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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Chellizard October 1st 2012, 3:36 am

The sun was high in the sky, save for the clouds that shrouded it's lovely light. A few warm zephyrs rolled through the courtyard, and brushed against the sleek vehicular transportation waiting for the newest recruits of Thrones. The engines all purred, politely patient with pleasure while standing complacently in their perfect parallel pattern. Two by two, the wide oval paved driveway slightly uphill and then back down as it curves around the main grounds of the manor. As each car was filled, the drivers would make sure the occupants were comfortable, and they were off toward their destinations.


The mission is simple.

Retrieve a package.

How hard can that be?

Not that hard; one would think, anyway.

Each package is located on different ends of New York City. And each package holds something precious, and are of different size, shape, and weight. Some have fragile stamped on the side, and others have nothing written on the side whatsoever.

However, the package for this assignment is located on the northern docks of Queens.

Details of the package included are:

It's roughly five pounds, including the box it's contained in. It's marked fragile, and it's also in a glass container, hidden on a Yacht in floor boards below deck. The ship is owned by a drug cartel.

Retrieve the package; do not break it's contents. The glass case, however, can be broken.

Have fun; good luck.


Chelle was sitting, of course, still picking at her lobster. She had ordered another glass of blood to keep her fully energized. Her eyes fell on Beast, the boy, quite young, who she'd be sharing an adventure with today. She cleared her throat, Anna coming up with her form kind of perked up and interested. "Madame?" Anna asked, kind of feigning when Chelle gave her a sharp glare, but the gaze softened and she smiled instead. "I'm finished with my meal. Have a few other hands retrieve the plates. Except Beast's. Leave his. The staff gets to enjoy a lovely meal of lobster tail, it seems. No one ate, save for Photon. I'm glad he did." she hummed lightly, a soft tune passing her lips. She plucked a napkin from the table and used it to remove any debris from around of her lips, being sure to keep her lipstick in tact. Another soft smile played her lips while she glanced to the boy and then she finally spoke. "Why haven't you eaten?" a thin eyebrow rose while her head cocked. Standing up, she stepped around the table toward him and let a hand press against her lower abdomen. A light ache raced through her. The boy reminded her of the son she had; Malus. She brushed those thoughts aside, the room basically empty save for the light clamor of the servants clearing all the plates except for Beast's. "We're going to be doing some rough things today. I advise you attempt to eat. I would never poison my children." she said, acting a bit hurt. Well, not acting. She was a bit hurt emotionally from how rude everyone seemed. She did not blame Kassandra, though. That woman was definitely a Class A Assassin. Top notch; and very deadly.

Last edited by Chellizard on October 23rd 2012, 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total

-My DeviantArt-
Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa October 4th 2012, 5:27 pm

Beast looked around and saw all the plates being picked up. Beast tried to give up his plate but unfortunately it didn't seem no one would take it. After he heard the Queen ask him why he didn't eat he quickly raised both hands and said " Oh.... sorry I mean no disrespect I had a big meal before I left home." Beast quietly looked down at his place and let out a silent sigh. He had lied through his teeth. He hadn't eaten since lunch the day before besides The Beast works best on an empty stomach. After the beast decided that he was ready to leave he looked up at the Queen and in a formal tone asked "Are you ready to depart?" The Beast was anxious to do some fighting. After finishing his question the beast felt his teeth sharpen under his mask and his eyes narrowed. The Beast began to look around so he could find something he could use to sink his teeth into before he ends up braking something. After deciding that it was better than nothing The Beast quickly looked at the lobster grabs the tail and after one quick wiff of it he shoves the whole thing shell and all into his mouth. It was a strange behavior but the beast had a kind of a feral mind. If he was hungry he would hunt.... and that would be bad....
After ingesting half of the lobster he looked up at the queen and asked "soooo..... are you ready to go"

The Beast
The Chimera

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Chellizard October 5th 2012, 2:42 pm

