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The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth July 24th 2013, 12:28 am

Toby was finally back home after traveling for so long, it seemed like everyone was wanting him to invest in their company, including some Japanese companies.

Because he had to go through security, Toby left off his suit for once, and had his bags simply given to him after he left the airport. In today's world, he couldn't risk anyone knowing he was a meta-human by choice.

He stepped off his Jet, and stretched. His shoulders and legs had tensed up real bad. As he stepped off onto the concrete, he put some sunglasses on. He didn't actually like wearing them, but he had to keep up his appearance for the press. Which suddenly swarmed him. He took the time to answer all their questions and take all the pictures they needed.

After he was done with the paparazzi, Toby walked into KCI airport, and took off the sunglasses, the airport was nice and clean, with the familiar cool tone, just like when he had left originally for New York.  

Immediately after getting through security and receiving his bags, he rushed into the bathroom. After checking that the room was clear, Toby started stripping. He got all of his stuffy business clothes off and pulled out his street clothes. But first he took out his sleek armor, the black suit shimmered in the halogen light. He put on the two feet parts first, and continues upwards from there.

After making sure that none of the parts showed through, and everything looked natural. After he was satisfied he had a valet pull his car around, tipped him $50 and headed toward the plaza. It was nice to do things for himself once in awhile. His car was a red 2020 convertible corvette. Out of all of his cars it had to be his favorite.

The plaza was bright as always, plenty of people walked around with shopping bags, and cartons of food. Toby found a place to park in the garages. And stepped out of his car. He saw a pretty girl wave to him, he couldn't catch that many details about her but that she was blonde and slim, so he ran up and held a door for her.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus July 24th 2013, 5:37 pm

Kansas City, Kansas. Well, at least that was the city he hoped he was in. There were two cities named Kansas City after all. Whose bright idea that was probably was not all that bright. Having a city built along a state border and naming it after one of the states was a bad idea. Especially nowadays with how the Kansas part of Kansas City is the smaller part. They should call this place Missouri city. That would make more sense. That or go with something else entirely. He could think of a few names that were far better off the top of his head. "Ugh, so stupid this is."

Yeah, so. Well then, let's just say that John Capore was in Kansas City, Kansas, and go from there. He had actually been born here in Kansas, just not in this particular city. You would have to go further out west in order to find the place where he had actually been born. Just head west to Topeka and go in a generally southwestern direction and I'm sure you'll find it. If not then hope you don't run out of gas while far away from the nearest station. What was he doing in Kansas City. Well long story short business trips tend to suck. Was it bad that he actually wanted to be in Chicago right now? He had to have others cover his shifts for the next however many days for patrol duty. Though his last few patrols had yielded no results. The crime rate had gone down recently. That was definitely a good thing for the residents.

There was really nothing for John to do here. Nothing in this city held any of his interests. It did not have any tourist attractions that he wanted to go check out. His camera was broken anyways. He should not have had it on him during that exercise. He knew it was his own fault. He just could not help being all whiny about it. "Gah, I want to take stupid pictures so I can laugh at my horrible photography skills." he mumbled as he stared at his bag that had the camera in it along with other things. Random stuff in there. Not all of it was important but some of it held significant value.

Nothing for him to do. Nothing at all. He wasn't even sure what to do next. The people of this city walked around and went from place to place. He pretty much sat there watching a lot of it. Nothing of interest was occurring. It was just a seemingly regular day. Or so it was up until something grabbed everybody's attention. The ground shook. People started to be fearful of it. The automatic assumption was earthquake. The problem was how brief it the tremor was. Tremors caused by earthquakes lasted for longer periods than this. Perhaps he had only felt part of it. John continued to sit there waiting for the aftershock as many people were talking about what had just happened. It was bound to happen. It then came, and another followed. That was more than one tremor there. Then another one came and was followed by a few more. This, was no earthquake. Something else was causing all of this. An alarm went off and people went into a state of panic. Terrified screams rang through the air. A voice that could barely be heard came over the local televisions ordering an evacuation. He could see a live report from the Kansas river. He could hear a thing being said but the visual was enough. There was something moving in the water. Something really really big and most likely the source of these tremors. John now knew what he was going to do next.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth July 24th 2013, 7:48 pm

Toby caught a better glimpse at the blonde, and was about to say something, when the ground tremors started. Confused he walked through the door to crown center, and walked out to a giant window overlooking the plaza. There hadn't been an earthquake in Missouri in over a hundred years. Much less Kansas City. Toby rushed down the stairs, he knew it would be best if he could maneuver between outside and in if he needed to.

