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Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only]

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Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only] Empty Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only]

Post by Loki July 6th 2012, 3:07 am

The icy breath of the night whipped at Vali's clothes, pushing them back and forth gracefully. His position was simple, sitting on a throne that was naturally carved into the ice. Darkness surrounded him in a dull form, being fought off by the generous light of candles that flickered and bounced their light about the cave that Vali remained in. Three major ice chunks formed a very large throne that fit Vali's body nicely, as if it was carved there on purpose. Vali sat in this throne with a devil like smirk across his face, his eyes gleaming with the operational light that was being generated from the long wax sticks that all but melted into a pile of wax that supported the life of a single, small flame. These numerous candle stations were set up along the cave, not at all fending off the destructively cold situation that they were all within still. A light shell of powdered snow and shaved ice layered the ground, making a light layer of frost fog cover the ground about three inches deep. It was because of this that the very bottom of Vali's supposed feet were hidden. Two other figures knelt beside the throne, each waiting for someone to enter the cave. Vali had sent a makeshift invitation in the form of his actual voice whispering the name and location of where he wanted the given person to show up. It was not the first time he had done this. It was not hard to find those that he wanted to find, what with his preconceived knowledge of certain people. The two individuals that knelt beside Vali's throne, one on each side, each hung their heads in the same way, and both were cloaked. Each lay a hand on the ground, in the form of a fist. Each were actually nothing more than illusions, as well as the Vali sitting in the throne, while the actual Vali had shifted his form into that of an ice cube that in the form of a spike from the ceiling of the roof in the cave. From this location, he could see and hear everything that his set up illusion could see. From here he could manipulate the events perfectly of whatever followed. The visitor was expected any time now.


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Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only] Empty Re: Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only]

Post by Jordan Reynolds July 10th 2012, 5:50 pm

The plane ride itself was pleasant, riding first class as one would expect a goddess to. True that the spores did their fair share of the work in procuring such comfortable accomidations but someone had to have made them to even get this far. A small hum slipped from between her lips as she waited for the plane to reach its destination,curious why she was called to this place in the first place. Alaska was far from where she resided in Los Angeles; a place she seldom ventured from,save when something caught her attention. She was going to a place where winter was far more prevalent than she liked,where the plants would be hibernating in a dreamy sleep that Anu knew she would feel her body slip into once the cold tempatures hit. Ever since her ascention into the state of the avatar for the goddess Anu, her body felt less human every day. Power growing within her as if it would only do so until she ascended into true godhood.

At first her power was minimal but now it was at a level she could never have dreamed of. With Jeremiah at her side,nothing was impossible for her worldwide views, a world that she would rule with a graceful but strong hand. Red hair brushed out into long flowing locks that seemed as if someone had taken fire and given it a palpable form. It wasn't always this red,though her body had gone through many changes over the course of a year. Across from her sat the powerful man that she called her general, an immortal with power that was almost incalculable. He was a dark god within his own rights. The title even seemed fitting with what he could do now,with the great darkness that he could now beckon with a thought.

Teeth bit into a piece of tender chicken as she mulled over what she would do. Listen to te words this tranger had to say before putting them down or possibly accept the offer? Her mind was unable to think of a proper solution when so many were present for her to chose. There would be plenty of time for indecision later when she had found out the meaning of this business. Large clouds were forming outside of the planes window as any visibility seemed to disappear in an instant. Her heart dropped at the sight of the snow falling upon the ground in torrents as they landed with little trouble. Anu cursed silently to herself as she stood to her feet and pulled the fur coat only closer to her pale flesh;in preperation for the Alaska cold. Motioning for her general to follow,she stepped into the cold air as her breath came out in a transparent cloud involuntarily.

Muscles were already beginning to feel weak as the urge to sleep came over her. Though she could not allow such a compulsion to overcome,there was work to be done before then. She was to obtain a hotel before they did anything but that could easily be done, Jeremiah could do that. ”Obtain us a room;I have business to attend to. Once your done,feel free to follow me.” She told him handing the folded paper with the location. Waving she walked away as she left all of those concerns to someone she was sure would be able to do them properly.

