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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Empty The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

Post by King Amras Véneanár's July 24th 2013, 12:28 pm

Three Months Ago

King Amras Véneanár's wife, Queen Ashari of the Golden Trees, was the High Priestess of all the Eldar - Called an Amamara in Sindarin-, which made her the most powerful link the Eldar had to the fading "Fil'naveth's" -The massive Psionic Crystal monoliths at the heart of any Eldar Realm, that make Eldar technology possible, as well as give the Eldar their link to Mother Earth- whose wane in energy signified to the Eldar that Mother Earth, and their very way of life was dying. Despite this however, the Eldar persisted with the annual "Ceremony of the Water", during which the Amamara gazes into the pool of enchanted water which has collected at the base of the "Fil'naveth's" since before time was time. The "Fil'naveth's" along with being able to generate tremendous amounts of clean energy, also act as a psionic device when placed in water, which acts as a conduit. By sacred Eldar writs, only the High Amamara are allowed to gaze into the shallow, brilliantly glowing spring beneath the "Fil'naveth's", only they are allowed to see into the future of the Eldar and the "Unseen World", which was sad to come from the very roots of the "Yggdrasil", the Tree of Life.

Through the ages, this ceremony has been a happy event, done amid much celebration and glad tidings, however those times have changed, ending like the setting sun. The Eldar, with their higher levels of psychic ability have long sensed the diminishing of their race, as well as all the mystical races, as their realms have begun to dwindle from human expansion. It seemed as if humans were  at their gates, ready to break into their world of peaceful tranquility, and mystical old ways. More and more dark visions and feeling clouded the Eldar's hearts, as Eldar women became infertile, and the oldest of their kind began to fade away, including Celebrían the Mighty King of Valinor, the "Unseen World" of the Eldar and other mystical creatures it seemed was coming to an end. Humanity for all its flaws, finally achieving the complete domination of this planet, something they long had desired. King Amras Véneanár's was determined this would not come to pass, the King even promising to unite the "Unseen World" against humanity, as many Eldar went so far as to call King Amras Véneanár's the savior of his people. Salvation had to wait however, as uniting the various races of the "Unseen World" proved a monumental task.

The once vibrant Eldar city of Valinor was tense and more troubled than its new King Amras Véneanár's could remember, as he walked into the Giving Tree (The Temple of the Giving Tree is the center for religious activity of the Eldar, it also holds the Palace of the Giving Tree, which is the home of Valinor's King. The Giving Tree is truly massive and glows a light gold  aura, and blooms golden leaves and flowers.). As King Amras Véneanár's made his way down the gilded, candle lit corridors of the Temple of the Giving Tree with his wife Queen Ashari, and a host of other members of Valinor's ruling class, he couldn't help but feel even more unease permeating within their mystical world. The corridors were lit by Khaydarin Candles, which hung from the ceiling, giving the Giving Tree a truly regal feel. Soon the gilded corridors gave way to a massive court yard, which was the most sacred part of the  Temple of the Giving Tree, and glowed with the feint blue glow of the  "Fil'naveth's", which along with the "Seers Spring" stood in the rear of the courtyard.

Standing in front of the Seers Spring stood the Eldar priests and priestesses, who ere all gathered at the basin to the spring, wearing their ceremonial white and gold robes. Queen Ashari was wearing a white dress, which was bathed in a light blue aura, a trait that all Eldar High Priestesses held as far back as was recorded. As the members of Valinor's nobility filled the courtyard, Queen Ashari took her place at the base of the Seers Spring. Her priests and priestesses bowed before her, as she began the ceremonial rites of the "Ceremony of the Water". Queen Ashari faced her husband, her beautiful, confident Eldar eyes piercing the new Kings as she said "You come here seeking knowledge of the water? You come seeking the fortune of your people? Highest of all Eldar, whom are made from the stars of creation?", the Queen nodding when King Amras Véneanár's said "I do.". The Queen then turned, now facing the Seers Spring, as she said "Then let  us see what the Seers Spring has to tell.". Two priests lifted the cover off the Seers Spring, placed it on special holder. Instantly bright light began pouring from the spring as Queen Ashari stood above it, gazing inside the spring below. The Queen stood over it for a few seconds before she tried to break away, only she couldn't. King Amras Véneanár's and the other Eldar could tell this was an ominous sign none of them had seen this ever happen to the Eldar High Priestess. Queen Ashari stood over the well, as she tried to drawback as hard as she could, making noises of pain and fear, until finally she threw herself from the spring, as the priests immediately covered it.

