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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Madame Versailles June 6th 2012, 2:35 am

While driving through the Northeastern part of the country and collecting some 'toys' long the way Helena came across a problem, she was running out of space to hold all her goodies. The next major city coming up on her journey was the ever so lucious Pittsburgh. Once she exited the highway she began looking for a decent car dealership. These American brands wouldn't do and she needed something that would hide her possessions a little bit better. She often got strange looks driving by people on the highway with guns of every kind stock piled in her backseat.
Her first stop was an Audi dealership, she had a strange attraction to German cars. The vehicle she currently had was a Ford and it simply would not do anymore. Plus, it had some battle scars and wouldn't really do any good. At the dealership the sales man asked if everything in the back was real, she replied no with a laugh because she didn't want to strike panic into anyone just yet. She then asked for him to show her the larger cars, because she needed more space to do some more 'shopping'. After about a half hour, Helena didn't see anything she liked and went off to a different dealership. Vexus drove straight past a Porsche dealership and swung a powerful 180 nearly breaking the car. Unfortunately, there were not many people around to see that put the smell of burnt rubber hung in the air. Helena saw a Porsche Cayenne in the driveway and wondered if they had one to suit her 'tastes'
Talking to one of the sales man she asked about a Cayenne Turbo, which he said one had just arrived and had quite a few eyes on it.
"I'll take it please..."
She asked the sales man politely and handed her the Black American Express Card that her creator Elena had given to her. The sales rep asked for identification, and all the other stuff for approval and after some paper work Helena was all set to go with her new Porsche, which she would make sure to take much better care of than her American piece of junk. Back in the parking lot, the sales man pulled the car around and handed her the keys and asked if she wanted any help moving her stuff.
"Thanks sweetheart, but I wouldn't want you hurting yourself... Or anyone else for that matter" she replied with a grin.
This man began to notice that none of the weapons she owned had any of those orange caps that fake guns were supposed to have. He followed by asking if she had a permit for these.
"Darling, you don't need a permit for toys..."
He then said that he was going to call to police just so they could take a look. Helena then grabbed one of the smaller hand guns and pointed it at him.
"Now, now. No need for that. Allow me to finish transferring my goods and I'll be on my way. No trouble."
I thought you said those guns were fake... said the man foolishly.
Helena moved the gun from his face and shot out one of the tires on a nearby car in the lot.
"So I lied, but look on the bright side. I bought the car fair and square. I could have shot up the place and taken it by force. Be happy, okay buddy." And with that she hopped in her new ride and zoomed off.
She pulled into the parking lot of a mall and had her car valeted. There was a Cabelas shop along with a Dick's Sporting Goods store. Helena was in her own little heaven. She first took the Sporting Goods store by force, not a single shot was fired. Just one of the employee's recognized her from the news and everyone immediately feared her. Helena wrapped every gun with a strap around her back and the rest of them along with the ammo she pushed around in a shopping cart. She exited the mall that she had just terrorized and headed for Cabelas. However it seemed that someone had caught wind of her arrival and called the police as they decided to blockade the entire store. She rolled her eyes and began unloading some of the guns she had on her dragging the shopping cart behind her.
"GUYS! I just want the guns and ammunition from this store! If you would just let me through I'll get what I need and I won't have to kill anyone else. Okay?...Geeze..."
The police obliged and allowed her to stroll right through their blockage as if she had parted the Red Sea. While inside the store she needed a couple more carts to gather everything in this place, their guns and ammunition section was the largest she's seen so far. SHe then thought about how annoying it was going to be dragging these carts all the way back to her car which was on the complete other side of the parking lot, and then let out a long complaining sigh. Following she thought she head something or someone else inside the store when she was sure everyone had been evacuated upon her arrival. Helena went up to the nearest cash register and turned the intercom on.
"Attention Cabela guests. If you are still in the building I recommend you leave now. If you are just now joining us, I would also suggest exiting the facility because if you are tying to be a hero, you are also doubling as a fucking idiot. Have a nice day." *click*
Helena chuckled to herself at the announcement she made and continued on with her shopping.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Re: Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Dylan June 7th 2012, 12:51 am

Robert had to meet an old colleague of his from his assassin days, they were good friends and he just wanted to meet up with him and catch with him. Nothing spectacular. His friend lived in Pittsburgh, so he was going to be driving there. Since he didn't have a car, what was the use of a car in New York City, he would just have to drive a rental car. The car he chose was a silver Ford Mustang, it was fast and he just needed to get to his destination. This road trip would usually be a six and a half hour drive, but he could make it in less than six.

