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Shady Business

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Shady Business Empty Shady Business

Post by Blacksmith July 2nd 2012, 5:42 pm

Hello Elena Marie Thiels.
For the sake of prolonging our next contact, one I hope shall be more physical in nature, I shall attempt to be brief.
I have intercepted your message, and would hereby like to express my interest in your proposal.
I am of course aware that the date of the meeting has already passed.
Though this method of contacting you may be a transgression of protocol in itself, it is my belief that having arrived as an uninvited guest would be the greater evil, and may have put me in the perilous predicament of having to face your coterie of savages and miscreants.
I propose we meet at the same location your previous meeting took place at; I have already secured the location for tomorrow night.

I look forward to meeting you again.

Your ardent admirer,


So read the e-mail that had arrived in Elena Marie's personal mailbox, which until now had never been reached by any source she did not know. The message, though polite in nature, implied that its sender knew more about its recipient than she did of him. To the witch of New York, it may have come as quite a surprise that despite her discretion thus far, apparently there were those who were aware of her existence without being known by her themselves.
This display of knowledge however was not intended to flaunt the sender's power over the witch, but rather to spark an interest. There was no doubt in his mind that she would bite. Whether it was because she felt threatened, amused or simply curious, the allure of mystery would guide her to him.


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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Alpha July 2nd 2012, 5:56 pm

”interesting.” Elena muttered half interested as well as half annoyed. How had someone managed to acquire her email address like this? It was something she had never expected within a million years,yet here it was on her laptops screen in the ugly letters that all screen text was in. Something within her was intrigued as well as threatened by this strangers sudden knowledge of something as secured as this. The only thing that would have been worst was this stranger coming to her door and proclaiming that he knew who she was and many other things that many would not have a knowledge of. Slapping the laptop closed she let a sigh through her clenched teeth and placed the technology to the side as she stood to her feet. Body shivering as her feet made contact with the cold wooden floor.

Quickly throwing her coat on,Elena was already off to the location. Choosing to take the simple disguise of raven black hair and to look like the average college student. In only a matter of minutes she was at the warehouse door and opening it with a cautious hand. Blue eyes scanning the room before she entered and let the illusion down. Prepared for anything that the person might do against her.

Shady Business CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Blacksmith July 2nd 2012, 6:42 pm

The ambiance inside of the structure had been vastly improved since the last time it had been inhabited. The Bastard had made sure of that. The walls were dotted with electrical lights of a strange design, both in shape, which was one that reminded of a withering rose, and of the light and its color, which was bright enough to illuminate the room, yet hued a dark green, bringing forth a rather unique ambiance. At the end of the room rested a small bonfire, put up against the wall to make it resemble a traditional fireplace. The fire itself was not too big, and well-contained, though comfortably warm.
In front of the fire stood two chairs, separated by a small table in between them on which rested a device that closely resembled an antique phonograph, yet was somewhat alien in its design. The device played a particular song in a quality that further betrayed the advanced technical nature of the seemingly ancient device.

And on one of the aforementioned chairs reclined the figure of Andrew Thiels. Or so he had taken to calling himself. Most of those who knew him referred to him as 'The Bastard' when speaking amongst each other, and 'Bastard' when addressing him. He understood the meaning the name held, and that it generally had a negative connotation, but that didn't bother The Bastard at all. It mattered very little to him what people called him.
His appearance however, did hold some measure of concern to him. He was aware of the import one's outward appearance held in human society, and maintained himself accordingly. He had also grown a particular dislike of foul odors and the grimy feel of dirt and sweat. He knew that these were but petty concerns, ultimately insignificant, but still preferred to feel comfortable in this body.
He had let his black hair grow out, and saw little reason to cut it. Though he washed it regularly, he did not care to style it. It usually looked fine even when unkempt. It gave him a wild look that he, for some reason, found rather agreeable. His eyes, though normally colored in an emerald quite similar to the natural eye-color of his body's creator, were now colored an inhuman gold by usage of contact lenses.

He heard the door open slowly, guided by the hand of caution, but remained motionless. "Welcome. Please, take a seat at the fire, beside me."
His voice was calm and steady, his tone polite, though entirely absent of any human warmth. As much as he tried, he was never really able to fake that.

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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Alpha July 3rd 2012, 2:21 am

Elena stepped into the ware house with the utmost caution as she examined every angle of the building with a quick scan,mind processing the scene almost like a supercomputer. It seemed that there were no obvious traps and not even some semi-obvious ones,which meant she was either screwed or safe. Hopefully it was the latter. Taking careful steps,she sat next to the strange man,legs crossing over each other as she simply stared at him for a second as she tried to think of what to say. 'So,what do you want from me?” She spoke getting straight to the point,which felt odd considering her usual method. The sight of him gave her a familiar sensation but it was hard to place.

