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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White July 17th 2013, 5:07 pm

Chicago. The Windy City. After Miami and Pennsylvania, Isak was now at the bottom of his errand's list. Why was he here in Chicago, a city he knew more because of his thriving hockey team rather than the criminal network present here. No, he was here because of the Hales family. What would Isak, a mere Canadian boy, do with such a family? Well, it was because the Hales were closely tied to the Thames, a family led by his Master Elena Marie, and so an event was organized in Chicago and Isak was sent there to meet with the magical clique of the northern states and, after that, take a flight for the south later on. In a way, Isak was thrilled to attend such an event but he was also nervous. After all, it wasn't the kind of place he'd usually go to.

He looked in the mirror to see if everything was okay. He had nice shoes and pants, as well as a white shirt and a vest that was in harmony with all the rest. Isak wasn't a tie person, just like when he was at his prom years ago. He smiled, satisfied with what he was wearing and got out of the washroom and went to the elevator to get to the event's floor. As soon as he got out after many long minutes of waiting, he was greeted by some tall man who looked at him and then at some book.

-Mr... White?

-Zielinski-White, sir...

-Right, welcome to the party sir. Send our best regards to Mrs. Marie Collin at your return.

Isak nodded. He realized that his Master was a married woman and asked himself where would the husband be. Silly question, probably dead. He slowly walked and saw all those people. They belong to the magical clique. He smiled. Maybe he'd find some nice people to chat with.

End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Artemis July 22nd 2013, 4:21 pm

Ann walked out of her apartment, wearing a very fancy, very expensive dress. She looked quite out of place in the neighborhood she was in but only bothered her slightly. She only spends little time here. It was an overall beautiful night. It was a full moon and the stars shone bright, which was surprising considering she in the city. There was a slight breeze and it felt nice in this warm evening. Ann hailed a taxi and was off. It didn't very long but the taxi dropped her off in front of a very expensive looking building. She walked up to the building and walked inside. She went up the elevator and when it opened, she walked out and was greeted by some man in front of a podium.

"Hello Ms..." said the man, looking down at the list of invitees.

"Sinclair." said Ann, trying to hide her slight annoyance.

"Ah! Ms. Sinclair, good to see you, you may go right on in." said the man.

Ann walked past him, rolling her eyes. At least she was in and didn't have to deal with him anymore. She was now with her kind of people; Rich, famous and to top it all off this was a magical community, meaning she could discuss the occult in open. A waiter walked pass with a tray of champagne. Ann took one of the glasses and took a sip, swirling the glass around slightly. She then began to talk to some of the people there. Tonight was beginning to look like a great evening.
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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White July 25th 2013, 5:07 pm

All those people weren't the kind Isak would hang with normally. They were belonging to the American High Class in a way, with their ways and their ''hobbies'', everything Isak wasn't fond of. He didn't belong to such a clique, but he was here because he was asked to. He was looking at the food they offered at some little buffet when some man came to him and who also looked excited to see him.

-You must be Isak! We heard from you thanks to the Sorceress Supreme, young man. Come we need to present you to some guests here.

He had no idea who was that man, but he followed without a word. After all, he needed to make a good impression. He was brought to a group of people who seemed relatively important judging by how many people that stopped to greet them and chat a bit with them. The man presented Isak to these people as Elena Marie's apprentice. Some people around them gathered and started to ask a lot of questions to Isak, like how was the apprenticeship with his Master, what kind of spells did he learned, things like that. Isak replied the best he could to them, until one of them brought a sensitive subject up.

-Is it true you are able to control hellfire young man?

Isak looked at the man, then his eyes were unto a beautiful woman with a glass of champagne. He looked at her for a while before he could focus again on what these people were asking him to do. He generated a ball of hellfire to satisfy them, and he got a round a applause for the show. Then, everybody got back to their business and Isak looked around for the woman he saw earlier.

End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Artemis July 31st 2013, 11:32 pm

Ann walked around the party, a bright smile on her face as she talked to the people there. Apparently a bit of her infamy had made it out of New York. She spent a lot of her time trying to explain the uses of using technology and artifacts into one creation. However most of these people were ancient, stuck in their old ways. She was currently debating the downsides of the mixture with a group of old witches who where know for there prowess in creating artifacts.

"Not you need to listen to what I am saying. The key is in the balance of the object. You don't want to have it mainly magic with tech added on or vice versa, that's not what I am making. Any snarky college student with an engineering degree can do that." said Ann, a bit frustrated.

"Magic and technology can never be one Ann, it been tried before and failed." said the first witch, with a sigh.

"Besides lets say you theory actually worked, the creation would be so weak and frail. I mean if I were weighed down by the limitations of technology i wouldn't be able to hold my own against a house fly." cackled another witch.