She had a feeling he was lying. She, having been around a long time, had experienced more than countless situations where she caught a liar in the act. "Don't lie to my face, darling." she chuckled, smiling. She kept her eyes on him, and stood up just after she finished her glass of blood. The quick drink pumped through her system and brought herself to the edge of her peak strength. It was the perfect drive to get her through today and be able to protect this kid if he needed it. But, if he signed up for Thrones, he likely felt like he had some sort of responsibility to be part of an organization. He possibly wanted a family. Chelle would be his mother, if he needed one. Her wings were hidden, or 'put away' for now. She waltzed around of the table and came to Beast's side just as he ate the lobster tail; shell and all. He was hungry. She knew it. She could smell the hunger on his lips; his breath smelling stale and plain. He probably hadn't eaten for a day or two.

Chelle chuckled and nodded. "Yes, we're ready to go now that you've eaten, my child." she laughed at him lightly and placed a hand on his shoulder. She wasn't a leader than struck fear into her pupils. She was as kind as she wanted other pupils to be to her. She shifted the skirts of her gown, the rich colors flowing around of her olive flesh. She wasn't pale, and it was strikingly odd for her race. Her fangs, a bit smaller at this point, were still noticeable and quite terrifying to mere humans, or someone who hadn't witnessed the existence of a Vampire like her. She waved her hand and allowed Beast to get to the car first. Anna intercepted Chelle and handed her a sword. but it wasn't just any sword. It was her prized companion. Xiao. It had been recently treated to a lovely sharpening. She would have to sheathe the blade in it's casing when her wings were presented, it's strapped sheathe on her left wing. Once she was outside, she placed herself into the backseat of the escort car and looked toward Beast. "Why did you choose to join Thrones?" she asked, the driver pulling them out of the manor's driveway and on toward their destination.

-My DeviantArt-
Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa October 5th 2012, 7:49 pm

The beast sat in his chair and allowed the queen to place her hand on his shoulder. He kept himself from squirming away from the her touch. The Beast never really liked to be touched when it came in communication the only one he allowed to do that was his sister and even that was rare. Once he saw the queen leave he got up from his chair and followed along. He noticed that the Queen had fangs almost like the beast did. It made him wonder what kind of creature was she but once he got into the car he decided it didn't matter.

The beast began to stare out the window once he got inside the car. "I just joined the thrones for the thrill of fighting!" The beast said in a enthusiastic voice as he turned his head toward the queen after she gave her question. Once again it wasn't true but the beast expected for the Queen to take it as a child's naivety. He didn't know much about the queen or what exactly was she which was kind of scaring him considering he was in a mobile metal box. But after a moment of thinking he decided to ask a quick question. "What are you?" The Beast kept his head toward the queen expecting an answer then out the corner of his eye he noticed the sword. Something inside him made him want to have a closer look but he shook his head and went back to looking out the window seemingly disinterested in the conversation

The Beast
The Chimera

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Chellizard October 6th 2012, 7:36 pm

She allowed her blade, the intricate designs eye catching, to rest between her knees, gently wrapped into the edge of her dress. Why was she in such clothing? Why, so that she could allow Beast to do more than she can. It will give him a chance to show what he's made up. "Just as good as any other reason, I'd suppose," she hummed, gently tapping her fingernails against the hilt of the blade. She turned her attention toward the window, the city a blur for a few moments before they were tucked into traffic. "Ah, what am I? Such a good question. Not many have the nerve to ask. I like that about you, dear." a smirk laced her lips and she waited until she had his attention. As soon as he looked at her again, her skin became dark gray, her fangs and claws became longer, and her eyes were a deep glowing crimson. Her 'true' visage leaking through. With her skin dark gray, she was now completely tough skinned, her full durability working for all of her body. When she wasn't letting her true visage shine through, her olive toned flesh was able to be torn and ripped with ease. "Some would call me a monster... but I am an Angelic Vampire, a very 'rare' race." she spoke, her usually light voice now gruff and scarily growling each word.

