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Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 17th 2013, 12:33 am

It was a Friday evening, and Eve had finally gotten off from work. Sure, she would have loved to make heroing her full time job, but even heroes needed funds and jobs to keep them secure and well, alive. She glanced at her watch and decided it was time to do some rounds through the city to see if she could stop any stupid people from make stupid decisions. Chicago was full of them, and she could barely stand to be in the same area as such wrongdoing filth. She’d deal with it, though. She’d just have to fix the city one mugger at a time.

She sighed and slung her handbag over her shoulder. She always put on her hero outfit under her clothes after work, so that there’d be no difficulties or discrepancies with her identity. She was wearing modest clothing, nothing too flashy that could attract attention or anything. She hated attention anyway. She hated being called 'hot' by anybody - men and women alike. She was the complete opposite of ‘hot’ and if they knew that they wouldn’t be such assholes about the whole thing.

She considered stopping by a pharmacy to pick up some medicine. It took too long to get there from where she was if she took the normal route, so of course she decided she’d use a shortcut. It consisted of walking through relatively dark alleyways and climbing up fire escapes to get there, but it cut the travelling time but 9 minutes and 23 seconds. Of course, as the dark grew nearer, it was probably not the world’s best idea but she decided to do it anyway. If she bumped into any ‘bad guys’ on the way, she’d gladly take care of them.

Eve wasn’t stupid by any means. She knew that if she bumped into a huge gang of muggers, she’d probably need some backup in order to take them down. She had enough skill to take down probably 3 or 4 at the same time, but anything more was going to be a hassle. Of course, it was just her luck that just so happens a large group of guys - she suspected they were druggies - were loitering in the alleyway that she so enjoyed using.

“Oi, what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a dark place like this?” called one of them, “It’s a Friday night, how ‘bout we have a little fun?” He placed a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged it off. Human germs were probably the worst kinds of germs.

“I don’t conspire with idiots,” she replied, turning around on her heel and starting off. There were 9 of them and one of her; she wasn’t going to risk it unless by some miraculous act of heroism, another person appeared. She didn’t count on it, the probability of that happening was rather slim. She had a feeling they'd still continue to bother her. They smelt like drugs and alcohol anyway, there was no way they had the sobriety or consciousness to stop themselves from being dumb.

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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 17th 2013, 11:13 am

It was Friday night and The Ranger, or Rey Miller as the other members of Knightwatch knew him, was sitting in front of the all powerful super computer that was years ahead of its time built by none other than the Black Knight. Sure, most people would be out having the time of their lives, hanging with their family, or working. But you see Rey didn’t have much to do, he had no immediate family members, and hadn’t had to work for a case that required his attention at every waking moment in quite some time. So, instead he was sitting in Knightwatch lair trying to figure out who he should recruit for the group as they would need more members if they ever planned to be as big as G.U.N. once was.

After a couple minutes of shuffling through police records and surveillance cameras around Chicago, as well as Atlanta as he still had sanction there as well, he noticed Campeon come back in from patrol and grinned. Finally it was his turn to head out and have some fun of his own; pulling his hood down over his head and pulling his gloves on he grabbed his long bow and took off. Not without of course making sure Campeon know he had computer duty for the next hour or so until Mael or Force showed up to relieve him of the duty of course. Other than that Ranger didn’t care what happened at the base because he knew his team could handle it.

Within minutes Ranger, being one of the fastest men alive, had taken in most of Chicago and was about to sit down in boredom as nothing was going on until of course he saw something that did catch his eye. There he was standing on top of a building looking down into a dark alleyway and he saw a group of men stand up and start to surround an innocent looking female. Now, he didn’t react just yet as he had to be sure they were actually going to mug the young lad first before he could make his move, but he already had two tranquilizer arrows loaded into his long bow ready to take flight as soon as he pulled back and let them fly. Which was much quicker than he had anticipated of course as one of the men rested their hand on her shoulder and she turned heel and went to move away only for the other eight to circle around her. That was no way to treat a lady.

