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I was, once was (Open)

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I was, once was (Open) Empty I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel March 27th 2013, 1:58 am

Kimberly Ming, AKA "The Black Angel" opened the door to her new apartment, it certainly wasn't much, but it was the kind of place you could pay in cash, and didn't require you to sign a lease. This meant is was the perfect place for Kimberly to begin again, and the Black Angel to truly be born. It was a fire cry from what Kimberly was use to in her days as "Soldier of Fortune", the vigilante mercenary, who was the best friend of failing dictators and corrupt states. No longer was she driving to a swanky uptown penthouse, her drop top Ferrari whisking her swiftly home. No, she was different now, for many reasons, perhaps the most important being necessity. As the Triad's had, had no trouble finding Kimberly, formerly "Jade 3" in the Triad's brutal Jade assassins program. Though she'd escaped, the bullets "The Perfect Soldier" put in her side served as a memory she'd never be truly rid of the Triad, as long as she, or they lived.

Now was the calm before the storm, as "Perfect Soldier" dutifully reported back to his employed, "Dragoon Head" the feared leader of the Triad's global crime empire, that he'd killed "Soldier of Fortune". One near death experience, and Kimberly's rebirth into "The Black Angel", a chaotic force of good in this world, and she was now off the Triad's radar, however she knew this would likely only be momentarily. She'd promised herself, her murdered mother, and god himself, that if she were to come back to the world of the living, she'd be a force of good, and an avenger of the weak and helpless. She only had to look into her past to know where to start this crusade against humanities true evil..... The Triad Crime Syndicate, which ran operations from its home base in China, to nearly every port of call, including Chicago, as more and more of their gangsters fled the ruins of New York City, as the Black Angel just had.

Kimberly made her way across the small, three roomed apartment, it certainly wasn't much, and after attempting to wash her hands, she quickly found out the water was no good, as it ran thick and brown, with a disgusting odor. Kimberly sighed, saying Here I was thinking the point of life is to progress.... This is...., Kimberly's thoughts strayed to her painful, impoverished childhood in Hong Kong for a brief moment, and all the pain came flooding back, hitting the hardened warrior like the would be assassins bullets. Steadying herself on the dusty, cheaply made counter, the beautiful young woman inhaled deeply, stopping any tears from flowing, before focusing on her broken window.

Walking over to the shattered glass, she exclaimed "Are you fucking serious?? At least he could have fucking told me about this.... I would have at least bought another set of blankets...., her gaze then focused on the bags of items she'd brought with her when she came up to her apartment. Walking over to her only worldly possessions, the Black Angel began to sort through the two large dufle bags, pulling out several black Glock 9mm handguns, a sawed off shotgun, several grenades, assorted personnel items of little value, and a hundred thousand dollars in American money, which she'd pulled from her safety deposit box at Chase Investments. This money was all that was left of "Soldier of Fortunes" crumbling empire, one which was built on a house of cards, for the Triad would never let their most beautiful, and most lethal Jade truly go.... They simply let her live for a time, watching as she helped those who'd set the world on fire, profiting as much as she could along the way. Eventually however she became an expendable liability, and it was only the grace of god that let her see the light of another day, and she didn't intend to waste this second chance.

She was without fear now, before she feared only two things, living in abject poverty once again, and the man who in one hand destroyed her who life, yet on the other hand gave her the unique abilities she possessed.... The Triad's leader.... Dragoonhead.... Now she knew there was a divine judge at the end of this world, one who'd selected her to be.... A force of good. Money, power, material wealth, ultimately they didn't matter anymore. Neither did her fears, as she knew this life was only the beginning, all that mattered now was that she changed hers.

In the morning she'd begin her counteroffensive, striking at the Jades base of operations in Chicago's booming criminal underworld... In her few days in the "Windy City" she'd researched Chicago's criminal underworld greatly, ever the scholar she learned a tremendous amount about the Triad's booming trade in the weapons, sex, and gambling industries. She'd know where and when to strike, and best of all they wouldn't even see her coming.... Finally she was truly stealthy once more, a creature of the shadows, who was gone before her target even realized they were dead.

