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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by Chellizard Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:36 am

. o O ( Here is where John and Victoria shall continue on with their quest. I will fill in with a narrative part and etc, causing scenarios and the like for the two to overcome on their adventure to the address at the Storage Unit area. )

Of course partners can be fun. Partners should be fun. But usually partners are not needed; especially when the respected partners can work well enough on their own. But, in cases certainly identical to these, two people working together is needed more so than desired.

The sun was bright, burning down on New York, though noon had passed and it was falling further and further to the evening hours. So, despite the sun beaming through the partly cloudy sky, and it's bright glow warming the city of New York, the people were still a bit cold from the early spring winds.

The destination for this partnered pair was of course an odd one. It was a storage unit facility that had large warehouse buildings for storing vehicles, lots of larger furniture, and even small air crafts. Though, the partners did not know that. They were simply leaving a restaurant on the other side of the city.

Each of the partners were also given a map by Anna, that lovely attendant. It had a highlighted route to take the partners to their destination. Each route was different. That way, each of the partnered pairs would not run into one another until the very end.

So, for now, they were on their own.

And it was time for their first obstacle. It was a simple note on the back of the map. Along with a couple of other things. Almost like a scavenger hunt.

The list went as follows:

  • Stop a large operation involving drug or weapon trade.

  • Rescue a woman in distress.

  • Try not to kill anyone.

  • Be discreet.

And that was about it. The list was simple and very vague. But there was also a note beneath the list. "Everything on this list must be completed before you reach your destination." The handwriting was very script like and beautiful. All in black ink, too. Possibly written by a woman.

Maybe a man, though. And now it was time for the fun to begin. The pair was posibly close to finding one of the items on their list.

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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) JiLqjv0
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by The Bolt Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:05 am

John wasn't too thrilled with whom he was teamed up with, though he would have preferred not to have been teamed up at all. Since she first seemed like a frail little girl and he didn't like to work with anyone who was too weak to defend themselves. Though looks were always deceiving,especially when it came to groups such as this. So he didn't complain about his lot in this but simply let out a small cloud of chilled air from between clenched lips. ”Seem like we'll be working together.” John said to her in a neutral tone,something he learned after a while of being under the thumb of a sixteen year old who could dispose of you in an instant.

”Here it is.” The woman said handing him the required things to go on. John glanced over the list with scrutinous eyes before handing it to the strange girl he was partnered with. He was unsure how well she could fight but hopefully she could hold her own well enough. He didn't want to have to protect anyone in the middle of a mission. Though it wasn't long before they were met by a long black limo. The door opened as what seemed like a young blonde in a well tailored suit was waiting for them.

”Look like we have a ride.” john muttered trying to be enthusiastic,when in reality he knew who it was. It was his so called master trying to keep tabs on him even now. He motioned for them to come into the vehicle which had rather posh interior decorating really. John reluctantly complied and stepped into the vehicle and waited fort he girl to follow suit, handing the instructions to the boy. He nodded with a sly smirk.

”I'll be able to help you with getting to this warehouse of yours.” He said to John, not really regarding his partner.
The Bolt
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by Sim Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:29 pm

Victoria was paired with John, which came as no surprise. He required more observation to determine whether he was a fit for Thrones, and observing was a strong point of Victoria's. Of course, She already knew some of all the applicants. Those dossiers her queen had didn't put themselves together after all, Chelle was smart enough to know how important knowledge was in these kinds of affairs. Of course loyalty was one thing, and ability was another.

Victoria followed John into the limo. For now, observation was more important than accomplishing the given task. Victoria had already proven her worth to Thrones after all. "I should remind you that there are several tasks we've set to accomplish before we arrive at our destination." She said without emotion as she entered the car. She didn't really acknowledge the car's original occupant, though she noticed as John handed off his instructions. "Is this boy going to be taking your test for you John? I should think a Thrones member is generally expected to take care of his own tasks." Her British accent filled the car and quickly faded into the soft interior. She had a decidingly bored tone. Certainly she recognized why she should be paired with this one, but it was still a bit of a chore. "I have a record of perfection. I'd advise you don't bring me down."
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by The Bolt Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:45 pm

John was close to reacting to her question negatively,though Anthony stopped him before he could say anything regrettable. ”Of course not. I only mean to convey a means of transportation from her to the destination,nothing more and nothing less.” He answered simply returning the instructions to his golem who clutched the paper in his cold hands tightly. He knew he wouldn't like this girl if only by the ways he acted, the attitude of someone who considered themselves the best and John had put enough people like that down to know what he was talking about. Though this was a test for the both of them,so he would have to atleast act civil.

