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Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 16th 2012, 2:31 pm

After hearing about a superhero called Ranger, James thought he would be well suited to be trained by the superhero. The problem was he lived in Chicago and ever since he escaped from the labs the police have been looking for him so getting on a plane would be very difficult however due to his super intelligence he produced a fake passport. He then wore a large hat knowing the police where idiots compared to him so they would never notice him. He then left for the new york airport. When he arrived he booked a ticket to Chicago after walking to security he pulled out his jammer to block the signal to reflect a new image to hide his weapons from his suitcase. after safely getting past security he took his seat and they flew to Chicago.

After arriving at Chicago he looked around for Rangers area to try and find his base it began to drop to night and a group of thugs where smashing a shop, he noticed a figure in the distance

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by The Ranger December 16th 2012, 3:47 pm

Chicago, Illinois, the city protected by the infamous Phantoms, a group of super heroes who joined up with GUN. A group of heroes that slowly started to dwindle into nothing and seems to be nonexistent now. The only active member of the Phantoms and GUN it seemed traveled to and from Atlanta his home town and Chicago the base city of the Phantoms, the other three members had gone missing in action so he alone was left to clean up the streets. Pulling the hood down over his head he decided to do just that. It didn't take him too long to run across the exact thing he was looking for. Some fools were trying to break into a store and they were certainly making a bunch of noise over the attempt too. A grin spread across his face as he notched a tranquilizer arrow sending it flying out at the first of the four. He was immediately knocked out and fell to the ground.

It was quick and easy work to dispatch the other three as they were confused from their partner being knocked out by an unknown attacker. Ranger waited just long enough for them to break into the window of the shop so it would count as a crime, attempted break in and trespassing to be exact. The other three were taken down with one snare arrow, wrapping them up and making them fall to the floor. The snare was made to deal with super humans so these three wouldn't be able to break out even if they tried. Jumping down from his roof he moved at super human speeds over to the four attempted robbers and looked down at them, the alarm was going off and he smirked knowing the police would be coming soon. Meaning he had to get out of there. So of course he did, knocking the three out first to make sure they weren't much of a fuss then returning to his building to watch that everything went smoothly.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 16th 2012, 3:56 pm

James began to slowly walk over to the thugs to stop them from stealing. Before he moved even three steps he noticed an arrow fly past him hitting four of the thugs he stepped back looking over to the figure. It was he who fired the arrows he thought who else could it be?. Then three more arrows shot down with such speed it was hard for even James to keep up with them, ropes flew out of the arrows tieing the thugs up. After the figure ran down to knock out the thugs James said "Hello are you Ranger? if so I am looking for training I wan't to become the best I can and you are the only one I think who can" James tried to act cool by leaning on the wall acting as if nothing phases him.

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Post by The Ranger December 16th 2012, 4:10 pm

Before Ranger could even take off someone spoke up, halting in his steps he turned to look at the man sizing him up. The kid looked to be about the same age Ranger was when he first started the whole hero thing which brought a slight smile to the Crimson Archer’s face, though it was hidden by his hood. He listened to what was asked of him and checked the guy over trying to determine just what he could do. He didn’t look too impressive but neither did Ranger himself, the kid reminded him somewhat of Black Arrow and himself to be honest so he figured it couldn’t be that bad a thing to take him under his wing even if it was only for a little bit. When Black Arrow decided to show his face again he’d gladly pass the kid over to a better teacher as he was more of a loner type than most anyway.

Having made up his mind he spoke in his low voice that he used when under the guise of the Ranger, “if you can keep up we’ll talk about it.” He turned the other way and took off at speeds that he hoped the guy could keep up with. He was only going at or around forty miles an hour which to be honest was nothing compared to what he could truly do and a couple of years ago it would have bugged the crap out of him, but today it didn’t because of how mature he had become over the past couple of years and the things he had gone through. He looked behind him to see if the kid was still coming as he turned down an alley into an old abandoned warehouse, now unbeknownst to the kid this was the above ground entrance to the Phantoms Lair but Ranger wasn’t going to take him inside for quite some time. At least not until he was sure he could trust the kid.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 16th 2012, 4:22 pm

