day of training complete, though Brandon was unsure why he even bothered doing so, since his mother had hypothesized that his strength would not decrease, nor would it increase; that it had plateaued somehow. With knuckles stinging slightly, Brandon drew his fist back and threw them forward one more time, feeling the wonderful sensation that he got from striking something with his full strength without instantly breaking it. His wife beater was beginning to grow wet with sweat, small patches of moisture showing against the white fabric, and perhaps showing him a sign that he could go for a break right now; not that Brandon was growing tired.

Niall was busy doing whatever it was that the Irish male did when not around him, probably babysitting the little Sean spawn. That meant that Brandon had the entire night to himself, and he could perhaps just enjoy himself, meet up with some friends or something like that. Running a towel over his slightly damp face, Brandon quickly walked to his room, picking out faded looking blue jeans, a simple polo shirt and his white striped jacket to go over that. It was slightly chilly tonight, and he didn’t need to get all chilly. Wiping a few strands of hair from his face, Brandon stepped out the door of the Hale mansion and began his night on the town, taking his quaint little truck to do whatever it was that he was planning.

It was within this little recreational walk that Brandon came upon the situation at hand, or managed to anyway. He had finished eating at his favorite restaurant, one that he frequented enough to know nearly everyone that worked there, and man did they know him. His stomach was full to the brim with various pasta and Brandon was more than ready to return home, plop on the couch, and waste away time watching tv until he fell asleep. That would have happened, but he felt something, a malevolent magical energy that was nearby, one that made his stomach curdle lightly. While he could have ignored the sensation, Brandon felt that he had a duty, and one that he could not ignore right now; even if his supper thought otherwise. So the blonde haired male would follow the sensation, making sure to keep a mental note on where his vehicle was, so that he did not lose it…again.

He looked to a vagabond, one that had a strange feeling about them, but nothing compared to the one that he was following, whatever it was that Brandon Hale came upon, it was evil, or some kind of evil magic was associated with it. The wings held back by the binding of the ring seemed to send that phantom ripple across his spine, wanting to be free, as if he would be better flying away. Still, he could not do that and kept walking onward, further towards whatever it was. That was when he saw it, a being with rotten looking skin, and a stench that nearly caused him to vomit, expression turning lopsided within seconds. ”Holy shit, what the hell is that thing?” Brandon muttered feeling even iller. Taking a few steps forward, he coughed loudly to get its attentions. ?What exactly are you? Like some kind of zombie?”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by dantoon December 26th 2013, 5:35 am

The creature observed the vagabond that it followed. As time went on however, it noticed that he was talking to himself. This strange habit sent a memory flashing back into the creature's mind. It remembered a man called Paulie, who would seemingly have conversations with himself, asking himself questions and answering them almost immediately afterwards. This was a happier time, when it was still flesh and blood. But it was now nothing but a disgusting husk, a walking corpse. The hunger once again snapped the creature  out of it's daydreaming, bringing it's attention back to the vagabond, who had stopped in his tracks. Why was that? The creature wondered before suddenly noticing a light near the man. Was it coming from him? The creature leaned in for a closer look, hoping to find the source of the light in the dark streets.

Then came sound from another direction, what sounded like loud coughing. Swerving in the direction of the sound, it caught sight of a man, who looked much more cleaner than it's original prey. He suddenly called out to it "What  exactly are you? Like some kind of zombie?". This newcomer let off a strange aura, an aura rhat utterly repulsed the creature causing it to inch away from him. He was different from anyone else he had come across at this point . The creature turned it's attention to the vagabond. Letting out a fierce roar, the creature prepared to lunge at the man, but was stopped by a strange feeling coming over it...

Post Mate
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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by Nathaniel A. Lincoln December 26th 2013, 4:31 pm

Michael's power stores were rapidly accelerating soon they would peak and level off at a staggering point. Now all he had to do was figure out what do do with them, which he most likely would have done, if the..what was it had'nt shown up? It looked human enough but it didn't feel like one, nor did it feel like a shape shiftier either. "I haven't seen a dwarf in ages, you know there actually really salty." What the hell was he rambling on about now, there were no dwarfs anywhere in sight, hell did dwarves even exist anymore?

He didn't want to risk hurting this newcomer, nor did he want to fill out the paperwork that consisted of explaining why a human had gone insane. Nor did he want a human to go insane for that matter.These thoughts however completely vanished from his mind around the same time his prey, which he may or may not have been paying attention to roared quite threateningly, really, really loudly, and then charged really, really fast. He was just about to let his magic fly when it just stopped. The first thing he saw was it's face. Was that fear? No it wasn't fear, Michael didn't know what it was. And by the look on that things misshapen rotten visage it didn't know what it was either. However their was something darker and much more saddening on it's face. Pain? Zombies didn't feel pain or regret, come to think of it they didn't feel much of anything at all. So why did this one? This was something he didn't know, but he knew how to find out.

Michael reseeded into his mind, intent on getting answers. For all intensive purposes this would happen in less than the blink of an eye but would be invaluable to the coming moments. Approaching upon the domain where the sword's influence touched his mind most strongly, he began to batter the two beings native to that area with a barrage of questions. "Can this thing feel. Can it think? Can I help it?" he really did care about this, he had seen enough in his short life to known that not all evil things are evil.

The Angel as always was the first to offer any help. "It's a soul Michael, its in a state somewhat similar to possession. Oddly however it seems as if instead of an outside force it is possessed by it's own flesh. Unfortunately that's all I can pick up from in here." the Angel clearly saw this thing as an abomination. That much was present in it's disapproving tone. And didn't wish to help it in any other way save allowing it the mercy of death. Hell in his mind that probably was his way of helping it.