”You shouldn't worry yourself. I have yet to fail myself.” John answered as he allowed the temperature in the vehicle to drop as notch as it began it drive to where they were to start whatever task they were given. As John sat cross legged as far in the corner as he could sit without looking strange. Though the drive itself wasn't long and soon they were at the destination. John stepped out of the car and took an almost involuntary breath of air through his nose,though he didn't really need it.

After both stepped out of the vehicle, it drove away. Leaving them to do whatever. ”Well then, lets get this started.” John said cracking his knuckles.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by Sim Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:02 pm

Victoria didn't acknowledge the drop in temperature in the car. Mostly because she had no way of noticing it, although goosebumps did form on her artificial skin. She remained silent for the ride, though a curious half smile decorated her face. They soon arrived near the warehouse that was her destination.

Kevin watched from behind a corner as a very out of place Limousine pulled in and dropped off two passengers. Seemed crazy, but he recognized the woman getting out as the description of his target. The information hadn't been cheap, but if it was on the money then whatever this woman was carrying would be worth a hundred times what he paid. He didn't actually know what it was, but his information guy had never lead him wrong before. Who knew what these crazy rich types met in the middle of a bunch of warehouses to buy and sell. Once the limo drove off, he made his move.

Victoria daintily stepped out of the vehicle, her boot heals clicking on the paved ground. A quick breeze lifted her hair, though it didn't have the strength to push her heavy jacket. Shortly after the limo drove off, a group of 7 large masked men appeared from behind a building. Three brandished assault rifles, and the rest made their possession of various handguns obvious as they all trained their weapons on Victoria. A few shifted their aim, regarding John warily. Victoria continued her slight smile. Sometimes it false information was worth more when you were selling. If you knew how, you could get anything down the grapevine. The man in the lead barked out some orders. "Both of you, strip now! Give us everything you've got and get on the ground, or we'll put you in the ground understand?" Victoria casually ran a hand through her short blonde hair and spoke softly over her shoulder at John. "Well, it looks like you have your woman in distress. Better rescue her."
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by The Bolt Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:54 pm

”How nice, a welcoming committee.” john muttered with an unusually chipper tone as he surveyed the small group that was sent to meet them. They didn't look too deadly to him,so they could be dealt with little difficulty. Though how this girl could deal with them was another matter entirely, and part of him wanted to see her in action before he took these guys out himself. The guns complicated things but it wasn't as if they would hit him with those peashooters anyway. Though something one of them said caused John to snicker, in fact he couldn't contain the joke.

”You want me to strip and get on the ground? Very classy guys. Though a first date is in order atleast.” He snarked, piercing blue eyes meeting with one of them holding a gun. His power was already at work as he prepared himself for an impending fight, air around him beginning to drop a few degrees as the sign that he was going to end this quickly. Though how he would deal with a few armed thugs with guns was the clincher really, since he wasn't bulletproof and he doubted this girl was too.

”I'll end this quick boys, no time to play you see.” He said hooking his fingers under his shirt and pulling it over his head placing it to the side where he was sure he would find it later. ”Sorry but thats all your getting off of me though. Not that kinda guy.” That seemed to piss the guys off slightly,something John was aiming to do as one let their itchy trigger finger slip,though it was met with a thin but powerful wall of ice.

”So close but no cigar.” John said as he jabbed a finger against the ice wall,causing a single sharp shard of ice to shoot out,stabbing into the barrel of the gun that was only earlier fired at him. ”Anyone else wanna try?” He asked rhetorically while he got the strangest looks from them. Even without his knowledge the ground around him was slowly forming a thin layer of ice. Not that it mattered really.

Last edited by John Reeves on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by Sim Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:37 pm

"Hmm" Victoria looked at John's handiwork. Not many ice manipulators who can block bullets. She touch two fingers to the icewall and a very slight hissing sound was lost in the noise of the fight as the freezing wall burned the tips of her fingers. Apparently the six men who were still armed weren't interesting in letting Victoria examine the density and composition of the spontaneously appearing ice, as one man decided to act first and fired off two shots from his glock at Victoria. Suddenly the "dainty" woman moved faster than the human eye could follow, shifting her position just enough that the bullets flew right by her crashing harmlessly into the ice behind her. As she spun to avoid the second shot a bullet of her own flew out so quickly her firearm wasn't even seen leaving the comfort of her jacket. The offending shooter screamed, more in surprise than pain, as his trigger finger flew into the air now separated from his hand by Victoria's bullet. "I suppose there's no harm if the woman in distress helps out a tad."

