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The approaching Storm [closed]

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Samael Christensen July 18th 2013, 2:47 pm

A single hand swept over a crystalline surface, sending ripples across it as an image came to life within the mirror. Pained breathing swept through the room, one labored and heavy. It spoke low in a language not spoken on Earth, or even within the known universe, yet it held a dark property to it that could chill the blood flowing through a mans veins. Shadows rose like a mist and what seemed like an image began to form within the reflective surface of the mirror, one that fluctuated for a moment before coming into focus. It was that of a small, dark room and the person within it. The subject of this tale and perhaps the victim of a greater plot as well, though that that is yet to be revealed.
A small beam of light shone through the scant blinds hanging along the only window opening to his rather disappointing apartment. Pat groaned lightly and rolled over on his rather unspacious futon, eyes opening into slits as the haze of sleep slowly seemed to wear off. Yet, still he lay there with a numb feeling permeating throughout his left leg, one that made it feel heavy and somewhat painful. The damn leg was asleep, but not like Pat could really do anything about it for the moment, just had to shake that kind of thing off. ”Dammit, legs asleep again.” He muttered pushing himself up from the futon with both hands, shirt stuck to his body by sweat.

Pat pulled from his body and rolled out of the bed into the floor, eyes staring at the rather bland ceiling, narrowed and still sensitive to the morning light. ”Dustin! You here?” He called out in a groggy voice, though got no reply and that was to be expected. He was likely off with that Mykel friend of his and that meant that he wouldn't be back for some time, and usually Pat was not here to greet him anyway, though there were a few times. Hopefully the guy would take a hint and leave, perhaps leave Pat with an apartment to himself, but the thought of being alone was maddening really. So perhaps he wouldn't ask Dustin to leave, considering he was barely here anyway.

With a start he rolled to his feet, and the shirt fell down to the midway on his thighs, but still didn't cover where the stripped boxers spanned. The first thing he would do today was take a warm shower and wash away the sweat and grime that had clung to his body overnight, which fell away easy enough. The hot water also helped to wake him up, steam rising from it and filling the entire bathroom up before he was done, creating a thin layer of precipitation upon a large mirror hanging on the wall over a sink. With that done, he put on a new short and pants, both of which were mostly clean and then checked an old looking digital clock sitting upon a nightstand within view. From what he could remember, he was supposed to be doing something with Wilson today, but what that was he was sure would be fun or something.

It was 8:45, so that gave him enough time to get ready and he wss sure that the kid wasn't even up. People these days rarely did woke up past 1, unless they had school or something along those lines. Still he had time and with that time, came time to waste. So or the next four hours he sat around and watched tv or surfed the slow as hell wifi on his laptop, and when the clock hit 12:130, he was off. It was around this time that his phone vibrated, Pat opening it to look at what exactly it was and groaned audibly when he saw it. It was a message from a certain Hale, thuo8ugh what he wanted was beyond Pat. He read the message, a little annoyed, rapidly typed an answer back and was on his way.

Jumping into his beat up truck, Pat was on the move, on his way to pick someone up and likely to do whatever. Traffic was horrible as usual and it took him a good thirty minutes, but he got there; and there Wilson was waiting. Hopefully he wasn't too annoyed at Pat for taking too long, unless he hadn't been waiting too long, then all was well. ”Well i'm here.” He said poking his head through the window hole.

Last edited by Pat on August 5th 2013, 2:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty Re: The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Wilson W. July 31st 2013, 7:38 pm

"Beep Beep Beep" Wilson's alarm clock shouted at seven o'clock in the morning , signifying he had to wake his mother up for work. He threw back the covers to his comfortable and exited his room to his mother room , only to find she was not there. He went down stairs to the kitchen to find a note , saying that she had left early to run a few task before work. Sort of upset his mother had not told him that he didnt have to set his clock for this early today , Wilson just threw the note away and took the gallon of milk out of the refrigerator. Getting out a bowl , he filled it with milk then his favorite cereal , frosted flakes , and quickly ate it before going back to his room upstairs.

When he arrived back in his room , he peered at his clock to see it had only been about twenty-five minutes , still making it very early in the morning. Sluggishly he fell right into his bed , until he quickly reopened his eyes to remember he was to meet pat today , which put a huge smile on his face. "I've gotta get me stuff together" he said to himself as he rushed out of his bed to his closet. Wilson knew pat probably wasnt up at seven in the morning but , he just couldn't wait to see him again after what felt like ages. After picking out his outfit for today , which consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans , a dark blue sleeve tank top and his dark blue converse , he hopped into the shower.

After taking a thirty minute shower , Wilson got out , dried himself off and out his clothes on. He saw it was still very early in the morning so he needed to do something to pass the time till he thought it was time pat would come. Wilson thought he would just sit around and maybe clean the house and watch a bit of TV. Heading back downstairs he started to straight up the kitchen , then the dinning room and the living room. Before he knew it was about twelve pm already , "wow four hours of cleaning , mom better appreciate this" he said laughing a bit before he grabbed his cell phone and house keys from the kitchen table and left the house.

