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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Chellizard June 20th 2012, 4:39 pm

Now, your adventure has brought you to your final destination, has it?

Have you built a friendship? Or are you trying not to kill your partner due to annoyance?

Are you ready to prove yourself in a fair fight?

A fight that pits you against your partner? If not, you are not fit for Thrones.

This fight shall be clean, and consisting of mainly hand to hand combat; though powers are NOT forbidden. I can guaruntee things will be interesting.

I hope you are all ready.

The rules, in an envelope taped on the back of the warehouse door:

  • No killing is permitted.

  • No 'finishing' moves shall be allowed.

  • One may forfeit, but that will forever label them as a coward and thus; a Pawn within Thrones.

  • The victor shall be given their rank before the defeated.

  • Have fun; good luck.

The inside of the warehouse was blank and dark, and before anything could be described, the lights were turned on and the room was basically empty other than a simple locked safe on either end of the warehouse. One was just as you walked in the door. The other was all the way against the far wall. The floor was simply concrete, and the walls looked to be made of mirrors. The mirrors, however, faded to reveal more concrete walls. The light fixtures in the high ceiling were florescent and basic. The inside of the warehouse looked brandnew, of course. And it was. As were the other warehouses identical to this one. Gray floor, white walls. Simple. The buildings deminsions are: 50x20x40. (lxwxh)

Oh, and contestants? Do you remember the name tag you were given? It's been recording video and audio of the trip your characters have taken for later use to determine who is more deserving of their specific rank within Thrones. Bene fortuna.

>/... Begin.

Last edited by Queen Chelle on June 25th 2012, 4:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Brorschach June 22nd 2012, 4:29 am

Sheryll walked up to the warehouse door, her pale blue eyes feeling the strain of a long day. She was tired, extremely so, but that wouldn't stop her from completing her mission. She needed to get as high a rank as possible in The Thrones according to her father and she was sure that with Cilian as her partner there was no way she could fail.

"So, I wonder what will be behind this door" she said, the fatigue she felt barely kept out of her voice by relief at what seemed to be the end of the road. "Do you think it might be a fancy dinner? Oh! Or maybe we'll get to meet the Queen!" She said before pausing, her mind working far faster than her mouth. "Or maybe both! That would be so cool, wouldn't it Cilian?" Sheryll chimed, her excitement growing at the prospect of a delicious meal with the queen. The door however, was quite adamant about not opening. Sheryll puffed up her cheeks, a slight frown flicking across her face before she sighed and slashed a large hole in the door with her wires.

"After you" she said, somewhat facetiously as she did a mock bow and motioned for Cilian to enter. He didn't seem to keen to go first so Sheryll just sort of walked in, her head lolling back and forth and her hands held lightly behind her back.

"Heelllllloooo!!!" she yelled into the pitch black of the warehouse. No response came, so Sheryll tried once, twice, three times more before sighing. "Cilian, are you sure we have the right address?" she whined, if they had gotten the wrong warehouse then she was going to be irritated.

Hoping to find something she had, Sheryll took one last into the inky blackness that made up the warehouse's interior and found... nothing. Nothing but the same absolute -almost unnatural- darkness she had seen on her first look. As she turned to leave, the lights suddenly began to flicker and burst to life, as though the electricity in the wires had been waiting for the most dramatic moment to spring into action.

"I think someone is playing games with us Cilian" she laughed as the last of the lights illuminated the room. The warehouse was completely empty, save for a small table smack dab in the middle. On the table rested an envelope with a fancy wax seal on it. The kind that had signet rings used for it rather than a press or any such modern method. Sheryll tilted her head to the side, as if to get a better look at the thing before walking over and rather unceremoniously tearing it open. She scanned the contents, murmuring curses under her breath the whole time.

"Cilian, I've got some really bad news. Take a look at this" She said handing the note to him and staring at him. She really liked him and didn't want to fight him at all, but she had to if she wanted to get anywhere with her mission. Sitting down, Sheryll did her best to try and think of a way around the fight, but nothing came to mind. She looked away, her ever present smile quickly fading.

"What the hell are we going to do now?" she asked, not looking back at Cilian. Unbeknownst to her, her voice had dropped from the perky, bubbly tone she normally used to that cold, harsh, almost emotionless tone she used on her missions when she was at her deadliest.

