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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 13th 2013, 8:02 pm

"Are you fucking stupid?! I said open the goddamned vault!" screamed a gorilla of a man, waving a shotgun in the face of the elderly Asian, with a smokey grey comb over who stood idly behind the counter. He simply shook his head and shrugged, showing the gorilla of a man no fear. Much unlike everyone else in the bank, who were currently whispering, crying and nearly screaming from their position, which was lying on the floor with their hands behind their necks. Three of the gorilla's colleagues all held varying weapons. One had a revolver, the other had an Uzi, and the other, who had clearly drawn the short straw, was clutching onto a switchblade desperately, his face trying to overcompensate for his weapon's meekness. The old Asian man lowered his hands slowly and made as though he was finally agreeing to open the vault for the large man. He allowed his most wrinkled finger to push the red silent alarm, and immediately the police began to mobilize. The old man shuffled along slowly, clutching onto an access card with a shotgun nearly pressed against the back of his neck.

Red and Blue lights soared down the street and turned into a skid outside of the bank. At least 8 police officers got out of their vehicles and aimed their laser pistols towards the door of the bank. (It was the year 2020 after all.). Spotting them outside, the one holding onto a revolver pushed the door open and told them not to try anything and that they had hostages. It didn't take long for the news vans to follow the police and soon a woman with fiery hair and a fiery attitude rushed from the van to get as close to the action as possible. It was the norm, for Trishy Voneromo of course. Several spectators had gathered around the scene as well, many watched with their jaws wide open at both the anticipation and excitement of the scene, as well as the terror those inside must be experiencing. The police, as usual, hesitated and tried to think of a plan.

But the reasons for the jaw's dropping all changed whenever they saw a blue flickering flash. It was there for about a split second but from it emerged a red-cloaked teenager. His body was covered in a black, hard material and his arms and the side of his legs looked as if they were the voids of space. An Illusion, but it did make the teenager seem quite impressive. A hood was around his hood and all the quiet murmers descended into silence, all just watched in a mixture of awe and confusion. Spellstone couldn't help but praise himself for his entrance, he must of looked pretty baddass walking up the stairs to the back with his cloak blowing in the wind like it was, and his Spellstone glowing on his abdomen. With each step Spellstone felt his confidence grow. Being a hero felt awesome. He was aware of the situation, hostages and some guys with guns. This was the first time he'd actually be doing something like this for real and not just rehearsing in the empty warehouse near the beach. He could feel his heart beating like a drum in his chest, and the tune it struck out was glorious.

When he reached the glass doors of the bank, he pushed them openw tih both hands, completely aware that he was fully capable of handingly a few guys, I mean, come on. He was basically jesus with all the magic he had. However, as soon as the doors opened and the 4 guys stopped what they were doing to look at the teenager who had just wandered in, wrapped in a red cloak. The three who had guns all pointed them in his direction, while the one with the switchblade waved it around, almost hilariously intimidatingly. "Oh fuck. "

His drum of glory stopped, and he gasped, raising his hands infront of his body. The stone on his abdomen extended a bright yellow light which channeled through the air to Spellstone's hands. He quickly thrust his arms away from eachother and erected a bright yellow shield with runes which danced and calmly swirled around it. He didn't know how long it would last against bullets but it was the best he had right now. He allowed the shield to remain erect before he took cover behind a pillar. He exhaled, and looked at his hands. It was time for him to be a hero.

Last edited by Spellstone on December 14th 2013, 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 13th 2013, 8:43 pm

Michael took a deep sip of the coffee held precariously in his hands, a small amount of steam rising from the hot beverage. The taste of the drink and heat touching his tongue was more than enough to exponentially increase his awareness, Michael sighing contently before taking yet again another taste. It had been not too long since he had last been contacted and hired by the mysterious man known as The Phantom, hired into his strange organization and perhaps ending his own freelance career. In fact, Michael hadn’t really done anything criminal in quite a while, not even selling minor illegal substances to addicts in the streets. While feeding the fall of humanity would have been fun, he was a prince afterall and princes were supposed to be above things like that or whatever hogwash people believed.

