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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 11th 2013, 11:24 pm

The streets of Cleveland, Ohio. Crime echoed down the streets. It seemed the life in the alleyways had no energy, as if they had giving up on living. As if, smiling wasn't possible for the people. The crime might have lowered morale, or was it the defection of Lebron James? Oh well, they should get over it soon.

Ymir's arrival in Cleveland had been highly necessary. He had heard about the amount of crime there but what he say was an eye opener. He could see signs of superhero related crime. He indeed needed to be there. He would sit on top of a building staring down at the streets. "I can't seem to find any right now. As soon as I see one, I need to make an example of him for the rest of these low lives." He mumbled under his breath.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and took a deep breath. "Hey, cheer up! You guys have Kyrie Irving now! Am I right!?" He shouted to the streets, somewhat giggling as he sighed and crossed his arms awaiting some type of action to pop off in the streets.

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 11th 2013, 11:33 pm

[1. the title. you clever dick.

2. why the hell am i in cleveland?!]

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 12th 2013, 8:13 am

(Your in Cleveland, to visit the Cavailiers? Just come up with a reason?)

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Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 13th 2013, 8:25 pm

Tempest was in Cleveland for perfectly believable business.

He hated it here. It was just so, different to the other cities. Ugh, but the places back home were getting a little bit dark, and a vacation could be good for him. Besides, here he could make a brand new impression on the normal people. Haha. He reached into his coat and he removed the sleek, gold rod with some passion. Spinning it between his fingers, he threw his over coat off and the sky above him twisted into a dark grey in response. There was no time for robberies, but making some destruction sounds good enough. He let out a chuckle, and his eyes glew yellow, small lighting bolts spreading onto his crow's feet. The clouds swirled around and began to descend into a large funnel like shape. Lightning bolts began to screech from the funnel, slamming into the area around him. He flicked his wand upwards, and allowed his body to float into the air, a swirl of air was spinning around his legs, the lightning bolts smashing around the place, but they seemed to be deliberately missing the terrified civilians. He allowed the tornado to hit the ground behind him, and it began to lift up several cars, tearing roof tiles from nearby homes. It was truely a sight to behold! His small dot of a finger, stood infront of the large booming threat proposed by mother nature.

He extended his wand, and alittle lightning to spin from the clouds into nearby homes and cars, however he avoided civilians once again. He was a vandal, not a murderer.

"I am the tempest, ruler of the storm! Blah, blah! Give me some money and I'll stop."

His voice almost seemed uncaring about the situation, but it was obvious that he was enjoying himself, and all the attention this was giving him!

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 13th 2013, 8:45 pm

Ymir heard the screams of people. The screams of pain and suffering. He would then heard thunder and lightning and strong winds and would turn to see a tornado leaking out lightning to the streets below. "What the hell?" A tornado that shoots out lightning?" He shouted out loud in shock at the lethal weather. "This can't be real."

It took no idiot to guess this was some supernatural activity. Especially when he heard someone yell out their name and demands. "It's a damn villian! Causing destruction because of money." He would lift one of his hands into the air, and fire a beam of ice straight at the one who was screaming, toward his legs. He aimed to freeze them so he could lower to the ground. If successful, he would then raise his hands into the sky and fire more ice blasts into the sky, in an attempt to increase the snow fall.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 13th 2013, 9:00 pm

He thrusts his wand into a spin, a bright yellow bolt twisted down and smashed into the ice beam, in order to melt it before it made contact. He span the wand in his fingers, and looked down at the one who had fired it. His eyes narrowed gently, and he looked down from his spinning maelstrom. He allowed his body to soar through the sky, and he began to spin around towards the meta-human. With every complete spin, a lightning bolt tore down, and one shot straight to the cryokinetic meta-human's chest in order to send him into some form of stun.

Whilst this happened he allowed the tornado to stray off course, his attention diverted elsewhere. It began to swirl of course and lazily lent to the side, towards a large manor like home. Tempest was oblivious to this, and was more focus on blasting the crap out've this would be hero!