When they circled she got her miraculous act of heroism, as not another person but two arrows soaring through the air appeared and quickly took down the two men closest to her. This made the odds a bit more in her favor as now there were only seven more men to deal with and with a snare arrow fired off next it entangled another man as Ranger ran down the wall as fast as he could to join her side. Now it was six to two, the odds were much more in their favor and The Crimson Archer brandished his bow letting the other six know just who they were messing with. For their sakes he hoped they were smart enough to turn heel and run away themselves. But secretly he hoped they didn’t, Ranger had not had a good fight in quite some time. Not sense the Knightwatch recruitment night had he had any real fun.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 17th 2013, 10:20 pm

Eve watched as the arrows shot past her from seemingly nowhere, taking out two of the guys. She saw through the corner of her eye another arrow which took down one more. She might have found it strange, but she wasn’t the kind of person to look a gift horse in the mouth. That left 6, which was a much more manageable number in comparison. She quickly took to her fighting stance, glancing at the man who had decided to join her down on the ground.

“Why you little shit,” one said, “Imma bash your head in, I will.” If there was one thing Eve truly loathed, it was people who were unable to conjure up proper sentences without all that ‘slang’ that people seemed to love.

She muttered a quick “Thanks,” and returned her attention to the remaining 6 men. She silently hoped that they would leave, but knowing those kinds of people, they were stubborn enough to continue the fight. One of them approached her, throwing a punch aimed at her head. She ducked and swooped her leg along the ground and under his feet. It’s safe to say that he fell over.

She took a deep breath and began to emit her cold aura, slowly causing her immediate surroundings to lower in temperature. It was her way of trying to intimidate people, and to tell them to screw off. She threw a punch at one of them, and then used her handbag to smack them down. It was always good to keep some heavy things in a handbag, just in case you needed to use it as a possibly lethal weapon. Truthfully speaking, Eve found fighting crime was a pretty good workout, and a good chance for her to practice all the skills she got to learn in lessons. There was no point taking lessons if you were never going to put them into practical use.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 17th 2013, 11:27 pm

Bash someone’s head in will he? Well that certainly wasn’t going to happen on The Ranger’s watch, not if he had anything to say about it of course; and oh look he did. While the same man raced at the female she quickly kicked his legs out from underneath him before heading after another man with a punch to the gut. Needles to say he didn’t go down as quickly as one would hope but the handbag to the face certainly did the job, and earned a low whistle from the hooded archer. Although it was his turn to show off once more, and show off he would as he slung the long bow over his back letting it join the quiver there. Two down, five more to go.

Two of the men having seen what he could do quickly rushed Rey and went to tackle the hooded archer to the ground hoping to get rid of the biggest threat. But, they of course were not going to get the chance to carry out their terribly laid out plan because as soon as they moved The Ranger reacted. He had trained under the Black Arrow and the Black Knight sense he started this hero thing and nothing in a fight surprised him anymore and there were not many people who could keep up with him anymore and those that could were exceptional fighters just as he himself was. Moving quicker than most human eyes could recognize Rey was behind the men and quickly jabbed his fists at the spot on their legs behind the knees having them fall to the ground. After that was done he smacked them in the back of the heads knocking them out. Two more were down which of course only left three more back alleyway thugs left.

Having taken out most of the thugs that were here Ranger knew his work of course was not done being as there was three left but when he felt a slight chill rise in the area he wondered just what this girl could do. Pinpointing the sudden drop of temperature down to her as she seemed to be the only one not affected by it other than he of course. Yet, his reasoning was mainly because his aunts and uncles lived in Buffalo New York and he had played Ice Hockey sense he was four years old. So, in most cases a the cold did not tend to bother him anymore such as now. But, with the clothes she was wearing even a slight chill like the one they were now experiencing would be enough to produce a shiver out of her.

That and seeing her take out two thugs much bigger than her interested the man in the crimson hood and so he stood back a bit, resting where he was as he took a breath to watch her in action. If of course it seemed she needed help he would be quick to step in and deliver any sort of help she needed but from what he had seen it was obvious she was at least trained and knew what she was doing unlike the fools they were up against who blindly leaped into action without thought or cause to what would happen when they moved in to make their attack. Not only would he of course get to see her in action he’d get to take a quick break, which he sorely needed after running around for the past half hour, he may be super fast but super durable he was not.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 18th 2013, 12:01 am

There was something about her temporary fighting partner that interested her. Well actually, there were a few things, like how good he was with a bow and arrow, and how quick he seemed to be on his feet. Super speed she suspected, for no normal human could move with such fleetness. Knocking down the thugs was no problem for him. He was quite the formidable foe to the thugs; then again anyone with any brain cells would be a formidable foe to them.