-My DeviantArt-
Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa October 6th 2012, 8:00 pm

The Beast looked over and watched the queen's unique transformation with wide eyes. The beast couldn't help but bust out laughing when he heard about the queen being a vampire. The Irony of a boy with wolf like powers being in a car with a vampire was just a bit to much for The Beast to remain completely silent. "Angelic Vampire you say well I never thought such a thing could exist... heck I didn't believe vampires existed at all" The Beast said after taking a moment to calm down. "So since you are an vampire I have one question. Do vampires sparkle in the sun?" The Beast added. Then he felt something vibrate from his pocket. He quickly reached for his phone and stared at it's small screen. It was a text from his sister. It asked When will you be heading home? The Beast quickly replied on his phone that he would be gone for a day and quickly looked back the queen after putting his phone away, "When will we be going back?" he asked. "No offense there is something I will need to attend to after the mission and I want to know how long the mission will take."

The Beast
The Chimera

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Chellizard October 23rd 2012, 12:19 am

"Turn the car around, Alphonse." she said to the driver, her attention then falling on The Beast. "Hahaha. No. Sorry. I did just walk in the sun and get into the car, didn't I?" she asked him with a smirk. The car turned around, it only being a short distance from the manor. "This day will be over sooner than expected, it seems. I have a better plan for your mission. The package will be retrieved by another member of Thrones. Today, I'm going to test you against another member that might have the opportunity of joining Thrones. Come now," she said, sliding out of the car once it was back in front of the manor. She spotted Shenk, the new addition to this mission. "Shenk, come here." she said, quite loudly while she waved for him. Photon would have to be tested by some other accord. She might schedule him with a separate mission. Oh well.

"Beast, Shenk, follow me," she instructed while she walked back into the manor and stepped into an elevator. Once the two followed, they were descended into a lower portion of the base. A large, spacious room that seemed to be an arena of sorts. She walked to the center of the room and smiled at both Shenk and Beast. "You two; fight." She said, a simple instruction, and one that should be easily followed. She stepped away from the center of the room and toward a small glass viewing box that was set a bit higher than the actual arena. She took a small set of stairs before she was settled in a chair, watching from over head. "Come now, don't keep me waiting. We haven't got all day. Well, we do. First one to either forfeit or get knocked out proves the other the victor. Begin!" she shouted, lights flicking off to give a bit of coverage, but still enough light to see one another. The box Chelle was in was completely impenetrable.

Shenk will be joining, hope that's fine. Beast, you are more than welcome to post before Shenk, but I will not post until either of you win or lose. Or it comes to a draw. Have fun, don't kill each other. (:

-My DeviantArt-
Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by someguy626 October 23rd 2012, 5:11 pm

Shenk smiled widely as Lady Chelle called him over, he was so glad to not have to work with the blonde pretty boy. He looked the young boy over as they descended via the elevator he didn't seem like much of a threat, but one could never be to careful. As they finally reached the arena floor Shenk made a quick observation of the arena, flat ground, lots of open space....Perfect, nowhere for his opponent to run. He walked to his side of the arena and stretched out his arms as he yawned widely. "lets get on with this shall we?". As Shenk drew his dual poisoned blades four jack in the boxes flew out around himself in a circle around him. He lifted an arm pointing a blade at the young man. "What's the matter kid? Not afraid of clowns are you?"

- Vulcan
- Theme Song

"For my Next Trick, I'll make you DISSAPEAR"
- Shenk
- Theme Song

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 88
Registration date : 2010-07-22

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa October 23rd 2012, 5:27 pm

The Beast walked out of the car very ridgedly. He looked up at the big clown and sighed. Stepping back he took in his surroundings. Wide and Spacious just the way I like it. The clown was surrounded by jack in the boxes which probably meant that it would be bad to be to far away from him. The beast decided that he would try a few things out before he would go rushing into a fight. "Scared you say..... not really who would be afraid of a funny looking clown like you." he said without moving an inch. The Beast lifted a rock that was the size of his fist that happened to be beside him and beamed it at one of the jack in the boxes.

