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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 9th 2013, 3:31 pm

Birds… so much meat I could eat…
Bird was lying on his back, staring at the birds that were cycling above. He was in the middle of a forest. There were campfire signs on Bird’s left and some animal’s bones were on his right. His sword was stuck in the ground near his head.
Bird stood up and took his wide cowboy hat. He wore it to hide his black eyes from anyone who would walk by. He shrugged to make the grass and dirt fall from his back.
BORING!!! He shouted making birds to fly out of the nearest trees,
He took out his sword from the ground and looked at it.
The non-human signs that meant “Killing is killer’s Fate- Killing Fate” were shining red in the sun.
Okay, I think I should go catch some food… He said tying up the sword to his jeans with a small rope.
He took a rock and started playing with it.

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Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by Zeth August 10th 2013, 4:02 am

Toby East had decided to take a break from the coorprate world for a day or two, so he decided to pack a bunch of stuff, for who knows how long, and just take a roadtrip, possibly a bit of solo camping. He had heard about a pretty peaceful place a few states over.

As Toby packed he debated whether or not to pack his suit. It was big and bulky to just store in a bag or in the motorbike he planned on taking. And it would make for an uncomfortable trip to wear it the whole way there. And not to mention the time he was there. He sighed and decided to not take it. He was supposed to be relaxing. If anything happened and he was needed, he'd just wrap a shirt around his face or something.

He packed up all of his stuff in/on his bike, threw on his coat, gave his mom and brother hugs, and went on his way. About half way down the street he put on his helmet, even if he fell off the bike at high speeds, he wouldn't be as hurt nearly as much as a regular person, but he stll wanted to set a good example.

As he took the scenic route he closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh country air. His computer on occasion popped up with new investment partners and propositions, but he chose to ignore all of them. The only thing he would be concerned about was if there was an emergency in the area he was in or not. Luckily there had only been one reported robbery, and two fires, but nothing that the local departments couldn't handle.

He sped along, and suddenly realized he had not stopped for... three days. He pulled over and checked a map, a real paper map, honestly he had never used one of these, but it was a fun new experience for him. He saw that he was only a few miles from the camp grounds and rode off until he hit a heavily wooded area and finally turned off the jumbled interstate he was on and on to the actual campgrounds.

Toby got a spot all to himself all sorted out with the park rangers, paid the fees that he owed, and maybe a little of a donation (around $10,000) and went straight to his designated area. It was heavily wooded, and the ground was more dirt than grass but he didn't complain. He slowly started unpacking his stuff and went through the painful process of trying to set up the tent he had brought. If anyone had been watching it might have been comical, he kept getting limbs stuck in weird places, and bending poles the wrong way, but Toby eventually got it all sorted out. He got a fire going, may have cheated a bit, he wasn't sure how well he could just rely on a lighter, so he might've brought a heavy duty laser that was meant to start fires.

He got some hot dogs on a stick and set them close to the fire on a plate. He wasn't ready to eat them yet, but he wanted them to be ready to go when he was. He checked his bag to check for the millionth time to make sure he had brought enough sugary snacks to last him a few weeks if he were constantly using his powers. That's when he hear the shout. Toby wasn't paying full attention since he didn't know someone was there before, but he thought they had shouted "BORING!!!" That was odd since he had requested this part of the grounds all to himself. He sneaked over as quiet as he could through some bushes towards where he had heard the sound originally. He saw a young kid sit up and mumble to himself about something. What was a kid doing all the way out here? Alone. WIthout supervision. Toby rolled hs eyes. Parenting these days.

Then he noticed the sword. Okay, what was a KID doing with a REAL sword? Probably just a runaway. Thought he could show his parents up and just being angsty like kids do. So as Toby turned to go find a park ranger or somebody, then stopped himself. What if the kid was a Metahuman? It might just cause trouble, trouble that normal people couldn't handle, Toby turned back and decided that it was best if he try and talk to the kid. He sighed and stepped out of the brush "Hey kid, you better get home before dinner, I'm sure your parents have some nice Mac n' Cheese on the stove for you or something, better than the wildlife out here believe me."

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 10th 2013, 9:22 am

Bird threw his rock into air and caught it.
Someone walked out of the bushes and spoke to him. Bird made himself sure that the cowboy hat will hide his eyes’ color with a shadow.
Who is he? An assassin or just a random person?
Bird threw the rock to the woods to give himself few seconds to think while this guy would be distracted.
I can’t let myself be recognized… He would call the police, the police would call assassins and there would be hundreds of dead bodies lying here.
But I didn’t have any fun in a long time.

Bird thought while slowly turning his face to this civilian
If I would say something after showing may eyes, this would get to be a long dialogue starting with his question “Who are you?” and ending up with me being pissed off and his head cut off…
But I don’t want to do that. So I’ll just show him my eyes and respond with silence…

Bird looked at the person and took of his hat, by showing his black eyes with red middles, that were burning from happiness.

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by Zeth August 10th 2013, 3:49 pm

Toby thought it odd for the kid just to ignore him, he was probably just afraid so he stepped closer when the kid looked right at him. Toby was drawn to his eyes. Black and red. Toby stared but wasn't surprised, his suspicions were confirmed, the kid was a Meta. He continued without faltering.

"Look, I can see you're a Meta, so I'm not going to call the police, let's just get you back home to your parents, I'm sure they're worried."

Toby started analyzing the kids face with the contacts he had in his eyes, and the images were sent back to his computer, and immediately started looking through a database filled with missing children. Toby was hoping to find a match, and be able to take the kid home.