The tremors continued, knocking posters off the wall, and cracking glass. Toby activated his computer system, through which he could see what was going on through his contact lens. Toby scrolled through some emergancy systems, nothing was lsited, no one knew what was going on. He growled and had the computer start turning on his suit.

Just then emergancy tornado sirens started going off, while tornados were common in the midwest, earthquakes were not, even if this was an earthquake, there's no siren in the midwest for that. In between the loud high pitched siren was a message, usually used for tornados "This is not a drill, get inside the nearest building, find shelter. This is not a drill..."

The tremors continued and began to get more frequent, Toby grew increasingly worried and ran some numbers through hs computer as he walked back up the stairs calmy as everyone was running and screaming about.This wasn't even close to being an earthquake, there was something directly beneath the plaza, trying to burst through.

Toby locked the bathroom door behind him and imediatley his suit started forming up and around him, rippng his clothes off. He stashed the rest of his stuff in a stall, he probably wouldn't find them after this anyway. He put his mask and cape on and climed through the air condioning system to the roof, kicked open the grate and ran to the ledge.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames July 24th 2013, 11:54 pm

It was a good day and he decided to meet distant relatives outside the city limits of Kansas City. He thought to himself; why Kansas City? Even Texas or Montana was better than this patch in the U.S. He did not like the town but he was asked to go into the city and grab things for the big party celebrating one of their birthdays. He was really happy and thankfully he could share what he was to his friends and family without the worry not to mention his family had other meta humans too.

As he pondered in the city sighing and looking at some of the shops near the water he could not find anything and it was making him more depressed. He continued to look around when He kind of had figured he reached a certain part of the stands where they started selling food. Quickly he was on the move to start buying things so he could get them sent to his Aunt's house. Best to send a head of time so they can start preparing before he gets back. It saves him from the hard work.

He found a couple of what appeared to be people looking for a job. He was getting more excited since it started to become more and more easy for him. Hello, I'll like to hire you for today if that is okay and the pay is great for one day. Hmm? Not even that it is more like a 2 hour trip out of town. I will pay five thousand to each of you if you can grab what I buy and transport it to this address... He wrote the place down and they shook hands and accepted. Who wouldn't accept it is five thousand for each and just for two hours. It is the best pay they will get in a long time.

As he went and finished the shopping they went ahead off in the direction of the address to the house he gave them. They should be getting their way before he starts to go back. Well time to go do some.... What the fuck is that. The frequent shaking stopped him from completing his sentence. There was this pulse in the ground like a heart except not having two beats over lapping each other. This was one beat then another. It felt like a giant was walking next to him. He was curious what this was. Now that he placed his head around it being something walking where and what was it? He looked around and something enormous appeared out of the water and had people on land running, people videoing and on phones, and others in the water driving their boat away from the creature. He pulled out his cell phone so he could tell them to look on the news trying to show his family why he was about to be late.

Clutching his fist he began running in the direction down the side walk to get directly in front of the monster. It seemed it was going to the main land and he knew it was not going to be easy to beat. He seen news reporters all along side the water trying to get their story and he knew if he was to jump at it they would have a field day trying to catch him, but he had to fight it if it has soul intent to destroy the city. He continued running until he slid to a halt in front of it starring at his chest and face. Now how was he going to beat this thing?
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth July 25th 2013, 12:39 am

As the creature rose out of the river, it flexed it's gigantic muscles. Avenger, for the first time in a long time, was legitimatley intiminated. He dove off the roof in rapid fall, then used the momentum to catch the wind and fly up. On the ground, The Dark Avenger saw one man running toward the monster instead of away, and slid to a stop before the thing. Avenger flew down and landed next to him with a *thump* and pushed him out of the way, before it could slam one of it's webbed feet down.

Avenger stood up and brushed his cape off and offered his hand to the boy, and scowled. "You need to be more careful kid, you're no hero, thing would've crushed you."