She sat staring at the opposite wall, awaiting his response...



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Twinkletoes June 23rd 2012, 1:18 am

The warehouse was definitely not an exquisite banquet with the Queen that Sheryll so wished to happen. Upon entering it was quite the opposite, the large warehouse was bleak and dusty, the concrete flooring cold and uninviting with no amount of warmth reflecting off the cool grey surface. This dank and dreary enclosure did not particularly help with the next set of instructions they were given which had Sheryll cursing under her breath. The look on his partners face immediately gave it away; after she had grudgingly handed the ornate letter to him he clenched his jaw as he read over the set of instructions. "Oh dear..." he muttered glancing up at his partner who had already turned away, her current demeanor shifting to one eerily similar to when she attacked the docks earlier that day.

They were given barely any option, what this group needed were members who followed instructions to the best of their ability. For the Frenchman however, fighting a woman, particularly one who so eagerly embraced him as a friend, was an insult to his morality. But business was business and he knew somehow that they would have to face off in the imminent minutes. His mind raced trying to come up with a suitable plan of action to make this less troublesome than it already was.

Letting out a long and sharp sigh Cilian gently placed a hand on Sheryll's shoulder, "I know for a fact that neither of us want to do this... and if I had it my way i'd let you win." he spoke slowly, his honeyed accent laced with sincerity, "but..if the Queen orders it I guess nothing can be done otherwise.." he strained the word Queen hoping that whoever this woman was would hear his genuine distaste at the situation through the recording device in their name-tags. Sheryll replied with a forced smile, he shoulders hunching over from the stress of everything that occurred today.

Both were exhausted, yet they knew what was expected; the partners had a sound knowledge of the extent of the other's ability; Cilian knew for a fact that Sheryll was much quicker and that her wires were practically unstoppable...even worse they were inside a warehouse, a relatively small space compared to the docks which were out in the open. The Frenchman just hoped that she would not break the 'killing' rule again and hack him to pieces.

"I guess..whoever loses shouts the winner out to dinner, how does that sound?" he thought out loud, a small grin tugging at the sides of his lips, blatantly ignoring the fact that he just asked her out on a date. Sheryll stared up at him and cocked her head to the side, the curious proposition was slightly unexpected but at least something good would come out of this tussle of theirs.

Cilian hesitantly took a step back, bowing his head to her as he slowly unsheathed Balizarde, the sound of the cold black metal blade sliding against its sheath sending a chill throughout the atmosphere, "You have the first move my dear.." he proclaimed as he shifted his body ready for the battle to begin..

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Brorschach June 23rd 2012, 2:25 am

Sheryll stood up and walked over to one side of the warehouse, this was supposed to be a hand-to-hand battle, or so the letter had said, but they'd already broken one of the big rules on their other instructions so she didn't care. Turning to look at Cilian, she smiled, his suggestion that the loser would take the other out to dinner cheering her up slightly.

"Sounds like fun, I just hope you know some good restaurants." she said, her normal smile returning. She would have to hold back a good deal in order to avoid any severe injuries to Cilian. Sheryll turned fully and held out her left arm, her fingers aimed at the floor as she let five wires drop out of them. These were not her normal wires, but rather, the thicker, blunt variant that she used when she had to capture a target non lethally. She slowly grabbed the wires and snapped them taut a few times.

"Cilian, dear, I don't know if you can see from here but these wires won't cut you so no need to worry. If you get tied up too tight just tell me." She yelled over to him, her mind immediately after realizing how that sounded.

"Also, you have my apologies for the sadomasochist overtones of what I just said." she added, repressing a chuckle as she retracted the wires back into her hand. The wires themselves were blunted and round but the heads were tipped with steel blades so she would have to avoid shooting them too close to him, lest he get stabbed in any vital areas.

Sighing, she stood up perfectly straight and stretched. She saw him draw his sword and tilted her head to get a better look at it. Not too much of a problem, just have to be careful not to get hit in the eye. she mused as she dropped down into a sprinter's starting position.

