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The city of light {Closed}

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The city of light {Closed} Empty The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha December 20th 2012, 4:17 pm

A single figure blipped across the laptop screen,Elena's eyes averting to what seemed like a small but interesting notification that would surely draw her undivided attention to this anomaly. It seemed that her long search for another of the illusive keys had proven fruitful meaning that Elena would have a mission for herself,something to test some of her newer recruits in a mission scenario and possibly even accompany them on this fun little expedition into the unknown. With a few keystrokes she input a simple command that she had worked over a few times to see that it would work,the intricacies of personal computers were always beyond Elena's understandings. Sure she could use one as best as any person could but she could not use it as skillfully as Tek could. Who would go perfectly for this venture she was unsure of yet but there were plenty of members to choose from if she needed them.

A few more keystrokes and she opened up a few files she had compiled of two potential members. Coronel Liffy and Schneider Van Helcraft had come up with all of the information that she had compiled upon the two,powers and what would prove troublesome about them. It seemed like they would have some sort of dynamic as long as she kept them from trying to kill each other within this process. Leaning back Elena looked up the ceiling a familiar presence approaching her as she turned to look,smiling softly. ”Are you going on another of your...assignments?” Michael asked raising an eyebrow,his blue eyes trying to discern something from the red haired female with questioning eyes. He was the only of her army that would dare question what she did,Michael did not have anything to fear from Elena. That was possibly one of the reasons that the others envied what Michael had with their creator.

”Yes,though you are more than welcome to join me on this venture of mine. It will prove to be...entertaining..” She added a sly grin forming upon her red lips as she glanced at one of her sharp well shaped nails ,painted with a lovely shade of red. Michael considered this for a moment before fiddling with one of the katanas placed upon his back. She knew that he would be a deadly man to face if she were forced to but it was not likely to come to that.

”I think I will. It gets lonely being left with this group of buffoons you surround yourself with.” he said twirling the weapon within his hand,what seemed like the initial shock of his resurrection was all gone now. Though he was still interested in finding their son,bringing the family back together. She knew that she couldn't do that quite yet,the plan had no progressed to that point yet,she had much to do before anything to that effect could be done. So now Michael just left that whole issue alone until Elena would explain further on what it meant,though he was very tempted to ask what her plan was. Lifting herself from her seat,Elena motioned for him to follow after her to what was now serving as the teleportation room.

The floor was covered in what looked like foreign runes, all within an ancient language that was long forgotten. Stepping into the center of the circle she pulled Michael to her as she whispered a single word. ”bogadh” She muttered and the room was flooded with a bright light that gave the feeling of falling through a hole. After a second she felt herself center and they were now in what looked like an urban landscape,what was now a small city bordering the sea that had popped up within a few years after the beginning of the second decade of the century. She had found herself within a small alleyway,dressed in her favorite suit,a tight fitting leather one though she was cloaked within an illusion that allowed her to look normally dressed. Michael had no need to dress normally though his weapons were hidden by an illusion,couldn’t have anyone stopping them because her husband had an armory on him. There was if her calculations were correct a small coffee shop down the street once she stepped out into the main street.

After a few moments she was sitting within the shop with a small steaming cup of coffee held within her hands. Small clouds of steam curled from its deep black surface,red lips touching the edge as she took in a small sip of the rich fluid with relish. ”I do enjoy a good cup of coffee. Seems to calm my nerves;strange.” She pondered upon this conundrum for a moment before discarding the thought and taking another sip. Michael had himself a cup of coffee though it was a milky color,he never really liked bitter coffee like Elena did,but then again he was different than her in many ways that only made him better to her. A few people looked at the two,though few gave Michael much attention as he sipped tentatively upon his drink keeping his beautiful blue eyes upon the simple table. Those were the only thing that reminded him that he also had his mother who gave him her deep blue eyes while the rest came from his father. His Asian appearance that Elena had found so alluring as well as his brilliant mind that she could not ignore. Elena had made sure that a message was sent tot he two before she came and they would have a few hours to arrive. The people within this store would not mind if she stayed all day really,considering that this small business belonged to a small company that she had managed to buy out easily.