About the time Wilson came to the spot where pat and him to meet , it was about twelve-fifteen. Wilson sat about thirty minutes when his lovely pat pulled up and announced he was there through his trucks window hole. He excitedly got up and hopped into the front seat of Patrick's truck. "well it took you long enough" Wilson said with a joking tons as he closed the passenger seat door and looked at pat.
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Registration date : 2013-07-07

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty Re: The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Zell August 1st 2013, 1:45 pm

"No water, no hot rocks...Fate I hate this place..." I groaned as I sat on top of the clocktower, not really caring what was going on around me. Suddenly there was a flash of red and blue lights. I looked down the small distance to see three police cars. Their lights were flashing all cool and stuff. Bottom line here was that I can assume they weren't exactly happy to se me. I've earned a bit of a reputation over in California for simply existing. Many places didn't much like having me around.
     "Attention: Metahuman, you are in direct violation of the city's sanctions against entrance of the belltower. Come down immediately or we shall have to resort to lethal force." The man over the megaphone said. I looked down, squinting to see him. He was a rather large guy, could definately make me believe the whole 'cops and dunkin doughnuts' myth. I'd rather not have the humans attempt to slay me, because in the end the only thing slaying me will be the laughter from them TRYING. I complied with the 'demand' and jumped down the belltower, using my power to summon the water form a nerby pond to catch me about half way, breakng the majority of the fall so that it was survivable. With my feet afely on land I returned the water to it's rightful place and walked back the officers. As I walked past the large man placed something on my wrist and laughed as if he just caught a little mouse in a corner. "You're not going anywhere."The little clicks and suddenly my arm was attached to a police car. "You're under arrest for trespassing and resisting arrest. You have the right to remain silent anything-"
   "Hey, mortal. How many of your men have I killed?" I asked him. He was deturred a little by this question.
   "you have the ri-...None?"
   "Ya wanna change that?"I questioned him with a bit of a growl. He must have taken me seriously because the fat-man took off these handcuffs and let me go. I walked away. I got about eight blocks away before there was this guy on top of a building, there were police everywhere around the base of the building and it was quite a long drop. Did they think they were going to catch him or something!? I saw a fire hydrant and smirked. I walkked over and physically loosened the top, letting it spray water everywhere. I wouldn't have enoguh water to catch the idiot for another few minutes, so I needed to distract him. I walked up to this new police officer, who was also fat as hell, and took the megaphone from him. "Hey...Hey you...on the're ggonna get hurt doing this." I said. Obviously that ws the point, but still the look on everyones face was priceless. Here some a guy in a scale rubbery boxerbrief's with no shirt on and he's telling a suicidal man that jumping was going to hurt. It was funny for me at least. Stupid humans and their dumb sense of humor. The fat guy tried to grab the megaphgone back. I yelped and hopped onto the roof of his car, squatted down and glared at him. I rose the megaphone to my mouth. "Back it up satnta clause." I snapped. I looked up at this guy who wanted to jump. I looked back to the hydrant. It was the perfect amount now.
   "Why do this man?" I asked, as a distraction to allow the water to slowly slither towards my area.
   "Blah blah blah, something incoherant, blah blah blah, I really need to die, blah blah blah." The man said. What? Don't look at me like that, that's what I heard! Anyway this guy seemed pretty deadset on jumping. I decided that I needed to handel this the best way I could. I rose the megaphone to my mouth, cleared my throat then took a deep breath. I could understand what this mortal must be going through. It had to be hard to live in a world like theirs, so picky and bossy ith each other. No one respecting anyone else for how individual they were. So what if the guy didn't look like a buff swimsuit model...or better yet like me? Who cares what he does in his spare time, or what deity he worships...well I mean if he worships me that's all fine and dandy I suppose. But the bottom line was I needed to give this man a ray of hope. SO I said the only thing I could think of to help him...which was...
   "Do it pussy, you won't." I said. Well the bastard proved me wrong and jumped. Whoopsies. I commanded the water form the hydrant to wrap around him and begins cryrling as a sphere with forces enough to keep him moving in the water without having him fall through. I commanded ther orb to follow me and I took off for an alleyway. When we were there I let him go and looked at him. "I don't know what the hell you wanted to do that for, but the bottom line is that suicide doesn't end the possibility of it getting only ends the possibility of it getting any better. I've been around for billions of years, trust me...Hey..when you're down to nothing...Fate is up to something. Gotta go, police kinda want me dead!" I laughed as I ran therough the alleyway.
  "Thank you!" The man called. Of course while running through a series of alleyways I didn't even think about the fact that there was a road in between the current alley and the next. I stepped out onto the street and there was a loud horn and BOOMF. I was cycling in the air, flailing around as I was tossed up and into the other lane only to get hit again and fly into the bed of a pick-up truck. I just laid there. Didn't move...didn't want to. It didn't really HURT...but I felt it, that's for sure.

