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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 23rd 2012, 5:53 am

Scarlet shut the door to her sleek red convertible with an audible sigh. She rested her back against the car and slowly removed the sun glasses she had worn durring the drive up.. To shield her eyes from the sun yes, but to also ignore the fact that tears had leaked from the corners and trailed their way down her cheeks. As she pushed the glasses on top of her head she then wiped her cheeks slowly and used a soft wipe to clean her face of any streaks in the make up she was wearing and to erase any sign of general weakness. Andree needed her right now and so her stubborn facade would have to remain in tact through out her time in Chicago, the windy city. At the moment she wasn't to sure what the big deal was, only a slight beeze fluffed her hair up but not enough for it to annoy her. They obviously had not been on an English coat line when it was raining if they thought this was bad. Grabbing the holder from her bag she heaved it onto her shoulder. the other boxes could waiit for now, they weren't important really. The smooth worn fabric of the holder was familiar on her shoulder and her body adjusted to the weight, even with the added worry caused by the ever growing lump of a baby. How many times had she looked up at a building with a hope of it being her salvation? With this holder on her shoulder? Before, she had been able to fit ever bit of her life into this bag - with some difficulty - but she had. Now she had boxes. Which showed she had actually thought of NY as her home. Now however...

Brock was there and she was here. She wasn't giving up on him, she told herself furiously, she was giving him space. She would still be his friend but after what he had said... Well he'd ripped her heart out and into a million pieces. She wasn't giving up on a dream she had had from when she was little though. No way on Earth would she ever do that. And no that Faith was slowly appearing back in her life, Scar knew she could carry on, that she could do this. Even if she'd sobbed it to herself instead of saying it in a strong, confident voice. She jogged up the stairs, converses whispering against the concrete as she hopped up the stairs and then buzzed into the flat number she had been given by the woman, Gracie, on the phone. For a brief moment there was no answer and Scar looked along the building. It didn't look like the place she'd but Andree and her friends. The door buzzed and opened under her hand, leaving her to make the way up the stairs, confidence hardening her sadness in the pit off her stomach until she was standing at the door with her chin held high and a determined look in her eyes. It wasn't Andree who opened the door anyway.

Gracie Daniels hadn't exactly told her friend she had called her 'mum' on her. Actually, she had shouted the threat through the door but she doubted Andree took any notice of that. So she'd taken the number from her friends phone and then dialled it. Angry fire bender or what? But none of the less, Scar had come and Gracie was glad. She had been in the middle of a chess game with Sachin when the doorbell had gone and had left the Indian looking somewhat puzzled and lost over the fact she had somehow managed to get his knight despite him thinking it was the safest piece on his board. She'd at first thought it was the pizza boy, Pablo, that Sachin had ordered pizza from a good ten minutes ago. She padded to the floor on bare feet, enjoying the feel of the thick carpet between her freshly painted toes, and then opened the door. Surprise quickly followed by relief.

"Come in," she lowered her voice some what and ushered the woman inside. "You can dump your bags anywhere," she shrugged and then motioned for her to follow. They passed Sachin who Gracie motioned to be quiet for a moment, pointing to Andree's room and then carried on. Scar half raised her hand in a welcome but quickly followed the girl. They came to Andree's door and Gracie gently knocked.

"Hunny, come out, there's someone here to see you."

A muffled reply. Scar shook her head and banged firmly against the door which was a sharp contrast to Gracie's tenderness.

"Andree Smith, open this door right now," she called. It wasn't a shout just a simple firm command.

Last edited by Ember_Fangs on June 24th 2012, 1:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Mockingbird June 23rd 2012, 1:32 pm

Ever since she returned home after the kidnapping, Andree's room had become a laboratory in which she did everything. There was a mini fridge, which had enough food to last her and a bathroom. She didn't need to leave her room at all, which, besides for Gracie's birthday, she didn't. For the first few days after returning home, she had just lay there in bed, trying to sort out reality from faux memories. But all it did was bring her pain. So she buried herself in work, and in the first part of her self induced captivity, she made Gracie her birthday presents. And now, she had moved on to making her armour smaller.