Right now he had been searching for the source of a strange kind of ethereal energy, one that was drawing him almost. Something about it called him, calling upon a less dominant part of his blood, the half that he received from his Titan father. His metahuman comrades were busy doing something and that left Michael to himself, which in retrospect is never a good thing. For all they know, he could end up blowing up Chicago before the day ended, but luckily he decided on a simpler course, which was coffee in a quaint coffee shop. People sat around the shop, some of the bumming off of the free wifi and others actually enjoying the coffee as they talked pleasantly amongst themselves; Michael being alone adrift this small ocean of sound.

That was broken however, when he heard the all too familiar sound of a police siren. Something was happening, an interesting thing that would cause the local law enforcement to frenzy towards it. Could it have been a Metahuman acting out or something more than that? Perhaps a bank robbery being performed by the absolutely desperate or something along that line, not that it mattered either way. Michael was in one of his rare moods, and that meant he would stick his nose in either way, and perhaps even intervene if he so wanted. Draining his cup of coffee, Michael crumpled the paper and threw it into the trashcan before walking out, following the sound of sirens with a jovial step. After all, something interesting was happening and it would only be right that he saw what it was.

Luckily the location was not that hard to find, considering that it was indeed some kind of bank robbery with police crowding the entrance. No one could get in, and no one out through the front entrance, that being until someone appeared on the scene. Something about the appearance made Michael smirk, the showmanship impressive within its own right and something that he could respect. If he had the power to back up the whole show, then the Ethereal would have been even more impressed, considering that some were all flash and no substance; the cloak was perhaps the icing on the proverbial cake as well. All seemed to be going well, until the three guys with guns turned upon him, or so Michael guessed from his vantage point.

He created a shield and that was when the hail of bullets fell upon the poor chap, leaving him at a slight disadvantage, and Michael could have helped him then, if only to learn more about the strange male. While he may have not seemed very impressive in only faded blue jeans and a band t-shirt, Michael was a rather powerful mage, so he could do something. First however he would have to actually enter the frey, and the move things from there. The easiest way that he could get through the barricade of blue was turning into mist and moving from there. So by simply activating the spell, Michael found himself turning into a small cloud of purple mist that floated through the air mostly unnoticed by the people that were focused upon the sound of gunfire. He would move in through the roof and go from there, solidifying above them and perhaps picking off the criminals.

With back pressed up against the ceiling, and still not noticed by the thugs, Michael would begin his impromptu plan. Forming a fist of Dark Ethereal energy around his left hand, Michael thrust it forward and the construct shoot out, slamming into one of the thugs only hard enough to knock them out as they hit the nearest wall; the one with the knife it would seem. That left him with the other three and he was sure that they would see him now, which was not good at all. Likely he would find himself under fire soon.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 5:27 pm

Bullets swarmed past the pillar like hailstones. Covering his face Spellstone grunted, dust and tiny pieces of stone flicking from the stone column. His shield took the last of the bullets it could, exploded into glass like shards before it evaporated into a light mist, yellow in colour which had the smell of vanilla incense. Bullets conitnued to swirl, but were interupted by the sound of a thud. One of the men and smashed into the wall and the others turned in startled confusion. The Gorilla with the shotgun aimed it towards the figure of Michael, who was clung to the roof like Spiderman.

Spellstone took advantage of their distraction, and lowered his hands with his palms stretched out flat facing the floor. Stepping around from behind his cover, he extended his hands forward and quickly thought of something funny to say... come on, anything. Oh my god, this was so picture.
Orange orbs generated within Spellstone's hands about the size of apples and they suddenly spiraled towards the largest one who clutched onto his shotgun. The orange orbs clung to his body, and he began to pat at them with a fuirous pace, confused about what they were and what they were doing. "Hey, butthole. Bomb Voyage." That was gold, because instead of Bon Voyage, he said Bomb. Hahaha. Ha. Ha. And with that disgusting pun, Spellstone's eyes flickered orange and the orbs emitted a high pitched noise before they burst into magical explosions. Not with the intention to kill, no, they were meant to stun him. The Gorilla of a man was sent flying backwards and hit into the wall, he fell silent and unconcious, before stooping over to the side. Spellstone peered up to the roof to see Michael clinging onto the roof. He furrowed a brow at him. Who the hell was that?. Spellstone's attnetion turned back to the other two people, and he decided he wanted to tell which side he was on. He swept his cloak over himself and span around to take shelter behind the pillar.