She took two of them down with ease. They weren’t trained, so obviously they didn’t truly know how to fight. Throwing hard punches wasn’t proportional to the person’s ability to fight. She trained for years to get to the standard that she was at; there was no way she was going to let herself be taken done by some random thugs. With some quick scanning and calculation, it left her with one left to deal with. His body seemed to be shaking, either from fear of the fact the rest of his crew were down, or from the sudden coldness of the surroundings. He pulled out a pocket knife and ran towards her. Knives did pretty much nothing to her, but she still didn’t want any guy to just try to stab her.

She just sighed, admiring the cold mist for just a moment, before ducking under his knife arm, wrapping her arms around his waist. She stood up, lifting the man with her. He was quite heavy, she wouldn’t deny that, but the heavier they were, the harder they fell. She bent her back backwards, as if making a gymnastics bridge, and let the momentum cause the thug’s head to hit the ground with a hard ‘crack’.

Once that was done, she stood up and dusted herself off. She hadn’t even broken a proper sweat, but then again she did have a pretty good stamina. She pondered on whether she could have taken the group alone, but she decided that it would still be unwise to take on large groups, no matter how ill-trained they were. Eve appreciated the help, she truly did. She turned to look at the hooded archer and nodded at him in acknowledgement. She glanced to his bow, and considered investing in the creation of some of her own weapons.

“Good job,” she said as she slung her handbag over her shoulder again. She motioned to the knocked out thugs with her thumb and shrugged, “Idiots. The lot of them.”

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 18th 2013, 12:25 am

The Ranger smiled as he watched the quick fight that transpired before him and once again admired the girl’s handy work. She was truly a good fighter and with some training could be an even better fighter that much he was sure of but then again judging her off of just a quick fight with a couple of common street rats was more than likely not the best thing to do. But, that didn’t really matter all that much to Rey at that point in time. Although he did have a very enhanced brain when he got stuck on something it was all one way and not much could deter him off the path he was headed down. This time it just so happened to be the mystery not so damsel in distress, and wondering what else it was she could do.

“Yes, well they are just the common street rats. You fight well for an ‘average’ let me guess some form of karate or other self defense classes yes?” He said while he walked to each and all of the unconscious bodies around them checking their pulse to make sure that neither he nor the girl had gone too far in this act of self defense. Thankfully neither of them had not even her with the last skull bashing back bend had gone far enough to ‘un-alive’, as a friend put it, the men that threatened her not so long ago. He was impressed that much he’d admit she knew what she was doing it seemed and that of course required him to introduce himself. “Normally I’d jet at this time but you impressed me, so call me Ranger, and just who are you? What else can you do, besides the obvious cold front and being able to handle three to four ‘armed thugs’?”

With the question posed he stepped forward and extended his hand to allow her to shake it if she so desired, if not he placed his hand back down by his side. When he stepped closer of course the moonlight shined just perfectly on his face illuminating it for a moment allowing more of his facial features to be seen. If she took a quick glance at his face she’d see his stunning brown eyes and perhaps even his dirty blonde hair, maybe she’d even be able to make out his chin structure or something but nothing more. Ranger on the other hand, having time to now, seized up the female he had fought alongside and noticed that she was attractive in her own way. She reminded him of a less bulkier version of Rebecca and this almost brought a tear to his eye as the image of his deceased fiancé was brought to his mind but he quickly swept it away, not wanting her to catch anything on him.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 18th 2013, 1:23 am

If asked, Eve would admit that her moves had been rather sloppy. She could have probably taken down the thugs two or three moves earlier. She had probably just grown a bit complacent in the fact she knew they had nothing on her. She took a deep breath and stopped her aura from lowering the temperature even further. The cold would probably take some time to slowly disperse, but at least it wasn’t getting any colder. Not that she felt it anyway, everything was always just a tad bit too hot for her.

“Black belt in Tae Kwon Do,” she replied, “I do a few others too, karate is one of them, so you would be partially correct.” Eve watched as he went around each of the thugs, checking to see if they were still alive after that beating. Eve wasn’t the kind of person to kill someone for thinking they’re tough, but she would darn right put them in their place. Some thugs just needed a good beating sometimes, to get it through their thick skull that they are just wasting their lives away with what they did.

Eve stared at the hand for a moment, and took it tentatively, giving it a firm shake before pulling her hand away. Her hands were probably almost ice cold to the touch. “You impressed me too, Ranger. You’ve got good aim and you’re quite fast from what I saw,” she paused, then continued, “I would hardly call them armed thugs. More like idiotic rapscallions. Call me Shiver. Usually I’m dressed more appropriately to suit the name, but not tonight.”