Nanobots were the method that she chose to do this task. The problem with nanobots was actually making the tiny little buggers. So, in one of the shipments that contained mostly materials for Gracie's presents, she had ordered a miniature high powered microscope so she could actually see what she was working on. Nanobots were invisible to the human eye, making this microscope a necessity. She would only need it to make the very first one, she could program it to make the others and save her time. If this was successful and she could make a bunch of them, they wouldn't have to do anything again. The nanobots could clean the kitchen, being so tiny that it would look as if the kitchen was cleaning itself, it could cook food, it could sew. There were many applications for it.

And that's how she found herself balancing on her bed with a microscope held up by half of the books she had on her shelf and the computer on the top of a shelf. It was nowhere near a good idea, but she preferred to stand and didn't have many surfaces to put stuff on that would allow her to see them without leaning down or getting on her tip toes. The first bot was almost finished, the only problem being the lack of a constant energy source. By her guess, a thin layer of radioactive particles could keep it powered forever as it continually renewed it's own power source. She would need to maybe get Gracie to help her with that part, she was the energy expert. But, then she realized that it needed a way to travel in and out of her body and began to work on a component that would allow it to phase through her body.

That's when she heard the gentle knock of Gracie on the door. All Gracie got as a reply, due to the fact she was busy, were a few mumbles. Then she heard a much more firm knock on the door. She thought nothing of it, at first. Then came Scar's voice and she dropped what she was working on, the component so tiny that it was now lost on the ground. At least the actual nanobot was safely in a glass case in the bathroom now. The books holding up the microscope fell, taking Andree with them. Her hair was a mess, not having been washed since Gracie's birthday. At least her clothes, a pair of sweat pants and an old t shirt, were clean. Or maybe she had worn them a few days ago. She really couldn't remember, it was a trivial thing in her mind right now. Recovering from being tackled by books, she got up and opened the door, a bit nervous. She didn't want Scar to see her like this. "Uh.....hi?" She said as she opened the door, her voice making her nervousness very, very obvious.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 23rd 2012, 3:29 pm

Scar and Gracie glanced at on another when there was a crash from inside the room. Gracie felt a smile curve on her lips while Scar's lips pressed into a worried line. Grace waved a hand in slight dismissal to Scar's worry but it didn't put the angel at ease. When Andree did finally come to the door, Scar blinked at the disshevelled hair and Gracie just snorted.

"She smells better than she did on my birthday," she commented then took Scar's bag and took it to the spare room. Scar wrinkled her nose up at the idea of Andree being any worse than she looked right now. Her eyes slowly ran over her and then to the room behind, her green eyes widening in shock to see the state of the room. It looked as if someone had set a bomb off inside the wardrobe and in a science lab. She returned her eyes to Andree who was looking rather sheepish now. Slowly Scar came around and then pointed to the bathroom.

"Shower. Now," she motioned the girl with her hands. "Your friend thinks you smell better than the last time you came out which really worries me. Shoo." she practically pushed Andree into the ensuite and then tuned back to the room. She ducked out for a second to grab a black bin bag and then returned to scoop every item of clothing into it. She ended up filling two bags of which Gracie took to the laundry room in the shared one in the flat complex. Scar then started on tidying up everything else. Books went back on shelves, telescopes were place on desks. She had the bedroom looking clean by the time Andree got out. She'd even laid out some clean clothes for her. Scar, was waiting in the kitchen, sipping on a cup of coffee and half listening to the couple playing chess.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Mockingbird June 23rd 2012, 3:51 pm

Oh God, this was no where close to how Andree wanted to see Scar again. She didn't want Scar to see her as a wreck, as she looked right now. Her arm reached up and scratched her neck nervously, an embarrassed look glued firmly on her face. While Scar's eyes wandered around her bedroom, Andree gave Gracie a pretty pissed off look. She was annoyed that Gracie had called Scar without warning her, leading to her current embarrassment. "I do not." She muttered to Gracie. Hey, she had taken a shower before coming out that day.