Michael had worked as the proxy seeing as she could not reveal herself but it was easy enough seeing as her wealth easily exceeded their meager funds. This was only another source of funds that Elena could tap into if she needed to,one of the many that she could now take if it really suited her and Michael s business sense helped immensely. Sipping on her coffee Elena waited for the others to arrive,humming pleasantly to herself. This was going to be an interesting business and one that she was not to pass up,both of the people she had chosen had abilities that Elena wanted to study first hand.

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich December 24th 2012, 11:23 pm

As the day went on receiving message from Elena telling him of a business needed done which sounded like a big deal compared to the minor things that he has done or been through. He might of sensed that this was a lot but it might have been to the reason that all his other assignments did not mean shit to him or that they were in the past and his new assignment was now. But what ever the reason was he did not care to much to let this slip his mind. This would be like anything other. One: get on plane, two: do job, and three do whatever the heck he wanted after.

Later on that day he was headed from the airport to China just as planned. The only problem is that since it was a big flight it would be a big plane and a lot of annoying people. Especially if there were children who liked to kick the seat he was in. He grinned in his mind and thought of something harmonious. He could easily go to were he needed since he brought a remote GPS to service in finding Elena. He could only wait to see the peoples faces when he caused the accident. He set in his seat and did what he normally did like every other trip ordering food and drinks and waiting constantly for his flight to be over. Then he would drink his drink which was probably wine or Scotch and he would eat what little food the air service could offer him. This was normal, but boring. He just wants an easier way to travel something more risky.

Later on he came in close to somewhere in the middle of China in the town he was suppose to be in. About this time Elena should already be in the meeting area. He stood up and looked at the people of the flight. He walked up to the cabin of the plane, but then he stopped grabbed the mic and said in sarcastic leers. People of flight American United 93... Your flight is now over so have a fun trip down. Everyone was puzzled as Coronel walked to the back of the plane. And now things would get excited. He raised up is hand and with a simple thought forced space around the back of the plane to rip everything from him to the very end of the plane was now destroyed sending the plane into plummet towards the Earth. He waited for his moment to jump; for if it was too soon he would be hit by the plane and it would knock him off balance. As his chance came he took it. He started a free fall like the sky divers on the TV. He did a nose dive trying to hurry himself to the ground. He was falling a lot faster than he had ever run before and to him it felt great. It was now time to stop him self,and at least he knew how. He started pushing space below him and immediately he started slowing down.

He landed on the ground in front of the door of the building Elena was in. Perfect he thought. He walked inside and as he did the plane crashed down a block away making a couple people run out to see what was going on. He laughed to himself as he walked over to Elena. Hello my fair lady said Coronel. Coronel looked outside and thought to himself that he might of went too far this time. He scratched his head as he waited for Elena to say something.

Last edited by Mr. BigMac on February 20th 2013, 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft January 21st 2013, 8:23 pm

Schneider straightened his jet black tie examining himself in the bathroom mirror, the suit he was wearing was a week old and due to a goodwill organization soon, he did so love the crispness of new suits and they wore out to quickly for his taste. Leaving the lavish stall of the first floor bathroom of the Asian branch office of his company, Helcraft Pharmacueticals, after finishing his reprimandations to the current CEO. He had been siphoning out company founds for a few weeks before being detected and Schneider had decided to tie up that loose end while he was here on business for Mrs. Marie, and her newly resurrected, of which he had doubts, husband Mr. Collins. He was also supposed to be working this mission with a man known to love wanton destruction, and who knew nothing about moderation. Waving to the clerks at the front desk he pushed open the door to the city only to see a plane hurtling chaotically toward the ground, the planes tale was missing which made steering it near impossible. One glance told him his Asian branch office would be destroyed if he left it like it was, heaving a sigh he whispered,"Hero time." as a red energy temporarily flared around him. He didn't bother with full out stopping the plane he just controlled its descent, whatever passengers where on board would end up worse for wear, and some buildings would be clipped hurting more people, but with the doctors he kept staffed at his various labs in case of emergencies there close location and quick mobilization would be great PR. He led the plane down clipping nearby buildings and showering glass down on the streets, he landed the plane roughly on the streets not knowing if there where many survivors but he had to go, the meeting place was a block away and he didn't wish to be late. Leaving the scene as his staff ran out of the building to help he quickly made his way to a quaint little cafe and walked inside. "Sorry if I'm late Mrs. Marie there was a little plane trouble, but my company will be getting some good PR from it. I wonder if a bomb was onboard the tale was completely missing, lucky for them I was feeling generous. But enough of my prattle, we have business to discus do we not." He said Pulling up a chair to the table and taking in the two men he hadn't met before, it was easy to tell who was who though.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha February 19th 2013, 9:25 pm