She examined his face in the moonlight, trying to figure out the few features that were illuminated. Those piercing brown eyes were the most apparent of all his features. She hadn’t seen eyes like that in a while. He seemed to stare at her as if she reminded him of someone, but that was what she suspected anyway. People always looked different when they saw something that sparked their memory. Then again, she could be wrong, she was just going on assumptions really.

“I fight crime with the cold, is what I do. I take it that you do the same, but with arrows and speed instead.” she said, “I’m curious as to find out what else you have up your sleeves.”

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 18th 2013, 11:37 am

Idiotic rapscallions? Well that was certainly one way of putting it, and was quite a funny one at that; at least to Ranger it was. The name she gave him, Shiver, seemed oddly appropriate to her noticeable power of somehow making it colder wherever she may be. That and the fact that shaking her hand also gave him a chill that ran through his body when her skin touched his gloved hand. The fact that she did give him a pseudo name and that she said she was usually dressed more appropriate for these situations cued him n on the fact that she was not just some average civilian but instead a super heroin or vigilante as the government was calling them now quite like himself.

The ‘question’ posed on how he fights crime with arrows and speed earned a nod of the head from the hooded archer. “Yes, I mean with a name like The Ranger I sure as hell better use some sort of ranged weapon to fight crime, and bows and arrows are so much more fun than guns. That and they’re harder to master giving one a bigger challenge than simply pulling a trigger and hoping for the best.” He said giving a bit of a longwinded explanation on why he used bows and arrows but also just talking for the fun of it, usually if you made a situation easy with someone they too would be more kind to talk and finding out more about Shiver was certainly what The Ranger wanted. Hell, if he didn’t know more about her he certainly could not ask her to join Knightwatch now could he? Sure, he could go use the super computer back at the Lair to find ut what he wanted but it was more fun getting the information straight from the source.

“What else I have up my sleeve?” He said turning invisible before her eyes and then ran up the fire escape to the top of the building where he turned visible and using his enhanced sight he scanned her trying to find some small piece to point out or show that would be enough to prove he had enhanced vision. Oh, sure he probably shouldn’t be letting her know all the powers he had but if he didn’t show he trusted her than she would not be up to trusting him and then where would that lead? No where good that’s where, because he wouldn’t be able to recruit her that’s why! “Nice work clothes although the blue under suit, which I’m guessing is your hero outfit, defiantly more your style.” He said after he was back down on the ground and standing in front of her once more. "Your turn by the way, what else can you do?"

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 19th 2013, 4:30 am

Eve was definitely not just some average citizen of Chicago. She wasn’t even from Chicago in the first place. She was still sceptical over just who this caped crusader seemed to be. Sure, she knew he was a good shot with a bow and arrow, but she wasn’t going to just give him her real name. There was no point, anyway. Nobody really needed to know it unless they were colleagues, and they were definitely not colleagues.

“You truly live up to your name then,” she said, “Sometimes it’s nice to have a challenge. It’s fun to see how far you can really take it.” Of course, Eve’s definition of fun was strikingly different from what a normal person would call ‘fun’. Then again, she wasn’t a normal person at all, and she accepted that. “Guns do have their pros as well, but I believe that it is just a matter of preference over technicality.” Eve didn’t really want to say much of anything about herself. She saw no real point in wasting time and air on talking about herself.

She watched as the man before her disappeared. If she was startled, she did a good job at not showing it. She thought that maybe he had gone somewhere else, but then she heard his voice from up above. Eve craned her neck to look, and saw him standing there. Impressive she thought to herself. It was definitely a power suited for sneaking around. She nodded her approval and watched as his figure seemed to disappear and reappear on the ground again.

“Blue is a nice colour,” she said, “I’ve not got much. What you saw just now is all I’ve got.” She considered mentioning something else, but she didn’t want to risk it. All he needed to know was that she was a good fighter and that she was cold. “You’re a very talented young man, from what I can see. Good that you’re using it for the benefit of the people instead of the benefit of yourself.” Maybe what she said was a bit brash, but Eve didn’t really care. It was what she thought, and she truly was impressed by all that he could do.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 20th 2013, 10:46 pm

So she was the whole what you see is what you get kind of person then. That certainly blew away some of the mysteriousness she had going for her but was he truly one to be speaking, or thinking, when he had just shown her all of his own powers and thus blew away all of his own mysteriousness. But hey, sometimes it was best to go with the flow and have fun with it than to slink back into the depressing brooding jerk he really was. That was certainly a part of him she did not need to know or come across just yet, and he wasn’t planning on letting anyone from the team see it either. Why should he be a mood ruiner by dragging them all down with him?

