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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by Xerox May 6th 2013, 3:06 pm

A faint tapping sound filled the darkened alley. Shadows permeated all which lay within, filing every crack and crevice, obscuring the lone masculine figure who stood with his back to the wall. The weak light of the burning cigarette in the figure's mouth being the only thing to stand out in the darkness. The soft, uneven thumping of his foot against the ground the only sign of the being's current frustration. A break in the silence came from the rushed footsteps of an incoming individual. Inhaling the smoke deeply one final time, the figure let out a plume of smoke and crushed the butt beneath his boot.

"Hey there Dick, sorry I'm late." The newcomer said between his panting. 'Dick' turned to the slightly smaller man behind him. "It's Rich, not Dick. Did you bring everything, Billy?" In response Billy lifted the bag in his right hand and smiled broadly. Richard shook his head with his head tilted to the ground. How did he get stuck with this guy again?

"Let's just get this over with." Now, seemingly all business, Billy dropped the bag lightly and zipped it open. Rummaging through the contents, both of them took their items and prepared for what came next. Each of them now adorned a black ski-mask and had armed themselves with a handgun. With Billy having hefted the empty bag over his shoulder, Rich made a dash out of the alley and towards the convenience store across the street, Billy following shortly behind him. The lights of the store were clearly highlighting it's presence in the otherwise dark neighborhood and within it's walls lay rows and rows of shelves stacking various items. During the day it received a great deal of business, but right now it was undoubtedly empty with the exception of the bored looking store clerk who stood with her arms folded, leaning on the counter.

The tranquility of the store ended abruptly as the doors were violently kicked in and Rich, with his tag-along, rushed in front of the counter. The girl had no time to react before Rich, and to a lesser extent Billy, had his gun primed to take her down. "Money in the bag. Now." His voice spoke with no room for compromise and with panic the clerk obeyed the command. Opening the register, she started dumping the cash onto the counter. With an indignant grunt, Rich stared at his partner expectantly, never having moved his aim away from the woman. Before Rich could bear holes into him with his stare, Billy realized what he was supposed to do and moved ahead to gather the money into the bag. Once the task was complete, Rich turned to make his leave. He had expected the whole business to be over with already, but no, for he had Billy along with him this time. Half way to the door he could hear shuffling behind him. Turning, he saw Billy stuffing the bag with more 'loot'.

"What do you think you're doing, lets go!" Seeing exactly what he had been shoveling into the bag, Rich growled lowly. "Put the lottery tickets down and lets get out of here! NOW!" Anger clearly seeped into his voice. In his haste to follow his more experienced partner's commands, Billy hastily zipped the bag up and tried to make for an exit, only to knock over a sunglasses stand and almost fall in the process. Both panicked and angry at the situation, Rich stepped forward to take the bag from Billy before he could mess up further. However, this action was interrupted by a gunshot and a very feminine scream. Billy's shaking hands gripped his gun unsteadily, his aim vaguely at the clerk's position. The newby had evidently taken a shot at the girl...and missed completely. "What the hell!?"

"She moved, Dick!" Forgetting his ever increasing anger at the mention of his name, especially Billy's take on it, Rich turned attention towards the clerk who appeared frozen in fear and was now sobbing heavily. Billy was saved Rich's pent up rage by the sudden appearance of a new character to this mess of what should have been a fairly standard hold up. A rather overweight man, garbed in the store's standard employee uniform, burst through the door to the backroom. He was holding a shotgun. Without any time to react, the man let out his first shot. Rich's memory of Billy would forever be marred with the visage of his head being turned into a red mist by a near point-blank shot from a double barrel. Adrenalin pumping, Rich hopped the counter and roughly pulled the girl to his chest. With the teary and haggard sight of his fellow co-worker, the man hesitated. Rich didn't. The 9mm round made short work of the man's chest cavity and to Rich's relief, he fell to the ground like a ragdoll. Heart still pumping a mile a minute, Rich held the now screaming girl firmly with his free hand.

Last edited by Xerox on May 13th 2013, 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Re: Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by The Bolt May 10th 2013, 11:15 pm

Chicago Illinois, the windy city and site of Shaylas last great hit. Ass was kicked and another metahuman was dragged into Dominus custody unconscious; as well as surprisingly still within their ability to repair, if that was a surprise enough. However her partner in crime Lilia Ivanov, otherwise known as Etoile was quite temperamental when it was just the two of them. This evening the diamond ballerina had demanded of her ice cream, something that Reaper had never really had herself. From her limited exposure of bad romantic movies and what others said about it, ice cream must have been good. perhaps she would get herself some as well.