James looked to the man as he told him he had to keep up, James thought to himself he was faster than the average human but seeing him before he knew he had to try his best. Noticing the man was about to run off, James darted off after him even though he was a rather bit away from him he could see him due to his amazing eye sight. as he saw the man dart into the alley way a few second after James followed him to the alley way. After looking around for the crimson hooded man he noticed a large warehouse. James began to think this may be a trap as the warehouse looked very old and haunted and was about to fall in on itself. He took a deep breath and strolled in the warehouse he got into his S.W.A.T.S marital arts position to quickly cripple anything that runs to him.

"Hello!?" James Shouted "Where are you!?" trying to focus on dark hot spots where people could hide but not being able to see anyone he begins to shiver the hooded figure could easily beat him James knew if he got jumped he had to think of a tactical way to beat him, after all he knew he was smart but how smart was this hooded man.

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Post by The Ranger December 16th 2012, 7:55 pm

Ranger was standing on a beam above the new hero, boy drawn and a normal arrow notched in the quiver. The kid was fast and he had good eyes, but just how good was he Ranger wondered? When the kid called out hello and in wonder of where he was he shook his head firing the arrow off so it would sail straight by the young man's head. "You wanted training." He said jumping to the next beam then too the ground of the second floor, "it starts now, first test hit me with an arrow or sneak up on me."

It was a fairly simple test, one Black Arrow had used on himself when he was still being trained by the Phantoms. He smirked watching the kid in the ground, he wondered just how long it was going to take. Carefully and quietly moving backwards he stepped into the shadows. Moving silently from box to box, railing to railing, and finally resting down on a railing that was right above the kids head. This was perhaps the perfect place to stop because the sad thing about most people is that they never learned to look up. Even if by accident they looked up it wasn't too hard to move out of their line of sight, especially when it was someone as trained in the art of sneaking as he was. He wasn't called the King of Stealth for nothing.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 17th 2012, 2:27 am

James smiled due to his dark outfit he could easily blend in the darkness, he knew he had to get a high advantage point use his keen sense of sight to locate his target then fire away. So removing his shoes and gloves, since they are the heaviest things on him he thought we could move better. Then darting at 40 mph to the other side of the room he quickly and silently climbed up onto the beams that held the warehouse up looking down to the second floor.

James knew this was going to be difficult since the man he is trying to find is faster than him then an idea sprung to his head he leaped to the left landing on the beam silently. He then used his super vision to scout out the area. Noticing a hit of redness he took his aim with his bow. Pulling an arrow out his quiver to load the bow. Pulling back slowly to reduce noise then releasing the simple arrow. While the arrow darted with high speed, James darted to right thinking if the arrow came in from the left The Ranger would jump to the right so then quickly he took aim and fired another arrow. This happened so quickly James thought he had a chance to hit him.

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Post by The Ranger December 17th 2012, 6:37 am

It did not take long for Ranger to hear the ever knowing whooshing noise of an arrow flying towards him. The kid thought the same way he had when he had been first trained by The Black Arrow, strike first and strike fast, best way to go right? Wrong, Ranger watched as the arrow seemed to move in slow motion because of his superhuman reflexes he used his super human speed to dart to the left of the arrow. He went to the left because he figured the kid would misjudge his speed and had probably never faced anyone with speed that matched his own before. Of course he was right as he heard two arrows thump against the ground, one where he had just been and the other a little to the right of it. Quickly drawing an arrow he turned faced where he heard the shot and fired a normal arrow. "Your good kid, but you've gota learn to compensate for your targets abilities. Not everyone is gona stand there and let themselves get hit. Use that black outfit of yours to your advantage. Sneak up on me if you can."