"The Triad think they've won the war, but they've merely just fired the first shot...." The Black Angel thought as she unfolded her black leather catsuit, a newspaper clipping of China towns illegal dealings falling from her suit...


(1 Day Later)

She'd been perched high above China towns seediest neighborhood for most of the evening, her newly purchased Dragunov sniper rifles scope tight to her left eye. She'd seen low level Triad gangsters, innocents, and those somewhere in between walk in and out of an outdated looking Chinese dive for hours, none were who she was looking for. The Black Angels target this night was Sun Yee On, who was the Triad's top man in NYC, and who recently just left the rubble for Chicago, where he'd apparently taken over as the cities number 2 man. There had been no sign of the man all night, but the Black Angel knew he was inside, as she'd followed what could only be the flashy gangsters entourage through impoverished China town, "Only a Triad would have such little fear driving a convoy of hundred thousand dollar Land Rovers through China town...." she reassured herself.

She tapped her fingers along the rifles cold stock, inhaling the fragrant smells that lofted into the air in the ethnic district of the city. It smelled some place far off, it smelled like home, if Black Angel truly had a home. Her mind wandered back to Hong Kong, to the orphanage for the "Gifted", and then to the terrible thought "If Meta-Human's brought so much destruction to New York, if they killed so many.... If we're not ready for the world, and the worlds not ready for us..... If a few are capable of such destruction... Is the world...., she stopped herself from finishing that thought as her mark excited the dive surrounded by a small army of thugs.

Whispering All good things come to those who wait...., the Black Angel adjusted her scope to the proper settings with her left hand, her right staying on the trigger. She could see Sun Yee On despicable face now, the man who'd terrorized New York City's Chinese population for decades, and who was responsible for the death or disappearance of countless hero's, villains, and innocents alike. As her right index finger pressed on the trigger, Sun Yee On looked up, practically making eye contact with the hidden assassin. For a moment in time, time froze, the assassin and target glaring at one another.

Just as suddenly as time froze, it unfroze, Sun Yee On's long black hair glided back in the wind, as a loud snap could be heard, and then suddenly his face exploded in a brilliant red explosion, his brains covering his entourage, and the front of the eatery. Wasting no time, and with incredible speed, the Black Angel ran across the roof to her next vantage point, as Sun Yee On's guards returned fire with a collection of hand guns and sub machine guns. Another shot from the deadly assassin, and another one of Sun Yee On's entourage was dead. Running to her next vantage point, the Black Angel targeted a gangster shooting an MP5, an quickly dispatched him before he knew where the assassin was even located.

Swinging the large Dragunov sniper rifle over her shoulder, the Black Angel jumped down onto the street at least 25 feet below, as the crowds of tourists, vendors, and residents scattered and screamed for cover. Landing on her feet, and instantly drawing her dual Glock 9mm's, the Black Angel ran for cover behind a parked car, as the 5 Triad's engaged her with small arms fire. Reaching to the right side of her back catsuit, the Black Angel pushed the button of a small remote detonator, as a small plastic bag, with a stick of C4, that the assassin had placed next to Sun Yee On's motorcades parked cars exploded, dispatching two of the Triad bosses guards, just as several more emerged from the building, firing AK-47's, prompting the Black Angel to dive for cover behind another car, firing at and hitting another gangster. The assassins body hitting hard with a thud against the car, as she screamed" Ahh...", as her shoulder hit so hard into the car she dented it.

Reloading her magazines the Black Angel got the feeling she was being watched, but unable to dwell on it, she simply returned fire, hitting another gangster as he reloaded his pistol.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel March 29th 2013, 2:13 am

Rounds slammed into the car that shield the Black Angel from the vengeful Triads at an alarming pace for the former mercenary, who pushed her back up against the formerly luxurious black sedan. She clutched her two Glock 9mm's tightly, and blew the strands of hair that had blown across her face to the side of her shoulder. Catching her breathe, the Black Angel darted back out into the field of fire once more, traveling a near superhuman speeds. Dirt kicked into her face, as bullets exploded into the ground ahead of the running assassin, who was now charging the determined looking gangsters, who were pouring deadly fire all over the grimmy Chinatown street.

