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Midnight Flight [invite only]

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Gastly August 25th 2012, 11:15 pm

“Well if we do get caught because of Big Balls, I’m bailing.” he said with a laugh as he jumped over to the second building and clumsily tumbled to his feet again. Tony definitely wasn’t the most graceful guy around, but he still got to the other roof top and he still kept up his momentum. “Dunno about the both of you.”

Tony just shrugged at the question and sort of bounded to the next rooftop, expecting them to follow. That’s the general idea of it all.” he said once he regained his footing, “Unless you’ve got some sort of safe house you can go to, you can go there. Just hope they don’t--”

Ah, the fantastic sound of helicopters and sirens. That really made Tony’s day, or night. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as the adrenaline rushed through him. There was something about being chased by policemen with strangers, jumping across rooftops, avoiding potential death, that really appealed to him. There was just so much excitement that nothing else in the world could recreate. There was a grin plastered to his face but it was sadly covered by the gas mask. “Let’s go, Big Ben!” he shouted to David with a loud bark of laughter. He quickly followed Sparrow, running to try to match her speed. It wasn’t too difficult, but as a nice guy, he didn’t want to leave the other guy too behind, so he left some distance between himself and Sparrow. Plus, it wouldn’t do good to tailgate someone and crash into them later.


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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by dantoon August 25th 2012, 11:40 pm

"You two dont enjoy a scrap?" David said with a rather scary looking grin "I'm dissapointed". He made a leap and landed with a huge crash.

"I'm not exactly the type of guy that runs from a fight" He shot a glance at the girl. He suddenly heard the sound of helicopters.

Ripping a pole from the ground, he threw it at the chopper, deliberatley missing the pilot by inches. He didnt want anyone to die, did he?

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Sparrow August 26th 2012, 12:01 am

”I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't have time,nor do I have the luxury to waste my time fighting the authorities.” I said with sufficient sarcasm jumping over another gap between buildings,wind whistling past my ear as everything seemed to be sailing past me. I was doing what I did best and that was running. My strength was great and so was my body but the speed was were I exceeded any human by a long shot. Sure I was human;I was also something else entirely,an inhuman weapon that was subconsciously made to kill. The copters closed in with bright lights shining upon us and my eyes were already getting annoyed by that brightness.

One went down as muscle man took it down with a single move,it falling down in a bursts of fire. I swore lightly as I picked my speed up even more,wings aching to be free. It was only a matter of second until I would grant their wishes and get the hell out of here. ”i don't think we're gonna lose them now.” My eyes caught site of the burning wreck falling to the street level and I knew we were in deep trouble. If that explosion did not kill the pilot it sure as hell hurt him. Why didn't I go to a place like Brooklyn? At least there weren't a lot of people and even less crazy super humans.

”Smokey do you have any way to cause some sort of distraction? Anything that doesn't involve dropping helicopters like flies?” I added the second part wryly. None of this would make a girl happy and and mood was declining quickly. Jumping over another precipice I waited for a great plan to come from someone who might have a semblance of competence.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 0M6YA
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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Gastly August 26th 2012, 12:16 am

“When the police bring in the big guns, you run! You don't fight helicopters!” he shouted back towards David. He wasn’t going to stop and get himself shot down just because some big guy wanted to fight with the authorities and their helicopters. When Sparrow jumped another gap, Tony quickly followed. All they had to do was keep running and avoid too much trouble. But then again, they were already in quite a bit of trouble, weren’t they? The sudden change in lighting made Tony furrow his eyebrows, but it didn’t bother him too much, as were the results of wearing sunglasses. It helped him out, since now he didn’t feel like he was running in what was almost pitch black darkness.

He turned for a moment to watch the helicopter go down, and couldn’t help but wince at it. He silently gave his best wishes to the pilot, and hoped to God that the guy hadn’t died. Actually, it’d be better if the guy died, being in a helicopter wreck like that couldn’t be pleasant. “Definitely not.” he replied.