The sound of the hammer of a gun was heard, the barrel of a revolver was held to the head of a young lady who'd came into the bank to cash a cheque. He was about to execute one of the hostages. Spellstone's brow began to sweat. Was he really willing to risk this girls life to find out what side someone was on... He clutched onto his spellstone and closed his eyes. The spellstone glew a bright, near white, purple and the sounds of sparks and electricity were heard. Spinning back around the corner Spellstone extended fingers of thunder towards the revovler wielding robber. He felt like a freaking sith lord, this was awesome. His gun was hit which shocked his hands and then he was sent spiralling around through the air, covered in a black dust. He skid along the floor, and looked around dazed before his eyelids allowed themselves to rest of his stinging eyes. Hiding back around the pillar, he decided he'd use the final guy standing as a test of alignment. Unless he tried the same trick. Which was unlikely, I mean, come on, did he see how badly He just kicked his friend's ass. Which was alot.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 5:49 pm

Okay, so that was one down and three to go, with the thugs looking upon the male and aiming their guns. Dammit, he did not really think this plan out very well, but then again this was not his most brilliant idea. Okay, only one of them aimed a weapon at him, and it was the brute of a man with the shotgun…fantuckingfastic. He knew what that kind of weapon did, considering that it was one that Michael enjoyed, almost as much as an automatic gun, and one that just let out a hail of bullets with a press of the trigger. Sure he could have performed the intangibility spell once again, but luckily that was not required. With them all focusing upon the Ethereal, the hero had just enough time to do whatever it was that he was planning.

This came in the form of strange orbs of energy that were set upon the largest of the thugs, causing him to turn the gun away from him and thrash about. Michael took this chance to make a move, turning from his back against the ceiling to actually standing upside down, basically giving gravity the finger as he thought over what next to do. With a rather goofy sounding pun, a magical energy permeated the air and then the orbs all exploded after letting out a high pitched sound that irritated his ears.

With that another one was knocked out, leaving them with two more dangerous criminals or whatever, Michael more than ready to deal with them but at the same time he wanted to see what the male would do now. With hero taking refuge behind a pillar,  one of the gunmen took this opportunity to take a hostage, pressing his revolver against her head and cocking the hammer to make sure it was obvious his intent. The human planned to kill her, and he was not too surprised by such a thing, considering that humans killed each other every day. He could save the woman, but that was more along the line of something that Silus would do, the good boy of the family, not that he was by any means the black sheep; considering that most of his siblings were questionable bad.

However, before Michael could make his move, Spellstone had already made his and disarmed the male that was so ready to kill the woman. With all of that, it mean that Michael was now only dealing with one criminal and it would be easy to deal with him, as long as the guy didn’t shoot quicker. ”This will be over quick.” Michael mused forming a purple gun construct within his left hand, and without a sound the bullet slammed into the hand of the final gunman, drawing a cry of pain as the weapon itself clattered to the ground. Before the guy could really do anything else, Michael descended from the ceiling and slammed a knee into his groin, forcing the man to double over in pain. With him down, Michael rested his foot on the back of the mans neck, and smiled triumphantly to the hero, or at least where he was. ”Wow, that was easy.” He said to himself smugly.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 6:29 pm

Unable to see what was going on, Spellstone just listened to what he assumed was the sound of someone getting their butt whooped. He turned around and walked out from behind the pillar, his body seemed relaxed but in reality, he was ready to strike this guy down too, if he was just here to make trouble. He wasn't a good judge of character yet, mainly because he hadn't really met that many people. Looking him up and down, Spellstone could not help but check him out. Damn him and his god damn teenage hormones. He waved rather confidently to the stranger, but still prepared himself to give him an ass kicking if the situation called for it. Spellstone knew it probably wouldn't happen, I mean, he helped him beat up these losers and who would miss with him? I mean come on, he had The Spellstone.