As soon as she pulled back from the Seers Spring the Eldar priests, priestesses, and King Amras Véneanár's quickly rushed to her aid, as even more Eldar rushed forward to hear what the Queen saw in the psionic spring water. First to ask the Queen was her husband however, King Amras Véneanár's saying What did you see? in a fearful tone. After several moments of catching her breath, Queen Ashari said in her angelic Eldar voice "A shadow of fear.... The time of the Eldar is at an end, if we do not act quickly... From all corners machines.... Black..... Spiritless..... And with hearts of only metal and oil, seek to destroy our world. The humans build factories as big as forests, which shoot ash and black clouds as dark as their plans. Machines creating other machines, while humanity focuses on one greedy plan.... They seek only material and destroy everything of natural beauty that they find to satisfy the will of their masters. They kill all life in the way of gaining the energy and material they need, an immense host, a virus, they spread throughout the world for these dark purposes. They are close, so close to our own borders.... And if we do nothing, we shall all simply fade.... If we fight however, we may still be able reverse the humans domination over this world.... We may still save this planet....."

King Amras Véneanár's looked at his wife, he knew the time of the isolation of the Eldar was over, and war was the only possible option he could give to these beasts. A plan would need to be hatched....

Present Day

King Amras Véneanár's plea to unite the "Unseen World" had not gone unheard, from everywhere the mystical creatures that had once dominated this planet were traveling from, all headed to Valinor, the "Unseen Worlds" true capital city. Their were Eldar from the lesser realms of Nōwē, Olwë, Anduin, Goblins from the Jagged Mountains, Trolls from the Great Pine Forests and the Murky Swamps, Konti from the shores of the Inner Ocean, Inarta's from the Mountain Cities, Vantha and Chaktawe Peoples from the Endless Desert, and the Druvin and Dravlak, terrifying beasts who were in normal time the sworn enemies of Valinor. From all corners of this "Unseen World" the allies and enemy of King Amras Véneanár's descended upon Valinor, and they were greeted as great conquerer's of territory. The Eldar of Valinor sung great ballads of war, the Eldar woman prepared great feasts, and the trees and flowers bloomed with vibrant colors and fragrances, as all of Valinor celebrated the arrival of a great host of warriors from all of the "Unseen World" to challenge humanity.

First things were first however, and King Amras Véneanár's was away from Valinor's Golden Forest to see to the success of his initial plan which if successful would transform all. The King of Valinor and a dozen of his closest, most trusted Royal Guards, rode out from Valinor, leaving the protection of the "Unseen World", riding into the realm of man. Though this was merely the prelude to war, King Amras Véneanár's wasn't about to place this task in the hand of lesser men, as everything depended on it. So it was here in the most unlikely of places that King Amras Véneanár's, the King of Valinor chose to begin his war against humanity. The first act in the war? He'd learned the location of an item of extreme importance, which only he knew of, an item whose mere being was held only the most noble of Eldar, a secret which could solve all of this worlds problems...

On top of the generic looking red brick building, slightly more then a dozen heavily armed Eldar Double Swordsmen made their way across the roof of the building. The building looked nothing like the tree homes of Valinor, which were built with the land, not against it, and the soldiers took longer to get across the building then they'd expected, as they were practically spell bound by this hideously ugly rock building. To the Eldar world seemed half living, half dead, as they were use to the angelic songs of their race filling the wind, not the roar of engines, and trees offering shelter and beauty, not simply a burden to be cut down. Rain crashed all around the Eldar warriors as if Mother Earth knew the destruction that would be wrought from what came of this night. However, out of death, comes life, as the natural world shows us time and time again. Destruction was only temporary, as the Eldar and their long lifespans had seen time and time again, and few races could truly conceive.