While she would have been content in simply wearing the usual scant fitting clothes, the Russian ballerina would have had none of that. Instead it was required that she wear “normal clothing” or some bullshit like that, even if she were too powerful to succumb to this rape thing. Still, with an almost endless amount of whining she finally succumbed to the demands of the young female, and then was finally allowed to leave the small but flattering apartment. The city was abuzz as always, both is bright exterior and the seedy underbelly. However crooks were not the business of the albino female, as she stepped out into the filthy air. This was a simple sweets retrieval mission, with a one hundred percent success rate.

She held back the white hair hanging against the back of her slim muscled neck, before forcing it into a ponytail that not hung lose over her right shoulder. While Reaper could not dress up in her usual attire, she chose the next best thing; or at least something that she would be allowed in. This took the form of a tank top that cut off a few inches above her naval, and shorts cut to the middle of her thighs. Bandages adorned her knuckles, giving her the appearance of a sort of boxer, or martial arts expert. ”The air sure smells nice tonight, I can almost not smell the pollution.” She said with a whimsical tone to her voice.

Metallic boots clanked against the stairs all the way down, until she found herself on the street level. Cars drove by in their slow pace, and horns were honked with such frequency that it became a dismal song that seemed to always permeate the city; like that of a heartbeat. She already knew where this store would be and within a minute her inhuman speed would allow her to reach it. There were plenty of alleyways that she could take, so no one could see her using her inhuman physical skills to their fullest. In fact this was what she was doing, running along the rooftops and alleyways until the albino found herself behind the convenience store. The credit card that she was foolishly entrusted with was clutched between pale fingers.

”Two minutes, I have to say this is a little slow for me.” The albino assassin muttered to herself, placing thin but powerful hands upon her hips. With this little venture done, she would walk around to the front of the shop but the rather distinct sound of shot gun fire caused her to freeze for but a moment. That usually didn't happen when one was going to any type of store, not unless there was some sort of trouble happening. The sound was followed by another, but not as loud; like a pistol firing off. Perhaps it was a metahuman crime? Either that or she was walking upon a simple robbery, but either way she was not worried about what it could be.

What greeted her was quite the scene really. There were two dead people, and then the possible murderer and a frightened young woman who was now crying histerically. The albino stepped through the door and her eyes shot to what looked like one of those cheap half gallons of dairy gold. With that she walked up to the counter and slammed said ice cream gallon down, along with the credit card. ”Yeah, I wanna buy this.” She said as if a murder were not happening around her.

Last edited by Agent Reaper on June 16th 2013, 2:34 am; edited 2 times in total
The Bolt
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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Re: Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by Xerox May 11th 2013, 1:44 pm

Frozen in place, his arm being put under slight strain in trying to keep the now struggling girl still, Rich stared down at the corpse of the man he'd just killed in cold blood. It wasn't some sense of remorse over his victim or any regret that he may have felt over the death of his partner, but a the realization of just how badly things had gone. They should have been in and out of here in a seconds, minutes and the most. They should have been able to get this done without anyone getting hurt. They should have been able to leave safely and go their separate ways, Rich not having to put up with the idiot ever again. On that last thought his eyes trailed to the nearly headless corpse of the younger man. The gory scene was almost enough for him to retch. Almost. He'd seen some pretty messed up stuff in his life and granted this was probably the worst thing he'd seen so far, it wasn't by that much. Fighting his stomach's natural reaction, he remembered the reason he brought the clumsy moron along with him in the first place. This was indeed going to be biting him in the ass later.

A rational mind would have been able to discern that the best course of action at this point would have been to cut his losses, grab the money and get the hell out of there. However, as it was, Rich was not in a rational state of mind. Over-thinking the situation, he was trying to decide what to do with the girl. She'd heard his name from Billy, a fact that made him wish he could bring Billy back only to blow his brains out all over again. Even if it was Billy's hateful take on it, it didn't take a genius to realize 'Dick' was short for 'Richard'...but then again, it didn't take a genius to know that there were cameras perched all over the store, recording even now. Nor did it dawn on him that the longer he stuck around, the higher his chances of being identified were. Again, he wasn't exactly thinking rationally. Briefly, he considered putting a bullet in her head. To him, getting done for this would pretty much be the end of his life. Armed robbery and second degree murder? That would probably get him life, if not the needle.