"Who are you and what did you want? Unless you just wanted to help. In which case thanks...' asked him with a slight tone of authority. But he spotted a small flaw in his statement so quickly added, rubbing the back of his neck. 'Not that I couldn't have dealt with it Myself. Obviously." The obviously was added on quickly. He didn't want to appear as if he was weak infront of someone who could be a potential ally. Or enemy. His face remained trusting and quite friendly, but the Spellstone began to glow subtly with the same color as the lightning he fired out from his fingers earlier like the freaking thunder god, ready to strike at a moments notice. He hoped this guy was a good one though. He kind of liked him. It takes guts to knee a guy with a gun in his man marbles.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 6:45 pm

The man under his foot squirmed lightly, though surprisingly enough Michael had a little more strength than him, or at least enough to keep him from wriggling out. The hero that initially was dealing with the problem waved to him confidently, Michael reciprocating the gesture with a wave of his own. ”Names Michael, and I just felt like….doing my civil duty.” He had to hold back the sarcasm that would have seeped into that, considering that he was really just doing all of it out of boredom. Of course the guy had to make note that he could have dealt with everything himself, not that Michael was questioning that; he had a decent amount of magical power at his command it seemed. A powerful aura radiated from him and it was something that his sensitive magical senses picked up on quickly.

”No doubt about that.” He said with a friendly tone, motioning towards the two thugs he had taken out before Michael had jumped in; man with the knife notwithstanding. ”Who are you anyway? You must have some kind of heroic moniker of some kind, considering you already have the costume.” He oozed charisma with that line, acting skills going into overdrive, though he was genuinely curious of this males name, even if it were just an alias. One thing that Michael enjoyed was having a label to put on someone, other than guy with sparkly cloak. That glow of energy similar to the lightning bolt was taken notice of, though Michael did not let is visibly shake him.
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 7:24 pm

Spellstone couldn't help but puffle (i just invented a new verb deal with it) out a snigger at the struggling of the robber beneath Michael, as he introduced himself. Placing his hands on his hips, Spellstone raised his chin quite heroicly whenever Michael began to refer to him as a hero. Which made sense, because he was one. The violet glow of his spellstone died down, after Spellstone sensed the pleasant and friendly tones of this Michael, and it went of completely whenever he fed Spellstone's ego, by not doubting his ability to solve the situation by himself. His cloak began to blow in a somewhat mystical breeze and he sub-conciously puffed his chest out. "I do have a superhero name, actually. It's pretty awesome."

For showman ship, Spellstone began to tap into his stone's ability to manipulate mana so that his eyes began to flare bright blue. Some light blue wisps began to swurl around his body in the shape of a helix. The orbs were made of pure magical energy, and sounded as if they were whispering spells as they moved. His hands remaining on his hips while he said triumphantly, "I am Spellstone!"

After the climax, he disipated his stone's ability and just stood there, looking at the other male. He hadn't developed any form of sensory magic but he could tell that this guy had a superpower or something. Since he was able to walk on walls and take someone out from a distance. Lowering his guard almost completely, he walked over to Michael and extended a hand to shake his. "And it is nice to meet you, Michael." Spellstone smiled to try and ads some sort of trust to his approach, just to avoid getting blasted by Michael when he approached him.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 7:44 pm

Like a peacock the male puffed his chest out, ego perhaps stroked by what Michael was saying, which was the intentions of his words in the first place. An impressive small show was even put on before he revealed his heroic title, which was Spellstone. So his name was Spellstone, which was an interesting title for a young mage turned hero to bear. The ethereal looked impressed, and he would be lying to say that he was not, considering the males enjoyment of theatrics. After the whole intro, Michael accepted his hand and shook it firmly.  ”It’s a pleasure to meet you too Spellstone.” He took note of the police standing not too far from beyond the threshold of the doors to the bank, wondering what kept them from moving in. Perhaps that two “Metahumans” had taken care of the thugs was more than enough reason to be calm now. ”Hey, isn’t this the part where the hero usually makes a flashy exit or something?” He suggested raising his left eyebrow slyly. He did not need to have his father, or brother seeing that he went on to do something heroic, considering that Silus alone was more than enough for the family.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 8:14 pm

Spellstone let go of Michael's hand after the shake, and smiled whenever Michael said it was a pleasure to meet him. He felt surprised that it was, but then he remembered that he was pretty awesome, so of course it was a pleasure to meet him. Spellstone did take notice of the impressed look upon Michael attractive face. Damnit, there's those hormones again. What the hell, could his body not focus on the fact there were terrified people lying on the floor. Turning around, Spellstone knelt down and began to help everyone to their feet and one by one assist them out of the building, some fo them being equally as scared of him and others thanking Spellstone nearly obsessively. Some even dropped a grateful plea of thanks to Michael.