The Beast
The Chimera

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Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by someguy626 October 26th 2012, 2:40 am

The small stone projectile flew towards Shenk's boxes, with a quick snap of his wrist his arm shot out and caught the rock. "Really? rocks? is that the best you can manage boy?". His opponent knew hardly anything about the art of combat, he had more than likely had never felt the life of a person leave their body by his own hands, this would make this fight easier than he thought. Shenk threw the rock up in the air spinning it and catching it as it fell. "I was expecting an actual challenge from someone wanting to be a top rank assassin". The boy wasn't even worth his time, but that didn't mean Shenk couldn't have some fun with him. "Lets Play kiddo!" Shenk said throwing a smokeball towards the boy. As the large smoke cloud rose it formed an outlining image of himself in the smoke. Giving the idea that he hadn't moved at all. He quickly jumped forwards towards the boy through the thick cloud. As he flew through the air he flipped his knives so that the blades were facing away from him, Lady Chelle had told him he wasn't allowed to kill the boy, no matter how much he wanted to. As he descended through the air towards the boy he swung his arms in an attempt to strike the side of the boy's head with the hilt of his blades.

- Vulcan
- Theme Song

"For my Next Trick, I'll make you DISSAPEAR"
- Shenk
- Theme Song

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 88
Registration date : 2010-07-22

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa October 26th 2012, 4:35 pm

The Beast watched with his arms crossed as he was mocked by a clown. All he could do was wait for his opponent to make their move. From a bystandars standpoint it looked like the Beast was over his head. His first and probably the most decisive move was him throwing a rock and not even at the enemy. To the Bystandar The Beast was a lost cause and/or dead. But the battle had only begun and the beast still hasn't lost yet. Once the clown had thrown down the smoke bomb the Beast wasted no time. The Beast did not rely on such things as sight to win fights for him all he needed was his other senses. He had paid attention to the field and has made a mental picture of it based on the smell. The Beast quickly closed his eyes and after a moment took a whiff of air. A mental picture of the field appeared in his head but this field instead of it being an empty space in front of him he felt as though there was a figure swinging something down at his head. THe Beast then raises his arm grabbing whatever was moving at him. It felt like a persons wrist. Then with all of his strength he threw a powerful punch at his opponent.

The Beast
The Chimera

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by someguy626 October 28th 2012, 6:53 am

Shenk flew backwards a couple of feet at the boy's fist connected with his chest. He could feel some bruising occurring underneath his skin, he may have been injured in his assault but the information gained by it was well worth it. Judging by the fact that the boy couldn't see him through the thick cloud, or hear him as he traveled through the air. There was only one explanation, the boy could smell him. "Well done" Shenk giggled as he called out from the smoke cloud, "but we haven't even gotten warmed up yet boyo!". Shenk's arms began to glow green and black as he started to draw symbols on his chest. "venire ad me meos oppositum! he chanted as he made a circular motion with both arms, he raised his right arm upon his forehead directlly above his eye and slowly drew his finger down his mask toward the bottom left hand corner. From his own mask another mask seemed to form out of thin air, he placed the smiling visage hovering in front of him, quickly the mask filled in itself as Shenk's demonic clone came into the material realm. Shenk then snapped his fingers and the mouth part of his mask shut close with a filter, By all means boy, just try finding me again with your nose" he mocked as the Jack in the boxes from before burst open, releasing Shenk's fear gas into the room. Shenk turned to his clone, Break Him he communicated with it via thoughts. As the clone charged at the boy in a ground assault preparing an upwards swing of it's blades, Shenk jumped high into the air and threw his poisoned knives at the young time, was over.

- Vulcan
- Theme Song

"For my Next Trick, I'll make you DISSAPEAR"
- Shenk
- Theme Song

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 88
Registration date : 2010-07-22

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa November 3rd 2012, 1:15 pm

The Beast with his eyes closed smelled something in the air. It wan't the smell of someone it was more then that it was like that once person became two. This wouldn't have affected him but he noticed that his pulse began to quicken. His body began to sweat and he felt a deep urge to open his eyes. So he did. He quickly jump back and dodged the knives that had now fallen on the ground but to the beast they looked like syringes. He looked around himself but instead of just seeing smoke he could see his parents and there experimentation on him each and every one then it changed to his sister and her having to be experimented on in his stead. The Beast began to scream.... but then the screaming began to turn into a roar and as the screaming began to fade so did THe Beast's human conscious. Now the Beast was a monster, and a cornered one at that. The Beast noticed the clone running at him but to the beast it looked like his father. The Beast ran at him and let himslef be cut lightly with the blade before Aiming his fist at full power into the clones jaw. All of the beast's inhibitions had now faded. It was time for him to fight.