Throughout everything he said he was moving around, trying to get the kid to focus in on his voice, to fire off an arrow and hit him. He knew he had some superhuman ability with the shot he took at him earlier, perhaps it was enhanced sight or maybe a scope on his bow. Whichever it was he wanted the kid to get him. But he didn't want it to be by luck, no he wanted it to be because of the kids own skill. So after he finished speaking he jumped down to the first floor and barrel rolled as silently as you could to a corner where he pulled his crimson hood down over his hood further. Sure, it wasn't as good for hiding as the black colored outfit the kid had but the red coloring was significant to him.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 17th 2012, 11:55 am

James smiled he now knew he was to slow for his skill. Trying to think of a way to sneak behind him, he looked to the crimson man jump down to the first floor. Kicking off his beam he slid down the wall of the building and landed on the 2nd floor. Walking over to the stairs he hoped over the rail and landed as silently as he could. Not moving a muscle he thought he could blend in with he night shadow. Hopefully if he got a hit on the hooded figure his strength could over power him with a single punch but this was a long shot not knowing anything about his opponent was starting to annoy him. He had to scan his moves maybe he could see a pattern. Sticking to the ground James used his super vision to scan the room seeing a flash of crimson in the corner.

He spoke loudly to bounce his voice around the room so he thought he was somewhere else "Oi come over here!"
The loudness of his voice made it hard to guess where he was. he then crouched behind post sneaking to the wall pressing his face to it so you could only see his suit not his face. Slowly moving closer tot he crimson dude he smiles thinking he could actually get him. Getting close now James was just a few inches away.

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by The Ranger December 17th 2012, 3:12 pm

'Oi come over here' The words echoed throughout the entire warehouse making it seem as if the noise had come from no distinct area. Which in fact is possibly what the man had wanted but why would he want Ranger to come if he knew the whole point was for the kid to find Rey himself? Was it a con to try and get him to come out and reveal where he was hiding, or was it something entirely different? Rolling his neck ever so slightly to let out a tense muscle he pulled back his bow firing off an arrow across the room and knocking over some cans in the distance. Perhaps that would make the kid gravitate to it instead of where he was now. He got into a sprinting position and took off over to a different area of the building, looking for the kid, when he found him he stoped and leaned against a pole. From where he was now he was directly behind the kid's line of sight.

Sure the kid could have possibly seen him run behind him, but it was highly doubtful at the speeds he was going in such a small area. So there he stood and waited, wanting the kid to just get the feeling he was being watched and turn around. He was decent, Ranger would give him that but he wasn't the best. Better than most archer's Ranger's come across but he didn't have the discipline that came with it yet. He still thought plain trickery and firing right at where you thought the person or object was worked best. Wouldn't take too long to teach him otherwise as he seemed to be a fast learner but it would certainly take some practice. Who knew the kid might end up better than Black Arrow himself was by the time they were done. The kid certainly seemed to dress like Black Arrow.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 17th 2012, 3:24 pm

Looking around as he thought he saw the man right in front of him, in a blink of the eye he was gone. Felling scared James started to tremble but quickly snapped out of it he remembered the times in the labs. Nothing could be more scary that that he thought. Taking a deep breath he gathered his thoughts. He then span 360 degrees to scan the room. due to his eye sight he could see things a lot clearer so spinning would blur a normal vision, his was still clear so it looked like he just span randomly but he locked onto his target.

He slowly lent back walking backwards "Where are you?" he shouted slowly walking back closer to the man trying to think he can't see him. Then when he got a few inches away he span around quickly. Sending a quick force from his arm trying to grip his knee then thinking the man would jump he send another hand just above his neck so his neck would land in his hand.

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Post by The Ranger December 18th 2012, 12:49 pm

When the kid spun around in a circle Rey wondered what in the world he was doing, having no clue why he would do it. Was the kid really that dumb, or was it because he simply couldn’t find Ranger? Leaning against his pole, behind the kid, he watched everything that was going on from the kid calling out to him once again, to slowly walking backwards as if he didn’t know where Ranger was. It was quite amusing if he was to be honest with himself, well it was until a fist was thrown straight at his knee. When the fist came flying towards him everything started to slow down, he knew he could dodge it easily but what would be the point? That crucial seconds of him deciding whether or not to jump though was what cost him.