Her eyes made their way back over to Scar as she swallowed out of a bit of fear, wondering what Scar was going to do. She respected Scar and looked up to her as if she was her mother, so this wasn't exactly going too well in her mind. "I...can...explain?" She half stated, half asked, nervous pauses between each word. But, it seemed the explanation would have to wait as she found herself practically shoved into the bathroom by Scar. "She's lying, it was better." She said as she closed the bathroom door.

There wasn't a foreseeable way out of this situation, so she just went with it. She stripped out of her clothes and had a quick shower. Once it was over, she searched for something a little bit nicer to wear, yet still casual. She had only been wearing old clothes in case something happened that ruined them. Now dressed in her usual attire of a white tank top and jeans, she strolled back out to the kitchen where Scar was waiting. "So..." She said, unsure of what was going to happen next, as she used her arms to push against the top of the counter so she could sit on it.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 23rd 2012, 4:19 pm

Scar looked up on seeing Andree stroll in from the bedroom and this time she smiled. She looked a lot better than she had a minute ago. Scars eyes swept over her and once again Scar got a feeling of pride swelling in her heart. The girl would do her father and mother proud. They were proud of her when she had simply smiled for the first time. Right now they were together, beaming from ear to ear. She prayed that someone keep this girl safe and that she wouldn't die the last of their great line. Scar was going to protect her till her last breath but she hoped Andree would open up to a boy one day. As long as he didn't break her heart Scar was cool with it. She hopped onto the side as well and swung her legs.

"Gracie called me because she was worried about you. I'm guessing even geeks get worried when another stays in two long doing experiments?" she teased with a small smile. She knew what was bothering Andree. She knew how it was crushing her inside. She'd just found out al she'd known was fake and was re-living God knows what. She jumped off the side then sat on the side beside Andree.

"We're here for you, you know? Gracie said I could chill with you guys for a while," she stroked the girls hair from her face. "Would that help?"

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Mockingbird June 23rd 2012, 4:49 pm

Andree swung her legs back and forth over the edge of the counter. She faintly hummed the tune to 'My Little Sunshine' as she did so, memories replaying in her head and, at the moment, she was remembering phone calls from her Dad when she had trouble sleeping after her mother had died. "Hey!" She groaned in reply, jokingly. She nudged Scar with her hand a little, teasingly. "Yeah, I guess." She stuck her tongue out at Scar, still teasingly, as she finished talking.

"Yeah, I know, it's just...I'm not good with help. I don't like it very much. It just makes me feel guilty, like I'm dragging others into my own problems that I should just deal with myself. I don't know, I just feel selfish doing it." Andree replied in response to Scar's first question. She was awful at asking for help, preferring to do it on her own or just burying herself in work and forgetting about it. "Yeah, that would be nice." Was Andree's short reply to Scar's comment about staying over for a bit. She'd love that, and the fact that she perked up and her eyes got a bit brighter reflected that fact. A sigh of joy passed through her lips as Scar brushed the hair from her eyes. Her arms reached up and wrapped around Scar with joy.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 23rd 2012, 5:11 pm

"Hunny, you won't be burdening us. You make us more worried when you simply lock yourself away. We'll cheek you up though, we can go sight seeing and stuff," she offered. Normal things. Family things. Scar smiled when Andree wrapped her arms around her and she returned the favour, hugging her back tightly. She rested her chin on the girls head and stroked her back slowly. She could understand. Kind of. She had gone through some rough stuff. To cheer her up she changed the subject.

"I actually have an idea to propose to you and your friends if you're up for something to focus your mind on?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She had been talking to Pain before the break up about G.U.N an old group which had once been the leading superhero group. Pain had mentioned it's return if a guy called the Black Knight agreed. It was only in passing but with the rise of Youths she thought they could do with a younger branch of the old sup group.

"AHA!" Gracie shouted and stood up suddenly from the livingroom. "I beat you, I beat you!" she proceeded to dance around the livingroom in her 'I won' dance.

