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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Forceaus August 23rd 2012, 8:08 pm

On what was a normal day in the city of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, The evil genius Doctor Xelek was driving through town in a van he had been given by his new boss, The Crimson Witch Elena Marie as part of his joining of her group Shade.He was here in this city on a mission for his new boss.The resources given him weren't much but they were plenty enough given he already had some of his own for what he was going to be doing.The mission was at the moment pretty much causing some unwanted chaos to this city.Seemed simple to do but he wasn't sure why she wanted him to do such a thing.Didn't matter to him though.Whatever it took to prove himself worthy he would do so.He wanted the job in Shade and was willing to do whatever was needed to get it.

While driving in town in the van with the Shade minion assigned to join him in this quest as well as Karkinos, one of his creatures in the back.Atop the van in a large rectangular crate tied to the van was another of his creations.His prized success Annihliatorah was lying in there waiting to be called upon at the right moment in time.He was driving around looking for the right place to perform this mission.Somewhere where there was people about with no police officers around preferably.He'd rather not have gunfire coming at him the instant he started.Perhaps something extra could be gained from it.

Looking down the street he was on he could see a bank.That seemed like a fine place to do what he was going to do.Lots of people there to cause much panic and some money he could steal and use for whatever he would need it for.Stopping outside it he got out his van with his toxic gas gun located in his jacket ready for use.The switch to automatically activate a device that would cut the ropes to get his best weapon to emerge also tucked away safely.There was only one guard at the bank.Once he was out of the way the rest of the people here would pretty much be at his mercy.Proceeding in carefully he got as near to the guard as he could without raising too much suspicion.Pulling the gun out quickly he fired upon the guard.Within seconds the guard was choking and eventually collapsed.People in the bank were now panicking.To increase this fear he signaled back to the van.Seconds later Karkinos burst from the back door and onto the street and then into the bank itself.As Karkinos watched over everyone in the building Xelek proceeded to the vault to begin his robbery of it.

Mega Poster!
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by flashzune August 23rd 2012, 8:29 pm

It was a week after I fought that magical guy, Photon and my endoskeleton had suffered damage from him and the winged man, Nathaniel, who I fought prior to Photon. I was told of a scientist who was proficient in robotics, but she lived in Pittsburgh, so I had to travel. I decided that by the time I reached Pittsburgh on foot, the scientist would have left the state, so I choose a faster mode of transportation. I was cruising on a motorcycle I "borrowed" from another unfortunate biker, when I saw an object in the distance. Zooming in, I saw that it was a sign that read "Pittsburgh,Penn. 3 miles ahead." After 3 miles of travel, I reached a gas station in Pittsburgh. As I refueled, I heard the sound of a gun firing, it was coming from the bank across the street. When I finished refueling, I ran across the street to investigate. There was a white van parked outside of the bank. Using thermal imaging, I picked up two figures. One was normal as any human, the other, had vitals that were out of this world. I hadn't seen vitals like that since Nathanial. When the gun fired off, whatever was in the back sprang out and ran into the bank. I walked behind the monstrosity and opened the doors to the bank to face this robber.

Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) WhJZJ


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2012-07-23

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Kumagawa August 23rd 2012, 9:36 pm

James was in a compromising position when the robbery happened. To say that he was occupied was the least of his problems.
"Ugggghhh I shouldn't of had buritos last night."
James was currently at his day job. He was a security guard at the pittsburg bank while his sister was on a school trip. Her trip helped pay his was to pittsburg so it was no problem for him. It seems strange that a sixteen year-old was allowed to work at such a big bank as a form of protection but James was a very surprising person. As he was finishing up he heard a gun shot from inside the bank.

Quickly he took off his security uniform to reveal under it being his black suit. He pulled his mask over his eyes and quickly put on his red tattered scarf. The scarf wasn't James' idea but his sister said it pulled the outfit together and james wasn't going to argue with her about fashion. Once the scarf was on James was no longer James he was now the beast.