Elena took a deep sip of her bitter black coffee, the taste making her wince as she let ger emerald green eyes drift over the profile of Michael for a second before taking another. It was nice enough that she was enjoying coffee in a shop she had gotten through ill means with her husband, but this was going to be serious businessshe was to perform. It was around the time that they were to arrive, yet there was not a single sign of either of the members of Shade. Elena was used to her member's tardiness and took it with the greatest amount of patience that she could muster and continued to consume the bitter drink in hand. The silence would be broken by a crash that could be heard from even where she was and that was likely to be Coronel if she knew any better.

His methods were crude, but the raw power that his abilities offered proved invaluable on the tougher missions. This would be one of them, and she needed both of those that she called if this were to succeed, nothing could be out of place. The silver-haired male would be offered a seat at the table as she waited on the other to arrive. ”Greetings Coronel, I hope this day finds you well.” She said pleasantry as red lips stretched into a smile that was meant to belay what she could truly do, despite her weak frame. Tapping a single colored nail against the lacquered table top, Elena took a deep breath as she tried to decide how this meeting would go from here and how brief she wanted to make it. ”Take a seat, I think your partner will arrive soon enough.” She said motioning to one of the four seats that was arranged around the table she sat at.

Her mind was running through what she would be dealing with, how abilities would come into play and everything else for that matter. In a matter of moments after Coronel, Schneider appeared in his usually way. She couldn't help but smirk as how nonchalant he was, but that was a part of the appeal for the man she supposed. ”Sounds like you've had a rough trip here Mister Van Helcraft, but please be seated. I can have coffee or tea brought to either of you if that is what you two want; this quaint place also sells pastries for those that would want such a thing.” he was offered the same courtesy as Coronel, a seat where he could sit if the fancy suited him. Either way, she was ready to get down to business, the business that they were all here for. Michael shifted in his seat as if sensing a sudden change within the room.

”I have called you two here for an important mission and one that I need both of you to successfully complete.” She started off, elbows finding their ways onto the table as Elena made herself comfortable. ”Above a specific spot on the ocean off the coast of China, a temple has risen from the depths and a powerful enrgy signature is being emitted from the center of the structure. I believe this is where I will find something that I have been looking for quite some time.” She was referring to one of the keys that would power a weapon that even the ancients feared, one that she had found mention of within a tome older than most of recorded history. An artifact of a race that was possibly older than this realm itself, a weapon of the gods that could destroy all that its sights were set upon.

Every member of Shade was given a basic idea of what the weapon was and what it could do; however they were not informed of its origins and in Schneider’s case, she translated it into something that such a scientific mind could understand. In the end she knew what she was doing and the people of the group would love what became of her hard work, as long as they didn't try to get in the way of her work. Those that did usually met with an untimely end, and those that had not were only living upon borrowed time as far as she was concerned. ”Of course I will make sure that both of you are compensated in whatever way that I can do so.” She stated plainly wiping a single strand of hair out of her pale face.

Michael continued to sip on his milky colored coffee, the conversation not something that he could really contribute. This was about the world of magic and he never really could get into things like that; he was a business man not a mage. To him these were just dangerous men that Elena somehow managed to get on her side, but she just had a way with the insane. Perhaps she was insane as well and just didn't want to admit it, either way he knew that he was possibly the only truly sane one in this room.

The city of light {Closed} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich February 19th 2013, 10:25 pm

As Coronel greeted her he took his bow in front of her showing great respect. He lifted and placed his hand on the chair walking around and sitting as he pleased. He looked over to what he saw some other pawn of hers probably there to aid in protection. But even protection could be people of unowned consistencies. He looked over the place as he took in the space around him he just wonders a little how Elena got there before him, but he did not care all that much. He knew there was going to be a more high classed person there but he did not see him yet. HE was known to be rich but his pockets were not as deep as Elena's. She literally had the money to do what ever the hell she wanted to without having any cares of being arrested.