Shady Business CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Blacksmith July 3rd 2012, 3:03 am

Elena would find her stare returned by The Bastard's piercing gaze, one that held a certain animalistic intensity to it, yet was strangely impersonal, as though he was looking at an object of art rather than an actual human being. As she spoke, he briefly investigated her hair and eyes, a sardonic smile spread across his lips as though he was amused at the efforts she had taken to disguise herself.

"Straightforward are we? That's good. It will make things easier." The Bastard snapped his fingers and the music ceased, leaving the crackling of the firewood as the only background noise.
"I have no supernatural abilities, unlike those who you entertained at your little matinee here. To be frank, appearing as the unannounced guest would have put me in a rather perilous position. Even with all my knowledge I would stand no chance. Even now, I sit here defenseless, open to attack.
Make no mistake my dear lady; it is I who has made himself vulnerable here, not you.
But this does not answer your question, and only serves as background to our further interaction. The blunt truth is that despite the fact that I do not fit the profile of deranged homicidal psychopath, as seems to have been the main criteria in your recent spree of recruits, I would like to join your organization."

The Bastard put his fingertips against each other , forming an upwards steeple, which he kept at chest level.

Last edited by Bastard on July 7th 2012, 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Alpha July 7th 2012, 1:13 pm

”You wish to join my organization?” She raised an eyebrow at the strange individual as if he said the most peculiar thing ever,which he had actually. Why would he be interested in joining a group such as hers when they had just started up, and hadn't even begun any high profile jobs. Plans were being made of course,though they were not even close to enacting them yet. ”very well,you may join my little “group”, Though first I would like to know what makes you think you would be useful.” Now here was the test of what he could do,mostly so he didn't catch her by surprise with anything inconvenient later.

Shady Business CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Blacksmith July 7th 2012, 3:14 pm

Elena's question, one that expressed doubt over his value as an 'asset', evoked a grin onto The Bastard's face that he could not suppress. The witch asked him what use he could have for her organization, what he had to offer. This was the difficult part of the negotation, the one he had mulled over for quite a while.
So far in the interaction, he had had his conversational partner at a disadvantage. She did not know his name, past, abilities, and most importantly his motives, while he had shown a great deal of insight into her private dealings, and her life in general.
But now came the part where he had to show his hand, or at least some of his cards. His grin, though primarily borne of the pleasure he derived from tormenting his creator with insecurities and doubts, a sadism he had cultivated in order to make his time here less excruciating, also harbored a level of nervousness. Fear.

The Bastard was not impressed by the Witch's powers. No, Elena Marie Thiels, or Collin, was certainly superhuman, that much he granted. But on a cosmic scale, she was but a queen among ants. It frustrated The Bastard that even with this knowledge, he held some amount of fear for her, and the many other threats this world held for him. Were it not for the artifacts of power he carried on him, which he had created with his deeper insight inthe cosmos' inner workings, a natural talent he had inherited from his previous state of existence, it was certain he stood absolutely no chance against her.

And it was on these 'trinkets' of his that he would have to capitalize if he were to win the witch's favor, and allow her approving glance to fall upon him. Even though he knew his technology was extraordinary and ' magical' to the human world, he could not help but think of them as mere curiosities, crude tools made from scraps. He felt sickened at the very thought of extolling the virtues of his tools, when he knew these were but primitive tools created with the limitations of the human mind and its understanding of the world around him.

" Of course. I understand. You would not want an unreliable asset of unknown value to you. Praise the child not for virtues spoken of, but those that are shown. I will demonstrate some of my...inventions"

The Bastard raised his left arm, putting into plain view the gauntlet of twisted design that seemed to have spread over his hand not like a glove, but an infectious parasite. The item was alien in its design, and though it held some resemblance to a gauntlet of a medieval suit of armor, coated in black, this was merely the closest thing one's imagination could summon. Veins of nauseous green light spread over the artifact, pulsating at a highly irregular beat.
He lowered his arm, aiming the gauntlet at the fireplace in front of them, and at his will, from it fire an eldritch spray of energy that seemed both liquid, gaseous, and light-based at the same time. The beam of strange light engulfed the fireplace completely, and seemed to reach right through the wall behind it.
The crackling of the firewood ceased abruptly, the flames became stationary, unmoving, and their warmth faded entirely.

Bastard smiled gently at the display, regarding fondly the specks of dust that had been frozen in time and space, before returning his gaze to his guest's visage, gauging her reaction to the spectacle with great attention.

If it is my extolling my virtues and strengths that you desire, please consider this first display of my..talents."