The beast began to ponder about going outside. He decided against it if he came out in his suit it would draw attention and get him shot. So he looked around in the bathroom. He saw a vent that would lead him out of the bathroom. Only problem was The Beast didn't know where it would take him. Beast decided to go through the vent. He was able to quietly remove the vent and climb inside. As he climbed through it envitablely led him into the bank teller booth.

"This vent is very conviently placed." The beast thought to himself.

The beast tried to figure out a way to get down from the vent quietly. Then the beast realized he should use the element of surprise for his side. Beast decided to move on the vent across from the vault so he could jump out when someone got close and smash them into the titaium door. This idea was crude and violent but The beast had no compassion for criminals.

The Beast
The Chimera

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Forceaus August 24th 2012, 5:54 pm

With all the people in the bank now subdued because he had tooken down the guard and had one of his pet keeping track of them all Doctor Xelek had just proceeded to the vault.Karkinos wouldn't have much trouble making sure they all stayed in place.People tend to be extremely afraid of something that resembles him.Then again like they themselves weren't capable of being absolutely terrifying.Humans can be the scariest things of all at times.It was simply a part of who they were.

Doctor Xelek arrived at the vault and immediately starting working on unlocking it.His advanced studies in Mechanics made it so that he would easily be able to figure out how to get this vault door open and have free access to all that was inside.As he was tinkering with the lock on the door something hit him from behind and was grappling with him.Seems somebody had decided to be a hero after all.Using the enhanced strength he had given himself through a discovery he made while working he was able to toss aside whomever it was that was grappling him.Now looking at who it was that had attacked him he saw that this person was merely a child.How amusing that such a young individual would attempt to stop him himself.Doctor Xelek was about to call Karkinos forward to deal with this foolish wannabe hero because he didn't feel like getting his hands dirty on this kid when he noticed that somebody was standing in the doorway.Somebody who had not been in the bank when he had entered mere minutes ago.So now there were two people whom he had to deal with in order to finish this little task.

"So be it." Thought the scientific genius as both of his hands reached into his jacket.If these two wish to die then he'll have no problem granting such a wish.He pulled out the gas gun with his right hand and fired at the kid who had just jumped him in order to poison him.As he fired at the child he turned to Karkinos and ordered him to kill the person who had just entered.He had every intent to finish this up quickly so he could get back to opening that vault door so he could rob this place and get out of here before the police could show up in mass numbers.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by flashzune August 24th 2012, 6:55 pm

Now I couldn't have given a rat's ass about these people. They were just a bunch of human civilians going about their humdrum lives when some crackpot in a lab coat decided to mess it all up. No, I didn't care about the little girl being held by her mother under a table, crying and being told that it was going to be all right. What brought me into that panic-fest was said crackpot's little pet, which by the way was rushing at me as par the geezer's command. Without going into too many details, that thing looked all types of ugly. I also noticed some kid, which based on heart level, height and vocal patterns was around 14-17. This kid was busy fighting the scientist when Bigfoot came running at me. With a great jump, the beast leaped through the air to pounce on me. Cries of "look out" rang through my audio processors. Timing myself right, I slid underneath the monster's leg as it landed in the location I was just standing in. The thing whipped his head in my direction, growling and not looking any better facial wise. Boy, one look into it's brain activity and I could tell it wasn't playing with a full deck. That would make it easier to fight. The creature rushed towards me again, this time, it was swinging it's mantis claws like an ax. The HUD scanned the density of each claw and displayed that they were tougher than they were tougher than the bullets Nathaniel shot me with. Considering the damage each bullet did to me, I decided that these claws could put some damage on my endoskeleton. Timing each swipe with my HUD, I managed to dodge each claw. I was starting to get the hang of dodging things coming my way. But remember when I said I didn't care about the civilians. Well it turns out that of the claws I dodged choose an elder woman as its next target. I couldn't let that happen. So ignoring any options of self-preservation, I jumped into the way between the old lady and the monster. The claw landed on my forearm and it cut open a large gash, which exposed the chrome endoskeleton underneath. HUD showed that there was also 5 % of damage done to my endoskeleon and it was right on the money. Under the gash, was a notch that was growing deeper as the monster put more pressure. "Move lady!", I yelled without even looking at her. As the old woman crawled away, I noticed a light switch next to me. The switch was hot with electricity, about 40 volts of it.If I couldn't puncture this thing, I'll just fry it. But that also mean my CPU would've been affected. No matter, it would force a shutdown to avoid any more damage. After considering my options and realized all alternatives were all self-preservative, I jammed my arm into the light switch and yanked out about a dozen discharging wires. 40 volts of CPU damaging electricity surged through my body. "Warning, Circuit overload!!!!" flashed through my field of vision and blocked out the contorted face of the monster as it screamed in pain. I heard lights popping and people screaming as the electricity surged through my body and into Uglies. "Warning, microprocessor at 50% damage. Initiating forced shutdown!!!". After I let go of the wires, the monster's body was looked like a smoking statue. Through the crackle of my HUD, I tried to run a vital scan of the monster, but before I could, my HUD displayed "System shutdown/reboot", with that, the world looked as though someone turned of a TV. Nothing but darkness remained. I left the bank to the hands of the costumed boy.

