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Pale in Comparison

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Pale in Comparison  Empty Pale in Comparison

Post by The Lost September 8th 2012, 3:25 pm

The dark cloak draped over his armored form did little to make him stand out less as he made his way down the street. He seemed to be moving with purpose and reason, striding forward, but what was the strange figure truly up to?

Most just stood aside when they saw the tall figure approach them. Many stopped and stared. Many feared him, and he could almost feel it. The tension in the air was thick, but somehow he was able to move through it unencumbered. His blue eyes peered out of the black obsidian helm as he saw the sky above. Blue like his eyes. He recognized it. It looked familiar. Had he often looked to the sky in his past life? The soft white clouds slowly making their way across the sky. Hardly moving at all, but moving just the same. Completely oblivious to the world below, the pale white fluffs moved at their own pace. Every now and then a set of stark black wires or the edge of a building, or the top of a telephone post would interrupt his vision, trying to remind him that he was down here and not up there, but he found it easy to put them from his mind.

"You're one of those freaks, aren't ya?" a noise directed at him, but he didn't notice it amongst the usual noise pollution that plagued the city.

"Oh what? To good to listen to us, cause you're some kinda super powered hot shot?" more noise. It just bled in together with the rest.

"I see how it is... Us normals aren't good enough for ya?" the noise maker took a swing with at The Pale with a two by four. It broke. He did not. This left the man daunted for a moment. Stunned. It was not what he had expected to happen. EverAfter, The Pale one simply continued to walk on his way as he had been doing. He hardly noticed the stick as it broke upon him. He came upon the other gang members who were trying to block his way. He was so used to people moving out of the way, and so fixated on the sky above, he didn't even notice them either. He just kept walking.

"Hey... Hey!"

"You trying to start someth-?! Wha?"

"You piece o-"

They squawked and barked, but he didn't notice. Even as they began to push and hit him, he just kept moving forward. They fell back, he just moved past them. His shoulder caught one who didn't move away fast enough and he was knocked to the ground. He had just barreled through them without even realizing they were there.

A few more tried to strike at him with knives, chains, and a crowbar, but they all met similar results. The bent crowbar was the last of it. They group began to slink away defeated, and all The Pale could think of is how beautiful the sky looked so far away and free.
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Pale in Comparison  Empty Re: Pale in Comparison

Post by Dragoon September 8th 2012, 6:59 pm

Sonny walked the streets of New York, biding his time and visiting every place he could. Much time hadn't passed since Sonny's last assassination, this time's victim being a visiting yakuza gangster. That would be sure to put these criminals at odds with each other. Going halfway across the world, sending a few millions of dollars with them, and the only thing coming back would be some bodybags. Sonny joked with himself, laughing over the idea. Those are going to be some expensive bodybags aha. This part of New York had been mostly undamaged from the large destruction that happened. Sonny was a good distance away from it, but he had heard and seen the things that happened. It only further strengthened his resolve on the path he was taking. He saw himself as a hero who was willing to do the dirty things to make this world a better place. Speaking of heroism...

Sonny noticed a rather odd looking man. The only reason this man caught him while he was lost in thought was from the odd things he heard people saying in response to this man walking straight through them. It seemed this man shared Sonny's knack for getting lost in thought. Being as Sonny had nothing better to do, he decided to do a little espionage. To someone else, the better word would be creeping. Sonny followed this man, not worrying about being spotted by him. He doubted this man would notice a cannon being fired in his ear, so he decided to throw caution to the wind.

Soon enough, it seemed like he had drawn attention from the wrong kind of people. Sonny was sure that the man would wake from his trance, being beaten by many weapons. It was shocking to find that none of these weapons had done little more than break against this man, but the attackers kept going. If this man wouldn't defend himself, then Sonny would.

Sonny was but a flash to the unsuspecting eye, becoming a work of art in the process. It didn't even take him one second to reach the men, and he became an unprejudiced whirlwind of what he considered to be justice. Sonny knew how to show restraint, but he made sure to leave these men in pain. The minor offense they committed didn't leave Sonny thinking that killing would he the correct action to take, but a swift kick in the ass seemed just about right. 

It took no effort on Sonny's behalf. Without taking his hands out of his pockets he kicked each of them in various places. One would receive a kick to the leg that would leave him hobbling for a week, and then another beside the previous would receive a spinning back kick to the stomach, leaving him gasping for breath and struggling to keep himself from puking. Street thugs were sometimes fun to mess with, but this time it seemed like routine to Sonny. Spot some punks doing something bad. Beat thugs up. Hope thugs learn. Right now his main concern was with the weird guy, so he took less than a second dispatching the small posse. 

Many thoughts ran through Sonny's head. Surely even the most durable metahuman in the world would know some punks were trying to beat him with a crowbar. The mere notion of it should upset anyone. He didn't understand what had this man so preoccupied that he would ignore such a thing. Sonny tapped the man on the shoulder hoping, but doubting, that he would have an effect on him. "Hey there, big guy. Umm, whatcha up to?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 45
Registration date : 2012-07-31

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Pale in Comparison  Empty Re: Pale in Comparison

Post by The Lost September 8th 2012, 7:24 pm

The normal weapons had no effect on EverAfter. His unnatural flesh had already returned to its true state after spending enough time out of the harsh environment of the void that he was banished to. Something did snap him out of his trance like state. He heard familiar sounds. Grunts and groans. The sounds of bodies falling to the ground. Cries of pain, abruptly cut short. Then silence. They had fallen.

The Pale armored figured had turned to witness the single man dispatch the group of thugs with relative ease. His light blue eyes watch the figure of what appeared to be a man as he danced across the battlefield as if what he was doing was nothing at all, but a man cannot move like that... can one? Surely this was something else. Something terrible and frightening. Something that The Pale man did not want to face. EverAfter felt his breath become heavy. He felt tension in his chest. Fear. Yes this is fear. He had felt it many times after coming to this strange new land. He had decided at some point that he did not like this feeling. Before the brief fight was over, The Pale man was already trying to escape this terrible figure.

In this new altered state, he did notice the voice at his side, and when he turned he saw the strange creature's hand on his shoulder. He quickly tried to shrug its grasp off of him, and stumble away, crashing into the building besides him. He raised its hands up to protect himself. Surely this creature had intended to do to him what it had just done to those bodies lying not to far away. Surely, there was nothing he could do to stop it. He quickly began to take steps away from the creature, cautiously stepping to the side. He felt as if he would be stricken down the moment he turned his back on it. That was the only reason it didn't turn and flee right away.
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Post by Sponsored content

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