As he was listening to her speak about how he was a good person and all for using his powers for the greater good and not for himself, Ranger could only nod. With how his life has been up until this point there have been many times when he thought he was going to cross that imaginary line that once stepped over one couldn’t return from. He wondered if he ever did cross that line would anyone even care, or notice, or even blame him for taking that small step? With everything he’s been through it surprised even him at times that he hadn’t yet crossed over to the ‘other side’, metaphorically speaking, and become one of the villains he stands up to and defends the world from every night.

Right as that final thought crossed his mind a police siren could be heard roaring down the street not too far from where they now stood. A slight smile etched it’s way onto the face of the hooded archer as he turned to face Shiver one more time. “Well what do you say Shiver, care to join my in stopping whatever it is that has caught the police’s attention?” This would most certainly be one way to get to see her in action once more and asses is she was truly ready to join Knightwatch now or if he would need to keep an eye on her for when she was ready to step it up to the big leagues.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 21st 2013, 12:19 am

Maybe it was the cold front that Eve put up that gave the facade that she was a mysterious girl, but in all honesty she was mostly a plain jane type of person with superpowers. She never liked standing out or being the centre of attention. That was hard when her main goal was to do good and fight crime. Vigilantes can only stay out of the media’s attention for so long, after all. A mask and a pseudonym was all she could do to mask her identity for the time being. Honestly, she felt uncomfortable talking to the hooded stranger without her mask on. Sometimes, concealment of an identity just gave you the courage and confidence to do a lot more than when your identity was exposed.

She enjoyed the momentary bout of silence as they both seemed to drift off into their own thoughts. She wondered how many other heroes were scattered across Chicago. The city had enough crime to cater for a rather large proportion of heroes, after all.

When she heard the police sirens from a distance, she had already decided that it was time to act. She reached into her handbag and put on her mask. Eyes were probably the most easily identifiable thing in a person, in her opinion. In an alleyway, she didn’t mind being seen due to the darkness, but she would rather be anonymous outside of it, especially when the police were involved.

“Well, Ranger, let’s just say that I’m always ready,” she replied as she quickly stuffed her work clothes into her handbag. She much preferred being in her supersuit. It was easier to move around in and just overall great. Sure, she still had to carry around her handbag, but hey what’s a hero without a weapon? “Come on,” she said, as she started off to wherever the sirens were headed.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 21st 2013, 12:58 pm

A quick change out of the work clothes and it seemed Shiver was ready to go and even took off before Ranger did. Tonight was certainly going to get a lot more interesting, it was time to get to work and stop whatever crime was going on before it was too late that is. When he took off he sped forward and up to Shiver only to slow down momentarily to keep speed with her. Super speed certainly was not in her little trait of powers which Ranger could understand of course, not many people were as fast as he was but the few he had met weren’t the best of people. They were either too cocky or too arrogant…which of course were just about the same thing. “I’ll meet you there…don’t fall too far behind.” Ranger said to Shiver before taking off down the street at his top speed of five hundred and fifty miles an hour.

Quickly catching up to and following the route that the police cars were on the Crimson Archer arrived at the scene of none other than a bank. Who would have guessed that a bank robbery was on the ‘villain’ menu tonight? Weren’t bank robberies a little cliché now a days? When were they going to try something different, something a little more exciting like a hostage situation or even an old fashioned stand off? Something like that would certainly be fun to try and stop. Though of course Ranger didn’t truly want a villain to do either of those and put someone’s life other than his in harms way of course.

Upon arriving at the scene he could just make out the words being spoken over the police siren that this was in fact a hostage situation as well. It seemed that the rent-a-cop inside had surprised the robbers and one of them quickly grabbed a hostage in response and was now holding the young child at gun point. Looked like Ranger got his wish after all… this was certainly not going to end well unless he thought of something quick. Which of course he did, but it would involve Shiver and to use her in the plan she would need to get there sometime soon so he could relay the information to her. If she didn’t than he would have to resort to some other plan that could possibly work just as well but wouldn’t be as…safe.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 21st 2013, 9:34 pm

“Of course,” Eve sighed as she watched the speedster rush off at god-knows how many miles per hour. She wasn’t as fast, that was for sure, but she was fast enough. She didn’t chase after him - that would be absurd - but followed the police cars instead. Eve had enough stamina to run at her top speed constantly, which meant she could get to the bank at a decent enough time. To her, speedsters seemed to be all the same. They were show-boaters, even when they tried not to be.