The man who had found himself with 9 fingers dropped his gun, and turned around and ran deciding this fight wasn't worth it. Victoria let him be, she didn't exactly need a dead body for anything as far as she knew. As the group of now 5 armed men tried to use their numbers to surround the two strangers Victoria noticed one of the rifle wielders eyes pointed towards John as he raised his weapon. Victoria quickly made her way to him dodging a few bullets on the way as if it were an easy thing to do. By the time his trigger had already begun its journey to the firing postion. "Oh well, no time for finesse." Victoria thought. She quickly placed her left hand over the barrel of the rifle as it began to fire. A loud metallic bang was heard as the bullets ricocheted off her hand and backfired into the rifle. The assailant yelled aloud as a piece of his gun launched itself into his shoulder, and Victoria responded by producing one of her three-barreled 18-shot revolvers and pistol whipping him across the face. Smoke rose from her left hand as the man crumpled, but before he hit the ground she produced the pistol's twin and fired behind her, taking the trigger finger of a handgun-wielder that had found his way behind John. Victoria had no need for a body, especially not her partner's. Besides, Chelle would not likely appreciate it if Victoria allowed a new recruit to be injured.

Three armed men remained in front of the ice wall, one unarmed man who wasn't sure what to do, and one 9-fingered man attempting to flee the scene.
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Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by The Bolt Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:26 pm

John was fully prepared to deal with the remaining gang members, though his partner was already on the move;at a speed that he himself could barely follow. It seemed she was far more than he initially gave her credit, which may have been a mistake on his part. This girl was a far more interesting person than ever anticipated but he couldn’t let her have all of the fun could he? Not that he could keep up with all that she was doing with such speed, while he was stuck with human restrictions, John completely unaware of the man sneaking up on him with dangerous intent, who would have gotten him if it weren’t the help of his partner.

”Guess I owe her one.” John muttered raising an eyebrow; John was now at work on dealing with the remaining thugs. As a long chain of ice began to form with in his hand, quickly taking shape as John flung it towards the man running away. With a mental command, he ordered the ice to curve around his legs and sent him tumbling face first into the ground. That left the guy staring confused at his lack of ten complete digits, though he didn’t have the time to react to john delivering a powerful backhanded fist against this face.

Now there were only the three armed men in front of the ice wall but they would not be there for long. John had a way to deal with this guy with little trouble, since they were so close to his own weapon if it need be one. Without wasting a second from his last attack,John whirled around with the attack and slammed his fist hard against the ice wall. Sending out three square blocks of ice that all moved with an inhuman amount of force that slammed hard into the thugs. One hit a back, another hit a head and the last hit the third square in the chest. They were taken care of quite easily. ’Damsel in distress saved.” he muttered with a smirk on his pale lips.

”So what’s next?”

The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by Sim Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:43 am

"Now." Victoria said, examining her hand. The smell of gundpowder and burnt flesh emanated from it, a large shredded hold of fabric and skin led to a patch of metal underneath. She dusted off her jacket and continued. "We head a short distance southeast to obtain some explosives and fulfill the next part of our trial. It should only take three minutes and 46 seconds if we travel at your average walk speed. Unless of course another group has stumbled across the arms deal first, but given our head start that seems unlikely."

Victoria began walking in the aforementioned direction without turning to make sure John was actually following. They made their way down empty streets and alleys between the almost identical warehouses. If one didn't know better, they could swear they were passing the same place over and over. Victoria remained silent for a while, but eventually broke it with a question. "So why sign up for this job anyway? Just trying to make your fortune?" She said, still not looking back. "Forgive me for saying, but you don't really seem like the type."

After a brief walk and conversation they arrived at their destination. Curiously, it was almost like a mirrored version of their first situation. Now they were peeking from behind a corner at a group of some sort of organized criminals somewhere in the middle of a transaction. The difference in dress and attitude made it obvious who the sellers were. On one side a plain black car was parked, with a group of tall muscular Caucasians, definitely not quite from around here, held a large unmarked case. They spoke with heavy Russian accents as they attempted to finish their deal with the other party, who looked more like the kind of thugs they had dealt with earlier. Local crew trying to up the ante with more firepower. The sellers had four people, while the locals numbered five. Victoria spoke in a hushed tone. "Hmmm, we have the advantage of stealth this time. I wonder, how would you handle this?" She asked John, though she expected his reply to be more action than words.

