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Moon Hawk [Hero]

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Moon Hawk [Hero] Empty Moon Hawk [Hero]

Post by Moon Hawk June 4th 2013, 10:14 pm

Moon Hawk

Basic Biography

Real Name: André Ziehe (AHN - DRAY) (ZY - HAY)
Hero Name: Moon Hawk
Title: 'Nocturne'
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian/French
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 156 lbs.
Blood type: A-

The Looks

Without Costume:


The Legacy


André is the quiet type, the non-social type, always to himself. However, he can be social when he feels like it, and whenever he wants to make new friends or superhero allies. André is, however, extremely kind and friendly to those that need help or they drop something, which forces his mind to think socially. André loves to work out and exercise, he wants to keep his body in shape, especially for his real world job as a model. André also enjoys movies and he's a real movie buff, which also explains why his second career involves movies. André also enjoys animals, dogs are one of his best friends. Finally, André enjoys both human sexes, sexually.


André Ziehe, born on December 9th, 1995, has always been that kid that was confused for shy and anti-social, when, in reality, he was just truly misunderstood altogether. He was a kid that knew how to talk, but didn't bother to. He was a kid that knew how to play football, or basketball, or even baseball, but didn't want to. Not out of laziness or boredom, it was just not his preference. To his mother, those things meant that he needed rehab or therapy, he truly didn't. So, instead of just asking him what was really wrong, she just shipped him off to rehab for a month, and only at 10 years old. André's father, billionaire entrepreneur and franchise owner, David Ziehe was extremely furious at André's mother.

When André exited the slightly creepy rehab hotel, he wasn't traumatized or anything, but it made his intelligence boost to heights his mother couldn't comprehend. The reason behind that was that, the Rehab Center wasn't a rehab center, it was the home of a notorious scientist whom experimented on kid's minds. Making kids not harmed in any way, but smarter; more advanced. (We won't get into the Scientists past, but...)The Scientist was Dr. Van Schneider, German experimenter. His dream was to improve the world, but instead of a regular way, he made it into a creepy and sketchy way, morphing children's brains for the new age.

When André arrived at his home, it had seemed nothing had happened, but instead of being shipped off again, André decided to pretend to be happier and participate. He didn't want to leave again, and definitely not to the rehab center. Only one good thing, other than his intelligence growth, happened at that rehab center: He met a girl named Alexis Barr, a pretty young girl the same age as him. They often talked and joked around with each other, and soon became friends...

During their time apart, André suffered from Sexuality issues. Not knowing which sex he truly wanted. He liked both, and his mother and father often fretted about this. However, his mother was reluctant on sending him to another rehab center or camp, just for his well being and David's anger. So, she spoke with him about sexuality and she decided, whichever he chose would be okay for her, and David soon agreed. Later on in life, he still hasn't quite chosen, but he really liked Alexis...

After about 10 years, the two met with each other, now out of their parents home. After some time of talking and fun, the two became an item, not yet married, but together. However, after huge crime growth and mystical beings arriving on earth, the two decided to put their relationship on the side to help Earth. Before this, though, the two both became millionaires, each, Alexis selling paintings and the likes, and André Modeling. André also recieved money from his father every month, one hundred thousand dollars to be exact. André also worked as a Screenwriter, which made a little above regular amounts of money, but he did it because he loved it. So, back to near present. The two, using their billions, created Nth Metal Wings, for André. They set out to fight the villains and douse the flames of evil. They created André's costumes and set out to the streets. Alexis became his best friend, their relationship simmering down and diminishing.

After almost 2 years, present, the couple haven't stopped fighting crime. They do feel that the government may have something to do with the crimes, so they stay Neutral for the sake of both sides, sometimes fighting against the Police. The two are now looking for others who want to join them in their time of need, they need other Super Heroes to fight with them, whether they're Neutral, Chaotic, or just Good, they call out to them. Also, André has created a company known as Ziehe Tech, they create weapons, computers, and even T.Vs, just to keep themselves on top and to help their Superhero needs. Alexis is André's Tech Adviser, Manager, and 'Secretary' if you will.

The Powers

Power 1:
Crescent Claws
The Gauntlet on his right arm ejects sharp metal crescent-shaped "Talons/Claws" that can pierce through anything from Clothing to Brick, including flesh and bone. (Can pierce brick, but cannot go all the way through)

Power 2:
Terror Scream
Due to a micro chip he implanted into himself, he was given terror screams, screams that can instantly give a person a headache and split their ears. The screams are almost like the famed hero "Black Canary".

Power 3:
Lunar Gusts
Due to his vast knowledge and surplus of money, he managed to get workers to dig out Nth Metal, the metal used to make his wings. He decided to build tiny Energy Pulsars into them,. So, in this attack, a purple energy forms into a purple ball of energy, in which he flaps the wings to send the energy spheres at his foe in a swift manner.

Power 4:
The ability to fly with his Nth Metal Wings, 'Nuff said.

Points Used: 30
Intelligence: 7
Occult: 0
Strength: 2
Speed: 5
Durability: 5
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 5
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 5

Last edited by Moon Hawk on November 21st 2013, 12:43 am; edited 4 times in total
Moon Hawk
Moon Hawk

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2013-06-03

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Moon Hawk [Hero] Empty Re: Moon Hawk [Hero]

Post by Moon Hawk November 20th 2013, 9:44 pm

Completion Bump.

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Moon Hawk
Moon Hawk

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2013-06-03

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Moon Hawk [Hero] Empty Re: Moon Hawk [Hero]

Post by Arcana November 20th 2013, 10:10 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Moon Hawk [Hero] Empty Re: Moon Hawk [Hero]

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