”Hey, isn’t this the part where the hero usually makes a flashy exit or something?” Micheal asked, pretty much stating the obvious. But it was ok, he was probably a newbie to the hero thing. He didn't even have a costume.

Spellstone smirked and turned around, nodding at Michael. "Yup. It's the part I've been looking forward to!" Spellstone turned back around, to take the elderly asian from earlier by the elbow, to guide him through the glass doors. He peered through them to see the horde of cars and news vans and shot a wave to them from here, which resulted in a hurricane of cameras flashing, making sure to get shots of all the people being rescued by this cloaked stranger. Well, he was stranger for now. Unknown to Spellstone, the robber who had been given the switchblade had regained conciousness. Like a shadow he crept up behind Michael. Biting his lip, sweat slowly sliding down his forehead he raised it into the air the blade gleaming in the bank's lights. He stabbed the knife downwards toward's the Atlas (top of the spine) of Michael, roaring while he did so.

Spellstone turned around and extended a hand in a jerking motion, with a shocked gasp. "Oh shi-"

Too Late.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 8:26 pm

The humans that Spellstone saved were thanking him, almost obsessively it would seem and some even turned their thanks upon the Ethereal, something that was new to him. Usually he would have people looking upon him with absolute loathing, and occasionally there was hatred, but never did he have someone actually thank him. Something about that made his pride swell up, as well as another feeling within him that was just too damn good. The hero agreed that it was that time and lead an elderly human out through the front door, and he would have followed afterwards, perhaps either spending more time studying this Spellstone or returning to his Metahuman comrades. Still, Michael could not help but chuckle to himself, at how the humans thanked them, and the feeling that came from it. While it would not be a permanent thing for him to do, the heroics were fun in their own way, minus the overall pointless risk that one put themselves into.

One thing that the ethereal did not see coming was the knife, not even when the hero steps in front of him reached in an attempt to save him. The last expression before that was one of mild confusion, one that was easily remedied by the piercing pain that flooded through his spine, followed by a painful twist that caused his whole body to give out, and yet the pain was not absent. Michael attempted to open his mouth, to speak a word that would maybe save him but in the end it only came out as a bloody gurgle, silver eyes pathetically looking to Spellstone before he fell face forward, knife removed from his body. There was no pain when he hit the ground, as everything went black, and the sounds of screams could be heard.

He was dead, how anticlimactic.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 9:11 pm

Spellstone's jaw dropped whenever Michael's face hit the floor with quite a pathetic thud. He narrowed his eyes at the switchblade wielding murderer, and he ran towards him. The man clutched his sitchblade, getting ready to shank Spellstone in the stomach. Spellstone threw both his hands infront of himself, and summoned the orange orbs once again, and they immediately shot out towards the maniac. The force of them hitting him was enough to send him staggering backwards before the orbs expanded into magical explosions at nearly their full strength. He wasn't in the mood to regulate them as much as he had earlier. The robber was sent flying backwards at about 50 mph and smashed into the wall at the back of the bank. He fell to the floor with blood gushing from his mouth, his leg broken and both his shoulders disoclated and several ribs out of place. But he was breathing. No harm done. Probably.

Turning back to Michael's body, Spellstone ran around him and quickly slid down into a kneeling position. He shook him once with his hands, and when he didn't get a response he placed an ear to his chest to listen for any sort of heart beat. There was none. Michael was pretty much dead. Rolling him over onto his back Spellstone lowered his own head, and allowed the red hood of his cloak to slide down over his eyes. He had to do something, he'd never forgive himself if he just let this guy die after he'd pretty much saved his own life, and the hostage's. And besides, he was kinda cute. What could he do. He knew he could do something, but he just couldn't remember what it was... It was something the Spellstone could do.