Shaking his head, he cleared up his scattered thoughts some. While he may have had no qualms about killing a guy pointing a shotgun his direction, he wasn't really up for killing an innocent girl simply because he was panicked. He was about to let the girl go and make a break for it when he caught sight of a woman walking through the door. His gun was swiftly prepped for unloading its remaining rounds into her skull, or so he thought. Hey, it's not like he knew she was a bulletproof freak of nature or anything. All he knew was that there was now a young, pale skinned girl playing witness to his crime. His eyes followed the woman's movement closely and imagine his surprise when he saw her go straight for the ice cream, seemingly unfazed by the two corpses on the ground, the apparent hostage situation or the large pool of blood and brain-matter creeping its way across the tiled flooring. Blinking a few times to make sure he was seeing this right, he focused on the girl's features. What immediately drew his attention was her extremely pale skin and red eyes. He could have sworn there was a word for that, but for the life of him he couldn't think of it. She was most certainly not your average young woman and not just because of her evident lack of sense.

Had she done the expected reaction of screaming and running away he'd have already ran for it, or maybe if she didn't just act like business was usual and go about her shopping he would have done something other than stand there in stunned silence. It didn't exactly get any less weird when she approached the counter and attempted to pay for her dairy treat."'re not serious. Are you?" He managed. But the way she said it sounded so serious, so casual, that he couldn't help but believe she was indeed sincere. "You are...Wow. Well, consider it on the house." It should be noted that during all this his captive was getting more and more difficult to manage. She tried to scream when the other woman entered, but was quickly silenced when Rich's hand was slapped over her mouth. Unfortunately for the masked criminal, he failed to see the fatal flaw to this plan and so the woman's teeth soon found themselves buried into his gloved hand. A pained scream forced its way out of his system and his body tensed. This, rather unluckily, meant the gun he still had pointed at the pale lady across the counter, fired off another round.

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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Re: Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by The Bolt May 13th 2013, 3:13 pm

Had Reaper noticed the two dead mooks with their insides all over the floor? She did, but a sight had become second nature to the albino monster, so much that it wouldn't shake her within the least. Sure she could have attacked the man and taken him down; however this was not her busy hour, so no ass kicking for her right now. All she wanted to do was take the damn ice cream home and have the ballerina shut the hell up, if that would even help. Sure the sweet treat would help her for a while, but then again temporary fixes never really helped. Whoever had messed up the poor girl would get what was coming tot hem soon enough, however she suspected that it was that Salty bastard who always seemed to have his eyes upon the sad Russian. 

There had to be no other explanation why she always shied away from such a weak man whenever he was around. Still she had the delicious treat within he hand, and that was what mattered at that moment. It took a moment for her to truly register that the store was being held up and she was in the middle of it. At the moment there was her, the crying girl at the register and the nefarious thug holding her still; with what looked like a gun aimed at our albino hero. He then asked if what she was doing was serious, as if she really feared his little peashooter. Unless what he was carrying was some sort of armor pierces or a laser, there was no reason to fear him. 

"I'm quite serious. I have an emergency that requires this ice cream, and I don't think you would want me dealing with this mess you've made for yourself.” She then noted that the ice cream was on the house, which pleased the albino even more. While she knew that the word of a thief was not worth much,considering the current situation she could really get away with it. Dominus would get rid of any images that included her at the scene anyway, so all was well really. It was likely that this low time crook was not a meta human, so no need for her to go all kung fu bad ass on him. This could have all gone peachy had the girl not bit his hand, and the gun fired off anyway, with minor results.

The bullets sailed through the air, and collided with the albinos cheek, which stung for sure but did nothing else. Shayla cursed under her breath and then without even thinking her hand crushed the container of ice cream clutched within them, leading to a rather messy scene. Red eyes narrowed into angry slits as she let them hover over the bastard that had now ruined her precious treat. This was likely the second largest mistake of his life, next to trying to rob this joint in the first place. ”Looks like you've fucked up.” She said shaking off a few globules of swiftly melting ice ream onto the counter, while the register lady and likely the man looked at her with surprise.