Raising her dual Glock pistols, the Black Angel emptied several rounds into the nearest gangster, before rolling to her right, dispatching another who was emptying his clip in the assassins direction. Hitting the ground running was more, the Black Angel charged the nearest Triad as he struggled to reload his large automatic rifle, the assassin kicking the man in the chest, breaking his sternum in one swift motion. Then slamming the jammed magazine back into the chamber, the Black Angel wheeled around, firing automatic fire at the remaining Triad's.

Windows, cars, and bodies exploded as the large AK-47 bullets found their marks from the expert marksmen's gun. Within thirty seconds all but one of the remaining Triad's was down, fatally hit by brazen gun woman. The last of the Triad thugs turned to run, rather then face certain death at this random attackers hands. The man, hugely muscled, of Chinese descent, ran as fast as he could out of the war zone, heading for an abandoned ally on the side of their hangout.

He was out of breathe, and clearly out of time, as two throwing knives crashed into the back of his kneecaps, slicing through ligaments, tendons, and muscle, instantly dropping the running man. The Triad desperately reached for a hidden handgun inside of his jacket pocket, but within seconds the assassin was on him, standing over him like a lion over its wounded prey. Moaning in pain, all the man could say was "Just get it over with...", to which the Black Angel replied "Don't think you'll be so lucky....".

Then easily dragging the heavy, struggling thug down the rest of the alley, the Black Angel quickly tied a know around the mans ankles, throwing the rope she used up onto the buildings fire escape, and after a few more ties, pulling the screaming man into the air. Once he was at least 25 feet in the air, kicking, and screaming the whole way up, the Black Angel yelled "And when your masters come find you.... You tell them that their days of fear, intimidation, and murder are over.... This part of town belongs to the people once again.... Not the Triad.... .

In the distance a great many sirens could be heard, and wasting little time, the Black Angel slipped into the shadows. The opening salvo in her war against the Triad proving to be a success, however as she knew full well, the Triad were not going to take this assault on one of their leaders lightly....

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 March 29th 2013, 6:34 pm

Red 53 was undercover in Rome preparing for an important job. He had just put the final string on his metaphorical trap and now only had to wait. His phone rang, and he checked the caller id. Red 53 knew he should stay here just in case, but it would be at least a week and a half before anything happened. He flipped open the phone and took the call.

Red 53 had arrived at the airport an hour ago, but had decided to make his employer to wait. It was discourteous, but it set the right expectation that he was not their man. He set the expectation that he could do as he pleased in regards to these people.

Sun Yee On was just walking out of the building when Red 53 came to the end of the alleyway. He was happy he stopped when he did as a sniper took out first Sun Yee On, followed by his minions. Red 53 watched as the goons were taken out one by one until the last took off. Red 53 watched as the mysterious assassin made chase, dispatching of this one slowly and painfully, stopping just short of total torture and death.

When the woman was done and she was giving her final remarks, Red 53 got his first good view of the woman. It was then he approached, "You know you now owe me ten thousand dollars, right? You just cost me a pretty good job with a hefty payout."

Red 53
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel March 29th 2013, 7:49 pm

The Black Angel had felt someone watching her in the alley, though she'd sworn it off as a shopkeeper, or cook on cigarette break. So it was no surprise, that it came as a surprise, that standing before her was a man in blood red armor, which gave him the appearance of a ninja, or perhaps some sort of assassin. Certainly not the awestruck citizen she expected to be gazing upon the final strokes of her assassination of Sun Yee On.