"Ready. Set. Go!" she yelled as she took off, blitzing straight for him. Twenty feet, ten, five, and just as she was upon him... she leaped over, flipping and rebounding off the wall. She had intended to clothesline him, but thought better of it once she remembered what ANY attack going at the speeds she had been moving would do to a human body. She landed on the heel of her boot and jumped back once more.

"Sorry about that, let's try that one more time shall we?" she said, rubbing the back of her neck, slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, take two!" she yelled as she took off once more, not anywhere near at her top speed, instead, she moved at only about twenty miles per hour. As she drew closer, Sheryll withdrew the blunted capture wires from her hand once more, intending to make it appear as though she was going to miss him again, but instead she planned to tie him up and hang him upside down until he gave. And that was that, quick, efficient, and no lasting damage. She just hoped he wouldn't be mad about her messing up his suit. Looks like I win she thought to herself as she began her leap over him...



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Twinkletoes June 23rd 2012, 9:00 am

Cilian chuckled, happy that she was back to her old self, she even agreed to his offer of dinner which was can't kill someone who you're gonna have dinner with he thought to himself raising an eyebrow. Furthermore her display of the blunt wires allowed some peace of mind to settle into Cilian, now there was minimal chance of ending up as human mince meat. However he knew that getting into close range of her was foolish. Balizarde was simply a red herring, a theatrical opening to this little brawl of theirs..he had already used the blade once that day and did not intend on using it again; and if it did come down to it he would simply have to use the hilt so that it would not cause any major harm.

It was his unconventional fighting skills and unique abilities that got him through his teenage years and he was certain that such techniques would somehow catch the woman off guard. Sheryll had commenced her second sprint at him, the first was either a mistake or something to get his defenses down and he would not allow her to get such easy access to him a second time. Her pace was slower this time and his gut told him to pull out one of his favorite trump cards. His ability of flight. He locked eyes with her and grinned just as her feet left the ground, his eyes darkened and a swirling mass of ink instantly erupted from his skin enveloping his suited body in a churning black spiral.

He purposefully allowed ink to splatter everywhere around him, the black liquid splashing against the floor and the walls turning the room into a concrete dalmatian. He instantly propelled himself diagonally to his right, arcing his body in the air as he swiftly soared above Sheryll, the large jet of ink appearing like an invisible brush had proceeded to write jerky calligraphy in the space of the warehouse.

He was doing more than simply escaping her reach he was also planning on altering the warehouse to his liking. The dark bullet sped straight towards the power-box located on the adjacent wall, the impact of the rapidly spiraling ink against the rusted source of electricity instantly jammed it, causing it to sputter and spark, the lights overhead popped and fizzled as their power source was destroyed. The large warehouse immediately became enveloped in suffocating darkness once again. there was no more light, none whatsoever. Cilian was camouflaged in the inky darkness..the playing field was set, one wrong move from Sheryll and she might just step in a puddle of ink and she loses.

"Be careful Sheryll, I hope you can manage in this darkness"he said aloud, his voice slightly distorted from the spiraling vortex around him. This would end quickly if she wasn't careful..and he hoped she would be.

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Brorschach June 24th 2012, 10:41 pm

Sheryll landed and spun, watching as Cilian turned into a whirling mass and destroyed the warehouse's fuse box, a small smile flashing on her face as she saw a few splotches of ink land around and the last of the lights went out. The darkness would benefit him, to be sure, but it also helped her. She had fought in minefield's before, and in this darkness, even if he felt her touch one of the splotches, his reaction time was sure to be slowed. She heard him call out to her and smiled once more. "I'll be fine,I'll just have to try not to trip on anything." she called back, repressing a laugh.

Here they were, conducting something resembling casual conversation when they were supposed to be fighting for power. Sheryll allowed the thought to sit for a few seconds before once again focusing on the task at hand. Holding perfectly still she allowed her eyes to adapt to the darkness, their enhanced nature speeding the process up to a mere eighteen seconds. She looked around, slowly turning her head and allowing her eyes to capture every detail of the room. Though this fight was decidedly nonlethal and she personally didn't want to hurt Cilian, she might have to get a little rough if she wanted to win.

As she looked at the ceiling, her soft smile spread into a full blown grin.