He had two titanium katanas in the front seat and two handguns in his glove box, like his mother always told him: "Safety first." Once he arrived in Pittsburgh, he decided that he might as well go shopping for some more weapons, he had time to kill. As he pulled into the parking lot, he heard the local radio station mention something about a woman who held a car salesman at gunpoint. They described her as a women in her physical prime, about 5'8" (with heels), short blond hair, a trench coat with basically nothing under it, and potentially dangerous. Robert ignored it, as it wasn't really relevant to him. He didn't really give a fuck.

He parked the car, strapped his swords on his back, and put his two handguns in his sports jacket. He walked into the mall, he knew of a Cabela's in this mall, so he was going to visit and buy some handguns and handgun accessories. Everyone was giving him strange looks as he walked in, but he didn't blame them, he looked dangerous in an uncanny way. He walked into the Cabela's and went straight towards the guns and ammunition section, he was looking at some of the semi-automatic pistols and was impressed at the craftsmanship of the weapons at this chain store.

As he continued looking, he caught wind of someone saying that the "dangerous woman from the dealership" was in the mall, she was last seen at Dick's Sporting Goods. The police were there immediately and began clearing the stores. They said she was headed towards Cabela's. Robert smiled, it seemed that he was going to have some fun today. While everyone was being evacuated, he decided to commandeer three handguns and a shitload of ammunition. He decided he would take matters into his own hands. He hid behind the cash register closest to the entrance, there were only two cash registers and the other one was near the guns and ammunition section, which was at the back of the store.

They let her into the store no problem, which was weird considering that she was probably planning on building her stash of ammo. He heard her heels on the floor, she was headed straight towards the guns section. He began loading the guns, making sure the safety was off. As he loaded the last gun, it made a loud click. She must have heard him because she made an announcement on the intercom system shortly after. He put one of the handguns in the back of his pants, the other two in his hands. In total, he had five guns. He stood up from behind the counter and aimed the guns at her, her back was turned. As he was a former assassin, he had no qualms about shooting someone with their back turned. He then said to himself "All's fair in love and war." before two shots, one at her head and the other at the base of her spine. They were deadly accurate and would cause a great deal of trouble for her if she didn't react.

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Dylan's Items

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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Re: Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Madame Versailles June 7th 2012, 6:02 pm

Helena's motion sensors went off just the slightest moment before this new opponent fired a couple well placed shots. She dove behind one of the retail shelves, narrowly avoiding one of the bullets as it shot a hole through her trench coat. Vexus then quickly reached back and grabbed the cart full of dangerous things while keeping her body hidden behind the endcap of the isle. She loaded up the four rifles she had strapped to her back and clicked on her infrared vision allowing her to keep an eye on this individual even through walls and shelves. Standing up, she had two rifles in her hands and the other two criss-crossing behind her back. Helena moved into the gap between isles, seeing that this man was hiding behind one of the cash register counters and began unloading mercilessly at the register he was at. The bullets tore the check out area to shreds, she made sure to follow any and all movement in case he were to try and make a break for it. Whoever they were they knew what they were doing. Judging by the path of trajectory of the bullets, one was for the back of her skull and the other for the base of her spine. No regular cop would be able to place bullets that well so she was very curious as to who this might be. On the other hand this person could have just gotten lucky with a couple of random shots, however that would be almost too lucky. Maybe she's the one who got lucky and there is a high enough bounty on her head that she actually has someone decently skilled after her. Helena needed a good challenge, putting bullets in police officers was getting old and she hasn't been in a city where there were any cops that could keep up with her, she was a rather skillful driver. Who knows, whatever the situation may turn out to be Helena was ready to have some fun for once.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Re: Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Dylan June 30th 2012, 9:59 pm

Robert sat behind the counter as she let loose a clip of bullets, definitely destroying the counter. Robert, using his incredible speed to his advantage, ran away from the counter. As he ran, he shot two well placed shots, they were aimed at the barrels of her guns. He wasn't one to waste bullets, he was all about precision. The purpose of these shots was to have her guns malfunction and leave her at a slight disadvantage, though she had even more guns in that cart of hers. Her previous shots didn't hit Dylan, thankfully, but they did scrape his jacket. Robert looked at the jacket and sighed, it was his favorite jacket.