When the man in red spoke, he seemed angered over some sort of financial loss, either he was a bodyguard of some sort, or another assassin, the young woman thought to herself. She'd known both businesses well in her tenure as a hired gun, and knew the pitfalls of lost payments, and how they came with the territory. Whatever the case, he hadn't attacked her, and didn't appear overly concerned aside from the financial grievance.

Shrugging her shoulders, the Black Angel said "Been there done that... I'm sorry for whatever losses I've caused you, as that was not my intent.... Rather settling a score....". The Black Angel then looked over the man in reds getup and said "A man that looks as deadly as you..... I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding your next hefty payout.... Until then.... I'm sorry.....".

Humility wasn't her thing, but she was trying, as she'd been told it was part of her penance. She hoped this new approach worked on the man in red, just in case it failed to however, her hands remained ready to quick draw her weapons once more.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 March 30th 2013, 10:48 am

Red 53 saw the surprise of this trained fighter. Trained is something he could see by the way this woman walked, the grace of each step, and the speed of her decision making. Red 53 looked over her handiwork with the lone triad and knew she had strength. All in all, Red 53 was fairly impressed with the fine specimen of deadly beauty before him. When she tried apologizing though, Red 53 let out a small chuckle. This obviously was not the female gunfighter's element.

After taking two seconds to analyze this figure, Red 53 walked forward, slowly and deliberately. He approached the hanging triad, the man was stuttering about getting help and the boss would pay him well. All Red 53 did was give the man a push. As the rope swung, it pulled on the triad's legs, stretching the already torn muscle. The man screamed as he swung side to side. After pushing the man, Red 53 continued walking forward, past the woman. After making it a dozen feet past her, Red 53 said, "I must say, I already see my next payout right in front of me. I can imagine that within the hour, the leader of the triads is going to put a hit out on the one who killed one of his lower level bosses. Wouldn't it be convenient if I took you out now? Unless you'd pay for me to be your bodyguard... I think that you may not be able to afford that though."

Red 53
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel March 31st 2013, 9:17 pm

The Black Angel listened to the hitman/bodyguard in red carefully, dissecting each word with a fine comb, looking for intent, friendly, hostile, or indifferent. When he said "I already see my next payout right in front of me.", the Black Angel's fingers grew lose, ready to quick draw her guns at a moments notice, as this man was clearly not the typical Triad brute, and certainly much more capable then the gangsters.

Walking several steps in front of where she'd been standing, the feared mercenary, now turned.... Something else, began to silently circle the unknown man in red, and it seemed at any moment one would make a move that would set off a violent chain reaction, which no doubt would only further the days bloodshed. The Black Angel planned her first move in her head, she'd have to be swift, she'd have to be deadly.

Just as she was about to strike, a soft wind brought with it the rantings of an unseen homeless preacher from far down the street, the woman yelling "Glory, glory, there we have it, praise god, the only salvation is through Jesus Christ!!! Glory, praise be to Jesus Christ..... All praise...". The rantings trailed off, as the wind died down, and the preacher likely moved further down the street, or was overpowered by incoming sirens.

The Black Angel inhaled deeply, remembering her near death experience, her pact to protect the innocent, and the deep down feeling that this strange man in red wasn't that bad. Moving her hand from her holsters, the Black Angel sighed and put her hands on her waist, moving towards the man she said "Then we'd both spill an incredible amount of each others blood, perhaps you'd never be able to take another payout again, and for what? That scumbag Sun Yee On? You're right I can't afford to hire you... But I can afford a drink? You do drink? Right?", the young woman inquired as the sounds of sirens were now descending upon the scene.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 1st 2013, 11:04 pm

Red 53 stood and watched the woman. Her response to his hinting was quite what he expected. The woman grew tense, her natural flow coming into play. Her bloodlust coming to the top. Just as Red 53 saw her preparing to strike, the voice of a prophet rose on the wind. With it, came the soothing of the mysterious assassin's muscles. Her corded strength released. Not only did she go back to her passive way of handling Red 53, she seemed to be better at it now. The woman reasoned with Red 53 quite well, playing on his intelligence, the idea that being injured now would mean losing more than this one job. He wasn't actually worried about that, but than something strange happened to him. The woman offered him a drink.