"Cilian dear, while I'm sure that you're quite able to take care of yourself, you may want to take my advice when I say: duck" she said loudly, her voice reverberating through the mid-sized building as she shot several of her wires into the ceiling, the bladed ends of her wires anchoring them quite effectively.
The ceiling itself was a mix of girders, glass, and sheet metal so it wouldn't be too difficult for him to recover from a blow, but this would take away a good portion of the darkness without bringing the whole building down around them. she pulled softy to make sure that all the wires were secure before sighing and preparing to bring it down.
"Down she goes!" Sheryll yelled as she yanked, tearing one end of the roof in with the rest quickly following suit.
Sheet metal tore and girders spun, glass shattered and bits of concrete tumbled down. While the grand scene would have awed many, Sheryll simply stood there in the faint moonlight, a small circle around her completely free of rubble, an island of calm in a sea of chaos, as it were.
"You alright in there?" She called, filled with a strange sense of pride. She hadn't expected the whole roof to come down, only a section. No response came and Sheryll's sense of pride quickly turned into concern, so shot her wires into the rubble, yanking pieces away in a flurry.

"Cilian! Cilian! Are you okay!?" she screamed, her sweet voice beginning to border on shrill as concern grew in her chest. She was incredibly worried that she might have overdone it and killed him by accident....



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Twinkletoes June 25th 2012, 12:29 am

For a single moment, Cilian was genuinely content with the way things were going. The dark environment was a battlefield rigged with possible traps, each individual puddle of ink linked to his mind enabling him to study Sheryll's moves from most angles. Hovering in the air, the silent swirling mass of ink was perfectly hidden in the shadows; an aerial advantage, a field advantage and to top it off an entertaining sparring partner.

Just as Cilian thought he had attained the upper hand... Sheryll decided to rip the whole roof off. Looking up as girders bent and sheet metal snapped Cilian let out a groan, one that expressed his sheer awe at her capabilities and his genuine annoyance at the fact that this battle was going to get much messier"Merde(shit)..." he muttered as the roof collapsed in on itself. Glass rained down on him and just as he was about to swoop underneath a plummeting steel piece of framework a larger girder blind sided him from the right smacked him onto the hard concrete, a black wisp quickly trailing after his sudden plummet to the ground.

He would have died. Either that or been severely injured if it were not for his abilities. Practically encased in a coffin of metal and glass Cilian's possble death was thwarted with the cushioning of a unique kind. His minions. She's really making me pull out all the stops in this one he chuckled to himself as he brushed off some dirt from his now tattered suit. The minions were his saving grace, their tubby and round bodies all massed together protecting him from the debris surrounding him. Often times he would use these creatures to protect him when he was in a more vulnerable state, they were completely bent to his will; extremely stupid but overall very loveable with their oversized grins and shrill gurgles.

He could hear Sheryll's voice calling out for him, the poor girl must've thought him dead; the rubble around him slightly shifted as she hurriedly removed chunks. Taking in a deep sigh Cilian's mind stretched out and latched onto the various puddles of ink throughout the warehouse, he was going to catch her off guard. As much as he loathed the idea of striking when she was genuinely worried for his well-being, he knew that if this was any other fight with a different opponent such moves would be necessary for his survival and victory. He was going to create a clone of himself and fight through him, the minions capable of protecting him once his soul would become more occupied. He closed his eyes and emptied his mind and began the next phase of his attack...


The ink throughout the room began to travel to a single location, their black tails caressing the shattered concrete flooring as they slid under the rubble and dripped past Sheryll who was currently trying to find Cilian. As the ink massed into one black puddle it began to jerk, strands of ink shot out and instantly retracted as if it had a mind of its own...which in actual fact it somewhat did. The dark liquid slowly became more and more dense as it gradually took form, a black hand shot out of the puddle which was then followed by a dripping black shoulder and a dark torso and so forth, as if the puddle was a gateway to another universe and a horrid black monster was forcing its way through.

