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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell June 25th 2013, 2:56 pm

College sucks. Yu find out one of your friends turns out to be the host for an ancient demon creature, you are smarter than the dill-weeds that claim to be your intellectual superiors, and you end up getting your little brother kidnapped when some guy comes to take your life. Add that on top of the fact that you are terminally ill, a superhero, and have the weight of one of the world’s most successful companies on your shoulders. It turns out that this college thing is highly over-rated. Zell groaned and slunk through the streets where he once encountered the villainous monk Monochos, the one that prompted him to visit his old masters back in the temple. Monochos wasn’t wrong; he just had the wrong way to go about it.
For now Zell would need to just relax, the Ethereal toxicity in his blood was on a sharp incline due to the recent stress levels. The King of Fools had his brother captive, his best friend was originally the guy who tried to kill him a week ago, He was running one of the most elite task forces, and then all the things he had thought of before. Zell smiled at the thought that he may get grey hair at seventeen. Shara would not approve. He made the exit in the street that was still recovering form his and Monocho’s encounter, and he made his way to the community pool. Zell loved to swim which made it up there on his favorite pass-times. The problem with that was the fact his ‘time’ was never able to be passed due to his hectic life.
He entered the community pool house and got changed into his swim-team suit and threw his towel over his neck and let it draped from his shoulders like a priests stole. He kept chewing his lime flavored gum and walked into the pool area. The blackened-out windows made it impossible for anyone on the outside to see the almost majestically glowing blue pool. It looked like an entire pool filled with that ‘special water’ from ‘The Water Boy’ even in the dim lighting. The lighting was always dim at night, and it was midnight, so no one else was here. Zell tossed his towel to the side and dove into the fifteen foot deep pool. The water was where he was fastest; he could swim like a dolphin. It didn’t really make any sense. He used his reflexes and made small movements to create a vacuum in front of him that pulled him forward and so he could move faster in water than he could run on land.
He came up for air and almost pissed himself when he saw the thing in front of him.
(ooc: So you can do whatever you want with this and I’ll tag along from there, because I’m not exactly perfect at making intro’s lol.)

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip June 25th 2013, 3:25 pm

The windy city was not doing good things to this orca's skin... the harsh breeze drying out his normally moist completion and giving him an all around uncomfortable feeling... He panted as he walked and thudded though the city, searchign for something in particular. A source of water... Yes there was the beach, and how he love love loved the beach, one of the funnest places he'd ever been... however sadly, after a small incident he'd been issued a little city government edict to remain off the beaches for a while... A looong while. Suffice to say he had a bit too much fun.

However he'd heard rumors of another source of magical clean water, something called a swimmingpool! And it was open to the public! And since the edict clearly stated he wasn't allowed on any beach, he was guessing a pool was okay. Plus it was so late who would be swimming at this time of night? certainly not any police officers or national guardsmen... So he'd begun seeking it out, walking up every street and trying to squeeze down most alleyways looking for what he was guessing was a lake of sorts, but nothing.

He'd taken quite some time to find this pool, it seemed it was hidden out of site in some kind of building marked, public pool, who woulda thought right? Anyway, he made his way inside carefully, having to squeeze a bit to get though the door... and maybe widening the door frame a bit and slightly compromising it's structural integrity. However he was inside and he could smell the water right away.

It didn't smell like normal water, It wasn't salty or filled with minerals, it smelled... sterile... too clean. But it was water and it would do! It was also square and nowhere as big as a lake or pond, and looked to be constructed by these human creatures as well.... A man made body of water, how fascinating... and the water looked special too, somehow glowing a bit if looked at from a distance. These humen never ceased to amaze him!

He walked up to it and in the low light failed to notice the other person in the pool, figuring he was alone, the time being so late and all. With a big dumb grin he would take half a step back then lunge forward, curling up in the air just as the humanoid surfaced.