Last edited by flashzune on August 25th 2012, 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) WhJZJ


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Registration date : 2012-07-23

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Kumagawa August 24th 2012, 7:35 pm

The beast was in a bit of trouble. He tried comming down and smashing down on the villian but the villian turned out to be stronger then he thought. Once he was trown off of the villian he heard a gunshot and he smelled some form of gass surounding. Realising that it was toxic gass he shut his mouth and stopped breathing for a moment. Luckily he had a mask on so he wasn't affected by the gass much but he was abit sluggish.

Using his skills he jumped back and began to talk to the villian while moving around to get use to his slower speed and to work the poison out of his body.
"Gas. really? with strength like that shouldn't you be using your fist or maybe not relying on minons."
The beast began to jump over desk sweep under bars. Doing everything he could to make him a harder target to hit.He noticed a large android person who was standing around with a unseen smile he said "A little help here." What he did next wasn't really the best idea he had but as he jumped over a desk he pressed a button.

In minutes the cops would be here The beast thought. Doing this meant that he had at most 5 minutes to either beat the villian or hold him off. For a moment Beast thought about escaping but thought against it. the villian still had hostages though some of them began to escape once the giant was defeated.

Lifting one of the desk he threw it at the villian while jumping toward another desk so as to prepare himself to fire another desk.

The Beast
The Chimera

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Forceaus August 25th 2012, 5:36 pm

Doctor Xelek had just shot at the kid who had attempted to tackle him to the ground with his special gas gun.It seemed to be working at first just like it should with what appeared to be the child collapsing from it.Instead he managed to stay conscious and get away from the gas cloud."Dammit."He thought.Of course the kid had to be one of those types.Now that super kid was jumping around while taunting the doctor.Taunts that Doctor Xelek was not interested in hearing."These hands have accomplished things beyond your understanding.I will not waste them on the likes of you." he said back tauntingly.

As soon as he finished talking he was forced to duck out of the way of the incoming desk thrown by the kid.Now this guy was just getting annoying.Looking over back into the main room he saw that the other one who had come in to try and stop him had just stopped moving altogether whilst still standing.Karkinos was down and a bit damaged but otherwise fine.Even though he believed that his creature could deal with this kid he didn't have time to waste anymore.

He pulled his left hand out of his jacket and had 4 tubes held between his fingers.He then released their contents onto the ground before him and turned away and went back to opening the vault.The liquids on the ground formed into 4 Geiras.As Doctor Xelek was working on the lock he gave an order to the 4 creatures"Kill that boy there and anyone else that tries to interfere."The 4 Geiras then charged at him with murderous intent

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Kumagawa August 25th 2012, 11:41 pm

"If you want understanding why don't you go to a hippy circle and get away from you lab experiment gone wrong." The Beast knew that it wasn't very witty but that was all he had. Then he saw the doctor pull out something that realeased 4 weird looking creatures. The beast didn't expect that the doctor had more minions.