A slight tone of disdain had seeped into his words, which he regretted as soon as they had left his mouth. He found it difficult to speak with bragadoccio, something most men seemed awfully fond of. A way to feed their egos perhaps. The Bastard simply could not relate.

The effects of my creations are what most humans would call magic, but which we both know to simply be a more obscure cousin of your so-called science and technology. This particular device twists time and space in such a way that all which is caught within its beam is placed outside of it for the duration of its effect. That is of course a gross oversimplification of the process, but suffice to say that it freezes things in place."

"I suppose I could show you more of my creations if you truly desired it, or perhaps demonstrate my physical prowess like some primitive simian beating its chest to display its strength, but I think you and I both know such things will not be necessary.
What all your group's current members lack, is a head on their shoulders. Short-sighted buffoons, all of them."

The Bastard snorted derisively, a gesture of condescension that, unlike most displays of opinion or emotiveness, came rather naturally to him.

You must have noticed it by now. In fact, it's most likely why you chose them. They cannot see past their petty views of the world, and are bound by their perception of it. While they would serve as your blunt instruments of bludgeoning, or at most knives of assassination, I propose you utilize me as one would a flashlight. A beam of light that cuts through the dark, eliminating the darkness of the unseen, and takes away the burden of strained eyes."

The Bastard, though having given a rather elaborate yet also vague reasoning for his usefulness to the organization, had not given up an ounce of his motivations. His identity was still shrouded in mystery, even his name kept an enigma. Just the way Bastard wanted it. For now.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Alpha July 8th 2012, 3:21 am

The man revealed so much and yet he revealed so little about himself,something Elena was not pleased about in the least. It was obvious enough that he was holding something back but what was it that he held from her? What great secret would this curiosity be keeping? His demonstration was of a gauntlet he seemed to show no pride over. Did this man even know pride? Many thoughts raced through her mind as she simply watched the display show before her,eyes darting around over the room that was once rubbish without her illusions keeping it beautiful,now it was truly well kept instead of a sham. Something that aroused her suspicion even more, more about how this mystery man was able to do all of this. Was he some sort of genius in magic or was it more than that? Something within her gut told her that she knew this individual in some way but she could not quite place what it was.

The gauntlets power to put something within what seemed like a stasis awed her but she kept the feeling internal behind a mask of indifference; a mask that seemed appropriate within this scenario. Her mind was taking in all of the sensory data involved in the situation. The sight of the fire stopping its cresting,its crackling stopping almost as if the volume were turned off. A single speck of dust stood transfixed within the air as it was caught in the strange field generated, victim to the display of what Elena could only describe as the manipulation of time itself. Tapping a sharp nail against wood,she allowed the appendage to dig an almost inpercievable groove within the wood. Waiting for the explanation to finish itself,she mulled over what exactly to think of this strange man. Could he be trusted or would he simply try to use her for his own goals?

”Interesting. Very interesting indeed” She said with what cold only be described as her best indifferent tone, foot tapping against the floor in a rhythmic fashion as she wiped a single strand of hair from her eyes;considering if this one was more dangerous than she cared to deal with. 'Very well,you have proven your worth to me but i'm going to state something plainly. If I even think you're going to hinder me, I will end you. I hope we have an understanding.” This was said with a tone that was colder than the arctic.

Shady Business CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Blacksmith July 11th 2012, 4:33 pm

"I understand perfectly, Miss Thiels.Your forthrightness is appreciated, and your suspicions entirely justifiable. Therefore, in an attempt to alleviate any lingering suspicion and distrust that could hinder our business relationship, I will allow you three questions which I shall answer with the utmost sincerity. Please try to understand my desire for privacy and secrecy however; as I have said, I possess no super-or even preternatural talents beyond what I have demonstrated so far."

The Bastard chose his words carefully. He always did; making sure that while he remained impeccably polite within the interaction, and what he imagined humans to consider 'pleasant' , he also kept a certain distance, and kept an air of control. What he had demonstrated so far was intelligence, for he had made sure his vocabulary was put to good use, and he had done his homework on the woman's private business, the ability to create technology of entirely alien design, origin and utility, and his remarkable adeptness at controlling the setting and conditions of his interactions. Though the fear and suspicion she would feel were a necessity; to ensure his mother would learn to appreciate the gravity of the situation and that he was not one to be trifled with, it was with some amount of human shame that the Bastard confessed to actually enjoying it. But in order to win her trust, which he required just as much, he would need to relinquish some of the control. And so he did, albeit with some amount of begrudging reluctance.

"I do not take your threat lightly, for I understand that if you, or one of your 'associates' were to will me out of existence, this could very well lie within your abilities. But please, forgive my digressions, and ask your questions. I would not wish to deprive you of any answers you may seek."