"CANNONBALL!", he would shout, coming down right where Zell would have almost wazzed himself.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell June 25th 2013, 3:43 pm

"Cannonball" A voice bellowed out. Zell couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was a goddamn whale-man. How did this thing-when did it-how!?
Zell took off in the water, moving out of the way, still getting hit by the massive tail. The thing almost gave him a concussion. He popped his head up and cracked his neck, looking around for the 'would-be Killer' whale. He glared at it and tried to uncover if it was a meta-human, and where it came from. New meta's popped up every day, so this shouldn't surprise him, but he wasn't exactly pleased to have met this one already. The water was his place to truly try and relax and shed off the troubles of his world, and even in his 'happy place' there were whale-men trying to sit on his face.
'This world is not exactly fufilling, and now even where I try and relax the bastards are picking fights.' Zell thought to himself. He observed that the entire poolhouse was dreched to the 'bone' so to speak. Even Zell's towel was not drenched, and Zell was certain that the voulme of the pool had been decreased by at least a few gallons. He wasn't sure if this was some dopy assassin that was sent, but then again it didn't look that way. It looked too inocnet maybe, or ignorant? Maybe it was both.
"Having fun?" He asked the whales with a bit of venom hidden in his words. He felt a dtirring anger inside him, one that he needed to quell, NOW.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip June 25th 2013, 4:39 pm

More than a few gallons that's for sure! the pool was lower by a whole two feet now! And that's after most of the water drained back in! At first when Zell would look around he wouldn't be able to find zip, because zip was right under him, but with a goofy grin the huge whale would surface and lay back, letting himself float and soak up the moistu- " GAHHH CHUUUUU!", he would sneeze quite loud and forcefully, causing waves to splash around in the pool.

"Heh woo *sniffle* whatever's in this water doesn't like my nose... or maybe it's the other way around", he chuckled sniffling again as his body was getting used to the chlorine.

He laid back and closed his eyes, letting himself re-hydrate and loving the feeling of his skin returning to it's natural smooth luster! The big oaf had also yet to notice the human in the pool with him till he heard a snarky remark come from somewhere around him. His eyes blinked open surprised as he lifted an arm and looked to the side to reveal a small humanoid in the water with him!

"Oh hullo! When did you get here? And yes! I am indeed enjoying the water in this swimming pool you humans have built! And thanks for that!... Are you enjoying yourself?", he gave a very excited grin back to the questioner before his nostril twitched suddenly.. and "ah.... ahhh... ahhh GAHHHHCHUUUUUU", he sneezed full force... and let's just say his nostrils weren't regularly cleaned out.

"Huh sorry, I think the magical substances in this water are giving me an adverse reaction... *sniffle*"

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell June 25th 2013, 9:07 pm

If the thing sneezed one more time... Zell was going to kill it, use it's liver for stew, use it's blubber for the lantern, and then cycle it for oil and decorate his bedroom with it's head! He didn't mind the sneezing, but it was the damn contents he spewed everywhere. Zell barely dodged everything and as the whale went to sneeze again he made his way for the exit of the water. Once he was safely out he went over to his chair, where he placed his towel and he wiped himself off. He needed to swim, water was where he relaxed, so maybe he could use the hot-tub. But the sneezing would make it near impossible to relax. Zell and his ever quick wit remembered that he carried an emergancy pen set. He looked to the orca and pointed at him.
"I'll be back in a second." Zell said, trying to be friendly. He went into the locker room and took out his 'Evo-safe', the drug he used as a form of 'antihistamine' to stop allergic reactions. He made it specifically to evolve with his body, so his secret allergy was never discovered. In theory the creature stood on two legs and Orca's are ammals, so this should work. He walked back into the room and took the serum and attached it to the A.V.A.T.A.R that ow sat on his left forearm. With that ready, he ordered the nanites to infiltrait the immune system of the Orca and deposit the medicine to stop him from sneezing. With a high pitched ring that lasted two seconds, the nanites that were invisible to the human eye were dispatched to their target. The orca wouldn't feel a thing, and it saved his life most likely. Zell smiled at him
"This is a little magic trick of mine, ready? In ten seconds you won't have to sneeze again. Ready? Go." Zell said, seeing if the creature would abide and wait. After ten seconds he had his answer regarding the effectiveness. Zell went over to the hot tub and sat down in the warm waters and began to relax again. The orca continued to do several annoying little things that shouldn't have bothered Zell, but they did. Zell gihed and decided that maybe some healthy convo might loosen him up.
"So, you got a name stranger?" Zell asked, trying to do the 'neighborly' thing.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip June 26th 2013, 4:12 am