Well she couldn't really tell how he felt considering the mask that he wore, but any average person would shit themselves against a person that could shrug off a bullet with no apparent effect. ”I may not be a cop, and I honestly don't give a damn when some thug robs a convenience store. Still, when some jackass pulls a stunt like that and expects me to just shrug It off like nothing happens, they must be pretty fucking stupid." Considering the situation, the albino had no room to talk, but then again she was not known to be a person that gave many fucks; unlike many of the Dominus agents. Shayla was more of a kick ass and then ask questions later kind of girl, but she still had a brain on her, and that was something no one could deny.

How she would deal with the situation next was yet to be seen, but the best course of action was to disarm the man and then work on things from there. Perhaps she could break a bone or two, and then to him into the cops. Considering how Chicago had become the next new York, it was likely that there would be someone to take in this worthless scum when she brought him in. So with the plan in mind, the albino went to work. Reaper moved with an inhuman speed to swipe the gun away with what she called a small portion of her strength, but probably enough to knock a gun out of a persons hand. If he by some miracle managed to avoid the swift attack was yet to be seen. However, if the maneuver succeeded, she would simply let the gun clatter across the store with the albino simply looking upon him with a serious expression.

Last edited by Agent Reaper on June 16th 2013, 2:33 am; edited 3 times in total
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Re: Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by Xerox May 15th 2013, 1:12 pm

For a single moment, time stood still. Richard had just shot, SHOT, this woman. Normally this meant that her pretty face would have been turned inside out and her pretty little brains would have joined the rest of the mess on the floor. This however was not normal. Instead, her pretty little face gained an expression of what he could only describe as pure rage. Her eyes bore into his soul and promised pain of the worst kind. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well, he didn't know about scorned, but she looked pretty goddamn pissed off with him right now. He may not have meant to shoot, but it was evident that she didn't care. The moment the albino terror spoke again, the clerk who had until now been restrained had made a break for the back door, slamming it behind her and almost assuredly locking it. He guessed that unlike him, her shock at seeing a superhuman just shrug off a bullet came second to common sense. Had he been in a more relaxed state of mind, and not about to void his bowels, he might have been able to appreciate the fact that the very thing he did to incur this woman's wrath wasn't so much that he shot her, but the fact that it caused her to crush her ice cream. It was kind of sad really, the biggest mistake he'd ever made was quickly looking to be spoiling this girl's frozen dessert. In the end it didn't really matter, he now knew one absolute fact. He. Was. Fucked.

In his twenty seven years of life, Rich had the good fortune of never having crossed paths with a metahuman, alien, monster or interdimensional whatever. He didn't have any experience fighting or even speaking with one before. Understandably, he was more than happy with this, as people of his particular profession rarely had any good dealings when it came to the likes of them. Crooks like him were very often the victims of violence from all sides of the moral spectrum in the superhuman community. Today, it looked like this was Rich's turn to be beaten to a pulp by one of said individuals and unluckily for him, it didn't look like she was one of the minimum force necessary types. With speed that Rich couldn't hope to match, the woman struck his outstretched hand. The clang of the metal as her hand made contact was easily drowned out by the resounding 'bang' that came with yet another gunshot. As most will tell you, it's not usually safe to go around striking loaded weapons, especially when the person holding the gun has already proven himself rather untrustworthy when it came to wielding it.

Sharp, stinging pain shot through his hand. Even barely trying, the woman's strength wasn't something to shrug at. Nothing was broken, but it sure as hell hurt. The handgun skipped across the floor, well out of recoverable distance, not that Rich was even thinking about going for the firearm again. It was already clear that shooting her did little more than piss her off, so trying again was beyond suicidal. Wasting as little time as possible, he hopped the counter and and made a mad dash for the door, keeping well out of what he'd dubbed the woman's 'swinging distance'. He prayed for a quick getaway via one of the parked cars just outside the store, but inside he knew with the way things had been going so far, the fates were unlikely to be giving him a break anytime soon.