“Distraction?” he asked, and he skidded himself to a stop. “I can do distraction.” He stumbled a bit and just stood in the middle of the rooftop he was on. He pointed to Sparrow, “You, keep running.” and he stuck up his hands in sort of mock surrender, then shouted. “YO I’m down here! I've thrown in the metaphorical towel!” and he was jumping about waving his arms wildly to attract some attention. Well, he had distraction plans, but it probably didn’t seem like the best plan to anyone else.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 ApVN9CQ

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by dantoon August 26th 2012, 12:25 am

He made sure the pilot was still alive, and then ran as fast as he could. He spotted the boy waving around his arms in the air screaming. The idiot was going to get himself arrested. David couldnt allow that. He ran over to the kid and yelled at him "What the hell are you doing!"

David was soon surrounded by about ten officers. "Well" he said, cracking his knuckles "this is going to be a challenge"

Last edited by dantoon on August 26th 2012, 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Godmodded Gastly)

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Sparrow August 26th 2012, 1:00 am

He was actually making a distraction? I think I had hit a jackpot and that was a rare thing for me to say in my life. ”Thanks Smokey,I’ll have to pay you back if we ever meet again.” I murmured gripping the zipper of the jacket and pulling it down. The edge was close and I would have my escape,an escape from all of these people. The police were gathering around the two and only one helicopter was on me and I could escape that. Without a second of hesitation I jumped off the edge off the building as the jacket fell away and my wings unfurled.

They were wide black feathered things that quickly stopped my descent and caught me a foot from hitting the street. Letting a sigh rush through my lips I looked at the helicopter slowly moving after me,though I knew I could outmaneuver it. Though that was of course when they appeared in black combat suits. They didn't have guns but they had batons,that were sparking. Holy crap I was in trouble. Quickly pulling back I managed to dodge one of their swings,aiming a foot at his face as he staggered a few inches.

I flew over them and into the street,where the two guys were in the middle of a fight,though I was lucky enough to not have them notice my wings. Not like it mattered now when one of the officers noticed me,ruining any chance of me hiding the fact I was a mutant bird girl. Ascending was the only option,followed by me landing on the shoulders of one of the officers and wrapping my calves around his neck. I moved is he was unable to stop my superior strength and I flipped him on the ground unconscious,mostly from the force.

Brown wings flexed as they folded closer to my body and I looked to the two and then to the squad of mystery men in black. ”Looks like we're not going anywhere soon.”

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 0M6YA
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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Gastly August 26th 2012, 1:17 am

“Distracting, what does it look like I’m doing?” he said in reply, not bothering to actually turn to look at the other guy. His hands were still stuck in the air, waving. “You can do the fighting, I’ll stand here and wait for you to kill everything, and then I’ll say a few prayers because we’re nice and respect religion, we’ll avoid arrest, and we’ll be on the news.” he said with a laugh, because obviously this was the perfect time to laugh and make jokes, especially when his heart was pounding at a pace that was much too fast.

Tony really didn’t want to fight, so when those officers decided to surround them, he let out another laugh, hands still in the air. “Oh. You’ve got to be kidding me!” He made another mental note to find a weapon that was good for offence. Like maybe a gun, or a sword, or a swiss army knife. Even that would be more helpful than his fists.

“Come on!” he shouted, pulling his hands down from above his head and hitting his chest, “Hit me with your best shot motherfucker!” Maybe this wasn’t the best plan of action, but he knew what he was doing. Not really, but he was still going to keep at it. Whatever punches he threw were probably not going to do much at all, so maybe it was a better plan to retreat. He decided to stay, though, mostly because when he glanced about his surroundings, he had almost nowhere to run. “Who knew so many police would respond to a store robbery, huh? the NYPD seem to have a lot of spare time!” to Tony, every time was a good time to joke around.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 ApVN9CQ

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by dantoon August 26th 2012, 1:27 am

David grabbed two officers by the necks and smashed them into the groundl. "So much carnage and im not even getting paid". Another one broke his baton on David's face, and was instantly knocked out with a headbutt. David heard a gunshot, and found a bullet sticking into his chest. He nonchalantly pulled it out and continued to pummel the officers.

He siddenly spotted the girl fighting with strange men in black wielding batons. They were definitly not police. He tapped the kid on the shoulders. "I'm going to help the girl". He jumped off the roof and landed on one if the men in black.