Zip frowned as the human got out of the pool "Gah... woops sorry! Did I get you a bit?", he looked around head following the little guy while still laying on his back as zip was informed the human would be right back. "Oh okay... have fun... such a polite little fellah.. ", he smiled, laying back as the human went to go get his stuff or maybe go relieve himself... if humans did that... "Hmmm I dunno if they do... maybe i should add that to my list"

As the metahuman searched he'd hear another sneeze or two echo in the empty pool room the whale sniffling when he returned with some fancy gadget. "Ohhhh so what's this thing do?", he tilted his head and seemed to actually sit up a bit on the water somehow, in reality transposing the force of his hand to the bottom of the pool to give himself some leverage to see what was going on. "Really? heh golly gee thanks!", he smiled, using some human lingo he picked up with a bit of research to show his gratitude as he did feel a slight tingle as the nanites entered his alien systems.

as you the countdown would reach eight seconds zip's nose would start to tingle.... "Gahh.... GAH... ah.. .ahhhh ......gahhhhh GAHHHHCCH- eh... hehe hey look! It stopped!", he smiled the nanites working at the last second saving the pool room from another gooey explosion as Zip would look to the man entering the hot tub, seeing the bubbles and curiously floating over, head mostly below the water as he blurbled a bubble ridden thank you before surfacing a bit and poking at the tub.

"Oh, the name's Zip , Oh!... heh and don't worry! I have the same problem sometimes!", he chuckled thinking you were making those bubbles making a few of his own in the normal pool... oh my~

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell June 26th 2013, 10:38 pm

This was really a bit too much for Zell all at once. This poor creature was probably a little too stupid to realize how much it didn't fit in here. He just tried to relax in the hot tub and pressed a few buttons on his A.V.A.T.A.R which turned on a little bit of music in his head through electronic pulsations stimulating the subconcious memory of the song he wanted to listen to. He kept observing the whale as it moved through the water with ease, and Zell almost envied him for it. Zell wasn't quite sure which song he wanted to hear, so he let his A.V.A.T.A.R pick a random song from hsi memory. The song was one of his favorites and it always made him tear up a little. He just watched the massive creature derp around like a lovable lugg and left him alone to do his thing. The only thing Zell could hope is that this Zip 'guy' didn't come to the hot tub.
"So, Zip?"Zell asked as if checking to make sure he got the name right. "Where you from?" Zell asked, the music tuning down to play as a soft background to the converation.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip June 30th 2013, 5:32 pm

Zip was indeed having such fun. Especially given the limited space. He swam about and turned and spun in the water happily, feeling it's cool fluidity flow over his soft skin as he would seem to always turn at just the last second in the limited area. He seemed pretty graceful for a large gassy whale.

It wasn't long before he got curious... this human couldn't have been making all those bubbles. He would pull himself up out of the pool, his slick skin not staying apparently wet for long as he thudded over to the hot tub and poked a fat finger into the water. ohhhuhohhh...", he seemed surprised and amazed. Not only did he feel the warmth, but he felt rhythmic vibrations of some kind traveling though the water.

"Where am I from? Oh i'm from the modular plane, Atlantis regiment. Right near the fallen planet. Ya know?", he smiled as he began to put his feet into the hot tub... would there even be enough room for both of them?!

"So where are you from human?", he smiled as it this was the most normal thing in the world. Course it wasn't, and even after swimming zip smelled pretty bad up close. " Oh and by chance you wouldn't have anything to eat would you?", he smiled as he looked around at all the bubbles, making happy murrmuring sounds at the warmth.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell June 30th 2013, 10:57 pm