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus July 25th 2013, 3:59 pm

((OOC: Posting order needs to be kept and I control the boss NPC))

What had simply started off as just another day in a city, a city different from the one he usually lived in though. He was not sure how things went day to day around here. This certainly did not seem like a normal routine event though. Repeated tremors and a news report of something massive having been spotted in the Kansas river. John stared at the television screen to know for sure what was going on. Something large was definitely swimming around in there. The Kansas river was to the east of his current location. The exact location was difficult to determine. He scanned the report to get an idea of where to go. The place was about a mile or so away. He could be there in less than ten minutes if he hurried. Before he got there though he would have to do something else.

It did not take too long to get there. By that time the thing that had been spotted moving in the water that had caused those tremors had started to emerge. The thing responsible was beginning to identify itself. It was some sort of creature. A massive one too. It was about 50 feet long. Larger than any land animal. It swam along the surface as if it did not know where it was going. Police cars had gathered along the riverside. A couple of helicopters flew overhead. They each had cameras aboard and were filming this ongoing event. One of them flew too low to get a better shot and were nearly knocked out of the sky when the creature finally surfaced. It was reptilian in appearance and had some strange mandibles along its mouth. It also had plates along its spine that ran down all the way to the tail. Its orange and brown texture was quite unusual, but the four eyes it possessed were the strangest thing of all.

Forcewave had arrived shortly after this and saw what was going on. This thing had risen from out of the river and was looking around the area. Was it merely a confused animal, that just happened to be gigantic and very unusual? Or was it a menacing one? Impossible to tell at this point. It was continuing to move forward but at a slow pace. It eventually made landfall, but no destruction had been caused as of yet. Forcewave could see two people near the creature itself. "What are they doing?" he wondered. They must be stupid or something. If that thing was just a confused animal there had to be some way to lead it away from here so nothing bad happens if it gets too scared.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames July 25th 2013, 9:15 pm

As he was hit out of the way, he got a little angry. Thanks to that guy he couldn't jump to the side. No he had to slide against the ground and he got a small scrape on his hand when he pulled himself to stop. "Your not a hero", what was this guy saying. Now he knew the guy must have been a meta since he jumped to that conclusion o so fast. Wind started swirling around him as he turned to face the man. No your wrong I am a hero, now if your some resident of this city I'm will ask politely that you leave this area. I will try and lead it away to the outskirts of the city but, it might make a mind of its own and start attacking everything in sight. If you are a meat then I ask for your co-operation for time being.

Looking at the monster he towers above most of the building in this area since they were 2 and 3 story buildings. Hmm? He thought to him self as he needed a way to lure it. He did not want to risk attacking it so he would use bait if at all possible. The only mystery was what food did the monster have to go after to survive. Thinking of it being in the water he question if it was carnivore and if so did it like fish. At the glance of an eye he seen someone far off coming in closer towards him and the other guy. Another meta, maybe but it could easily be a reporter trying to get a story and a few snap shots of an up close shot. Not time to talk to him or the guy next to him he had to act fast if the monster decided to go deeper into the city it would destroy building faces just by brushing along side them. He remembered a stall that had fish and he decided to use it to see if he liked them smell. Using his air abilities he levitated a couple hundred fish to what he thought was his nose now if he smelled it and tried going after it he had his bait. And as he was doing this he could see the other guy getting almost right on top of them.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth July 25th 2013, 11:44 pm

(OCC: I sincerely apologize for posting out of turn)

As the young man got up, The Dark Avenger withdrew his hand. The wind started swirling and imediatley he felt as if he had misjudged the boy. Maybe he was a meta. He barely listened to what he had said, he was too distracted, those stupid officers were still in the way, and might get crushed if no one said anything to them. He figured the boy could take care of himself if he were a meta, he'd keep an eye on him.

The Avenger started to jog up the hill when he heard something else coming out of the water. He turned to see about a hundred fish moving up and out of the water. Although not visible, Avenger raised his eyebrows. His computer said all the readings were coming from the boy he had just saved. He had misjudged him after all.

He turned and continued to climb the hill. He shouted at the reporters "Everyone! Out of here! We don't know what it's capable of!" Several policemen turned and aimed their rifles at him, idiots. He was able to roll back down the hill before any shots were fired. Several uniformed officers ran after him "Hands behind your head meta!"