The rain hit King Amras Véneanár's light weight Eldar Armor hard, rolling off the gold, blue, and silver colored armor, which was designed to provide maximum protection, as well as comfort to an Eldar warrior. The soft wind blew each Eldar's long white hair back, as they stood overlooking edge of the buildings roof, King Amras Véneanár's motioned to two of his companions to act as sentries, each Eldar he posted here were armed with Longbow's, and they would dispatch any unwanted intruders. Now with ten Royal Guards accompanying him, King Amras Véneanár's approached a doorway which jutted from the roof, no doubt some sort of service door to the roof. The Eldar King of Valinor walked over to the door and kicked it in with all his force, as he did so the door splintered into many small pieces and flew away from the Eldar warriors.

The Eldar warriors quickly rushed inside the building as an alarm sounded loudly into the dark, rainy night sky. The name of the building on a sign the Eldar all passed as they entered through the shattered door "Jefferson County Museum". The Eldar warriors lead by their King rushed down a service hallway, pushed through a set of doors, and then into the floor of the museum itself, where the visitors all scattered with something resembling startled panic. A guard rushed towards the Eldar King, but was immediately cut down by a throwing knife from one of the warriors. Several more guards appeared at the other end of the corridor, each holding pistols in their hands, they managed to each get a few wild shots off before they were dropped by two arrow shots to the head. The visitors all drew back in terror at the site of these fair looking giants, some started to run towards the door, but an arrow smashed into it, which herded them back into the center of the room.

King Amras Véneanár's payed no attention to the humans as he was practically transfixed by a strange looking gold box in the center of the room, which had in bold print "The Unlockable Box" written on top of the display case. King Amras Véneanár's turned to his Knight-Captain and said "That's what we're here for...", at which point the massively tall, light skinned Knight-Captain broke the glass and grabbed the box, pulling it out and placing in front of King Amras Véneanár's. The King smiled as he knelt down saying "Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn" in his native tongue as he stroked the box with his long fingers.

Just then the door was kicked open, the ran and cold chill entering the front entrance of the small museum.

Last edited by King Amras Véneanár's on July 30th 2013, 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

King Amras Véneanár's

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King Amras Véneanár's
King Amras Véneanár's

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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Empty Re: The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

Post by The Legion July 28th 2013, 12:15 am

The doors burned to ashes as Fate appeared amidst the chaos. He chuckled despite himself. The device Dr. Clave had given him actually worked. It was supposed to show where meta-human activity was, and if a meta-human was doing something out of the ordinary he was to investigate simple for the type of hero he was, find the villain, fight him and win, then the public call him the best hero ever, apart from a few exceptions (actually a lot).

As soon as the rain hit his body it fizzed into to steam, the wind buffeting his body only a minor annoyance. He scanned the scene there were monsters, people and a guy looking like a king. He raised his arms ready to deliver a blow to the king.
"Come on guys chill" Fate remarked, "we aren't little kids, come on what's the problem?".
He let the question hang in the air, waiting for someone to say something as the rain continued to beat against the building.

The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Empty Re: The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

Post by King Amras Véneanár's July 28th 2013, 2:49 pm

Just as King Amras Véneanár's was admiring "The Unlockable Box", which he and his people had long sought, the front door to the museum was suddenly singed open, by some unforeseen force. Wasting little time however, that force swiftly entered the museum, in sudden fashion. It was a flaming body, that of a teenager, and it seemed that teenager wanted to fight. He dashed into the room, as the Eldar Double Swordsmen were out of position, as they were guarding the hostage humans, as opposed to watching the door for any unexpected visitors.

The boy quickly rushed towards where the Eldar Knight-Captain and King Amras Véneanár's stood, inspecting the intricate looking box. He seemed ready to strike the Eldar King as he said "Come on guys chill" then said, "we aren't little kids, come on what's the problem?". However, he should have taken his opportunity while he had it, as the highest King of the Eldar turned to his King-Captain, and in Sindarin said "Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn." (In English "Rip this human apart"). The Eldar King words sounded as if they flowed with the wind as they reached the ears of his armored Eldar Double Swordsmen. Wasting little time, four of the Eldar Double Swordsmen stepped out to engage the fiery teenager, whose wit was lost of the Eldar King.