Red 53 perked a questioning eyebrow, not that the brow could be seen, but a definite raise on the mask signalled it anyway. Then Red 53 shook his head and chuckled, "I've got to admit, this is a first. Most people I've threatened to take out cower before me, fight back, plead, bribe, or try to trick me. This is the first time my possible target has offered a date." He made sure to emphasize the last word. Red 53 gave a quick but obvious one-over of the female. Chuckling once more, he listened to the sirens. "I think I need to be a bit more inconspicuous anyways. I guess I can have a drink with you. Do you know of a good sushi bar around here with decent sake?" Red 53 asked. He figured he could keep an eye on her that way and decide whether she would be worth the bounty or not.

Red 53
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 2nd 2013, 2:37 am

The Black Angel laughed lightly at the man in reds remarks, then slightly blushing said "Well I'm trying something new.... Couldn't always fight my through things that... Deserve a more subtle approach... A drink seems so much more.... Enjoyable then us coming to some unwanted combat, which would perhaps lose you money, and me... Well the work I've begun here...". The female gunslinger, noticed the man in reds once over, and laughed to herself, not remembering the last time she'd been on a date.

As the sirens got closer, the man in red spoke once more, and once he was finished the Black Angel jokingly said "Well yeah!! I don't think the police would take to well to either of us at the moment... You dressed as a ninja, and me with a sniper rifle slung over my shoulder... Anyway... I'm new to the area, but their is one I know of, it's not far... It's call Izumi, I'm not sure how the Sake is, but it'll be a new adventure.".

The Black Angel led the way down the small, dusty, alleyway, careful to not let her guard down on the man the followed her, knowing he'd perhaps take a chance if she let him. She wasn't quite sure what she was doing, asking herself that many times, but for whatever reason, there was something going on inside her mind that kept telling her this was the right thing to do.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 3rd 2013, 10:02 pm

Red 53 followed the woman down the alley. Just before the end of the alleyway, Red 53 saw a back door to the apartment building on the corner. He asked the woman to hold just a moment and walked up to the door. Red 53 turned his hand, than simply pulled the door open. He stepped inside momentarily, and then walked back out in street clothes.

Katsumi's shoulder length black hair waived freely, his blue jeans and red long-sleeve shirt clung tightly to his form. The thing that really connected the two alter-egos was the eyes. Katsumi gestured the woman forward, showing he was ready to keep going. "By the way, you can call me Katsumi," He said as they continued on.

Red 53
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 157
Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 4th 2013, 5:08 pm

The Black Angel smiled alluringly as the man in red, now known as Katsumi stepped out from the small building, sarcastically saying "You clean up nice, nicer then I expected". Smiling the Black Angel turned around and debated giving Katsumi her real name, but quickly thought better of it, she did however say "I'm the Black Angel, or at least that's been what I've been calling myself as of late...". Turning and looking into Katsumi's familiar eyes, she said "You know I've never thought to get a costume... I suppose that might sound strange coming from someone in a leather catsuit... But I've never thought to have an official costume... Talked to Donatella Versace about it once, but that was another time, and another life...". In deep thought about her past life, the Black Angel turned around and continued to lead Katsumi.

The thought that he was an attractive man of similar skill, and she was an attractive woman with similar skill entered her mind, and she did all she could to help keep a slight blush from her face. It had been a long, long, long time since she'd been on a date, as business, travel, and death all got in the way. The strange thought that they might try and kill one another if things went wrong didn't really stop the fact that she was surprisingly excited.

Stopping quick at a large, early 2000's black Land Rover, the Black Angel threw her weapons into the trunk, then locked the door. She'd always been a fan of Land Rovers since her first tour in West Africa, suppressing a hopeless rebellion of farmers, protesting the expansion of several massive diamond mines. They were tough, rugged, reliable, and could take a hail of bullets and keep running. Ultimately that knowledge and a fat payday was all she took from that pointless conflict. Now strapped for cash this older model was the best she could afford at the moment, but to her a Land Rover was still a Land Rover, and she knew how to fix a car, truck, even a plane if she had to.