Avenger sighed and decided it was best to draw them away from the kid, he was trying to distract that thing after all, and he didn't need to be distracted himself. Avenger started to lift off, and set course for the bridge over the river.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus July 26th 2013, 10:20 pm

There were these two guys hanging around right near the giant creature's current location at it scanned the surrounding area and they looked like they were fooling around from here. Ugh, they were about to get themselves killed for nothing. Not even floating fish in front of the creature would save them. Speaking of which, how is that happening? Why are there fish just floating in the air in front of the really big and strange animal thing? It could not be the creature. Not at all. Not with the way it was looking at these tiny things flying in its face and possibly attacking it. The creature was certainly disturbed by this unusual sight. If it were to perceive this phenomena as a threat then it would start attacking. That thing going on a rampage would be devastating.

Those fish in its face, they disturbed it. Suddenly the creature reared its head and opened its maw. A light could be seen in the back of its mouth for only an instant before some sort of beak was fired forth that not only incinerated the fish but the ground before it. The beam came within ten feet of those two. It then lifted forth its head and roared. It was angry now. No doubt about that. All of the noise nearby was making it react. It turned towards the primary sources and swung in that direction. It then slammed its arm, um claw down on the ground. It did not hit anybody, but a few people were knocked over by the resulting shockwave. That thing was strong, and it was now on a rampage. It came ashore and was out of control.

Forcewave could not afford to not engage it at this point. He did not want to have to hurt the creature since he thought it was perhaps just an innocent animal, perhaps a gentle one. He had not wanted to hurt it, but to lure it to safety. For now though, he would have to take action. Forcewave fired a blast at its chest to gain its attention. It worked, oh it definitely worked. The creature glared at him and opened its maw once more. That beam came down upon him. Forcewave enacted forth a barrier to protect himself. He was safe from that blast, but the creature still loomed over him. It lunged at him with its jaws. Sharp, grizzled teeth were heading towards him. Forcewave ran out the way of those jaws. That worked at least. Sure it was trying to kill him, but he had its attention. Now he just needed to figure out where to lure it to. As for now he would keep it from leaving this city in ruins.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames July 27th 2013, 2:05 am

As he seen the other guy who was in the distance now a couple meters away it seemed he was going to be working with him. He was dressed funny, a sort of unique clothing like other super heroes. You could mostly tell if they were meta mostly by the way they were dressed. Sometimes people dressed normal and they were the hard ones to pick out. But since he came running full blast over to the creature he decided he was just like him. His focus was placed back on the specimen when it deep fried all his fish turning them into ash that had now been blown away in the wind.

This was pointless since he had the plan to lure it out of the city. But like he said once the guy attacked the creature and it attacked back he knew from the start. He ran over to the guys side since it was the only way to talk and stay with the monster. Hello, Mykel nice day... So what is it your doing with the creature? I was going to lead it out of the any plans? He took frequent pauses while asking questions so he could take quick breaths so he did not use his energy to fast. The creature fired off energy beams and swung claws so he had to dodge a little. A lot harder than said since he was untrained in martial arts. When ever it shot a beam he would protect using his air to match it until the beam was snuffed out along with his ability. Since it came from the sea he wondered if they could put it back without it making land fall again?
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth July 27th 2013, 3:43 am

As The Avenger started to fly away, and looked over his shoulder, he saw what he assumed to be another meta. His computer confirmed this analysis. He whipped his head around as shot were fired, one hit his right hip, but bounced off the metal suit enveloping him. It still stung, bad, no doubt it would bruise. He made a pass over the bridge, making about 50% of the officers follow him up to the bridge.

He flew back over to the beast, he took a better look at it this time, hulking and muscly, UGLY. Then an energy blast, that read off of his charts, hit the thing in the chest. He stopped flying and started floating. The Dark Avenger closed his eyes in anger. What did they think they were doing exactly? He thought about what they possibly could be doing.

The thing turned and launched a blast of its own at the pair. It had taken it's attention off the cops and others who had gathered up towards the edge of the water. Avenger swore and could only hope they were trying to distract it, instead of launching a serious attack.

The Dark Avenger glided down with as much grace as a mangled dog, his hip was seriously bothering him just dull pains, he would have to keep from using his hip as much as he could. He pulled up and flew inches from the monster, hoping to distract it more, he decided he would start to circle it, hoping this thing couldn't swat at him, or if it did, it wouldn't be fast.

He started the decent to circle it for the first time, passing close to it's neck/first fin...

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus July 30th 2013, 4:12 pm

The creature was now on a rampage after having been either frightened or provoked by a combination of the fish flying in its face and all the surrounding noise. Forcewave was trying to keep its attention on him in order to limit or even prevent any damage. He was certainly managing to do that, however he was not having much luck at defeating it, something he might need to do if luring it away was out of the question. His attack had barely done any damage. This thing was powerfully built. He was going to need to increase the power behind his attacks if he was to stand a chance, or survive even.