The approaching Storm [closed] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty Re: The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Samael Christensen August 7th 2013, 1:23 am

'yeah I know.” He answered weakly, smiling widely as the younger male stepped into the truck and closed the door behind him. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the males cheek before returning to his position, hands on the wall and all of that jazz. It was going to be a long day, or something along those lines, and Pat had to be sure of what the hell they would be doing. Sure they were going to do whatever, but what that was he never really thought out in great detail.

”So, where to first?” He said trying to make idle conversation, as the truck went into motion, engine humming lightly and they were now in traffic. Being that it was around noon, the amount of people out was somewhat alrge, but not enough to slow them down too much. Chicago was a large city, and that meant there were many places that they could go, but he didn't really care where. Pat was never once to worry about the small stuff, unless the small stuff happened to be big stuff. Then he had to worry, but worry never helped anyone.

He was however not expecting what happened next, but no one ever really does, do they? There was a loud thump that seemed to overcome the sound of horns, and it nearly made his heart leap out of his chest. 'What the hell was that?” He muttered to himself turning around to see.....a nearly naked guy laying in the back of his truck. It took all of the self control he had to keep from spinning out and wrecking his goddamn car really, but then again it was not every day this happened. So Pat managed to pull his truck over and go to examine the situation better.

”Gimme a sec Wilson, I need to see why I have a naked dude on the bed of my truck.” he said stepping out and walking around, leaning over the edge. ”So....having a nap there?”

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty Re: The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Wilson W. August 9th 2013, 10:32 am

Patrick exclaimed that he knew as he entered the truck. He was kissed on the cheek by pat , which still put a smile on his face even after all this time. What was today to bring Wilson and his boyfriend Patrick. He hoped whatever it was that it would be fun , because it seems Patrick needed a bit more fun anyway. "Maybe I should think of a place to go" Wilson said to himself , just trying to see what they could do today if Patrick didnt have something already planned for them.

While thinking , pat asked what they would do today. " Well I'm still thinking on that" Wilson said because Chicago was a very big place with so many things to do. Pat started his truck and they where off into the streets of the busy city. He was still thinking of a place to wear they could go , "maybe a movie or." Wilson was completely lost , not being in this city for very long he hardly knew places they could go and enjoy.

He wanted this day to be fun for him and Patrick , but it seems the day would probably lead them elsewhere. A loud sound surprised Wilson and if he could tell , it surprised Patrick also. At the same time as Patrick , Wilson looked back to see a half naked man in the back of the truck. "What in the world" Wilson muttered to himself as Patrick pulled the truck over , most likely to examine the man that laid in the back of the truck. Wilson was right , as Patrick said to give him a sec to see the half naked man in the back of his truck.

"Ok , just be careful" Wilson said as he watched Patrick get out the car and go around to the back of the truck.
Wilson W.
Wilson W.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-07-07

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty Re: The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Zell August 9th 2013, 8:34 pm

So im bleeding from my head and some mortal thinks it's cute to comment on me. Real cute. I groaned, trying to stop the ringing in my ears as I felt my thick draconian blood seep from my skull. I peered up just over the side of the bed, looking around to see what just happened to me.
     "That's one way to get yo ass out of kansas. Yeah im fine. Great, yeah just ignore the pool of blood in your truck. This is a family tradition. We run out in front of cars and just bleed from our heads. Its great at Christmas,  seriously, drop by sometime."  I said. A part of me was joking, part of me was looking for an excuse and the last part of me wanted to impale this guy on water. I chilled out and peeked over the roof and noticed a nice dent in the car. "Fate damnit, what the hell is your car made of, Chuck Norris bones and beard-hair? That hurt!

The approaching Storm [closed] Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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The approaching Storm [closed] Empty Re: The approaching Storm [closed]

Post by Samael Christensen August 10th 2013, 1:52 pm

Yeah, this guy was just a ray of sunshine, if sunshine were a snarky little bitch. Still, here he was with someone bleeding profusely from the head, and it was likely Pat would have to call 911 or something like that. Still, why the hell was this guy running out in the middle of the street to get hit by an oncoming car? Was he missing brains or had they seeped out long ago? 'Looks like you need medical attention, Unless you want your brain to leak out.” Pat noted pulling out a cellphone, and dialing in the number. However before he could actually make the call, something struck the phone from his hand and sent it skittering along the concrete, a car driving over it and crushing it into many pieces.

What appeared to be a scaly tail of some kind wrapped around Pat and lifted him into the air, attached to a stranger in a black cloak. ”Dammit....let me down.” The pressure increased and it hurt like hell. The thing however said nothing, sprouted wings and fucking flew away. This was just not turning out to be his day. Hell, even his powers refused to work, and that meant he was kinda screwed. Hopefully someone could save him, like a superhero or something. Who was he kidding, he was screwed.

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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