Zell's superior sense of smell was his downfall. What many peopel couldn't smell, he could. What peple could smell, he smelled about ten times more intensly. Many things had made him accustome to this, but a smelly whale wasn't one of them. He thought he was going to throw up.
"Where am I from? Oh i'm from the modular plane, Atlantis regiment. Right near the fallen planet. Ya know?" The thing said innocently enough. Zell's jaw dropped. If he was correct then that would mean that this creature was form a completely different plane. Ifhe was wrong than this poor meta's mind was hooribly twisted.
"So where are you from human?" Zip asked. This thing was obviously an alien, it's genetic signiture had absolute no match at all, not even a common ancestor to a omo-sapien.
"I'm from Ireland, raised in between the United states, and then in Excalibur City, in Canada. I actuallly am the CEO and owner of a company there that deals with genetics and such. That's probably all boring for you though." Zell said as he nodded. Wit the sudden growl of the creature's stomach his eyes widened. Was the creature hungry enough to try and eat him? It's mistake if it did, if not then there would be little problem.
"" Oh and by chance you wouldn't have anything to eat would you?" Zip asked. Zell rolled his eyes with a smile. At least it didn't want to eat a fellow mammal.
"I have an idea. Follow me" Zell said as he got out of the pool.
He went into the locker room, and went behind the changing curtain, hopng to God that the thing understood personal boundaries. When he was finally dry and changed he came out and led the whale to a local restaurant and Zell went in to tell the people he and his new friend would be dining outdoors. With that, Zell took Zip over to a table and they sat down. Zell quickly warned the Whale not to sit on the chair, or he'd probably bend the fine metal. Zell just had him hold on until the waiter came to take the order. Zell gulped audibly and rubbed the back of his head. HE assumed this guy had no money, and that he could probably eat a lot. Good thing Zell was a wealthy human. Despite his vast wealth, this was going to hurt.
"Lobser Thermador, and I'll pick up the check for my friend here." Zell said. the Waiter just looked shocked at him. "Yeah, I know..."

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip July 4th 2013, 3:46 pm

Zip had actually yet to try human, and admittedly he was curious, though he happily restrained his curiosity as he didn't want to frighten the poor little creatures. "Hehe woa! sounds like you travel a lot!!', the whale smiled as the human would exit the hot tub, seemign actually interested in the human's origins. "So... is this Canada in a different plane? Or is it another nation? Do they have fast food places there too? I mean, I know back in the modular we never had any food like that! heh, oh and What's it like there? In this Ire Land? Is Ire the name of the Guy who rules it?~~~~~~~`" and so he continued his stream of naive questions about this curious human... and no, he had no respect for boundaries.

Zip pulled open the curtain while the little pale thing was changing. "Ohhh, and do Atlantaree live there too? In fact have you ever seen an Atlantaree before? Actually I think we only live on the modular plane... Except me of course! I Live here now!", He gave a toothy grin before he was lead further. Soon brought out into the city, people on the street giving him surprised and shocked glares as he only gave kind smiles and waves in return as his feet on occasion cracked the concrete.

A restaurant... not a smart move for one wanting to watch their small or large fortune. "Really? you're Paying! heh that's so kind of you! Ya see, i'm actually pretty short on money, I haven't really been able to find a job... everyone just says their not hiring, heh, but makes sense with so many of you humen running around all over the place eh?... hehe well don't worry! I'll probably only get one or two things, this stuff doesn't seem to expensive either.... I've been studying your human money yo see!", he chuckled and looked at the menu for a moment before asking. "Oh.. waiter... For the tuna.. how many actual fish comes with the order, it doesn't say... oh and the lobster says two.. that's dozen right?", he smiled, the chair creaking under him... well two chairs side by side... you really think one would hold him?