The Beast
The Chimera

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Registration date : 2012-08-19

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by someguy626 November 5th 2012, 2:49 pm

Shenk leaned his head back in pure ecstasy when the boy screamed aloud, he could almost taste the horrors the boy must have been witnessing. He heard the clinks upon the floor as the two tiny knives he had thrown missed his target it was up to his clone to get the job done. But then the screaming stopped, Shenk blinked a few times and frowned, surely the boy hadn't passed out just from such a small dose. Then he heard it, the growling, the snarling, the snapping of jaws and finally an enormous roar. Whatever humanity the boy had before his gas had done effected him had been shed like a cloak, not a shred of humanity remained in the boy he was a beast...and nothing could have made Shenk happier, sure monster's were harder to make fear you, but they weren't thinkers, they weren't strategists, and they could be played with to no end. "oh this just keeps getting better and better!" he grinned as he spoke watching the beast charge at his clone. As his clone's knife made a light incision into the beast's arm me smiled, even a small cut like that would allow his poison to secrete into his body, soon his arms and legs would tense as the paralyzing venom coursed through the boy's veins until he'd be unable to move at all. he raised a clenched fist to his mouth and furrowed his eyebrow"This is gonna hurt" he said as he watched the beasts fist connect with his clone's jaw with no restraint. The clone's jaw flew from it's head leaving the top teeth showing from it's gaping wound. "He really shouldn't have done that" Shenk's clone looked down at the blood gushing from it's throat and then back at the beast, if it had a mouth it would have been smiling, but instead it just seemed to raise it's top lip slightly. It jumped towards the beast and exploded sending thirty more poisoned daggers shooting out in every direction. Shenk was far enough away to avoid the blast but with the amount of knives being sent out, the boy was doomed. "I guess it's time to finish" Shenk crossed his arms with his palms held upwards "Aperite vacuum Shenk chanted as a purple and black portal seemed to open up underneath him. incipiemus mutatio he continued chanting as dark tendrils began seeping through the portal and wrapping around Shenk and just as they had almost covered his mouth he finished his incantation "dimittam bestiam". The dark tendrils finished covering Shenk's entire body, his transformation had begun.

- Vulcan
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"For my Next Trick, I'll make you DISSAPEAR"
- Shenk
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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)  Empty Re: Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: The Fight (Shenk vs The Beast)

Post by Kumagawa November 5th 2012, 4:56 pm

The Beast was use to paralysing poison... Heck his parents used it on him multiple times when he went wild so the beast had some antibodies ready to fight the poison unfortunately the antibodies weren't fast acting so the Beast was abit sluggish. After the clone of Shenk exploded no one could really be sure how well the beast could survive from it. Once The Beast's mind had left his pupil's narrowed and his eyes turn into a yellowish tint. He was now able to see through the smoke. THe Beast tried to punt the head away. Unfortunatly he was caught between the explosion og knives between the torso and the head.. The knives pierced into THe Beast's body but luckitly the Beast was able to move his arms to block the incomming knives that were flying at his head but unfortunately they ended up in his arm. The pain from the knives caused the Beast to roar out loadly and made him unable to move without a flash of pan whenever he moved. The Beast then began to pull the knives out of his body and threw them in every and any direction possible. As he pulled the knives from his body his wounds from the knives began to heal... the beast's body was regenerating. Once he had finished pulling the last knife from his body he let out one gruff roar and began to run in the direction of the clown who was now covered in tendrils claws barred to rip it.

Last edited by TheBeast on November 18th 2012, 8:36 am; edited 3 times in total

The Beast
The Chimera

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Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2012-08-19

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