After finishing his little monologue, a habit he knew he had to correct, the Bastard leaned back into the chair again, resuming his hands in the upwards steeple position. Her move.

(OOC:Apologies for the inconsistency in typing format between posts. Experimenting with the style of a new character.)

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Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Alpha July 12th 2012, 3:49 pm

'i'm pleased that you understand. This will make our time working together much easier.” She said as a cube of light formed within her palm and blinked between the colors held within the spectrum, ending in a deep blue; green eyes looking up at Bastard. ”Questions you say?” She mulled over what she pould have wanted to ask the strange man but not many came to mind really. ”I'll ask the simple ones. What is your name, who are you really and why do you really want to join my little group?” She asked feeling as if he were a genie of some sort granting her three wishes. Elena always had love those stories,the idea of being granted whatever you wished for by magic,though magic never came free,that was a rule she made sure to follow religiously.

Shady Business CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Blacksmith July 12th 2012, 4:53 pm

Elena Marie's questions were wisely chosen. The answers would tell her exactly what she needed to know whether to trust this mysterious man before her or not. The Bastard was a little disappointed however; he had hoped her questions would be directed towards the origins of his technology or perhaps the true nature of his power, rather than his motivations and identity.
Of course, that was to be expected. His explanation behind his talents and creations had been rather believable; after all, there were plenty of exceptional men and women with powerful technology, but he had kept himself from giving away any personal information. It was natural that she would inquire on that, but still the Bastard felt it was a little early to give away details. However, though he had said he would be sincere, he thought he could permit himself a few lies of omission. His sense of timing, and a flair for the dramatic that he had been infected with during his browsing of classical literature, would not allow for any premature revelations. It was a rather human sentiment, but the Bastard had to allow himself some vices in order to make his time her more...enjoyable.

The Bastard smiled faintly, before beginning yet another monologue, this time to answer questions rather than to create them.

"You have chosen your words well. Simple questions, yet effective in unmasking my motives and identity. Very well. My name....those who have associated with me have taken to calling me 'The Bastard'. Though I understand the word has a generally negative connotation, I have chosen to embrace it as a 'nom de gueux' of sorts. After all, it is fitting in a sense. It ties in well with my identity, which is what your second inquiry is about, and which will also reveal the name I use for myself in private.
To understand who I am, you must first know what I am, and what I was meant to be. I was created two years ago, as an artificial human, an empty vessel to contain a considerable amount of knowledge and skill, to be used for the protection of my creator. In other words, a slave. As you can see of course, I am very much an independent actor, not at all the supernatural bodyguard lacking in free will that I was intended to be born as. This is largely due to the failure of my creator, and my freedom comes at the price of lacking the superhuman physicality I was to have been imbued with; I am as fragile as any man or woman born on this earth under natural conditions.
Naturally, having been born without being given a name, and considered a failed undertaking, eventually I sought an identity of my own. I thought it fitting to take the surname of my creator, and a simple name that meant 'man' or 'warrior'; the expectation I was born under, yet am cursed never to live up to."

Andrew let out a restrained chuckle, before looking up at Elena's face with that haunting look of his that was devoid of love, pity, or any other human thought, yet seemed to have taken an expression of melancholy in itself, replacing the eerie dread it carried before.

"I'm confident that with your advanced mental faculties you have already figured it out by now. My name is Andrew Thiels. The reason I wish to join your organization is my hope to find some semblance of meaning in this existence of squalor and putrescent vulgarity you have thrust me in on that fateful day."

There he had almost given up some of his true motivation. The Bastard noted to himself that he should take care on how he spoke of 'existence', for such a subject could allow for a slip of the tongue, a luxury he could not afford himself. No damage done yet; within the context his words were still valid, but he needed to be careful. He did not wish for his true nature to be revealed. The current revelation however would occupy the witch's mind enough to obscure any possible further doubts. No, he was certain that all was still going according to plan. It always did.

"I've answered your questions. Have they alleviated your doubts, fears, and replaced them with some measure of trust? I wonder."


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Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2012-01-14

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

Post by Alpha July 13th 2012, 8:17 pm

Elena raised an eyebrow as the truth was revealed, lips curling into a bemused grin. Something within her snapped as she let out a peal of laughter that seemed to echo off of the walls, hand moving to chest as if to keep her from falling over. The fit lasted for about a minute before she managed to control herself, returning to the calm demeanor she held before. ”Why did I not see it earlier? So you weren't a failure after all, I’m quite surprised considering how lifeless you were before. Why I didn't keep you instead of that failure Bane is beyond me.” She said with a smooth grin. 'Welcome to my little group....son.”

Shady Business CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Shady Business Empty Re: Shady Business

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