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In The City of VEGAS

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In The City of VEGAS Empty In The City of VEGAS

Post by Mykel Thames January 12th 2013, 10:37 pm

It was a good day nothing to do and Mykel felt like going out but how far was unowned. He needed time away from his family and he was going to also try experimenting with his abilities. He wanted another judge on what he could do because compare to Elena he was no where close to a match to what she could do. He did not fully know why she was able to take control of the family, but he wanted to take the family for his own and help out like he was suppose to. Thanks to Elena it feels like no one ever acknowledged him in getting him to help out around the house. He wanted his people to depend on him if they needed. He knew he was strong and improving that fact was the ability to control air and fire. He never really tested out what he could do on figures or objects he just shot it off in the air never getting a feel for the damage it could probably cause. He tried not to make it to where no one suspected things.

He has decided to go to the city of Vegas and just have fun for a night. Maybe he would go out into the desert and train. He booked a flight to the city that night and looked out for a taxi. As it arrived he grabbed some money he had lying around and headed out with a suitcase that was partially packed. Since everyone was so attention-ed praised to Elena they would probably not even know he was gone. The cab took him to an airport were he got his ticket and got on the next flight. He then got a small amount of food from the lady after hearing about her annoying speech. As soon as they landed he got off and grabbed his belongings. He headed straight for the nearest and just booked a room and then left.

He walked down the side walk looking for something to do. He was hoping something fun would happen. It was almost pointless because he even tried to walk in the allies and try and find some sort of challenge. All he did was basically go around and watch people waste their money. He went into one building that was built like a disco party. It looked cool but it was not him. He walked in a near by park and sat down. He was rather confused of what to do even if this was a city of mostly parties. He started messing with his power using the air manipulation to compress oxygen in the air and then rapidly burning it with fire. He also started swirling the fire in a small tornado form on the palm of his hand trying to make himself in-bored. Trying to wait for something fun would happen.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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In The City of VEGAS Empty Re: In The City of VEGAS

Post by Madman4life January 12th 2013, 11:00 pm

Through out of the bustling, sweaty, impatient crowd of insufferable tourists, stepped a man. He was dressed simply enough, but was obviously not a tourist, but at the same time he didn't exactly look like a local. He wore tennis shoes, tan slacks, and a blue button-up shirt with the top three buttons undone, and had short, sandy brown hair. He carried no luggage, and didn't seem interested in the various advertisements for Casinos or Strip Clubs. No, he didn't belong, but he obviously had some purpose here, didn't he? He walked confidently toward the street, stopping at the curb. He brought up his right hand to shield his bright blue eyes from the relentless Nevada sun, using his right hand to hail the nearest taxi. In about 30 seconds a bright yellow cab pulled up next to the curb. He opened the door, slipping into the back seat of the cab that smelled like french fries and sweat, " Sundust Casino, I'll give you double if you step on it. Drive." He slouched back into the foul-smelling seats as the car pulled slowly away from the curb. "Here to win it big kid?" The man asked, eyes on the traffic ahead. "Business, just business." He replied simply..

In The City of VEGAS AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-01-12

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In The City of VEGAS Empty Re: In The City of VEGAS

Post by Mykel Thames January 13th 2013, 12:37 pm

He looked around seeing no one in the park plus since he was in his house with his family all that time he never had friends on the outside. He let down his abilities and headed out of the park. He looked around and seen no one plus it was turning dark so he decided to get up and leave. He seen a guy get in a car and then heard the Sundust Casino. Even though casinos were meant for the older gentlemen he decided it would not hurt to look.

He waved for a cab and when he did none answered to him. Wow this was a lot easier back at the family. He kept calling out until one stopped in front of him. As he opened the door someone stepped out and thanked him. Your welcome, but I did not know any one was in here. That person started walking away from the car and had vanished from sight and as she did he got in to the cab. He told him that he wanted to go to the Sundust Casino, but then he said something about being too young. He started driving since it was his money he was now running off of. The drive was long, but he got there pretty quick. He stepped out and looked in amazement.

He started to walk up to the building and as he did someone came at him with a stamp saying he had to since he did not meet age requirements to gamble. He walked in and seen colors, games, and lots of people. The music was some what weird. He just did not know what to do next.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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In The City of VEGAS Empty Re: In The City of VEGAS

Post by Madman4life January 13th 2013, 12:49 pm

At the same time, a identical yellow cab pulled up to the curb in front of the casino, and a serious looking, casually dressed man stepped out. He stroad across the concrete, heading straight for the main entrance through the crowd of gamblers to the large, grand entryway of the casino, straight past the reception desk, not needing a room. In fact, he was so intent in his goal, that his shoulder colieded with that of a young boy with strange hair. His eyes roamed the boy for a moment, mind quickly deciding he was nobody of importance. "Careful kid, its dangerous for children around here.", he taunted, before brushing past him, headed directly for the elevator.

In The City of VEGAS AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-01-12

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In The City of VEGAS Empty Re: In The City of VEGAS

Post by Mykel Thames January 13th 2013, 8:47 pm

He walked in and looked around as a guy at the same time came to him warning him about the dangerousness of the place he was in. He looked around and shrugged his shoulders for people in here looked too weak to take fire to the face. He could be wrong and there might be another meta human in here but he was not caring because he could easily hold his own. He walked around and started to wonder who that guy was so he went back and found him doing whatever. Hello, you said to watch myself a while ago, I'm just saying ill be fine, but most people who come through here would just by pass a stray kid walking around... The main question is who are you exactly, you seem similar to me and different than these people. He said this seeing if he would show or confess what he was hiding.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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In The City of VEGAS Empty Re: In The City of VEGAS

Post by Madman4life January 14th 2013, 5:20 pm

The man, now a step away from the elevator, and with his hand touching the button, sighed, and turned, "Look kid," He said harshly, "I'm busy, and I really don't have time to piss around with someone else's kid, alright?" He turned back toward the elevator without another word, pressing the gold-chrome button, which 'dinged' quietly, doors opening. He stepped inside swiftly, gripping the hand bar lazily, allowing himself to enjoy the elevator music as the doors slid shut. He pressed the button labled '44', which lit up. He was on his way to the V.I.P cocktail lounge.

In The City of VEGAS AtomicJakksGrid_zps4044a07a
Atomic Jakk's Bio

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-01-12

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In The City of VEGAS Empty Re: In The City of VEGAS

Post by Mykel Thames March 29th 2013, 11:30 pm

He wanted to know now. What was this guy hiding. If he had to show off his ability he would. He jumped into the stair well and ran up the steps faster than the elevator could rise. Once he knew he was quite a bit ahead he stepped out and opened the doors to the elevator. He made it start slowing down until it hit the floor he was on. Hmm now lets see whats behind this door. He opened up the door and greeted the guy again.

He looked at the guy as he was probably annoyed now but he did not care because he wanted to know. Don't try moving the elevator again it wont work, I'm holding it down in place. He said this with the thought keeping the elevator in mind. Now I will say this one more time except a little nicer. Please show me what your hiding. I'm already showing you. He smiled hoping he would spill.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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