Forcewave stood there staring at the creature as it glared at him after its lunge missed. It then shifted its eyes away and lifted its head off of the ground. He then saw one of the two people that had been hanging around coming towards him. Forcewave looked back up towards the creature to see what it might do next. It growled as it prepared to attack again. Forcewave heard the guy speaking to him. His question just did not work for him. "Well your idea with the fish didn't work out so well. Now it's just attacking viciously." He said as he took a few steps back and prepared to run. The creature lifted its arm up and brought it down towards him. Forcewave dodged again and kept moving. The behemoth was primarily focused on him and began to give chase. He continued to keep track of its actions when he saw somebody flying around it. It was that other guy from earlier. He was engaging the creature in some fashion. The monster let loose a mighty roar and swatted at the guy. It seemed to be getting really angry.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Mykel Thames August 1st 2013, 4:39 am

Mykel knew his first plan was good but was also an annoyance to the monster. It seemed what ever they did only made the creature worse and its temper rose quick. It was now focused on them two since he was standing next to the guy. But now the one who was dealing with the police was now flying around the monster making it more ticked off. Soon it would go on a rage through the city and start swinging at random things.

Mykel looked at the creature. The mark from the meta attack had almost vanished. This thing or creature had a regenerative factor and it would make it harder to fight if it came down to the fact. He looked at the monster and shot off a few gust of wind. Only enough to where it would have the effect of blowing in a dogs face. He hoped it would turn and re look at him and the other guy so the can resume leading it out of the city. With progress the creature turned and started a run for them again. Now it was moving and stead of swatting at the guy and hitting random things he could follow them down a clear path out the city.

He continued running so he did not get crushed by the monster. Where did this thing come from. It seemed like a lab experiment gone wrong and now they had to clean the mess up. He had his abilities just encase he had to go to war with the thing. At any given second it could mistake a sound and go after it with all its rage. After it is destroyed it might progress farther into the city. Luckily for now it was following so it was okay for now.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Zeth August 1st 2013, 11:50 pm

As the thing swatted at him, The Dark Avenger just wasn't able to get out of the way in time. He hit the ground with a smack and the sound of metal against rock emerged. He hated that horrible scraping sound. He realized that he had landed on his hip, if he wasn't careful, he might end up breaking it. The dull pain of the bullet puncture turned into a sharper pain when he rolled over.

Avenger stood up and realized that it looked like one of the two were trying to lead it away, well, he couldn't just stand around. "If you're trying to get that thing away from the city, the fastest way out is down 151st street!" He shouted over the noise. "It looks like I'm no real use here, I'm going fly ahead to clear a path!" He waited for some sort of conformation, to make sure they were all on the same page, they'd have to work together after all.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Destruction of Kansas City (open) Empty Re: The Destruction of Kansas City (open)

Post by Forceaus August 4th 2013, 6:37 pm

He got hit. That guy that was flying around the giant thing's head got hit by its swinging arm. Down he went, hard. He looked hurt. It was a surprise he was even still alive. He must have been fortunate enough to avoid a fatal blow. He was alive at least. That was a good thing to see. The creature was dangerous. Well, that was obvious. It could not decide who to attack. There were too many options present. It was constantly weaving its head around to look at those around it. Forcewave was trying to keep its attention on him. He knew how to deal with it, and were to go. If he could just keep it focused on him then he could lure it away without any casualties. It was not that easy to do. The slightest disturbance seemed to grab the thing's attention. He needed to somehow make it so it would be focused entirely on him. That would probably involve making it really angry. Then again, rage tires you out faster.

Acting fast was required however. It was lunging towards the guy it had knocked to the ground as he was getting back up. Forcewave heard the guy shouting an idea he had. He said he was flying ahead to clear them a path along 151st street. Well that was convienent since that was exactly where he was already trying to lead it. The safest place to go. If safe was even a fitting word for this occasion. Good of time as always. Forcewave sent forth another blast directed at the creature's head. It hit dead on and the creature roared once again. It was now glaring at him and lunged towards him. He got running again as it started to give chase. It was so big that keeping his distance was proving to be challenging. He was really having to floor it. Along the road he traveled towards the planned destination. It was still after him with aggressive pursuit.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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