She was very beautiful, but it was interrupted by the sound of an opening door and the sound of another person walking up to their table. Yep. That must be Schneider who comes in without a word until he said something about redirecting an airplane from hitting his company that he some how owns in China. Hell he did not care if Schneider owned a company in every country does not explain why he was later than Coronel. But still like always he just started to not care after a little while. Yeah I'm pretty sure it was a bomb. I hear about those things all the time... Sorry, but no it was me I sought my chance to leave and I took it, but I'm glad that it blew up and turned into an inferno and killed everyone. Yeah there was this annoying kid running around and he was getting on my nerves. So I just went to the back of the plane and made an exit. He smiled and smirked and sometimes threw in a couple giggles on this subject. Why people don't know not even he knows himself because hes that messed up.

As Elena talked she mentioned pastries and immediate it hit him like a couple ton of bricks. I could go order some donuts. He was fixing to stand up when he told them he would be right back. Just wait this should take just a minute. I'm going to get me some donuts. As he said this the lady started shoveling different donuts into a box and he was back to his seat in a few seconds. Hmm he wondered if the service was that great because if it was they need more of these people in the U.S. Maybe Elena bought the place out, but he did not care he started eating donuts as she talked about the assignment. She talked about some island type deal in the middle of the ocean that was apparently just floating there. Oh I get what you are saying so this floating what ever is held up by MAGIC that is being transmitted by a MAGIC item powerful enough to be able to use the MAGIC in a way to keep it afloat over the water. He said trying to invasive that it was magic but if not she would correct him.

But this item what is it to you? And this Island how high up is it? Some more questions will be asked along the way I just want these answered sooner. He said trying to gather intelligence on the thing he was going after. He said he would do it no matter what, but also he said he would accept any mission he is given no matter what as well to her in the past. He looked to his left and wondered if Fancy Fuck here would be kind like he was and help her out, if not well then who needs him. Coronel was feeling confident as if he could take on the world or it might have been the donuts he just ate he kind of grasp on to a show off type of attitude when he eats one of his favorite foods. He stretched his arms, but remained seated as he continued to listen to Elena. He just couldn't believe the guy next to her was quiet like an obedient dog. Coronel does not care for animals either. The can die by his hands latter on in life as well. And he smiled happily as he dreamed of the onslaught that he could do with his eyes closed. After smiling he just went back to eating and listening like he was good for.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft February 22nd 2013, 7:28 pm

Schneider just shrugged at the fool that went by the name Colonel, he hadn't expected all the members of shade to be as level as Elena, and Schneider wondered whether or not she was necessarily on the level herself but he wouldn't pass up a chance for entertainment. H wished the fool would have kept his mouth shut, especially with donut bits flying out of it. He knew that Elena would address everything that needed to be addressed in this briefing, the protozoa's questions where delaying the answers themselves. He waited politely for Elena to finish her speech and stood readying himself to leave, "I look forward to working with you Mrs. Marie, and you too Mr. Collins, but is it really necessary to bring that crude creature with us?" He asked refusing to believe that that haphazard disaster causing lunatic could possibly be from the human race that he saught to perfect.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha February 22nd 2013, 10:46 pm

Elena found their underhanded bickering amusing, if not somewhat annoying. Schneider she knew was beyond it and Coronel was not beyond such childish banter, but in the end they would prove to be useful to her nonetheless. ”Yes, it is. I know that you do not enjoy his company Schneider but I hope that you two can at least pretend that you do not hate each other, it will make this go by much smoother. She knew that Schneider would have found it annoying that Coronel would continue to shove a subject into his face that he did not obviously believe in.

While this may have been something strange to Elena, a person whose very existence seemed to thrive around magic; his views would be respected. This was not to be a time that they would all be fighting, there was work to be done and none here were to call each other an enemy. ”Since you are wondering, we will be searching for something called a key. It is one in a set of seven and I am in possession of two of these devices.” This was the start of her brief explanation, one that she knew would only answer the bare minimum of questions. It wasn’t like she was trying to impress them though, just get them to go along with whatever she was scheming.