He watch as amphibious creatures rose from the test tubes. The beast nicknamed them as Ugly 1-4. The beast didn't waste anytime attempting to dispatch them. He ran up to Ugly 1 and gave it a swift roundhouse to its mid-section forcing it back a few feet. Then he gave Ugly number 2 a right hook and began to run back.

The beast began to realize that he was out numbered 4 to 1 and that he was also unarmed. The beast grabbed one of the closest desk to him and threw it with all his might at the Ugly crew. The Ugly crew was knocked back by the desk and was currently sprawling on the ground. The beast knew it would only take them a moment to get back up.

The beast looked around and saw a metal fold up chair right by the wall. The beast figured the janitor forgot to put it away and rushed to grab it. Once he got his hands on it he moved quickly to the nearest Ugly which was Ugly 3 and began to smash his head in with the chair. After the fourth or the fifth hit the Ugly went still.

The Beast moved to begin on the others but unfortunately not only did team ugly recover and were back on their feet but they were also surrounding the beast. All the beast could do was give a broad smile and say "COME AT ME UGLY". The Ugly squad attempted to dog pile on The beast but he was able to knock two away with the chair but one of them was able to get him behind.

The beast let go of the chair and fliped the Ugly off his back and Began to stomp his foot in Ugly 2's face. The beast stomped and stomped until he heard something snap then he snapped. He looked up and saw that the last two of the ugly squad were up and not happy.

The beast slumped to all fours and realeased a growling sound. One of the uglies rushed forward and slashed downward at the beast. Using his hindlegs The beast propelled himself forward his mouth mask opened along with his jaw and then he closed his jaw. The beast tasted something. It tasted like frog. On the Ugly 1's neck it was easy to spot a bite mark where it could be seen that the larax was riped out.

THen It was just The beast and Ugly 4. Ugly four wasn't effected about it's friends being dead and began to run at The beast trying to succeed where the others failed. This time though The beast didn't jump and rip out it's throat. He grabbed the the Ugly and threw him across the room. Then The Beast jumped in mid-air and pouncned on the ugly and began to punch. The beast punched and punched in this position until he felt the life leave from the Ugly's carcass.

After he was done. The beast got up and began walking toward the vault. His senses slowly returned all he remembered was bring down Ugly 2. He spit the flesh out of his mouth. "Where did that come from?"

The Beast
The Chimera

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Forceaus August 26th 2012, 8:28 pm

Doctor Xelek wasn't even bothering to pay any further attention to what was going on.Even with the fight going on between that annoying superhuman child and his own creations he was entirely focused on the task ahead.Getting that damn vault door open so he could get inside.Now fully focused on this little obstacle he was able to undo the locks and open the door.Looking inside the now fully accessible vault he saw the fortune that lay inside.Vast amounts of money lying stacked atop each other.Shelves upon shelves of it all for him to take.If only he could take every last dollar in there though.There wasn't much spare time on his hands.Not with the local police probably on their way here at this very moment in time.

Instead of trying to get away with a fortune he wound up settling for just a couple bags worth of money.He didn't know the exact amount that he was carrying but it should be enough to carry him over for awhile."Reduced to this after everything that I worked for." he thought extremely angrily.This was not something that he had ever thought he would be doing.Damn all that had happened to him.Damn it all to hell.

He left the vault and headed back into the main room.There he witnessed that somehow the kid was still alive."What an annoyance." he thought seeing this kid still alive and fighting his creatures.Feeling he was just a minor nuisance he walked right to the door and out into the street signaling for his creatures to all follow him out.All of them now outside he quickly proceeded back to the van as police sirens blared nearby.They were getting closer by the second.Knowing this he quickly opened the back door to toss the money in and load away the creatures.As this was all happening the first of the police cars arrived.Three vehicles quickly approached his van.Knowing the situation at hand he sent out his four geiras to deal with them for they were less valuable simply because he could easily make more.But that wasn't all that he did.With more cars surely soon to arrive and those two from earlier probably coming right now he pressed a switch that activated the device to cut the ropes binding the crate to the van, thus releasing his prized creation.