"Have you heard of G.U.N?" she led Andree to the livingroom.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Guest June 23rd 2012, 5:51 pm

Sachin stared at the chessboard while Gracie was gone talking to Scar and Andree, and then she returned and made a winning move. And then started her ‘winner’ dance. “Fucking hell.” He growled in English, speaking in his usual Californian/Indian English mix. Globalisation was a beautiful thing. He glanced up at Scar when she said “Have you heard of GUN?”

He shot right up. “Yes!” he said. “You mean the same GUN that ran around years ago fighting crime before collapsing into inactivity before the group rose up one last time to defeat the demonic threat that had come through led by the man who claimed to be the son of the Devil, Raide, and eventually defeated it with the help of other groups like the Hand of Justice and, unfortunately, villains like the now dead Ferrum and Nightkill?” Sachin was on a roll now. “Oh, and they also ended the symbiote invasion that happened ten years ago that the government covered up. Also did a lot of minor things like constantly fight SCAR and keep that group from doing any actual damage. They were led by Pain and they were unstoppable, but then they just died and collapsed.” He said, now seeming almost depressed.

He saw that people were suddenly staring at him. He shrugged. “I, err, kinda looked some stuff up. Went to places to learn and stuff. I was kind of a fan when they were active all those years back, though I was just a kid.” He said, looking embarrassed. “Anyway, so what did you want to say about GUN?” He decided not to talk more after making that speech/exposition.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Mockingbird June 23rd 2012, 6:10 pm

"Alright." Andree replied to Scar, with a heavy sigh. Sightseeing. It was an activity her mom often took her on before she died. Andree had to hold back a few tears as she thought about it. The feeling of Scar's hands rubbing her back was soothing to her, as her breathing became slower as it had been increased while she tried to hold back a few tears. So, when Scar changed the subject away from that, it made her feel a bit better.

"Oh, yeah, go on, you have me interested." Andree replied to Scar asking if they wanted something to focus their minds on. She had let the hug with Scar go already and stretched her arms backwards now. As she did so, she looked at Gracie with a slight bit of confusion as she danced around. Oh, her victory dance. Andree had seen her do it to Sachin any times.

She allowed Scar to lead her to the living room, curious what she had to suggest to them. When she asked the next question, regarding having heard of GUN, she was going to reply 'yes' but was taken aback when Sachin went full nerdgasm mode. "Umm...yeah." She said as he finished, in rely to Scar.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 23rd 2012, 7:05 pm

Scarletta blinked as Shrey rattled off everything G.U.N had done and briefly opened her mouth to try and stop him from going on but no, the determined Indian rolled right on. At one moment she wondered if he'd actually take a breath, or if he'd end up dying of lack of air. She sat down on the arm of one of the chairs when he mentioned Raide though. The sudden change in her was evident. Firstly she had been amused and suddenly it looked as if someone had punched her in the stomach. The wind was ripped from her and for a moment she paled badly, loosing the red colouring in her cheek which indicated she was healthy. Raide held so many bad memories...


She took a deep breath and forced a smile when he finished and nodded. She couldn't speak just yet. She was pushing the dark memories back into their box. Faith was like a soothing balm against her soul, as if her feathers had just brushed against her.

"Yes.. That G.U.N," she nodded. "Well. It's coming back. Pain and I have been talking about it. The only thing is, there are a lot more kids being heroes now. They need mentors but they need to strut their stuff too. Would you guys be interested in setting up that group?"

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Guest June 23rd 2012, 9:13 pm

"Yes!" Sachin stood up and shouted. "Yes, of course! That'll be awesome, are you kidding? Holy crap..." various fanboy nerd things went through his mind. "Dude, that'll just be bloody amazing. We're totally in." he said, speaking for everyone in his excitement, regardless of everyone's actual opinion on the subject matter. It was also generally how movie choices were decided in the Nerd Herd apartment, as well as the TV when the Euro cup was on.