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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by The Bolt Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:39 pm

”Sounds like a plan.” John muttered as he took in what she said. It seemed they would be getting over with this faster than originally thought,something he was hoping would happen. Team work was never Johns strong point,though maybe this was the thing that would change that. So he began to follow after the strange woman with arms crossed over his chest as he simply filled his head with thought until they would reach their destination. Though something jolted him from his thoughts.

”Why did I sign up?” John asked as his mind seemed to recoil at the simple question. Why did he sign up for something like this? It had to be more than simply something his master wanted but what was it? It had to be something, though that something even he didn't know. ”Freedom.” It was the best way to describe what he wanted and the only word that really seemed to give it justice. True John wasn't suited for the mercenary life style, it was something that he himself chose. Not something that was forced upon him by a sadistic teenager and that was all that mattered.

When the brief walk was over,they were at the place they were supposed to be. A transaction was already in progress,so they were all too ready for this, but of course he was asked what he would do in a situation like this. Not an easy question to answer but he would answer it nonetheless. Three knives formed within his right hand, held between his fingers. With precision he threw one at the man holding the unmarked case, forcing him to drop it as the ice weapon scraped his hand. Though before his buddies could fire fire their weapons, they were met with a knife to the elbow. This was easy enough for him.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by Sim Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:16 pm

"Freedom huh?" Victoria started to realize maybe this John and her had more in common than she may have thought. Although this perhaps wasn't the best time to discuss such things, as the large group's attention turned to them. Victoria fired off what seemed like one shot, and both of the last able-bodied Russian's trigger fingers flew behind him. It was a trick Victoria was using frequently today it seemed, but it was effective. She then raced out from behind their cover guns blazing. She hadn't intended to steal the show, but she'd much rather make conversation than watch John dispatch some thugs she was already well aware he was capable of dealing with. Her revolvers let loose from her jackets, firing one after another before the group of five could even aim to shoot. Bullets hit to cripple, taking out hands and kneecaps. In a few short moments all five were on the ground bleeding and moaning, assuming they were still conscious. Victoria, satisfied they were disabled, turned her attention to the two cases. The smaller briefcase held 10,000 dollars in stacks of 100's. The larger case held ten modern-looking fragmentation grenades.

"You're entitled to your share of course, assuming you have need for money or explosives." She said, while spiriting half of the grenades away to some compartment in her jacket. Then she slowly walked over in silence to secure her share of the money. She broke the silence for the first time with something to say that didn't seem business-like. "I can relate, you know. Before you were born to this earth, I lived for years without the freedom to even think for myself. I was a construct built to serve a country during a war." She spoke without looking at John "It's worth the price. Freedom that is. If you ever require any assistance in obtaining it, may consider me an ally." It was an odd thing to Victoria, she hadn't to date done any work for free. Yet, she knew what it was to lack your own freedom. She suddenly found a strange desire to help this person, simply because she could relate to his situation. It was bizarre indeed. She stood up, having secure her share. "Well, we should get to our rendezvous once you're finished taking what you need."
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Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
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RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria) Empty Re: RoT: Part 2 (John - Victoria)

Post by The Bolt Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:25 pm

Before John could dispatch the others, is seemed that the girl once again managed to take them down with little effort. Not that he would expect anything less from someone of her skill,which eclipsed anyone he had met to date. Mostly since the only time he really had to fight was against a homicidal vampire wannabe,and she was not one of those. Which added tot eh chance of him not hating her completely. In the wake of this small venture was the spoils,which seemed better than what he usually got. The simple satisfaction of saving a life,which didn't have as much value as one would expect it to have. Though grenades didn't seem to have any value to him. Considering that he could make almost any weapon he wanted from ice and these weapons being stronger than any man made weapons to date.

So the only logical choice was to choose the money,which had more use to him than the grenades anyway. Taking half of the money and managed to stuff the crisp green bills in the pockets on his shorts,which were bigger than he expected them to be,or at least had a larger carrying capacity. ”So that's it.” John muttered finally understanding what she was or at least having the knowledge. She was a robot or some sort of cyborg. John was never the expert on machines so he had no knowledge of what that made her.

”Thanks.” John said finding himself smiling despite himself. Something that had slipped past his cold demeanor,a mask he had formed since his new life had begun. ”I'm ready. Lets get this thing over with.” John said patting each pocket which was filled to the brim with sweet currency. His tone was different than the cold one he had not too long ago, as if it had changed somewhat. Without a second to waste,even if his body may have become eternal, he made his way to the rendezvous point.
The Bolt
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