”These keys are capable of producing enough energy to power a city as large as New York around ten years straight and still have enough energy to power an apartment complex. This is an item that holds an immense amount of power, something that will not be taken lightly. I will not have this treated as any sort of game and I will not abide by any sort of games that either of you will consider playing.” her tone had taken on a serious edge that also radiated a coldness that could chill.

”Within this temple are things that defy logic, things that modern people would push off as simple fiction.” She was of course speaking about threats of the magical kind. ”The temple will also play hosts to traps that could potentially kill any of us if we are not careful. Carelessness can lead to your death, do not forget this.” Michael nodded in silent agreement, sipping on his small cup of green tea while the others spoke about whatever it is that they planned to do. He knew that he would get his turn to speak in a matter of seconds, for now Elena would get her words in.

”I think that’s all that needs to be said.” Michael added, his rough voice finally being heard by everyone. ”I know that you already made sure that transportation was prepared Elena, it wouldn’t be like you otherwise.” Michael noted with a tiny smirk finishing off his drink. He was of course right about what she had planned and Elena could not deny it.

”I have a helicopter prepared for us. It should be waiting on a terminal not too far from here, waiting for me and my associates.” She stood to her feet, hands resting themselves upon her hips as emerald eyes darted over the three that would accompany her upon this errand. ’I know none of you have any intentions of mincing words, so we can start with this task of ours. The sooner we can finish it, the better if you ask me.”

The city of light {Closed} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich February 22nd 2013, 11:12 pm

As Coronel finished listening to Elena give him a brief history of what he was suppose to do he imagined the part about what she said. Mainly it was the traps that would make this exciting. Competition here I come thinking to himself that going through prehistoric traps would be like letting candy fly into his mouth. He then started to think about candy. As Elena stood up and glared as if they were leaving he would simply follow behind her, but he too wished to hurry.

He looked outside and seen people still wondering about the crash. A persons talk could be heard from inside the place they were in. They were really spooked by the plane. Everyone thought terrorist. Coronel thought of candy still. Well he said while stretching. I don't mind working with him but how do you not believe in magic? Its unethical... He said in a thought trying to think of something to get him to believe in it.

He took his stand and looked down at Michel. He looked like a simple man trying to reach his voice to those who would listen. He didn't mind his input but he probably wont be able to be around the other one for to long if he keeps believing that he is of gentleman's standards. He turned behind him and walked to the door showing he was ready to leave. He would hold open the door and follow behind them all as they all left. With his ability he just glanced at the chair and pushed it under the table. He then brought the box of donuts to him with a simple thought of his mind.

He held his hand on the door and calmly said right this way. Going through out this I will become all of your rag dolls used to test traps. Coronel said smiling since he wanted to do the traps on his own, but maybe somewhere in this ruin it would need all their power. What he really wanted to do is fight soldiers or guardians designed to fight a preserve the sight and the key inside. As soon as he sought that the maiden Elena was brought to her chopper he would probably go on flight by himself. He would probably make it their before them too depending on the model of the chopper. Now he would just need exact coordinates.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft April 13th 2013, 7:59 pm

Schneider strode out the door, not forgetting to leave pay for the donuts. Just becuase you could take something didn't mean you always had to. He thought he was being generous enough paying for the oaf's food. Mrs. Marie, Mr. Collins, if you don't mind i could fly us over to the helicopter terminal, since as you can see i didn't prepare shoes for a long walk." He said gesturing at his feet, which had penny loafers on them. "Amazing feeling they have though being made of the highest quality leather and lined in silk." He mumbled as he pulled a small mask out of his cloak.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha April 13th 2013, 8:40 pm

”I think that will save us some time.” She said pleased when told of the transportation prepared for them, something that would cut minutes out of their travels. ”And Coronel, as hard as you are to kill, please do not go out of your way to do harm to yourself. It will do no good in the long run if you are reduced to a pile of sentient meat.” She walked through the transparent glass doors with Michael in tow as they made their way into the limousine, its seats comfortable as she had expected of Schneider.