However this was no monster. Rather a semi-perfect copy of Cilian, completely made up of ink and practically a mirror image of its master. The clone, now a full body, lolled its head back and gazed to its left and right; colour began to seep into its complexion taking on the appearance of Cilian's pale skin tone and went on to eerily match his clothing and all of its intricacies. Standing silently in the shadows it watched Sheryll frantically pull apart the rubble, pieces of metal were flung throughout the room in her desperate attempts to find her partner. Cilian's copy scrunched his brow, now he knew that Sheryll was more than just a monster..she was genuinely screaming for him to answer, hoping to hear a cry for help at least..but he purposefully stayed silent as his clone slowly crept up to Sheryll.

The clones arm quickly mutated and stretched as his right hand disappeared in a quivering mass of ink. The once exact replica of Cilian's own arm was replaced with an monstrous clawed one, which was disproportioned to the rest of his body. Flexing the new addition to his body the clone silently but swiftly leapt over a collapsed girder for its target..Sheryll. The nightmarish hand clenched in a fist as the space between the enclosed hand and the back of her head became much smaller
, hopefully this won't hurt her too much.. he thought to himself ready for the impact..

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Brorschach June 25th 2012, 1:21 am

Sheryll yanked and ripped apart rubble, flinging it everywhere. She was worried sick about Cilian. If Cilian was dead, not only would she fail her assignment from both the Queen and her father, but she would also have lost her only real friend. Sure she had people whose company she enjoyed, but they were all normal people or those working for her father, no one who she could really just relax and feel completely at ease with. It had seemed to her that Cilian could be that person, but if he was dead -By her hand no less- then she had no idea how she could live with herself.

Sheryll continued ripping rubble away until she felt a strong force smack her away, the attack had hit her shoulder and the lower part of her neck and hurt like hell as she went smashing forward into the rubble. Though the damage was nothing to scoff at, it wasn't anything that she couldn't recover from. She got up from the spot where the unknown assailant had flung her and looked back, ready to switch to her cutting wires.

It was Cilian.

A wave of emotions hit her in that moment, emotions that took her a moment to process before her worried face took on a look of rage and she shook slightly, almost imperceptibly.

"You son of bitch!" she yelled, genuinely angry, not because Cilian had punched her in the back of her head, but because he had allowed her to think she had killed him. However, mixed in with that rage, was relief. She ran over and hugged him, his skin feeling slightly unnatural. She saw his huge ink hand and completely ignored it.

"If you ever do that again I will kill you for real!" she yelled, squeezing him. She looked up at him, small tears going down her face. She couldn't understand the look on his face, but at that moment she didn't care as she buried her face back in his chest.

"That was really mean, you know that!" she said, her voice muffled by his chest. If someone saw them at that moment, they might have thought themselves in a fairy tale, a young woman with black hair and an even younger man standing their with a monstrous black hand standing there in the pale moonlight, its white-blue rays shining down on them. Sheryll pulled her face out of his chest a moment later and looked at Cilian closely. Not only had he survived, but he was completely unharmed, and so was his suit. Something was wrong, she wasn't sure what, but he didn't feel right.

"Cilian, are you okay? Your skin's all cold and you haven't said a word. If this is because I dropped a roof on you, I didn't mean to, I just meant to bring down a small part of it so I could see better. How did you manage to get out with no injuries?" she said before waiting a moment and adding "Not that I'm complaining mind you, I'm glad you're unharmed, but how did you do it?"



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Twinkletoes June 25th 2012, 2:52 am

The blow landed, sending her sprawling forward, fortunately she had no noticeable injury and was relatively unharmed. However the same couldn't be said for her emotional state, she screamed at him, her practically perfect complexion tainted with pure anger, her brow furrowed as she leapt towards him. The clone braced himself for whatever was to come his way. A hug was not what he was all.

Although he could see her arms embrace him, he could not feel the warmth of her skin or the smell of her hair; she was embracing a doppelganger of the real thing, an imperfect shadow of the man who was trapped under a pile of rubble. The real man himself blushed where his clone could not, and shook his head trying to focus his mind on controlling the copy; Sheryll really was full of surprises and if he were anyone else Cilian probably would have gutted her or knocked her out the instant she wrapped her arms around him...but he could not, such a thing was particularly unforgivable in his books and for a moment Cilian had no idea what to do...he was stuck, literally and mentally.