Sachin now realised Gracie and Andree's opinion was also probably pretty important. "Anyway, I pretty much am not exactly what you would call 'a leader'. Or a warrior. So if we do make it, Gracie and Andree can lead and talk to you guys and Pain and stuff, since I'm pretty much the weak link here." he said, analysing that pretty well. He also started thinking and realised he'd end up being pretty useless due to his general failings in combat in general. "Yeah." he said, enthuaism falling a bit. "I'll, err, go out for a bit then. You guys can debate the details." he said, walking outside the apartment, now in a bit of a worse mood than he was before Scar had entered. "Good game, Gracie." he said as he left. Maybe he could hang out at the comic shop and mope around with fellow nerd mopers.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Mockingbird June 24th 2012, 3:37 am

Andree could tell immediately that Scar didn't like what Sachin had to say, it possibly brought back bad memories. Of what though, she did not know. Possibly the same as what the two had witnessed together in the nightmares. No matter what it was, Andree didn't like it. She didn't want to see Scar go back into that helpless state that she had been in during that time. Andree's arm draped around Scar, trying to soothe her a bit by rubbing her back. "It's okay, Scar." She whispered, hoping that only Scarletta would hear it.

"Well, that sounds like fun." She commented on the topic of GUN coming back and them being a part of a sort of youth group. This was only after Sachin went into another burst of Nerdgasm. Sachin's exit made Andree look to Gracie awkwardly. "Uh...what was that?" She asked Gracie, Scar obviously wouldn't know. "Anyway then, moving on, I guess?" She asked, trying to shift the subject off of Sachin's exit and back to the group, definitely the more interesting concept here.

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 24th 2012, 7:09 am

Gracie frowned in worry as Sachin went off with his head bowed. He was really hard on himself when it came to these things, putting himself down. Sachin seemed to ignore the fact he could repair a human body when normal doctors would write them off as being dead. Hell, he'd healed when he had practically had parts of him dropping off in Brazil. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she frowned, half getting up to follow him then deciding against it. He obviously needed some time to himself right now. Her eyes moved back to Scar then nodded. She was up for it.

"Gives me another excuse to buy a bigger place with the cash I just got from the military," she stretched lazily then looked to Andree when she looked to her. "You know his confidence is low."

Scarlet with some effort shoved the memories in a box and smiled at Sachin's enthusiasm. Confusion crossed her eyes for a moment when he left however. She shook her head and then smiled at Andree's patting, kissing her cheek gently in a thank you.

"Thank you sweetheart. Raide was the name of the demon who," she shuddered. "We got acquainted well in that room lets say," she sighed somewhat. "Anyway. You would be looked after by GUN but you would run it, if you needed help and advice you could come to us for help and advice. We could come on, teach you a few things. I'd be happy to come and teach any elementals how to harness their power and I'm sure Pain wouldn't mind helping out a little too, maybe BK too," she shrugged.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Mockingbird June 24th 2012, 12:15 pm

"Yeah, I know." Andree replied to Gracie. Sachin did have some serious self esteem problems that he needed to have worked out. The guy could heal himself if you were cutting him up. Chop off a limb, he'd regrow it. He needed to quit saying he was useless. He'd be good as a medic or something. He'd be extremely useful there. Much more useful than he thought.

"Scar, you know you don't need to tell me stuff like that. I know it hurts you." She told Scar. It was something she had told her during the nightmares, she understood that there were things one needed to keep inside them and not let out. For example, she hadn't told Scar why she got kidnapped in the first place all those years ago yet.

"The group sounds like something interesting though." She said to no one in particular. It would be a fun experience. Now that she had sold some of her designs, she'd have enough money to pay for some of the base and equipment as well. Her mind was already off wandering, drafting up imaginary designs and ideas for the base and vehicles.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

Post by Ember_Fangs June 24th 2012, 1:40 pm

Gracie nodded some what and then jumped to her feet.

"I'm going to go get Sachin and then spook some nerdy guys by being a girl in a comic book shop," she mused and then grabbed her jacket, heading out the door. "Cool idea Ms J," she nodded and then closed the door behind her.

**End of Topic**

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY- Empty Re: All it takes is an idea. -INVITE ONLY-

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