The two waited for the others to make their way in before the vehicle hitched momentarily before driving off. It would only take a minute for two, but they would find themselves dropped off at what looked like an unassuming strip of the city. There was a single helicopter waiting for them, with two individuals standing in the large sitting area. As well as a grew haired male who would serve as her pilot and all of them were artificial humans created by Elena Marie herself. Homunculus was a better word for it. ”Theres our transport.” She stated simply stepping out of the limo.

Marian and Angelica would prove to be useful on this venture, considering that she knew Coronel well enough ans could not trust him when it came to controlling himself. The Immortal commander and the healer would be useful indeed, and they were one of the more powerful of Shades human weapons, ones that were easily replaced if they died. Marian however was not so easy to kill and Ivan had his own uses, ones that would likely make themselves apparent once they entered the temple. ”okay everyone, we're leaving, so get aboard the flying metal death trap.” She said stepping up, after Michael who gave her a hand in doing so.

Taking a seat, she waited for the others to do the same before the helicopter would begin to take off, the blades whirring loudly as it lifted off into the sky. ”Now before we go into the temple, I want both of you to take this seriously. I know you may think of each other as a joke, but if you fuck up, it could mean the death of all of us.” With that her lips curled into pleasant expression as Michael kept any comments to himself and in the distance a golden temple seemed to rise from the water, yet it hovered around three thousand feet above the waters surface. That was where they were going.

Last edited by Elena Marie on April 14th 2013, 1:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

The city of light {Closed} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich April 13th 2013, 10:53 pm

As Coronel and the others went to the helicopter in the limousine he sometimes rolled down the window and looked outside. The guy was doing well for the amount of power he possessed and he could probably scratch Coronel if he was not paying attention. He scrambled out of the door an he floated over to the helicopter, but in his joking matter when he got to the door he was already up side down and smiling. He knew Elena was waiting for everyone to get in, but he had other plans. He seen the giant temple floating a great distance above the water.

My lady if I may go there ahead of time and scope out a landing. I will take things seriously and in doing this I can protect all of you, but since you know i cant die it would be good to send me first. He told this to Elena changing his attitude into a serious mood and turning himself to where his feet were parallel to the ground. I am not going to danger myself, but I'm also not taking no for an answer. If I cant get through then I will hold back and all of us will make an entrance. He said this and then burst of in a fine clear shot toward the temple. He knew he would get there before any helicopter so it was just a matter of time as he came up to what seemed like a garden big enough to set the helicopter in. Just a few decorations needed moving.

Using his ability he simply picked them up and moved them aside for time being. He seen the chopper on it's way and then heard a moaning sound. AND HERE'S THE FUN! He said with an amused expression on his face. As he looked at the entrance he seen what appeared to be replicas of those clay Chinese soldiers with clay weapons. He lifted his hands thinking they might be strong and sent off a powerful blast through the door destroying all of them. After that the pieces formed into one and Coronel lifted and eye brow. He questioned but knew this was magic. As the giant clay monster ran toward him he used his power in a pulling form to make him pick up speed and in a way that will send him falling off the side of the temple. He hit the water and broke apart.

So if they get too far from the temple they loose the magic. Wow that artifact is powerful.
He finished off clearing the gardens of a place to land and waited for it to touch down. As it landed he used his ability to open the door to let them off. Alright there was a little problem, but it fell over and deteriorated once it got too far so were good there. Plus I made a good landing pad so right now were all set. The two, Marian and Angelica, had gotten off and crouched down away from the helicopter. It was to prevent the whole hair deal with the blades from the chopper.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft April 14th 2013, 2:09 pm

Schneider thought the helicopter ride was quite quaint. He was wearing special goggles Elena had given him so that he could see through the temples barrier. He found it fascinating that such a large field could block so many people's sense and escape detection. He was quite happy the oaf had gone ahead jumping around on bubbles of distorted air. As a large statue fell past the chopper Schneider severed its head and floated it to him. "You never know this could come in handy, and if nothing else it will make a great souvenir." Upon landing he was upset to find that the buffoon had disrupted a beautiful garden full of exotic plants he had never seen. "Be careful some of these plants might have medicinal purposes, just think of the possibilities. Oh wait my bad I guess you can't think can you. Random destruction even of the guardians here is unacceptable, until we know that they serve no use break as little as possible please. Schneider said as he began picking several different samples after setting the severed clay head down.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Alpha April 14th 2013, 6:09 pm