Most people would have collapsed after running top speed for some time, but Eve hadn’t even broken a sweat from the run. When the bank came into view as she ran, she sighed. Bank robberies were probably the most annoying of all crimes to commit. They caught such high media attention, and people were often just stupid enough to think they could pull it off. Of course, bank heists were only good for villains who wanted to attract media attention, in her opinion. Though, in the end, Eve preferred it being a bank heist rather than some mass murder case.

She stopped next to the Ranger when she arrived, looking up at him. “Just a normal bank heist or is there a bomb planted that they need such a big crew of police to deal with?” In her mind, she was considering all the different methods of stopping a bank heist. She put into consideration all the possible factors, like if there was a bomb or something similar. Of course, quite a large majority of those plans needed more than one person. It would be stupid trying to stop a bank robbery alone anyway. That would only put yourself and others in danger.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by The Ranger July 21st 2013, 10:25 pm

She thought this was a normal bank heist? She must have not been a hero in the Chicago area long if she thought any bank heist was anything close to being called normal. Not with the Crime Syndicate running about, anything that involved thievery was not normal. “You really must be new to Chicago… there are no bombs as far as the police can tell but they have a child hostage held at gun point and one hostage held up in the vault. There are five men inside collecting the cash and social security numbers and what not. This of course isn’t counting the man holding the gun to the child’s head. ” Ranger said relaying his somewhat formulated plan through his head once more while Shiver processed the situation.

“I do have a plan but I need to know if you will be up for it…” He said giving her time to answer before continuing on with what exactly that plan was. “I am going to go and run you into the bank behind the counter where hopefully you’ll be out of sight. There you should be able to make the room colder with your power…hopefully this will at least frighten or spook the man with the gun. From there I’ll race over and steal said gun, before moving into the vault to deal with the men collecting the money. Once you’ve dealt with the now weaponless man you can join me in the vault.” By the time she came to join him he hoped, if everything went according to plan, there would be no need for her to do much more and as he still wasn’t sure of all she could do that’s exactly what he wanted.

Not exactly having all the time in the world he gave her just enough time to run the plan through her mind before sweeping her off her feet, “Don’t swallow any flies.” He said taking off and into the bank, going behind the counter where he set her down now on his knees as well. From the gun man’s position he could not see either of them which of course was what The Ranger wanted in the first place. Taking a couple breaths Ranger waited for Shiver to make room to start getting colder. When it got cold enough for him to see his breath, usually in the movies meaning a ghost was around, he turned invisible and silently ran over snagging the gun out of the man’s hand when he went to blow into his now cold hands. Without stopping he rushed away and back into the vault dropping the gun he whistled at the surprised bank robbers. His part of the main idea was over, now it was up to Shiver to save the hostage.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Friday evenings are the worst (Open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Friday evenings are the worst (Open) Empty Re: Friday evenings are the worst (Open)

Post by Shivver July 21st 2013, 11:22 pm

“I’m not from Chicago,” she replied. Eve thought it would have been obvious. Of course, she did not know much about any Crime Syndicate running around. She just thought all that happened was just a series of unfortunate events. “Okay, that sounds good,” she said with a nod. Of course she didn’t mean ‘good’ in a good sense, but a good in the sense that she understood the information he was relaying to her. She wondered how they might be able to save the hostage, running a few more ideas through her head before looking up to Ranger to listen to his plan.

“I’m up for anything,” she said. The plan seemed good enough for her. It was simple and therefore probably couldn’t be messed up. She was going to make sure that the hostage did not get hurt, no matter what. She took a deep breath and allowed for him to sweep her up and run into the bank. She was glad she didn’t have super speed because she honestly thought it was the most surreal feeling in the world.

She sighed and began to emit her cold aura, allowing the area to slowly drop in temperature. The cold was often associated with intimidation, and that was probably what she was best at. She watched as he dashed off to grab the gun. With that done, she leapt over the counter and aimed a kick straight to the confused gunman’s head. The man fell over, and she gave him a punch in the face to make sure that he was thoroughly knocked out. The poor child hostage was startled and crying, to which Eve just gave them a pat on the head. She picked them up and ran out of the bank, passing them over to one of the police to deal with before running back inside to back up the Ranger.

Her part of the plan was done, but if he needed any help, she would be there to give them a firm roundhouse kick to the face. Though, from the looks of it he seemed to have it handled.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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