It could do many things, such as control animals and minds, allow him to see ghosts... control light. What else could it do. Spellstone frantically raked his mind, sifting through all the things he had read about the Spellstone whenever he was being taught about it by his mother. Healing? No that didn't work on the dead. The dead... Dead.... magic...
Oh god. Spellstone felt his heart sank and his eyelids become slightly heavy. He remembered what it was. It was that godforsaken thing known as necromancy. He hated the thought of that type of magic, but it had to be done. He exhaled slowly, and he could see an impossible black glow begin to seep from his Spellstone. He slowly extended a shaking hand over the body of Michael and his eyes turned as black as the abyssl sky. Black lights began to twist from his palm into Michael's body while he slowly swept his hands from side to side, spreading over most of his body.

"Animamque, reintrare et patitur vita influat per mortuorum ossa vas iterum. Planum iterum redeamus ad ambulandum."

Spellstone's voice was deep, booming and malevolent in tone. Every single sickening syllable made Spellstone's stomach churn. It sounded as if he was short for breathe and only able to breathe in while he spoke. The body of Michael began to thrust it's chest upwards as though someone were slamming a defibrillator against his chest. In truth, his own life force was being forcibly dragged into his body once again, whether it wanted to or not. Under his closed eyelids, Micheal's eyes painted over with a dark and bright purple color.

Spellstone felt sick. This kind of magic was very bad. It was the kind of magic that causes specters to hunt you down and pull your eyes out through your nose as the cost for defiling corpses like he was. It was disgusting, but it was a required sacrifice. He fell to the side a little bit, and held his own stomach. He could feel that he was still breathing. No harm done. Probably.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 9:27 pm

In a matter of moments his heart had stopped beating that wet pumping organ no longer forcing blood to circulate blood through his body, but not before blood squirted messily out the wound and all over his shirt. Whatever people said about having your life flash in front of your eyes was true, as his short life appeared. Visions of his family, Sean, Ouroboros, Silus his younger brother, and Shael most of all flashed through his mind in less than a second, though it all seemed stretched out. He was dying, at the hands of a human no less and that was something that Michael could not forgive. Blackness fell upon him heavily, his limbs feeling like a ton of bricks strapped to his body and then within that instant he felt weightless.

Around him stretched an infinite blackness, one that swallowed all sorrows and any emotions that he felt, leaving him at peace with everything and then there was the feeling of oneness with many others. Many souls brushing past him, caressing him and making him feel whole. Within this moment Michael felt an infinite love, one that he had not know within his life, and something about it lifted him….higher and higher. Light blinded his celestial eyes and then there was weight, one that caused him to pause within his ascension and then to fall, back through the chorus, back through the infinite love and even through the abyssal darkness.

He was falling…falling….falling further and further. If he had a mouth, Michael would have screamed, willed himself to fly, but that was not possible. A dark breathless muttering was all that he could hear, one that filled his ears and moved through his entire being like water through a stream. Within a second he hit something, solid ground perhaps and Michael jolted upwards and took in a deep shuddering breath. He was back within the bank, on the floor soaked with…his own blood. The Ethereal let his fingertips dance over what was once a wound, what now was only a small silver scar where he was stabbed. The man that struck him down was dying against the wall, and his lungs took each breath in greedily.

”Y…you b…brought me back.” It was meant to be a question but came out as a statement.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 9:51 pm

Using both of his hands to support his own weight, Spellstone kept his eyes closed completely breathing in and out at a very slow pace. He knew not to over exert himself whenever he felt like this, it was one of the basic rules of magic. Whenever he felt as if his stomach was less decayed and his vertigo had finally got it's balance back, he used one of his feet to push himself up and he nearly staggered on the spot. He'd probably rushed that a little bit. Looking down to Michael on the floor who was beginning to come around, Spellstone quickly turned away and pulled his hood down to let some air onto his head. He had a fringe brushed over to once side, with tanned skin and blue eyes. His hair was a dark brown too and he exhaled heavily, trying to ignore that his breathe smelt like death now. After a few seconds he pulled his hood back up and turned around to look at Michael again who didn't seem to understand what was going on.