The kid’s hand connected with his knee and another fist was sent flying out at his head as he hadn’t jumped of course. This fist he caught in his own hand, though he could barely hold on from the obvious strength displayed by the kid. “Umph… Well that’s a nice grip you got there, mind letting go now? You got me I’ll give you that, and you’ve got some strength to boot, but remember not everyone is going to be so giving as I am. In a real fight instead of me grabbing your fist you’d have a tranquilizer arrow in your fist right now.” He said with a sly grin on his face. When the kid let him go he rolled his neck and stretched out his knee a little bit. Sure, with his durability he didn’t feel much of the grip but he had to admit the kid was much stronger than he looked. “So, lemme see your shot, let’s see what you can do.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 18th 2012, 1:03 pm

Releasing the grip from the mans knee James smiled as he got told he was strong but James wondered how strong was this guy he hardly flinched. "Thanks and my shot its pretty good I can pinpoint my targets from a while back due to my vision" stepping back away from the hooded man he slid out his bow due to it being made of carbon fiber was very light but couldn't break it easily. Looking around the room he looked for things to shoot then he had an idea he been practicing hitting moving targets and since the Ranger was amazing he thought that be the basics. Walking over to a tin can all bashed and bent he picked it up. Trying to remember the steps he was taught breath, posture, aim , pull and release how could he forget. Every time he failed he was electrocuted by the horrible doctor. Throwing the can high in the air with his super strength he breathed everything started to get a bit slower not much but enough to see the can. Locking on to it with his vision.

He began to take a deep breath, making his posture almost perfect he aimed his bow to the flying tin can. Sliding an arrow quickly from his quiver to his bow he released the arrow. In a blink of the eye the arrow flew from his bow souring trough the air at high speeds. Piercing the can and making it fly to the wall the arrow smashed tot he wall connecting the can and the wall together in unison James smiled thinking that was pretty good but did the person he wanted to show to think he had a decent shot worth training. He lowered his arm taking out another arrow from his quiver with his other arm. placing it near the bow ready to shoot anything the Ranger sends at him.

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by The Ranger December 18th 2012, 2:42 pm

The Ranger watched as he grabbed a tin can, threw it up into the air and let an arrow fly running through it and sticking into the wall along with the can still attached. It was certainly a good shot, one you would have to be very good at the bow with to make but it didn’t display his skill at the best he could. Ranger felt with the kid’s enhanced sight he shoulda been able to make that shot without any problem at all, and so he of course had another challenge for the kid in store. “Alright not bad, your quick and you’ve got good aim I’ll give you that, but how good are you at hitting fast moving targets?” He asked letting the question hang in the air a little bit before notching one of his own arrows in his bow.

Aiming up into the air he grinned, “Try and knock out this arrow out of the air.” The only catch was instead of a normal everyday arrow; he had loaded one of his electric net arrows and let it fly. Sure, it wasn’t the simplest task in the world and actually took quite a while for most people to do but he wanted to see just if the kid would catch on. For after being in the air for a little bit the arrow would pop open revealing the net and if his shot wasn’t timed right and at the right spot, the arrow would simply fly through the net as the net continued on getting tangled up with whatever was next in its path.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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 Darkboy's training begins [RANGER] Empty Re: Darkboy's training begins [RANGER]

Post by Bone_Crusher December 18th 2012, 4:23 pm

James smiles after he complimented him and thought yeah he could hit a fast moving target his eye sight could probably be bale to keep up with the speed. James looked to the man as he loaded his bow with an arrow while he did this he loaded his bow with his own arrow. Waiting for the man to fire his arrow, James took a deep breath. He knew he had to focus to hit an arrow with an arrow this would take amazing accuracy. As his arrow shot into the air something strange happened a net flew out of his arrow. James was confused what that the thing he was suppose to hit?

Sending his bow up rapidly he aimed at the net firing his arrow it sprung off at high speed clipping the edge of the net the arrow began to what look like get an electric shock it flashed blue and sparks flung off. The net and the arrow span off to the wall near the tin can. The net was hanging on the arrow just above the ground. "What was that?" asked James thinking it was rather a cool little gadget.

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