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Sparrow August 26th 2012, 1:48 am

The men in black all ran at me with their sparky batons,raised as if they planned to bludgeon me to death while the guys fought the officers. ”Come and get me punks.” I snarled rushing them with my full running speed as I slammed a fist into the front mans stomach. He crumbled like paper as my knee collided with his face and knocked him with with a bleeding nose. Doing a back flip in the air I landed on the ground in a cool crouching pose with a cocky smile upon my lips. Yeah,I was gonna kick their asses into next week. Two more rushed at me. With a burst of speed I wrapped fingers around their throats and used the momentum to push them into the others.

I was doing good so far but how long could I go before they overwhelmed me? There was like twenty of them and only one of me;that bird freak who could throw a mean punch. ”Whats wrongs? You're letting a little girl kick your asses?” One swung his baton and I ducked under it,grabbing the wrist and flipping him face first into the concrete. Making them angry was a great way to get an advantage in this fight. Dragging the man with the bleeding face,I pulled him in front of a baton attack before kicking him flat in the stomach and knocked the two over.

Now they were getting pissed but I was having too much fun to care. No way would I get captured by the lab-coated bastards lapdogs while I still had breath in my lungs. I was a flurry of movement as my fists collided with faces,a single strike making contact with my shoulder as a shock of pain wracked my body. If my wings didn't flap and push me out of the way,I would have been beat down. My body was already recovering but that didn't mean it was ready just yet. Too bad for me.

Cocking a fist back,I slammed it into a guys stomach as he doubled over,not protected by his pretty armor. Now they were upon me and my arm was feeling numb. Why the hell wouldn't it move?

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 0M6YA
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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Gastly August 26th 2012, 2:26 am

Tony just sort of stood there in disbelief. “What, so you’re just going to-- nevermind.” and he just watched as the officers cocked their guns and told him to put his hands up. He just sighed and decided that getting arrested was no fun, but he put his hands up nonetheless. Their guns were trained on him and Tony did the only thing he thought was logical. Run and jump off the building, of course, mostly following after the lead of David, who had just done that.

Sure, there was gunshots, but what did he care? If the fall didn’t kill him or break a few bones, normal gunshots wouldn’t do a thing. He let out a shout of joy as he sort of crash-tumble landed onto the ground, which worked well enough for him. “I always thought Men in Black were good guys. No? Only me?” he said, mostly to himself as he stood in his sloppy fight pose. He knew that he probably stood a 0% chance against these guys, but seeing that girl and the big brute fight, he could probably just prove as a great distraction. Maybe that’ll be his new job, distraction making.

There was one of them heading towards the girl - who had beautiful nice wings - from behind, to which the only thing Tony did was rush up to him and punch him straight in the face. So maybe Tony’s punch hadn’t done much but turn the guy’s head to wonder what that wimpy punch was all about, but at least he wasn’t going to zap the lady with his baton thing, right? “Where’d you buy those? Think I could buy myself a pair?” he asked with a laugh, the question directed to multiple people. One was the guy with the electric batons, and two was Sparrow and her newly revealed wings.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 ApVN9CQ

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by dantoon August 26th 2012, 2:39 am

As the man in black was about to hit the boy, David grabbed his arm and violently twisted it the other way. He picked up another one and hoisted him over his head. He slammed the man over his knees and he heard a yelp of pain. He didn't notice a man in black sneaking up on him. He turned and was hit in the chest, causing the baton to short circuit. He grabbed the man's neck and snapped it, killing him. That lucky shot hurt a lot.

David looked around and saw that there were three men in black around him, itching for a chance to get a shot at him. He grabbed one and started swinging him around, hitting a couple more. He tackled another and started pummeling him until he stopped moving.

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Sparrow August 26th 2012, 2:52 am

I was sure that I would be taken down but here came Smokey to the rescue,though he delivered what looked like a half hearted punch to the man in front of me. It did succeed in drawing the guys attention but nothing more than that,not a good thing really considering that it was likely these guys were just a warm up for more dangerous people. ”I suggest you get something better than your fists.” I suggested surprisingly in a friendly tone to Smokey as I kicked up a baton from off the ground and handed it to him before returning to the fray in progress.

Muscle man was kicking their collective butts easily,even killing some of them. I was not really for killing personally but it was them or me;so them was the obvious choice in that equation. No way would I be brought back to that place. One of the remaining ones charged at me. I ducked out of the way as I grabbed the wrist and with all of my force broke it as the baton came out of his grip and into my free hand. I stepped back a foot and swung the electrifier thing at him as he spasmed a second before slumping to the ground. He would live of course.