The clones hands were raised as if defending himself, he was practically frozen whilst Sheryll nuzzled her face into his chest, only snapping once Cilian came up with a proper plan
. "I'm sorry...I'm not that easy to kill off" the clone grinned, his mannerisms perfectly matching its masters. Sheryll surely was a physical person and if it were up to Cilian he would have courted her before getting so 'physical' with her, I should probably meet her parents first he innocently thought to himself.

He tentatively wrapped his arms around his much more petite partner, the monstrous hand cradling his much smaller one, staring her directly in the eyes he leaned in and spoke, "This is just another one of my many party tricks..." his smooth accent flowed out like it would've from his human lips, "The real me is currently twiddling his thumbs underneath that pile of rubble" he smirked, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he motioned with his head to the real Cilian's wherabouts. This intimate moment, although sweet had resulted in Sheryll letting all of her defences down, she was completely vulnerable and he knew it. As much as he honestly loathed the idea of taking out a woman, even more so one which was embracing him.. he had to end this fight as soon as possible.

It was a passing thought, something which crossed his mind the first time he witnessed her abilities. The wires must have come out of her body from somewhere and he was proven right. As their bodies were locked in each others embrace his own form began to morph, slowly liquefying; his hands which held onto the small of her back slowly melted into her, a silent trickle of black making its way inside her skin. Located on various parts of her body were small holes, barely noticeable yet large enough for ink to seep into them and traverse its way through her body. He looked at her with a gaze that could only be described as one of regret and sorrow and tightened his embrace, leaning his head in as he whispered in her ear
, "Sorry my dear...I hope this doesn't hurt", he closed his eyes and felt the ink spread throughout her body, signalling a possible end to the battle..

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Brorschach June 25th 2012, 3:26 am

Sheryll smiled as Cilian talked to her... up until she heard him say that he wasn't the real man. She was worried, but now she knew she hadn't killed him. "So you're actually okay then? That's good to hear. I'm still kind of mad at you but I'm just glad I didn't hurt you." she said smiling as he embraced her. She closed her eyes and pushed herself against his his chest, even it if wasn't the real thing, if felt good to her. "So, since I've got you trapped under the rubble there, I guess that means you owe me dinner" she said with a small smile on her face. She just sort of stood there enjoying the hug until he spoke again.

"You hope what doesn't hurt?" she said, pulling away. She looked on, horrified as the clone dissolved into ink and began to slide into the various holes along her N.A.S. suit. "Bastard!" she yelled, not only horrified but also incredibly indignant. He had tricked her, she had let her guard down and he had tricked her.
"I swear when I find you I'm going to kick your ass so hard!" she yelled turning towards the rubble. She frantically began to yank the debris away as her body began to feel slower, her movements more sluggish and heavy. Sheryll could feel the ink moving through the robotic parts of her body and jamming them up with the ink. Sheryll's face was a mix of rage and betrayal as she yanked more and more rubble away from the pile, until she came upon Cilian, a small dome of rock surrounded him, as well as some small blobbish creatures with huge grins on their faces.

The things looked as if they were about to leap at her, but Sheryll simply smacked them away with a piece of rubble still attached to her wires. She leaped over and grabbed Cilian by the collar of his suit, lifting him up about half a foot off the ground. Despite being shorter then him, she easily pulled him over her head and prepared to punch him straight in his face, but, as she pulled back, she felt her systems begin to freeze, the ink finally had managed to seep into her joints and her limbs felt like rocks.
Sheryll felt the pain as she thrust her fist forward. She was going to make sure he paid for tricking her like that, if this punch connected, Cilian might be missing the lower half of his face. She didn't mean to punch that hard, but with the ink her arms she couldn't control how powerful she was. Her fist sped forward full force, only to stop, less than an inch from his face.
Sheryll glared at him, the searing rage in her eyes focused straight on his closed eyes. "I swear to god, when I get out of this, I'm going to do two things. One, I'm going to punch you so hard, the bruise will be as permanent as one of your tattoos; and two, I'm gonna order the most expensive thing on the menu and make you pay for it." she said, the venom in her voice only slightly less potent than that of a king cobra. "Now wake up Cilian..."