Eldar Knight-Captain and King Amras Véneanár's then set back to work inspecting the box as the Eldar Double Swordsmen moved in to engage the boy. Each swordsmen was a low superhuman in hand to hand combat, trained for generations, they were the crack troops of the Eldar King's bodyguard, which he expected to easily dispose of this human. The boy was clearly gifted, a "Meta", as the humans would dub him. The Eldar King had heard of humans having such powers, and it was not lost on him that it was ironic these people stood the most chance of stopping his plans, as they were outcast by the general population. In time, the Great Eldar King believed many of these "Meta's" would side with him, standing against the humans in the battle to decide who has the right to rule this planet.

Right now however, this boy simply had to die.... The four Eldar Double Swordsmen each cried a battle cry, which all flowed together like wolves howling at the moon, and the charged at the boy, eager to cut him down to size...

King Amras Véneanár's

All the Kings Men
King Amras Véneanár's
King Amras Véneanár's

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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Empty Re: The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

Post by The Legion July 28th 2013, 6:12 pm

The king barely looked at him, instead he muttered in a language unknown to man which seemed to trigger the swordsmen into action and they were headed swords raised straight at him, their feet pushing them along on the smooth marble floor. The swordsmen slice and diced, running their swords through Fate, they pulled back in attention looking at Fate, but instead of his body in pieces he just laughed.
"I can't be hurt like that, Dr. Clave says my molecular structure turns into fire, so your basically attacking fire" Fate smirked. He sent out a whirlwind of fire straight at the swordsmen, hit connected with their bodies sending them spiralling out of control to the floor, they didn't get back up.
Fates hand crackled and it enlarged into a sword made entirely out of solid fire, he raised the sword straight at the kings neck. "Now you care to tell me what is going on", all eyes were on Fate and the king.

The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Legion10
"We're just like him..." "A hero who lost it all..."
"A voice, a heart of a people..." "A player in the game of life..."
"An artist painting a new world."
The Legion
The Legion
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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Empty Re: The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

Post by King Amras Véneanár's July 30th 2013, 10:22 am

The Eldar Knight-Captain gave King Amras Véneanár's a look as if to say "The boy has skill", to which King Amras Véneanár's nodded. The boy had been a most inconvenient nuisance on his journey, yet that was all he would become, little more, little less. The teenage fire starter then said in his human tongue "Now you care to tell me what is going on?". The King then said to his Knight-Captain "Mae l'ovannen Êl síla erin" (I'll handle this myself), and stepped away from the Knight-Captain and the boys fiery blade. Then in one swift motion, as if he was about to strike, the Eldar King moved his left hand skywards... Then slowly back, unlatching his green regalia from his armor, which identified him as the High King of Valinor. His regalia fell to the floor, and was quickly picked up by the lean, heavily muscled arms of King Amras Véneanár's Knight-Captain, who carefully rolled the regalia, treating it as if it were precious.

King Amras Véneanár's and the teenage fire starter moved around one another in a circle, the Eldar King starring down the fire starter with his icy gaze, which was as blue as the heart of a glacier far to the north. It was then that the High King of Valinor turned his focus to a large tree which grew large and strong in the courtyard of the museum. A tree which ironically enough was made to appear as the "Tree of Life", or in Sindarin, the "Yggdrasil". It was this tree that the Eldar and many early humans believed comprised the whole universe within its branches, as well as its mighty trunk and roots. Within the "Yggdrasil" lay the "Nine Worlds", from where all life in the universe dwelled. There was the world of the "Menn" (humans) called "Miðgarðr", where both humanity and the Eldar of "Miðgarðr" (Including Valinor) lived, there was the worlds of the "Aesir" and "Vanir" (Gods), known as Ásgarðr and Vanaheimr respectively. Then the world of the "Jötnar" (giants), known as "Jötunheimr", the home world of the Álfar (Eldar), known as Álfheimr, the world of the "Náir" (corpses, the other world of the dead) known as "Hel", the world of the "Dvergar" (dwarves), called "Svartálfaheimr", then the world of primordial elementals of ice, known as "Niflheimr", lastly the world of the primordial elementals of fire, called "Muspellsheim". It was this last world the Eldar King believed the teenage boy before him drew his power.