”Anyone else want some?” I looked at the remaining ones who seemed to be having second thoughts about me. Their gaze was moving between me and the muscle man,then they made their choice. They turned tail and ran like the weaklings that they were. ”I thought so.” I snarled putting the baton through one of my belt loops;a tight fit too. Now we had to escape from the police who were still there.

”That takes care of one problem.” My wings twitched as if silently begging to take flight. Oh if only it were that easy.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 0M6YA
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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Gastly August 26th 2012, 3:22 am

Tony stuck his thumbs up to David and nodded his head in thanks for saving his life there. It would’ve probably been unpleasant otherwise. He looked to Sparrow happily took the baton from her with a smile. Not that it could be seen. “You.... just keep up the good work!” he tested the weight of the baton in his hands and twirled it around a bit to get the feel for his new weapon. In the end, he was holding it like a baseball bat and swinging it wildly at people.

Everyone else was great at fist fighting, and there stood Tony, attacking those men in black with his newly discovered weapon. Sure, he wasn’t the best or the most graceful with it, but from watching what the original owners seemed to do with it, he learned a few things. He made a mental note to find something this awesome for close range combat. He was hoping that he hadn’t accidentally electrified anyone to death, but from what he imagined, the batons probably packed just a bit more of a punch than your ordinary taser. So it’d sting, knock unconscious, and not kill, as long as he didn’t just hold it to them for extended periods of time.

Tony just laughed as the rest of them ran for it. “You guys did great!” he said, swinging the baton around, deciding he’d keep it for a bit longer. He had grown attached after that short period of time together. “Keep up the good work!” so maybe Tony wasn’t a great fighter, but he sure as hell knew how to try and keep the spirit up... or at least he’d like to think he did. “We can start running again?” he suggested.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 ApVN9CQ

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by dantoon August 26th 2012, 3:32 am

David ran until he the sound of sirens died out. "That was certainly fun". Just as he was about to leave, he realized he forgot something. "What are your names?". He was not going to leave without knowing their names.

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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Sparrow August 26th 2012, 3:41 am

Now we began the dramatic chase scene and boy was it great. Me,Smokey and Muscles ran as fast as our legs could carry us as the police followed after us with their pretty little cars. They were fast but we weren't held back by bulk,like their hunks of metal were. It was only a matter of time before we lost them and were home free. I let out a sigh of relief as my wings wrapped around my body lovingly,almost in a comfortable embrace. ”Good job guys. I have to say that I wasn't expecting to get away but I guess I was wrong on that.” As much as I hated to admit it,the strong guy showed his worth against those corporate tools.

”As for my name,you can call me Sparrow. It matches I guess.” I said putting the leather jacket back on,once again hiding my large brown wings,things I had been cursed with since I was born. They marked me as a freak and nothing could change that. Not like I wanted to rid myself of them anyway. Something within me was getting to love the things,even if they were a pain to hide and even more of a pain to wash. ”I do have to say it was a pleasure working with you guys.” I realized that I had forgotten my bag of goodies and cursed under my breath. I would have to buy more later.

Wiping a strand of blonde bangs out of my face I smiled at the two. Yeah,that was a big accomplishment for someone like me to do. I usually didn't smile at people.

Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 0M6YA
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Midnight Flight [invite only] - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Flight [invite only]

Post by Gastly August 26th 2012, 3:55 am

It was all in good fun, in the end. Tony found it entertaining enough to be able to run with two relative strangers while being chased by cop cars. Then again, he found lots of things entertaining. He still had the baton in hand, planning on bringing it home to examine and possibly keep for future usage. He wasn’t letting stuff like this go to waste, the dead guy probably wouldn’t even miss it. He was relieved when they had finally gotten them off their tail. “It was a great run!” he said, laughing, “You’re with a pro escaper, I think you’re fine.” he then gestured to the wings, “I should grow a pair of those.”He joked to David and grinned, not that it was visible. “Gastly. Call me Gastly.” he said with a nod before turning to look at Sparrow again. “It was a pleasure meeting with you. Thanks for saving my life, guys.” he stuck out both his hands for handshakes from both of them, “Now at least I’ll live to fight another day.” and he laughed. Tony found these people interesting, and he was hoping that he’d meet them again, one day, maybe under better circumstances.

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