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 13th 2013, 9:07 pm

Ymir saw as a Lightning bolt would block the incoming ice beam. "I'm fighting a damn storm." He said, as he would start to surf on top of the snow he was sitting on. He slide to the side and jumped off of the building to get out of the air and avoid the lightning bolts. As he was falling to the streets below he would put his hand into the air and create an ice shield and he would manipulate the snow below to catch him by raising up and manipulating the density so it could support his weight. He would then lower himself and continue surfing on the snow and start to go the opposite way of the storm to lead him away from innocents.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 13th 2013, 9:15 pm

Tempest saw the man fleeing, and extended his wand towards him. The straying tornado was back under his control, and had began to stretch after this mysterious meta-human. Seeing him run away from him, he span his wand around and allowed the wind to send him soaring after this man, the lightning continued to smash down, in seemingly random directions. He'd started aiming infront of him, rather than for him, in an attempt to cause him to surf right into one of his lightning bolts. The heat coming from the bolts was furious! It was as if god was shouting down from the heavens!

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 13th 2013, 9:56 pm

Ymir was looking up as he was surfing right at his target. He would begin to laugh at how much fun this was. He saw as he was beginning to fire more lightning bolts and saw the direction it was coming from and would cause the snow he was surfing on to spew him backwards into the air right toward the one who was controlling the storm at a fast speed. He would surround himself in a thick ice exoskeleton to protect him from any attack as he aimed to try and tackle him and if successful land on a buildingl

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 13th 2013, 10:09 pm

Getting taken by surprise, Tempest was thrown into the roof building with a grunt, his wand was sent from his fingers, rolling along the roof top. He used the slippery ice to slide from underneath the man with a breath. His back was killing him. He was out've his depth now. He didn't come here to get his ass kicked. And shit! He needed to get that wand back!

Standing to his feet, he kicked forward and began to run from the golden rod on the rooftops, whilst the weather above him had already began to die down rather quickly, the clouds were turning white again, and the tornado had began to almost reluctantly reseed.

Ashley's fingers stretched out to grab onto the wand's shaft, catching it within his fingers. Tempest rose, his eyes flaring once again, looking towards the large exoskeletoned man.

'Ouch, that hurt. Who are you, and what the hell do you want? I'm trying to make a living here.'

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 13th 2013, 10:25 pm

Ymir looked at Mister Pig as he slid form under him. He would clinch his fist and attempt to use the ice on top of the roof to freeze him to the ground by having the ice he was laying on stick to him. If he was successful he would stand back up and look down at him.

"Make a living by hurting the innocent people of Cleveland! These people have been through enough pain! They don't need you to make it worse." He said and would attempt to point two fingers at him and fire two beams of ice at him.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 13th 2013, 10:30 pm

Thrusting his wand forward, the sky opened once more, and caused the lightning to smash all around his body, the heat of it, melting the heat and both of his beams.

'Look around, hero, is anyone hurt that badly?'

Tempest laughed, threw his body backwards spinning his wand around in his fingers, and thrust his arms towards the man, lightning twisting from the sky, trying to strike his body and send him soaring off from the rooftop, so that Tempest could get his bearing's back. He was enjoying this! His first fight with an actual hero! Not just some faggot with lightning powers and some science. Haha! He'd wipe the floor with this guy, and pick up his prize later. Easy... I hope.

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 14th 2013, 11:22 pm

Ymir looked at his wand and sent a blast of cold at it in an attempt to freeze it in his hand to prevent him from altering the weather anymore. However, as he did he was struck by the lightning and sent flying off of the roof. The ice exoskeleton protected him from any lethal harm, the force was still strong and sent him flying off of the roof.

He would thrust his hands up and manipulate the snow on the ground to increase to catch him and decrease the force of the fall and he simply looked up at his target again and groaned. "He is really beginning to piss me off, I don't kill, but today might be a different day." He mumbled as he took a deep breath, and awaited another move.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Vile March 14th 2013, 11:35 pm

The action of you being blasted back, was enough to send the beam of cold of course. He walked, rather quaintly to the edge of the roof, and looked down at your ice-encased body. He let out a little chuckle and wiggled his wand to him, before the heavens opened! Rain began to pour out from the clouds, and lightning bolts streamed down, one after at the speed of light, all aimed for this Cool Character's Chest!

This is so much fun! Tempest thought to himself, whilst he continued to to charge several lightning blasts down towards 'Ymir', in an attempt to shatter or melt his armour from his body. Hahaha!

"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Maxresdefault
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

Post by Ymir March 15th 2013, 6:44 pm

He would quickly put his hands into the air, and he would manipulate the snow to push him back up onto his feet. He looked up and saw as his target was standing on the edge of the building waving his wand, as he groaned and he would begin to run with his superhuman speed. He would then begin to surf on the snow yet again, as he clenched his fist he would attempt to cause the snow Tempest was standing on to harden and freeze him to the ground.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-03-11

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"Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig) Empty Re: "Just put the pig in the freezer" (Closed, to Pig)

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