These worlds and the "Tree of Life" were known to men in early times, however they delved into the world of myth as man drifted from nature, believing only in science, and what they could create, and not what was and always will be. To men, the story of the "Tree of Life" was a bedtime story, told at night to sleep children. However, King Amras Véneanár's was here to show the world of "Menn", exactly why they should never have forgotten the old ways. It was with stinging irony that the High King of Valinor viewed the current situation... As he was about to smite the fire elemental with a mock up of "Yggdrasil". And as the two circled each other, the Eldar King recited a stanza from Völuspá, reciting it in the human tongue of Menn, saying "An ash I know there stands,Yggdrasill is its name,a tall tree, showered with shining loam. From there come the dews that drop in the valleys.It stands forever green overUrðr's well.". The last words coming from the High King of Valinor's lips as the sweetest song of a morning bird.

King Amras Véneanár's then turned to the boy, saying "What's going on? Na lû e-govaned vîn.... My Kingly rite....". The King then smiled a coy smile, saying "Fire starter.... Meet an Earth elemental....". He then moved both his hands towards the mock up of "Yggdrasil", the large tree trembling, dust falling from its leaves, as the tree began to groan to life. The Eldar King then rushed his hands towards the King, two massive branches rushing towards the fire starter at a swift pace. The King then said to his Knight-Captain "Noro! Ego!", and the Knight-Captain and several of the Eldar Swordsmen grabbed the "Unlockable Box", and began heading towards the upper level.

King Amras Véneanár's

All the Kings Men
King Amras Véneanár's
King Amras Véneanár's

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The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art) Empty Re: The Golden Mist of Valinor Descends (Closed to C-Art)

Post by King Amras Véneanár's August 1st 2013, 11:33 am

(OOC: Okay C-art bailed, so I'm going to bring this thread to a natural reasonable conclusion since I have bigger and better things planned with O.C.E.A.N!)

King Amras Véneanár's had bought his Eldar swordsmen time, and they quickly gathered up the "Unlockable Box" known in Sindarin as a "Pedil edhellen" under the skilled leadership of the Knight-Captain. The remaining Eldar abandoned their positions guarding the humans, then along with the remaining Eldar, rushed up the stairs to the upper level, and the way out of the museum. They also carried their wounded comrades who had been injured by the fire elemental, and would need the healing powers of a powerful Eldar healer. These were in plenty within the protected forests of Valinor, and they would live sure enough, the light of Kal'dorei not leaving these brave Eldar warriors quite yet. This was the opening act, the first cast of the die, and their would be plenty more opportunities for Eldar and other mystical blood to be spilled.

The teenage, human, fire starter had been kept busy by King Amras Véneanár's manipulation of the  "Yggdrasil" tree mock up, which slammed and crashed around the interior of the museum as a lumbering, wooden giant, who with each movement came a huge crash and trembling of the Earth, which caused many items with the museum to come crashing to the ground, smashing, slamming, or simply tumbling to the ground below. Meanwhile, the once captive humans were running for their lives, dashing every which way to avoid the lumbering, gigantic tree, all the while screaming with dread and fear.

Due to the fire starters abilities, as well as the "Yggdrasil" trees crashing movements, the sprinkler system was activated, adding only more misery to the humans who were running around like a colony of ants, whose home had just been destroyed. King Amras Véneanár's smiled, the humans were panicked, it was as he'd planned, and it was good to fill their hearts with fear... Fear of the mystical world, the unseen world, whose life forms once dominated this planet, at a time, before time was time. "Just like the ants they are..." King Amras Véneanár's thought to himself, as he also was satisfied with the fact that the "Yggdrasil" tree would keep the fire elemental busy for.... Long enough.... The Eldar King stepped away from the fight between his lumbering tree giant and the fire starter, satisfied that the "Pedil edhellen" was safe now. That was all that really mattered anymore, acquiring the four "Pedil edhellen", and bringing about the salvation of his people.