Only after a minute she managed to gain herself a ride,which was a snowmobile from a man all too willing to give her what she wanted. The cave was not too far from where she landed,so it only took minutes to reac it full throttle. Snow fell even heavier as she forced the mobile to a stop. ”I'm here.” She muttered pursing red lips as she stepped through the yawning maw of the cavern. Sitting upon a throne sat a young man surrounded by robed figures that seemed to regaured him in a manner akin to a king or possibly a god.

”I'm here,now what do you want of me?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

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Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only] Empty Re: Light Finger On The New Throne - The New And Best Connection [Invite From ME Only]

Post by Loki July 21st 2012, 12:14 am

The illusion of Vali smiled as the woman came into the cave. She was fiery despite her beautiful demeanor which made Vali's eyes travel around her, studying her. The snow seemed to have an effect on her. It was clear that she was the right person, and the person that he had been wanting. Someone of this level of power was not easily mistaken. Vali's lip's curled into something of a further smile. He was thoroughly enticed by the entrance of the woman. She paid no regard to him, she did not worship instantly as others may have should they know they were in the presence of a powerful and scheming god. However, where these very same qualities may anger many gods, Vali, for some reason took kindly to it. She had passion. That was for sure. She had courage. That, as well, was for sure. However there was also a certainty of stupidity about her, mixed with spiteful arrogance that was perhaps undeserved. She surely had the mind of a mortal, and that was the part that counted most. Vali had bested those among the ranks of Asgard that were much bigger than he, or those that had wielded much larger weapons. The mind was a powerful thing, and nothing to be over looked. The brain was the same, only it was a physical thing that could be crushed by those with larger weapons and bigger arms. Vali's thoughts came to a crashing halt when the woman spoke. Her voice was strong, although slightly shaky from the cold. That said, she had no problem opening her volume levels to easily compete with the howling wind as it ran screaming around the cave.

"I'm here. Now, what do you want of me?"

Vali's illusion body moved to sit up in a slightly more straight posture as if to size her up. His voice kicked in instantly, his charming and absolutely ravishingly perfect face contorting into an adorable smile that evolved into a small chuckle as if he were amused thoroughly. His speaking voice interrupted his small laughing and his voice sobered up into a much more serious tone suddenly, without becoming threatening, and still completely free. "As spoken from the mouth of someone above what other grime I have allowed my eyes to rest upon here in this realm." Vali took a small breath before continuing, looking at her, and pushing himself from the throne, of course still an illusion. "And yet you came here expecting... what exactly? A sales pitch? I will offer none. But since you are so eager to remove the pleasantries, I will confide in you."

The illusion based image that looked perfectly like Vali fully straightened himself from the throne, now standing. His body was hugged tight by the unique almost leather material that made up the suit he was wearing. He was fitted to hold itself against his body, showing every curve of well toned muscle on his young and matured body. Each turn of the black fabric expressed where and what body part below was, although it was firm enough to hold back any grotesque form. What was more, another black cloth draped over this tight and flattering outfit almost like a toga, but without the same folding, just in the same sloppy fashion, that somehow managed to only bring forth more of a godlike impression. Tangents of gold thread were woven into the black cloth, and a small circlet of gold was placed upon Vali's head, with a small green stone in its front. All and all he looked to fit the perfect model of a god, and something way beyond human expectations.

"I live within the title of Vali Lokison, the son of the one known as Loki himself. This realm is strange, and full of odd creations, however there are always the things that can surprise you in a trash dump. Those things are the small golden rings, and silver plates. I have come to understand you as one of those shining gold pieces among this realm, shining in perfect contrast to what this world represents. You do not bow to others before you, you walk with head tilted up, even in this dark place. What is it about you that makes you stand apart from these other walking shells?"


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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2012-06-01

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