”Y…you b…brought me back.” was all he could say. It sounded like a statement but Spellstone mistook it for a question. He smiled and extended a hand which looked like space while in his costume (see app for reference Razz), as an offer to help Michael up and off the bloody floor and onto his own two feet, and to support him. He didn't know if being brought back from the dead made you dizzy or not. Bringing people back certainly did, he, quite frankly, felt like shit. But he wouldn't show that externally. He didn't want to appear as if he wasn't able to do one evil ritual without freaking out.
"Well of course I did! We can 't have the news people and police unable to thank the person who helped me stop a bank roberry and save some hostages, now can I? Besides, what kind of a superhero would I be if I didn't bring one of the good guys back from the dead?"

Spellstone shook his head at Michael, as if it was dumb for Michael to say anything about him bring him ba- Oh god. He could feel some vomit swirling in his stomach. He could hold it in, no problems. Not for Spellstone. He took another breath and rubbed one of his eyes.

"Now come on, we have cameras to greet."
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Registration date : 2013-12-08

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by The Bolt December 14th 2013, 10:07 pm

Now purple eyes met with the blue eyes, Michael unable to really suppress a smile for some reason. It was a strange feeling, having someone actually risk bringing you back from the precipice, though Michael felt as if something had changed within him, something deep and fundamental. The male smiled as well, extending a cosmic hand to help him up and Michael accepted t, feeling himself pulled onto his feet and vertigo taking over for a second before letting him do his own thing. He was standing once again, thanks to this strange mage, though at the same time he could smell it, the scent of death wafting off of him ever so faintly. ”Yeah…..well thank you.” He said with a genuine smile, something that would seem off on his face to those that really knew him.

Spellstone acted as if it were a given that he would have done that, but something about it still mattered immensely to him. Something about the mage seemed fatigued, but at the same time he felt tired, so there would be no point in Michael bugging him about that, not when he was extremely tired himself. ”You're right, can’t keep the press waiting now can we?” He said with a small chuckle, amused by the fact that he wasn't really trying to run away. He was literally going to walk out into a mob of press with no problem whatsoever, oh if only his family could see him now.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

Post by Lingo December 14th 2013, 10:43 pm

"Great!" Spellstone exclaimed, having a pleasant expression on his face in response to the smile Michael gave him, which was out of character, but Spellstone didn't know this. ”You're right, can’t keep the press waiting now can we?” Spellstone shook his head, and smirked. "Not at all." Happily, Spellstone turned around to face the doors. The police had began to edge closer to it and before he pushed both the doors open, he made sure that his hood was in such a place that it wouldn't blow down if any wind managed to get into it. It was more of an appearance thing than an indentity thing. He didn't want his mystqiue to be ruined. He confidently pushed both the doors opened, and allowed the noise of the wind to claw into the bank's reception. Looking back to make sure Michael hadn't ditched him, he began to walk down the stairs outside the bank and nodded to the police and ambulances who had congregated like flies around the scene. The nod was a sort of default signal for Get yo' butts in there, arrest those guys and help the one I may have maybe fucked up. Alot. and was usually well known among the emergency services.

Spellstone's cloak had been drawn by the wind into a massive wing-esque shape. He was nearly dragged backwards due to the air bubble forming within it's red regions. He kept his chin up and allowed the camera's flashes to spill all over his body. Looking around to give every person with a camera a chance to snap a shot of his utter baddassery, I mean come on. Look at him. He looked like a superhero. Which was pretty much the point. Oh... he was rambling. Holding up both his hands flat, in order to try and stem the tide of microphones, meanwhile the police where running into the building, taking 3 of the robbers out with cuffs around their wrists and bruises on their faces. The one who had the switchblade was taken out of a stretcher, which Spellstone tried to cover up.

"Now, now everyone. There's plenty of time for each of you to ask your new hero a question. Please, one at a time..."

This was great! He felt like a celebrity. He quietly hoped that Michael was as comfortable as he was with all of this. No... he felt more than comfortable.
He. Felt. Awesome.
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Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius] Empty Re: Hey, a bank robbery. I smell a cliché. [Micheal Atterius]

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