The helicopter set down in a garden area, some of the plants damaged by Coronels swift destruction of minor magical guardians. Elena stepped off, skirting the remains of the soldiers and the homunculi followed suit. Within the very air itself was the feel of wild magic, something that she never thought she would feel in such an abundance. ”Its here for sure, I can tell.” She muttered with a pleased tone permeating into her voice. One of the largest of the trees were bent, the center of its trunk broken as it lay to the side limp and likely soon to be dead.

” Now if we have everything ready, we can get moving.” She said with an official sort of tone, crossing lithe arms over her chest, lips curling for a moment. There seemed to be only one entrance into the temple from this way, a large opening that seemed to lead into some kind of entrance hall.

”Looks like we found something.” Marian noted, checking out the ornate rapier on her side before turning to Angelica who was allowing her bat-like wings to stretch, in case they would need to be used.

”I want all of you to be careful, those soldiers may not be the only thing that is dangerous within this temple.” With that she stepped through the short hallway and into what looked like a great entrance way, with an extravagant door of pure gold, yet it radiated something more. Runs pulsated along the exterior, some strands of runs different colors, such as blue or green, even red. This seemed like the only way further into the complex, one that she was sure would not prove difficult to open.

”Proceed with caution.”

”I think they heard you the first time Elena.” Michael chimed in unholstering a single pistol and infusing it with a little energy, increasing its potency by a large margin. Ivan had his hands tucked into his suit pocket, and the others were simply walking behind Elena.

Last edited by Elena Marie on May 2nd 2013, 6:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

The city of light {Closed} CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by The Perfect Sandwich April 14th 2013, 7:21 pm

As Coronel left the site of the helicopter he turned to the temple. Since Coronel was only making a small pad for the helicopter the only things that seemed to got destroyed was the statues and none of the flowers they wanted to pick and use for futuristic purposes. As the others were making a commotion it seemed like they were ready to go inside. Coronel made his way to the group and prepared himself.

As Elena walked up to the entrance the two people seemed to keep talking. Coronel looked out to the temple's siding and saw that it was bigger than he expected. When they go in it might be even bigger. A while ago Schneider made a cracked up phrase about him being stupid. He now was going to see how well Schneider would do if the dumb ass went first. Coronel had plenty of enough common scene to kick that guys ass there and then. He would only do it because he is asking for it and he deserved it. If he could not beat Coronel what was proving that he was smart. Just because you are smart does not mean you over power someone.

While the were stopped waiting Coronel found a couple of smooth rocks on the ground and started spinning them around him. He got more and more until it seemed like a show was being performed around him. Just a little harmless fun but he could also use these as dangerous objects and defensive objects.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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The city of light {Closed} Empty Re: The city of light {Closed}

Post by Van Helcraft May 1st 2013, 12:41 pm

Schneider floated the plant and herb samples he collected into the helicopter, and then proceeded to follow Elena through the broken doorway. Schneider slipped on the mask he was carrying and halted while the black liquid like ooze poured from it covering him then forming into a skin tight armor. "A most peculiar sensation, I doubt I'll ever get used to it." Schneider mused as his psychokinetic energy flowed from him and flowed through the walls of the complex. "Well there are few discernible dangers for a while yet, I'll place markers over the triggers to prevent any accidental tripping of easily avoidable trap and other than those there appears to be nothing of importance." He finished up, as the weird black liquid gobbed in his hand then shot of leaving small shafts over places that were to be avoided. Schneider then set off a a brisk pace calmly avoiding the marked areas until he reached a large door. "So far as i can discern there is no mechanism for opening this door that i can access, which more than likely means that a password, that I'm sure you know, Mrs. Marie is necessary for us to get through. Without carnage. He added with a side glance at Colonel. He knew Elena's associates wouldn't harm the place unless needed and Michael seemed far too grounded to cause drastic destruction.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
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