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Spartan Empty Spartan

Post by samstan2100 November 18th 2013, 12:27 am

Basic Biography

Real Name: Chris Winger
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Prime
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Bleach Blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 156 pounds
Blood type: A negative

The Looks

Casual: Chris Winger, normally a quiet individual. He has bleach blonde hair that is cut short in a # 4. He spikes his hair up in the front and flips it to the right. He wears a black Zoo York Hoodie, and usually wears a plain white T-shirt underneath his hoodie. He also wears boot cut blue jean with black military boots, size 10 in men's.

Hero wear: He wears a navy blue and a golden colored, tight leather jacket. The leather jacket has navy blue sleeves starting from the shoulders, and the golden torso with blue lines running down his chest to his abdomen. Then he wears a dark blue jean with his regular military boots. On the leather jacket he has a sewn in picture of a Spartan helmet, colored in a light crimson, contrasting to the golden and navy blue colors.

The Legacy


Personality: Chris is normally a quiet individual. He’s not shy, just quiet. Yet when he adorns the golden, navy blue and crimson leather jacket he’s all talk. Usually to mess with his enemies. He talks in a matter of fact tone, most people that meet him, don't want to disagree with him because of how deep his voice is and the sternness of his voice. Although the deep voice, and stern attitude he is actually quite easy going. If he wasn't a superhero committed to making the world a little bit better than it is now, he would have longer hair, and he would be taking it easy on a beach somewhere in the Bahamas. Unfortunately, ever since he was a small boy he had always been prepared for everything, and he had always been first. First to be picked in gym class, first to ask out a cute girl, and the first to excel past his father. But by no means is he arrogant, or cocky, he is simply a man who has his priorities set out in front of him.  

History: When Chris was younger, around 10 years old, his father taught him how to shoot. He started him out on an M911. Immediately he was above average at shooting. When he shot the first bullet he felt a tug in his chest, he turned his head slightly and instantly the bullet hit the target, yet, he wasn’t aiming for the middle of the target. Instead he was trying to miss so he could end shooting practice, because he hated shooting. Yet when he felt the tug in his chest he felt like he could move the bullet, so he moved it to the right, and the bullet hit the center of the target. He smiled a small smirk and then cocked the gun again. He then shot off another round, this time he felt the tug again, but stronger, he twitched his head upwards and the bullet went up about an inch above the first bullet. He smirked once more, and then shot again. The tug in his chest was stronger once more, he twitched his head to the left, then to the run then back on track. The bullet did exactly what he wanted it to do. He smiled again and then realized his father had been watching him the entire time. His father smiled warmly at him, and said, “watch.” His father took the gun from Chris, pointed it into the air and shot off a round, he then then looked up, stuck his right hand into the air and then acted like he was grabbing something, then flung his hand downwards to the target. His dad smiled and then winked at him. Then all of a sudden the bullet hit directly at the center of the target. But, another bullet came wising out of nowhere and struck Chris’ father in the back of the head. He crumpled to the dirt, and looked to the heavens as his final moments came and went. Chris stood up, shaking from just watching his father die right in front of him. He balled his hands up into fists, and then screamed out loud in agony. All of a sudden, everything within a 50 yard radius of himself that was metal, or had metal in it started to vibrate. Then all of the metal started to shake violently. And then it started to rise into the air. Metal that had been buried under ground had made it’s way to the surface and had now started to vibrate. Then all of a sudden he opened his eye’s and his hands and the metal turned into flat pieces of metal, all morphing into one. The necklace his father had given him had now joined in with the metal he was now forming in front of him. Then he spread out his hands, turned the large disc of metal into a giant razor of death, and then flung it in the direction of where the shot that killed his father had come from. After Chris had flung the giant razor circle at the assailant, he had fallen to the dirt ground and passed out. When he awoke he found himself in a gray jump-suit, black military boots, and he was strapped to a table. He looked up into a window with five men in white lab coats staring at him, one with a clipboard writing down something. He looked around the room he was in and saw nothing but gray. All of a sudden the table released the straps and sat him up . A voice came over the loudspeaker and said “ If you want to become more powerful than your father… join us, or die…” Chris nodded his head, and his training began. After 6 years of intensive training, both military and survivalist with other unique skills added into the mix, he was able to become a top assassin. The next 2 years he spent doing assassination jobs for the organization, On warlords, drug kingpins and others in between. After that, they tried to kill him, another mutant was found that exceed his powers, he escaped, and has been trying to help people ever since then.

The Powers

Power 1: Control All Metal (make it do anything he wants it to do, turn into anything he wants it to, even non-magnetic metals)

Power 2:Super Agility

Power 3:Expert Marksmanship (when not using powers)

Power 4: When above metal he can turn himself into a negative or positive magnet to make himself levitate above the metal, depending on the amount of metal he can either fly or just barely get off the ground.


Intelligence: 5

Occult: 0

Strength: 4

Speed: 4

Durability: 4

Ability: 5

Fighting Skills: 6

Magic: 0

Spells: 0

Flight: 2

Wealth: 1

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2013-11-13

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Spartan Empty Re: Spartan

Post by Forceaus November 18th 2013, 6:31 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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