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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Re: Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by The Bolt May 19th 2013, 1:51 pm

Easily enough the crook was disarmed, however not before one last round was fired off from the weapon in question. The normal person would have suffered some sort of painful, if not debilitating injury from such a point blank shot; however that would not be the case with the bulletproof albino. The stray bullet burst from the barrel of the fun and collided with the eyelid mid blink of the one known as Agent Reaper, causing less damage that it would have if it made contact with the naked eye. Still the pain was enough to elicit a roar of pain from her as she clutched her eye and took a few steps back, plenty of time for the man to attempt his get away. Pin shot through her eye, one that she had never experienced or expected to feel from something as mundane as a gun. Hopefully the man was experiencing as much pain as she was at the moment.

With her one eye that was not hurting, Shayla saw the man who was attempting his grand escape, and already she was considering how to catch him. Sure he could have found a car and tried to drive away, but considering her speed that would not get him far before she caught up to him again. Still here was she holding her face like a total dumb ass, but the pain wore off quick enough, leaving her with a greater sense of annoyance towards the humans that had so boldly shot at the dangerous meta human. Perhaps he had some sort of power, though if that were the case it could have been a rather unimpressive one. Wiping away one of the stray tears trying to leak from her eyes, the albino regained her bearings of the situation.

Here she had the petty thief attempting to make his escape, and she was just standing her with slowly melting ice cream dripping from her tightly clenched fist; which would have been a comical scene if she did not have the strength to crush a car with her bare hands. Before she had a chance to really act, he had already jumped through a door behind the counter probably hoping to get away with a car or something stupid like that. Well if he weren't dealing with a meta human freak, that would have been a perfectly sound plan. However that was not the case, so his plan was quickly made worthless. Within an instant she leapt over the counter in what can only be described as a blur and began her pursuit of the thief in question. She dashed through the door and already found herself looking upon the man so bold as to shoot at her.

Last edited by Agent Reaper on June 16th 2013, 2:28 am; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper] Empty Re: Just another day [Closed to Agent Reaper]

Post by Xerox May 27th 2013, 4:57 pm

His fear refused to let him falter in his run for safety, even when he heard the woman's pained screaming he wasn't fazed. Momentarily, the crook's balance was lost as he rushed out the door, but after a few uncertain steps he'd managed to regain his composure. His heartbeat had forgone any sense of rhythm and was hammering erratically in his chest. He had no idea how he'd manged to get this far without the super-powered psycho already giving chase. It was clearly evident she was fast from the speed she'd smacked the gun out of his hand, so obviously that accidental shot had done some damage. Well that or she just didn't think he was worth the chase, though from the way she'd spoke to him earlier he wasn't going to assume she'd just let him off like that. In any case, the cops were likely going to be here soon given all the commotion and the likely 911 call the surviving clerk would make. Standing just outside the store, his eyes quickly set themselves upon his salvation. A heavily used and car with noticeable wear and tear. The maroon vehicle had clearly seen better days and wasn't a particularly pleasant sight to behold, but it would do. Hastily, he ran to the side of the car and started fumbling with the door handle. As expected, it was locked, but it didn't hurt to try. The glass shattered easily when his elbow struck the fragile material, then it was only the simple matter of reaching in and opening the door from the inside.

He didn't waste any time as he pulled out a pocket knife and used it as a makeshift screwdriver to open the panel under the steering wheel. With surprising skill considering his only average intellect, he managed to hot-wire the car in record time. Though it wasn't really that amazing since he had years of experience and the motivation of a highly pissed off metahuman coming after him. A slightly relieved smile found its way to his lips with the thought of actually getting out of this in one piece. To his dismay, it was at that moment the albino woman came into view, facing him through the front windscreen. Even with some more distance between them, the look of rage on her face wasn't any less apparent. Pushing down his instinctive dread, he realized that he actually had an advantage over the bulletproof villain. Currently seated in over a ton of mobile steel, this was probably going to be his only chance to deal some damage and he wasn't going to pass it up. He'd heard horror stories from some of his other less than reputable friends regarding their dealings with these freaks, none of which had a very pleasant ending. While the thought of killing her would put his mind at ease, he would settle for stunning her long enough to buy him time to escape. If he was lucky he'd get out of there before the cops showed and had a chance to pursue him, and if he was really lucky they'd go after the crazy girl instead of him. That is, if he didn't manage to turn her into paste in a second. Shifting gears and slamming his foot down on the accelerator, the car hurtled towards the woman ahead with all the force the almost jalopy could muster.

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