Now free Annihliatorah took flight and immediately blasted one of the police cars forcing its driver out and into taking cover.With all the chaos being caused a path was made clear for him to escape.Getting into the driver's seat he turned the van on and started driving in order to get away.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Kumagawa August 26th 2012, 9:12 pm

The beast walked to the vault to see some of the money gone. Under the mask his eyes widened. Damn I missed him the beast thought. He heard a wierd screeching sound come from outside of the building. Once he got outside he saw a huge dragon-like beast floating in the sky attacking the police cars and a white van driving away.

The beast began to decide whether or not to purse the villian or to deal with the immiediate threat. After a quick moment the beast decided to wing it. He grabbed a police car and threw it at the the other beast. Once the police car hit the Dragon-like beast The Beast named scales the police car exploded. Once the smoked cleared the Beast looked at Scales and gave it a thumbs up before running up to the nearest police motorcycle and taking it to follow the white van.

Now he was currently following the Villian with Scales on his tail.

The Beast
The Chimera

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Forceaus August 26th 2012, 10:25 pm

Doctor Xelek was attempting to drive away from the bank as fast as he could.Looking in the rearview mirror he saw that that same kid was still following him via some motorcycle he had somehow managed to get his hands on.He also saw in the mirror that Annihliatorah was also following from the air above the kid and ready to attack.As he made a sharp turn at the next intersection that would lead him towards the edge of the city attacked did Annihliatorah indeed do.It's Electric Vapor was fired down directly at the boy's back as he was driving along and it swooped along the corner to catch up with the van and eventually land on top of it.

Driving down these streets as fast as this van would take him he eventually lost the cops and made it to the edge of the city.He decided to make a quick detour and went along a side road for several miles before stopping outside a gas station.The van still had quite a bit of gas left in the tank but it would be a risk to drive it all the way back to where he was going with this amount.He eventually stopped at a gas station to refill when he noticed a certain someone approaching.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Kumagawa August 30th 2012, 7:38 pm

The beast was driving behind the van until he felt something shock him in the back. The jolt caused the beast to swivle out of control and crashed into a trash can. The beast quickly pulled himself out of the trash can and jumped on the bike and continue to follow the van but this time he was going mainly on smell. Once he drove by the gass station he saw the villian filling up his van.

The beast wondered why the guy was refilling his van now but decided to think about that later. As he was comming closer to the station he decided to jump off the bike and look toward the villian and say in a deep voice.
"Found you! Stop now or I will have to hurt you."

The Beast
The Chimera

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

Post by Forceaus August 31st 2012, 7:21 pm

Doctor Xelek had been refueling up his van, surprisingly enough through the legal way rather than stealing from the gas station.As he was doing so the same kid from before had finally caught up with him.The doctor expected this very thing to happen and was actually hoping for it.This would be the perfect oppurtunity to capture a metahuman for study.After all there was now nobody available to save the child.It was an oppurtunity he simply could not pass up.

He was already prepared to do so.The minion that his new employer had granted him had already proved just how valuable she was.That shade minion had healed both his geiras and karkinos of all the damage they had received during that first encounter in the bank.They were once again in perfect form and ready to fight again.The same he doubted could be said about this kid.And that was not all that this annoying super powered child would have to deal with.

His prized creation Annihliatorah was still flying overhead.At Xelek's signal the creature attacked again with its electrical vapor blast.As it came down upon the boy he opened up the back of the van to once again unleash his creatures upon him.He had every intent of finishing this quickly

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Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto) Empty Re: Dealing with heroes can be so annoying(Closed to TheBeast, Flashzune and Riccto)

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