"You win"



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Twinkletoes June 25th 2012, 4:33 am

Cilian actually was awake, his soul had returned to him the instance her suit began to jam up..he was simply feigning unconsciousness because he honestly did not know what to do once he released the ink from her. I thought she was scary at the docks he thought to himself internally cringing at what would happen once he 'wakes up'. His attention was finally diverted when she said he won. He actually won. He beat the maniacal and destructive wire woman.

Peaking from the corner of his half closed eye he yelped as he came face to face with Sheryll's fist which was literally an inch away from his jaw. The sudden shock made him instinctively jerk back causing his collar to snap away from her vice-grip landing painfully on his backside on a metal girder. His tubby little minions helped him up, their excitable gurgles filling the cold nights air with a comical breeze; they instinctively tried to brush the dirt off their masters pant legs but failed horribly as they wiped ink onto his already ruined pants.

He grimaced as he looked at Sheryll. She was still frozen, her arm outstretched in a vicious punch; even though she was catatonic her eyes glared at him from the corner of her sockets. "Sheryll I am so terribly sorry, It will never happen again I promise" he sputtered out bowing his head, his minions behind him bowing down in an exaggerated manner smacking their neck-less heads onto the ground.

he walked over to her, raising his hand and made a small tugging motion causing the ink within her suit to quickly seep out and float towards his hand. The ink, like always was absorbed back into his skin and joined the countless forever-moving tattoos. Once he had released her from the frozen state he gave her meek grin, trying his best to look innocent,"Let's not fight again.." he spoke trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Last edited by Inkblot on June 25th 2012, 7:46 am; edited 2 times in total

RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Brorschach June 25th 2012, 4:53 am

Sheryll watched as Cilian groveled before her, begging her forgiveness. It would have been hard not to crack a smile if she could have moved any part of her face. As he stood up and brought the ink out, his suggestion that they not fight again was quickly cut off by her frozen punch connecting with his arm. It was restrained, else wise she might have broken his arm, not that she would have been opposed to that at that moment, but she hit him hard in the arm. As he seemed to recoil she walked over and grabbed him by the collar once more.

She stared deeply into his caramel eyes before hissing out in a low voice "If you ever put any part of yourself in my body again without buying me dinner first, you'll wake up missing your vital organs." she said, dropping him. Though her tone was that deadly serious one she used on missions, she wasn't going to stay mad at him long as she turned on him once more, her voice resuming its normal cheerful tone and her smile returning.

"So, it seems that we're done with our little mission. Well, now that that's over, and if you don't mind, we can stop by my apartment and then I'd be happy to go out and have that lovely dinner you spoke of" she said, her grin large. She was silent for a few moments before adding "Oh and don't forget, drinks at my place when we're done." she said, putting her arm on his shoulder, squeezing slightly. Sheryll's arms hurt like hell and she was ready to just relax, but if she was going to go out, she was going to have to take off her suit and wear something more fitting for a fancy restaurant.



Blame Jack

"A man who barely maintains an armistice with himself has no business poking about in a foreign soul"
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RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian) Empty Re: RoT: Part 3 "The Fight" (Sheryll vs. Cilian)

Post by Chellizard June 25th 2012, 4:55 am

Clicking high heels resonated just before the door to the warehouse was opened, and Chelle walked in and smiled, slipped her sunglasses off, and placed them atop her head. "Bravo, bravo.." She smiled, showing a fang-y grin. "I bet you're wondering what the safes are for, huh? Well, it's money. Your first month's pay; 20 grand each. And on top of that, missions give you an amount of cash-flow." Chelle placed her hands on her hips, her designer gown the same one she had at Amore's Cucina. "And I bet you're wondering, 'Why is Felicity here? Where's the Queen?' Heh. I am your Queen. It's a pleasure to meet you both personally. Cilian is now the Prince, and Sheryll, darling, you shall be Thrones' Rook. I am pleased to say this allowed currently." Chelle pulled out a small device and both of the safes opened automatically. "Cilian will also be labeled as the Adept of Mystery, while Sheryll is the Adept of Destruction. Have a marvelous day, you two. I'll be contacting you soon with your next missions." She gave them both a smirk and winked then slid her glasses back on and stepped back out and slid into the backseat of her limo. She had just finished her fight with Vermillion. It was fun. Now it was time to wait for the others to finish their tasks and head home for the day.

End of Quest for Cilian and Sheryll.

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