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell July 4th 2013, 10:44 pm

Zell didn’t mind the barrage of questions, but he did in fact mind the lack of personal space. He could answer all of those questions rather easily, but the smell of this thing was not an easy thing to adjust to. Zell even resorted to making some of his own nanites inject him with a non-detrimental dose of toxin to his nose, to shut down his senses of smell. With the smell issue resolved, he was able to answer without problem.
”Canada is to the north, it’s only a different nation, not a different plane. Yes there is fast food there, and many places all over the place. Ireland? It’s pretty nice, I actually have only a few memories, but the pictures I’ve seen are beautiful. No Ire is not the name of the person who rules it.” Zell said with a chuckle at the last question. If Zell knew anyone with the name Ire he’d never be able to take them seriously.
Zip pulled open the curtain while the little pale thing was changing. "Ohhh, and do Atlantaree live there too? In fact have you ever seen an Atlantaree before? Actually I think we only live on the modular plane... Except me of course! I Live here now!" He said, full of a bubbly happiness that was almost contagious. When the mass of lovable happiness walked, it would occasionally crack the concrete and he just seemed to be the happiest guy in the world as his mind sponged in all the information it could. It was like walking next to fucking Santa Clause.
Zip pulled the curtain open and Zell instinctively covered himself. He was livid, and really embarrassed, but he ruled that privacy would be taught very, very soon. ”No, there are no Atlantaree, never seen your species before in my life in all honesty. I also hope that if you’re going to live in the plane you will learn that you can’t simply open changing areas bud.” Zell said as kindly as possible.
[color=chartreuse]”Well maybe you should get a tutor if you’re really studying the concept of currency.”[/color ]Zell said as he laughed in shock at the order that was presented, Zell received his order, Lobster Thermador, and at it slowly. Since the events that began his slow path to his ‘ascension’ Zell found that he needed less and less food to sustain himself. Zell wanted to offer the whale a job, but he had no idea what it could possibly do. It was rare to find an ‘Equal-opportunity’ employer with the meta-gene coursing in your blood. Or if you had plain old ‘Freak of Nature’ in your blood too. Zell wasn’t curious enough to ask about anything in specific, and while he had tons of questions he didn’t think he’d get more than one out before his inquisitive ’friend’ managed to have itself armed with a barrage of questions.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip July 15th 2013, 1:29 pm

Zip smiled at the dumbfounded waiter, and just kept smiling and smiling until the waiter regained his sanity enough to stutter "I'll see what we can do sir", before scurrying off prompting Zip to look back to his new human friend with that glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Oh and sorry about back in the showers, I don't know too much about your human customs, but i'm learning, like I know your supposed to use these small weapons to eat with!" , he smiled using one finger to hold up the fork and knife together smiling proud of hi knowledge and happy to be learning.

Ah finally after a little wait and more silly inquires the food would arrive, the human getting his lobster and zip getting several lobsters and a few fresh unprepared fish from the back, special to order it seemed. And now he would forcefully stab the fish with the fork and shove the whole thing into his mouth, giggling with the little flipper sticking out his mouth as he slurped it up not chewing... even though it was a bit noisy now'd probably be the best time to ask questions.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell July 16th 2013, 8:01 pm

Zell was highly uncomfortable witht the whole showers incident so he just ignored it and shook his head as if it were nothing. Finally the place brought Zip's food, and Zell smirked, amused at the fact that he might have well just bought out the restaurant right there. Zell was able to quickly eat half of his own, before feeling full enough to satisfy him for a week.
    "So what are your people like?" he asked innocently enough

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by SuperMeip July 16th 2013, 8:10 pm

Zip looked up curiously at the question blinking with his solid yellow eyes as he swallowed the tuna whole... yep the whoollle tuna.... all of it in one big gulp. "Hurk urrp... hehe well um... eh... well my people ... they're ... not the nicest...", he nodded picking up a lobster and examining it a bit poking it to see if it was still alive or now, which it wasn't, it was buttered and fried, but instead of cracking off the shell he tossed it in his big mouth as well and began to chew it up, continuing to talk while chewing. mmmm but yeh, The atlantaree are a military race, we were created *crunch* mm hehe nice... we were created to be like tanks and to crush anyoen who opposed our creators! The perfect fighting machines!", he slammed his fist on the table for dramatic effect, all the food bouncing up in the air and landing in it's proper place.. though the table may warble a bit from then on.

"But yea... they kicked me out cause I was too unconventional and killed my parents and I don't really like to talk about my people much anymore... ", he finished with a swallow burping up some bits of shells only to pick up some of the bigger chunks and eat them again.... ewww

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Empty Re: So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip)

Post by Zell July 24th 2013, 10:08 pm

This creature was utterly fascinating. Repulsive, but that was easy for someone like Zell to look over. He sat and watched as the whale-man ate and became content. Zell wanted to ask many more questions about his people, however he respected the privacy and the lack of inclination to speak about his people. Especially after having mentioned that his family was killed.
      "Alright, I'm fine with that. So what about you? Do you have any questions for me?" Zell asked him with a smile.

So a whale and a kid walk into a pool... (closed to Zip) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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