The demon came next, and unexpectedly offered somewhat helpful advice even if it was spawned from very odd motives to say the least. "Michael! This means we can ask it about the recipes, don't let this opportunity slip by my boy! Let's zap him with some seance mojo. And let the sparks fly. Best part is this thing does have fingers, rotten melting finger, but still fingers!" Yes, maybe asking it was the way to go after all, although not about whatever the hell he was talking about.

The world spun as his conciseness drifted back into his waking mind, only milliseconds had passed. And the beast itself was still grounded to the pavement un-moving with the same rotten visage covering his features. Michael had only one thing on his mind, and for once it wasn't slaying the monster that stood before him. He began to approach it, it's stink of death now pervading his nostrils, slipping of the black leather glove as he entered into it's arm length, and then clasped a glowing hand onto it's revolting, cold, rotten, juice filed flesh. The wet squishing sound of his hand touching the monster's flesh was promptly replaced by a resonating sound. The glow had soon shortly after enveloped the entire abomination, essentially cutting it's soul off from it's body, he was going to have a conversation with this things human side, if their was anything left that is, and if the spell worked a spirit should construct itself shortly whether it wanted to or not.

Michael(Hunter Form):
Nathaniel A. Lincoln
Nathaniel A. Lincoln

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Humor : They say everyone needs an Arch villain but I keep killing mine because its so satisfying >:D!
Registration date : 2013-11-24

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by Samael Christensen December 26th 2013, 10:56 pm

The thing didn’t really respond to Brandon, but then again it was nothing new. While he may have been strong enough to break diamond in his bare hands, Brandon did not look like the most imposing of people. Infact, if he didn’t show his strength, he was wrote off as your average squishy civilian, and that helped when it came to not instantly being pegged as a metahuman, except for that time he was accused of having some kind of super sexy power or something. Brown eyes narrowed as he looked upon the zombie, considering how he planned to deal with the undead monster. It was obvious that it did not have any intentions on attacking him, which was strange actually. If this were some kind of zombie, it would attack without distinction, or maybe it was something else entirely. Either way, Brandon would do something, or he would have done something if the vagabond did not already make a move on the undead monster. He was performing some kind of magic, something that Brandon was unfamiliar with. ’What the hell?” He muttered narrowing his eyes and taking a few steps closer to whatever was happening.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by dantoon December 27th 2013, 2:16 am

The creature was stopped by the strange feeling that was coming from this man. It felt this force before. It felt this was when it woke up, a long time ago in the wilderness. This strange force that swept over him and pulled him into the rotten husk that was his body. The memories of the pain it felt during the resurrection came flooding back, leaving it in a strange state similar to as if it was daydreaming. This seemed to give the vagabond enough time to come over to it. The man took off his glove, revealing a glowing hand underneath it and touched it's rotted skin, causing a resonating force to come over the creature. A strange feeling came over it, for the pain had all but disappeared. A voice suddenly came out, the voice of someone that had been long gone from this world. "Who are you? Why doesn't it hurt anymore?"

Post Mate
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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

Post by Nathaniel A. Lincoln December 29th 2013, 6:01 pm

Focusing intently Michael forced his magic into the huge rotting husk, this was much harder than most seances, this thing was still somewhat attached to a body, a chaotic maelstrom like connection but a connection none the less. Just forming a connection through all the static of it's flesh was hard enough. Though it was when he hit something similar to a magic wall that things got really strenuous. Something of considerable magical might had locked this thing whatever it was, back into it's body. It was similar to the forms of necromancy he had studied with his mother as child, however it was leagues ahead of anything he had ever even read about, let along had the skill to perform. Luckily tearing apart a spell was much easier than constructing one. And it was with this knowledge that he took a metaphysical battering ram to the wall.

Of course their were several more warding spells set in place, no doubt formed to keep people like Michael out. Though most of them were only geared towards keeping the creature tied to the body. Something which he had no idea how to reverse, unlike the previous defenses doing something of that magnitude would require him to formulate a spell of equal or greater strength. And judging by the workmanship of the wards, that was something that he couldn't even get close to doing. Still he only wanted to talk to this creature not undue whatever was holding it together, for the moment at least.

And it was after he had layed the groundwork for his spell that it bore fruits. The creature spoke, or rather the creature's soul did.  "Who are you? Why doesn't it hurt anymore?" It sounded almost baffled that something could take away the pain, that the necromatic workings inside it were no doubt inducing.  

"Whatever was inside you, whatever was torturing you was extremely dark. I simply took a sword  to the the spells that were set in and about that rotting brain of yours. Unfortunately I couldn't completely free you, and this will only last for as long as I keep the flow of power coursing through, and suppressing the spells I cut down. However if you can inform me as to what you are, perhaps I can assist you further." Michael had just said a lot, he hoped the no doubt shell shocked spirit got all of that. In retrospect perhaps he should have shortened it a bit, but it was already said and at least it somewhat got the point across.  

Michael was much too busy to notice the nearly set sun behind him, or the blonde haired man approaching from behind.

Michael(Hunter Form):
Nathaniel A. Lincoln
Nathaniel A. Lincoln

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Humor : They say everyone needs an Arch villain but I keep killing mine because its so satisfying >:D!
Registration date : 2013-11-24

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The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale) Empty Re: The Hunter and His Prey (Michael Banesblade and Brandon Hale)

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