After more small talk, and rounding some more corners, the Black Angel walked up to a small brightly lit Sushi Bar, and said "This is Izumi, I've heard they're quite good. I'm not the Sushi expert, as I'm Chinese, but I know my way around a roll or two.". Pushing the door open, the pair were promptly greeted by the two friendly owners, who were a husband and wife team. After welcoming them to the eatery, they showed the two to their seats, and much to the Black Angels happiness they were in the back, so she'd be able to observe what was going on front of house.

Leaving them to their menus, the owners stepped away, and the Black Angel asked "So judging that you asked if I knew where a good Sushi Bar was.... I'm guessing you're not from around here either?". The Black Angel pushed her newly long, straight, black hair out of her face and behind her ears. She let her guard down ever so slightly, and began doing something strange.... She began letting herself enjoy her company.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 4th 2013, 8:27 pm

Katsumi smiled at the sarcastic compliment. He couldn't explain his happy mood, but he was kind of enjoying himself. Maybe he was going crazy, maybe he was just bored of living the same life he had always lived. All in all though, Katsumi found that he was smiling more and more. It was especially strange how instead of taking his target down, he was allowing himself to be charmed. He was being flattered, he knew it, but he continued to just let it happen. Everything said to strike now while his target dropped her weapons. Katsumi just couldn't bring himself to see her as just a target though. He hated this new mindset that seemed to happen more and more nowadays.

Katsumi replied when the woman gave her name as Black Angel, "Than I shall call you Angel." He kept fairly quiet during the rest of the small talk as they walked, but kept up with polite nods and one word answers. If Black Angel had been out of her element earlier, he was on the wrong table. Katsumi followed as they stopped by what could only be assumed to be Black Angel's car. Much could be said about a man, or in this case a woman, by their vehicle. It was an older vehicle, but very well maintained. Katsumi would guess that she was low on cash, but great with her hands.

Finally they reached Izumi. They were led in by the owners, an older Japanese couple, to the back of the building. As they sat, Katsumi could see Black Angel relaxing, getting more and more comfortable. He wasn't sure whether or not this was a trick or if she was just being naive, but Katsumi shrugged it off. He was confident enough of his skills that he could get out of any trap she might have laid. When she asked about whether or not she was here, Katsumi replied, "No, Angel, I'm not from Chicago. My current hunting ground appears to be close enough to here. My original hunting ground isn't that far from your's either. I am originally from Japan, so I know my way around a few... rolls myself." Katsumi finished that comment with a quick wink.

Red 53
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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 5th 2013, 2:53 pm

The Black Angel smiled and nodded at Katsumi's comment and wink, just as the first round of sake appeared, being poured into two shot glasses by a pretty young Japanese waitress. Katsumi and the Black Angel each took one of the small glasses, filled to the top with the strong liquor. The Black Angel held hers up and toasted, saying "To the hunt...", then clanged her shot glass against Katsumi's, quickly drinking the sake afterwords. The warm liquor hitting the Black Angels tongue hard, as she remembered it had been quite some time since she last had a drink.

Sitting back in her seat, the Black Angel said "Well it seems we're both quite far from our former "Hunting grounds", quite far indeed.". The Black Angel decided to divulge precious little of her past to Katsumi, and said "After leaving China... I shot my way in and out of most of Asia, then decided to take my talents global... So I made the switch from strictly and assassin to a soldier, and fought across Africa, the Middle East, South America.". She paused for a moment, clearly thinking back upon something troubling in her past, before distantly saying "That all seems a thousand lifetimes away... But like scars, blood remains... I suppose blood is why I'm here in Chicago, as it seems one letting shall forgive another... Or so I'm told...".

