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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Empty Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

Post by Warlach572 July 11th 2013, 12:50 pm

Harpoon stood on the beach and looked out over the ocean while thinking about his efforts in fighting crime. "This isn't working. I can't combat all evil by myself. I need allies." He muttered to himself. He wasn't making a dent in the evil in the world. He needed to be a part of something bigger, something stronger than himself. "But what?" He wondered aloud. Superhero teams were a thing of comic books, weren't they? He shook his head and turned his back on the waves off the ocean.

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Number of posts : 45
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Registration date : 2013-07-09

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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Empty Re: Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

Post by Thorgron July 13th 2013, 12:02 pm

Scott sped through the foreign Australian streets. Not the kind of place he usually found himself, but OCEAN's watch spanned the globe. And he was not going to avoid a conflict just because it was far off. He had been drawn here today by a strange occurrence in the eastern part of the city. OCEAN sensors had picked up a large an unidentified energy signature off Australia's east coast. Whatever this thing was it was big and with the projection OCEAn had picked up it was strong too. Scott had been sent out to do recon on the object. As of yet it had not made landfall on the coast but if it did it could mean serious damage and loss of life. For now though, no combat was necessary, just get in get out and report back to HQ what exactly was going on out in those waters.

So Scott raced through the alleys and and back roads so as not to be spotted until he reached the coastline. It really was beautiful. A simple pleasure to behold, he would never be able to enjoy its waters or the sand between his toes, such things would take time away from ensuring that others could do so. But he could, at the very least enjoy the site. A boy on the horizon caught his attention as he gazed at the long beach. He wore a strange black suit and carried...a harpoon gun. In his mind Scott hoped it was just some surf fisherman. But that didn't make much sense. This kid was still in his teens, in no way was he fit or qualified to be carrying a weapon like that. He wanted to play hero, that was the only logical explanation. At this young of an age he was going to throw his life away trying to be something he could never fully be. There were only two outcomes fro someone like him. Either he would fail and die a lonely and painful death or eh be falsely lifted up by the people as a "hero" only to be crushed under the eventual dissenting public opinion. At his age he could not be ready for either of them.

Sighing deeply, Scott shot towards the boy and was behind him in a instant. His harsh and ragged voice rolled above the waves. "Look kid...I don't know what...powers or circumstance...has put you on...the path you are on...but you need to...get off it...I don't care have powers...I don't care if you...have some misguided...morality...the life you are...trying to lead...will destroy you" Scott inhaled sharply between every few words, his damaged lungs unable to maintain constant speech. He reached his hand out the boy hand which held the harpoon gun. "Give me the weapon aren't ready...for the consequences...of taking human life"

Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Pbucket
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Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Empty Re: Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

Post by Warlach572 July 13th 2013, 12:50 pm

Harpoon was shocked at this strange person's words. "I can't quit now. It is my only purpose. It is what I live for." Harpoon said. He pointed his Spear-gun at this strange person. "And I am not some weakling. I am fully aware of the consequences, and I accept them. I can kill easily. I need to rid the world of evil. No matter what the cost. It is my mission. And I will always stay true to my mission." Harpoon stated. Who did this strange person think they were? How could he lecture Harpoon like that? What Harpoon did was his own business. "I apologize for this, but stay out of my way. I have evil to rid the world of. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go see if I can round up some other heroes. I will need help with the destruction of all evil. He said. He lifted his Spear-gun away from the person and started to walk way.

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Number of posts : 45
Age : 25
Registration date : 2013-07-09

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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Empty Re: Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

Post by Thorgron July 14th 2013, 12:13 pm

"I can kill easily" that was all Redline needed to hear from the child that stood before him. That single comment told him all he needed to know about this boy. It was just that a boy, a child a kid with no understanding on the impact if his actions. He continued to say he needed to "stop all evil". Scott almost laughed. It was sad just how much of a cool this kid was. He was the hero in his mind and the world was gonna play out like a Saturday morning cartoon. Evil would threaten, the bad guys would monologue thy may even fight but in the end the good guy had to win and the public would love them regardless of their actions. It was laughable the naïveté of this child. More than ever Scott was convicted he was going to get himself killed. Hell he had just threatened Scottwith a spear gun then walked away expecting the subject to be dropped. This kid needed to be taught a lesson and Scott would be more than happy to provide it.

With the boys back turned Scott dashed in front of him. To him it would almost appear as though Scott had teleported. "You misguided say you can...kill easily...that alone me that you...don't understand the...value of human are a yourself and...everyone around you...I can't let you continue." The boy was  informed and Scott sprang into action. Using his speed he dove feet first at the kids legs. There was no way he could react before being tripped up and Scott would already be back on his feet and hovering over the boy. Even if the boy wasn't tripped, he would be on his feet behind the kid with his claws inches from his throat.

Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Pbucket
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Empty Re: Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

Post by Warlach572 July 14th 2013, 12:36 pm

Harpoon was in a perilous position. There were claws at his throat and he was knocked down. It was a good thing that his wetsuit was bulletproof, but could the claws cut through it? He had to get away, get to the ocean. Once in the water, he would be safer. But this guy had angered him, and he wasn't just going to be beaten like that. Dammit, this guy was probably faster, stronger, and more skilled than him. He sighed. "Looks like there isn't anything I can do. Look, can you just let me go? I know that there is more than black and white, good and evil. But I can't sit idly by while the filth of this world festers and multiplies. I have to do this. I owe my parents that much. If what I am doing is wrong, can you tell me of a better way?" He asked the mysterious man. Was there more? Harpoon didn't know. Maybe this person had some answers.

Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) OCEANHarpoon_zpsce81c532

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Age : 25
Registration date : 2013-07-09

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Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Empty Re: Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members)

Post by Thorgron July 23rd 2013, 2:28 am

This kid needed to be taught the consequences of death. From the sounds of it he had ended life before, but id he know what it was like on the other side? To have all of your hopes and dreams and to know that they were all a wash now? That your entire life no longer mattered because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time? Scott would teach him this, teach him just what each and every one of his victims went through. "I will give you...a better way...remember your parents...remember your them...all of your duties...and business you have left to do" Scott paused for a moment, letting his words sink in to the boys mind. He then slid his left hand up the boy's neck and to the back of his skull, all the while keeping pressure on him. His other hand he gently raised away. Harpoon would be able to feel that Redline's right hand was being raised above his head. With his body now in position Scott spoke again. "Now know that I am...going to kill you...know that you cannot...repay your debts...or better this anyway...know the pain...the fear...of every have ever taken." As soon as the last word left his lips Scott grasped the boy's head tightly keeping it in place and thrusting his clawed right hand down at the base of the boy's skull, the cerebellum. Were Scott truly aiming to kill the boy he would be dead before he knew it. Instead Scott let his claw just penetrate the flesh, drawing  blood and giving the boy the impression that he had intended to kill him. Unless his perceptions were as fast as Scott's, it would take him quite some time that he ahd not just been ended by a random costumed stranger. The fear hopefully would knock some sense into him. Withdrawing his claw from the boys spine he quickly replaced it on his back and awaited his reaction and reply.

(OOC: just needed to clarify that I am not trying to and will not kill you here, IC it will appear that Redline is going to kill him but OOC I'm letting you no that I am not trying to and will not kill you here)

Harpoons OCEAN intro. (Closed to OCEAN members) Pbucket
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Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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