He had no time to worry about that now though. Robert put his guns away in his jacket. He pulled out his two titanium katanas and ran towards the lady at full speed, closing the range between them in less than a second, making sure to dodge and deflect any bullets coming his way. He then swiped at the lady's neck, which he expected her to dodge. That was just a jest for his next attack. He then aimed a low roundhouse kick to knock her off balance and potentially have her fall on her ass.

Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Tumblr_mg0u1iYWCA1qdd2r3o1_1280
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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Re: Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Madame Versailles June 30th 2012, 11:04 pm

Whoever this guy was he was good. He fired two shots that were aimed for the barrel of her guns, which she gathered from her sensors and their trajectory path. She pulled her guns away and moved out of the way of the bullets. Following him on her infrared scanner, he put away his guns and drew two swords. He was extremely fast seeing how he moved early, so Vexus needed to coordinate her movements accordingly. The man closed the distance between them in a near instant cutting at her throat with his swords. In retaliation, she performed a couple of backhand springs also avoiding a low sweeping kick. She had run the two rifles in her hands out of bullets in her first assault so she let those lay as she flipped. Helena landed and took a couple steps backward grabbing the chain-belt around her waist. She whipped it upwards and it wrapped around one of the metal rafters, she pulled herself upwards onto the metal beam. She pulled one of the rifles around from her back and began firing at this man. The higher ground always had the advantage, and after a few well placed shots Helena began running swiftly across the rafters, effortless moving around the vertical beams that connected to the ones she was running on.
She needed to think of a way to get rid of this critter. He was good, that was for sure. But was he good enough was the question to be answered. If anything she would just make a break for it if things started to go sour. Her car was outside and there were plenty of other vehicles she would be able to take. As she ran across the rafters of the hunting warehouse, she fired occasionally down at her opponent. Helena was still in the evaluating stages of this fight so there was still time to see how things would pan out.
Madame Versailles
Madame Versailles
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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Re: Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Dylan July 3rd 2012, 2:15 pm

Robert was amused, she was able to dodge both of his attacks, which meant that not only was she a skilled fighter, but she was also pretty fast. She was most definitely a worthy opponent and she was smart, she used some type of chain to get to the metal rafters, it was so she could get higher ground. Whoever she was, she wasn't going to go down easily. She started firing shots at him, but they came in random intervals, which meant he had to stay alert at all times. He watched her move along the rafters and deflected the bullets with his sword every time she fired. He then decided that it was time for them to be on equal grounds, so he ran towards the wall at full speed. He then began to run up the wall, he did a back flip off of the wall and caught a rafter with both of his legs. He then pulled himself up in an instant.

He then effortlessly moved in and around the vertical beams of the rafters, as she did. He put one of his swords in its sheath and took out another gun instead. He took 2 shots, each aimed at her knees, not planning on wasting bullets anytime soon. As he shot, he kept running around the rafters and stopped when he was at the location he started in. He wanted to knock her balance off, so that she would fall off of the rafters and then he would have the higher ground, thus having advantage.

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Dylan's Items

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Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My! Empty Re: Porsches and Guns and Droids, Oh My!

Post by Madame Versailles July 6th 2012, 1:23 am

This man was nimble for being human. He quickly joined her on the rafters after deflecting her vollies of bullets from above. Helena turned in order to try and shoot him off the rafters, but he had just sheathed his sword and was already pulling the trigger on his weapon. He had already taken aim so changing mid shot would have been near impossible. Vexus did an aerial flip avoiding the bullets off the rafters and onto the top of some shelves below the rafters. Whilst in mid flip she fired a few shots at the man on the metal beam. She was not looking to hit him, just to move him from his current position. Now on top of the shelf, she grabbed her belt-blade and cut deep notches into the metal beam then had the weapon wrap around the beam. Helena gave the whip a powerful tug and pulled the metal beam her opponent was on apart and brought the weapon safely back around her waist.
Though warped, it was still connected at one end and the other had hit the ground knocking over a number of isles on it's way down. Judging by this individual's performances earlier the collapse of his standing ground would do little to his balance, but might be just enough to move his concentration. While the one end of the beam shook and fell to the floor Helena had a clear shot and opened fire at him with her automatic glock. The rifle she had been carrying she allowed to fall off her person during her flip. She kept her special scythe-rifle close, she had a plan for that baby.
Madame Versailles
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