The waitress returned to get the pairs order, and the Black Angel turned to Katsumi and said "I'll let you decide... Though I'd like to add a ginger salad to whatever my friend here orders.", the Black Angel returned the wink to Katsumi. She felt strangely comfortable, and had resigned herself to the fact that her meeting with Katsumi was certainly some strange event in fates ever moving story line, a story line which the Black Angel had now given to the hands of fate to control.

Though just in case she was being misled, she held several throwing knives in her right pocket, old habits truly did die hard. Whatever the case though, there was no going back for the Black Angel, she no longer feared life, death, and certainly for some strange reason, was sure Katsumi meant her no harm.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 7th 2013, 9:01 am

Katsumi caught the smile in reply to his hinted meaning and accepted the glass of sake poured for him. He repeated Black Angel's toast and enjoyed a slow sip of the familiar alcohol. Katsumi didn't drink often, but he figured that he should at least enjoy his time. He wasn't working apparently, so this was a good time for him to enjoy himself.

Katsumi sunk in the words of Black Angel's brief glimpse into her past. She was guarded and didn't let her walls down easy. It meant she had something to hide. Katsumi just didn't know if she was hiding something to protect someone or her own shame. Then she stated about blood for blood.

Katsumi was about to reply to the topic when the waitress arrived. Katsumi took a moment to think quickly and then ordered a couple Alameda rolls. When the waitress left, Katsumi replied, "Revenge is what you're talking about. Revenge is never a good thing to have on your heart. It leaves a heavy weight on your life. I know it's odd to here that from someone such as myself, but I don't kill for revenge. I kill for money. That isn't much better, as it seems you've learned that lesson, but revenge is no good either."

Red 53
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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 7th 2013, 8:56 pm

The Black Angel looked down, clearly withholding something in her past, but when Katsumi mentioned revenge, the beautiful Chinese assassin nodded slowly, saying "Yes.... Something like revenge... I'd agree with you, revenge is something that ways heavy on the heart, and for most of my life I avoided my past life like a plague.". Chuckling softly to herself, the Black Angel looked at the floor, before continuing "Then my past life found me.... And..... My life wasn't mine anymore....".

The Black Angel picked up one of the Alameda rolls with her chop sticks, dropping the bight sized piece in her mouth. Lost once again in contemplation as she chewed the sushi roll. Once she finished chewing, she said "It seems I've found some sort of... Purpose to my killing now... Besides I've had a weight on my life almost all my life.... What's a few more pounds?".

Sitting back in her chair, the Black Angel looked Katsumi over, and inquired "What's a skilled assassin like you doing protecting that Triad scum? I was all about the money myself.... But I enjoyed action and money even more. Surely you're here by choice.... But why mysterious man in red? Well I suppose you got both when I crashed , Sun Yee On"s meeting.." the Black Angel said with an edge of humor.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 8th 2013, 10:57 am

Katsumi watched his current companion struggle through a thought of the past, the look down showing shame or sadness. He couldn't believe it, but his heart was touched. When she mentioned her life wasn't her's anymore, Katsumi couldn't help but sympathize. Katsumi waited as she took the moment to chew over her thoughts, and then listened to her reason away her recent murders. The topic then took a turn to strange waters. Black Angel asked why he had been working for the Triad.

The answer to that question was at first a very simple one. He worked for the Triads because they paid him well and they were too scared of him to try any double-crossing. That answer would sufficiently cover the question asked, but was it enough to cover the hole in Katsumi's soul? Why was he really doing this? That also had an easy answer. This is what he was trained to do, but that didn't seem to be a full answer either. Really, those answers were just excuses. He really alone though. Nobody cared about Katsumi, only how much it cost for Red 53 to do their dirty work. The thought disgusted him.

Finally, after spending a minute or two pondering the question, Katsumi finally decided on an answer, "I tell myself I do it for the money and the respect, but I don't use the first one and don't actually receive any of the second. I think the real reason I do this is for satisfaction that it gives me a place in the world."

Red 53
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