Toby stepped forward and held out his hand to help the guy up, keeping an eye on the sword he had in his lap.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 10th 2013, 4:02 pm

Wh-WHAT??!! He thought
Bird's eyes widened.
How can it be? He’s not afraid? And that Meta he mentioned?
Bird smiled to make a distraction for few other seconds to think.
Meta… Can It be that there are other people like me? Other swords?
Bird touched his sword. No…
Bird looked at the hand that this guy held out and stepped back.
My parents died along time ago. I am a free spirit roaming around the world; known as the bird or as the killing third. It’s rare for me to ask… but who are you?” Bird put his free hand into pocket making another distraction.
Do I really have to kill you dude? He thought

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by Zeth August 10th 2013, 10:05 pm

When the boy stepped back Toby put the hand he previously extended behind his head and scratched it. Toby took a deep breath of the forest air in, and listened to Bird.

After Bird explained he had no parents, Toby took a hard look at him. "Well you can't just wander out here, you're too young for that, I'm sure it's much nicer with a family and air conditioning and school..." Toby trailed off and saw that the database had no matches. Toby kicked a rock lightly to his left, absent mindedly.

"Look, I'll cut to the chase, my conscience won't allow me to just leave you out here. At least without some food, I set up camp just behind these bushes, I have a fire going and some hot dogs ready to go. You look hungry. I promise, they're kosher." Said Toby, trying to make a joke. "My name is Toby by the way," he paused, "Toby East."

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 11th 2013, 7:40 am

Bird listened to his words about parents and giggled
What a fool Bird thought while his opponent kicked a rock lightly to right.
After Toby finished his last sentence, Bird shouted:
“Dude! I don’t eat dogs, no matter what their taste is! That’s gross! And anyway, I’m 13 years old, I can survive on my own.”
After a sec of thinking…
“But if you have anything besides for those cold or hot dogs, I would really enjoy if you would share your meal with me” Bird said smiling nicely, but in his mind:
Haha, b*tch! In the moment you’ll take me to your camp, I’ll steal everything you have and free your captured dogs! I won’t leave any food for you! And in few hours I’ll come back and destroy your campsite entirely!
“Lead the way, Toby, Toby East!”

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by Zeth August 11th 2013, 3:14 pm

Toby laughed, "No, not actual dogs, that's just a slang term, these are beef sausages basically." Toby walked through the heavy brush again. "And you can just call me Toby."

As he walked back he kept his eye on Bird, just because he was a kid doesn't mean he shouldn't be wary. That sword honestly made Toby a bit nervous, the way Bird handled it, Toby felt like he knew how to actually use it.

Toby started a separate search, the kid had a slight accent from Australia, so he used the description of the kids eyes as the key words for the search. He was sure he could pull up something.

When they got back to camp, all the hot dogs he had ready were gone! he looked over and saw several stray cats chewing on the dogs he had all ready to go, "Awh man!" He would've used a stronger vocabulary if the kid wasn't here. "Dumb cats." Luckily Toby had brought plenty, but it was a little frustrating. "Hang on a sec," he told Bird, while rummaging through the pack he had brought, "I know I brought plenty more." He reached into a back pack that functioned as a fridge, one of the projects he had invested in, and pulled out another pack. "See, I knew we had some more." Toby grabbed two sticks and handed one to Bird. Then handed bird a package of the hotdogs and demonstrated how to open the package, put the sausages onto the stick, and how to cook them.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 11th 2013, 3:27 pm

Bird followed Toby to his camp being happy that none of the dogs died because of the upcoming meal.
He took a hot dog from this new person and kicked a cat that tried to run away.
Does he have any other food or is this the last? Bird thought.
I can’t try to steal his food if he doesn’t have any, so I guess I’ll just destroy his campsite that he wouldn’t run after me or call the police!
Bird bit half of the hot dog and started hardly chewing with his mouth overfilled.
“Gdtisawsme” The only sound he was able to make before swallowing hardly chewed half.
Of course, he started to choke.
I need to think up a plan! What should I do?! He thought coughing.

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by Zeth August 17th 2013, 5:52 pm

Toby had been taking care of wrapping up the left overs and heard Bird choking, he turned and saw him holding his throat, and rushed over and started the Heimlich on him, he made sure not to push too hard, he was afraid he might break a few bones "Com'on Bird, cough it up..."

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 19th 2013, 2:02 pm

Darn It! I guess I'll just play a friend for him, till he brings something more... Bird thought.
"GWAAH!!!" Bird shouted and spitted out the half of the hotdog.
"Ew" Bird said and kicked it into depths of forest.
Then he started eating the rest.

Status :

Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by Zeth August 20th 2013, 8:17 pm

The cats ran over to the half eaten piece and started eating it. Toby cleared a spot in the dirt, and sat down and squirted some mustard on his hotdog.

"Close call huh? If I weren't humble I'd say you owe me your life," Toby chuckled "But I'm too modest, so don't worry about it."

He chewed his dog is silence and watched the fire as night fell and the stars shined down.

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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Just a random day [Open to random 2 people] Empty Re: Just a random day [Open to random 2 people]

Post by liuxess August 31st 2013, 5:27 am

Think, Bird, think.... Bird thought, cursing himself that his brain were working only at ten percent. His stomach was full, so to think up a plan was really hard.
Where do you live? Was the only question that would come up in birds mind to ask.

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Quote : Just try not to like me

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 83
Registration date : 2013-08-08

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