The King of Valinor made his way up the flight of stairs, which would be his way to the freedom of the outdoors, and to his Kingdom.... Valinor. As he reached the service door they'd enter the museum from, the Eldar King met up with his Knight-Captain of the Royal Guards, who was waiting for him at the service door, and greeted him with a broad smile. The Knight-Captain saying "Is the boy taken care of?", to which the Eldar King simply said "For now....", then both Eldar walked up the small, narrow stairway, out into the rain once again, where the King was rejoined with his brave Eldar Royal Guards, who all looked at their King with great reverence. The Eldar warriors now truly believing that King Amras Véneanár's was the deliverer their people were in need of in this most desperate hour.

The Eldar King of Valinor then yelled "Odulen an edraith angin!", as he and his men began to run across the roof top of the museum, which was difficult to see due to the storm overhead. Eldar had great eyes however, and the men made it to the other side without incident. Four Eldar immediately made the fifty foot jump to the bottom of the museum, while the remaining Eldar threw their wounded comrades down to the Eldar who'd already landed. Catching the wounded Eldar with relative, unnatural ease, these Eldar then helping their wounded comrades over to their horses. The remaining Eldar including the Knight-Captain and King Amras Véneanár's now made the jump, which they made look easy, landing easily on their feet, their tall, lean frames easily absorbing any impact vibrations.

The Eldar group then began riding off into the darkness, the hustle and bustle of this busy town seeming all together evil for the Eldar. The far off sirens sounding like nails on a chalk board to their Eldar ears. Every honk of a horn, sound of a loud engine, and bright light filling the sky only making these Eldar feel stronger that humanity was truly a plague on this world, who were destroying this world, and all those who dwelt within it. Soon, mechanical noise and artificial lights gave way to the sounds of insects and the songs of birds, and they neared Valinor's mighty, enchanted forest.

It was then, when the group approached Valinor's mystical, golden wood, that the Highest Eldar King heard his wife's voice.... Queen Ashari of the Golden Trees, the powerful Eldar Priestess, who could see far into the future using her special relationship with water, which she could manipulate at will, was Capable of telepathy while looking into  "Fil'naveth's" (Psionic Crystals). This she used to address her husband as he road victoriously into the outskirts of Valinor with the first "Pedil edhellen". The High Eldar King of Valinor hearing in his head, the angelic voice of his wife entering his head, saying "Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn.... Avo garo am man theled? Pedin i phith in aníron, a nin ú-cheniathog, Odulen an edraith angin?" "You ride into this forest on the heels of great victory... Is it enough however? As I feel within the water the days of the Eldar growing long, as we turn to face the humans again.". The Eldar King then replied in his mind "Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo, Hantanyel órenyallo" ("A star shines over us today... While it does hope remains...". The most powerful Eldar priestess, then replied "Melin tirië hendutya sílalë yá lalat...." (Perhaps you are right, though the water does not tell...).

Now entering within the heart of the Golden Forest, the Eldar King began to lament, thinking "Perhaps I've acted to late....", however Queen Ashari still linked to him via the psionic link of the  "Fil'naveth's" said "Melda tári, Tenna enta lúmë. Melin tirië hendutya sílalë yá lalat" (You are not wrong until that time passes and it is late. For now we will rejoice, as my great husband has returned). With that the glowing Palace of the Giving Tree was in sight, though its glow had begun to fade ever so lightly.... No doubt an effect because of the destruction of the Earth, whose natural beauty was being crushed by humanity.. Whose idea of beauty was slitting a flowers throat...

(OOC: Also I'm making Queen Ashari of the Golden Trees either tonight or tomorrow.)

King Amras Véneanár's

All the Kings Men
King Amras Véneanár's
King Amras Véneanár's

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Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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