Ann was about to make a rude comment but held her tongue. With a slight look of defeat on her face she rolled her eyes and walked away. She walked to a large outdoor balcony. Only a few people where outside on the balcony, most people where still in side. Ann leaned forward on the small brick wall. She rested her arms on the brick and looked over the balcony, staring at the ground, swirling her drink around. She brought the drink up to her lips and tipped her head back, the liquid trickled down her throat flawlessly. She handed her now empty glass of champagne to a passing by waiter and took another one from the tray. The people here were stubborn, more stubborn then anyone she ever met. Swirling her drink around over the edge she sighed, staring down into her drink. A slight look of sadness sat on her face like a mask. This night might actually be more of a long night rather then a fun night. Ann shook her head. This wasn't like her, she usually was extremely confident in herself. She had been wanting to take to those two artificers ever since she gotten into the occult. It was possible the fact that she got shot down by them put a temporary damper on her mood.
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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 9th 2013, 5:31 pm

After he was done, Isak tried to find the woman from earlier. But there was so much people around it made the task impossible. So the boy decided to go outside, on some balcony to take a bit of fresh air. He looked at the cityscape and noticed he wasn't alone out there. A woman was standing not too far on the balcony. It took Isak a while to realize it was her, the woman from earlier. So he made his move and stepped closer to her in order to start up the conversation. Or at least he hoped so.

-Lots of people inside, isn't it? I saw you earlier, you didn't seemed too... pleased, if I can say.

It was not the best introduction Isak used but he thought it worked fine. He was a bit intimidated by such a gorgeous woman. Why did he thought she was gorgeous? Because she was. Simple enough isn''t it?

End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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Registration date : 2012-07-06

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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Artemis August 9th 2013, 6:30 pm

Ann was snapped out of her trance like stare when someone began to talk to her. Which honestly was strange, she had to hunt down most people to talk to because she still wasn't that well known. She mentally shook the face of sadness off her face before she looked at the man that talked to her. However when she looked at him she was surprised. He looked younger then she expected, or he had made himself look younger, either way it was a slight shock. He seemed a bit shy but a part of her died when he mentioned he saw her not looking so pleased.

"Just a bunch of closed-minded old bats." said Ann. She turned around, now leaning on the small brick wall rather then over it. She lifted her head back and the champagne flowed smoothly down her throat in one go. A small line of champagne trickled out of the corner of her mouth and down her cheek. "They don't believe technology and magic can be one. They're wrong." said Ann with a slightly sour tone.

She looked back at the man. He was cute she figured, at least he wasn't bad looking. He seemed familiar, she just couldn't place it. And then it clicked, he was an Apprentice, not just any apprentice though. He was the Sorceress Supreme's Apprentice, or at least he looked like the descriptions she heard.. A smile formed inside her head. She reached out to grab his arm. "Come." she said, dragging him to the dance floor.

It wasn't like any nightclub dancing, It was traditional slow dancing and there where only a few out couples on the floor. She dragged him to the middle and looked at him directly in the eyes. "You have slow danced before?" she inquired. However before he could answer she moved her body close to his. Placed one hand on the back of her waist and held the other in her hand. "It's usually the man's role to lead in these sorts of dances." said Ann. If he wanted to talk, he could do it here.
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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Isak Zielinski-White August 9th 2013, 11:17 pm

Isak actually remained silent up until she brought him to dance. All he managed to say was ''Yes'' to her question about slow dancing. Actually, he was taught some waltz before, but slow dancing wasn't that far from it. As she talked about who needed to lead in such a dance, Isak took the initiative to lead. As they started dancing, Isak finally talked.

-I did not expected to be invited on the dancefloor that quickly. Why did I caught your attention so quickly?

He paused, making sure his footwork was correct, then continued.

-As for them, do not mind them. Prove them they are wrong, old people like to comfort themselves in conservative ways.

He smiled as he felt his hands on her hips. It was not everyday Isak could have such a privilege from a woman. He looked around swiftly, then got his eyes back on his partner. She was shorter than he was.

-Also... you haven't told me your name.. Miss?

End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Offica10

Isak Zielinski-White
Isak Zielinski-White
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End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair] Empty Re: End of Errands [closed to Ann-Marie Sinclair]

Post by Artemis August 29th 2013, 7:31 pm

The boy started a waltz and Ann followed his lead. She didn't usually slow danced but she knew how. Ann couldn't help but smile at the boys innocence, it was kinda funny. She boy asked what her name was.

"Sinclair." said Ann as soon as the boy finished his question. "Ann-Marie Sinclair. If I am not mistaken you are the Sorceress Supreme's apprentice, Isak I believe is your name. Am I not correct?" She did smile at him, a small part off her appreciated his concern. "And that's exactly what I was doing, well the ignore part. I was going to drink myself silly and then go home..." said Ann, letting the thought drift off. She bit her lip for a few seconds and looked Isak in the eyes. "Maybe with someone... for some special activities. Who knows maybe something like that might still happen."

They continued to dance for awhile. And at this point there was a crowd growing. Mainly because they noticed the two dancing.
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