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A night to remember

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A night to remember Empty A night to remember

Post by Bidy April 19th 2012, 5:32 pm

New York - 8: 43 PM - Night.

The last police car was gone.
Two hours ago, James Kaine was killed in his apartment, his body was by all means ripped apart. The cops seem to think that it was some kind of animal attack. An inhuman shadow watches from distance, a creature that was once acquainted to James.
As the lizardman reacheds the window, he knew that his comrade's death was not at random.

Someone was doing a housecleaning on all of his old research team, there was only Trevor and one more left of them.
That was the third researcher to die in a week, Trevor was hoping the apartment would have some kind of clue, anything that could give him some answers.
The police wiped all evidences, except for a hidden cell phone under James's desk with one text message.
"Meet me in the museum today at 10 PM." Sender's name was Joshua Wells, one of Trevor's assistants during his work for the government, there was no time to waste and no doubt about it.

In order to find out more about his prey, Trevor have to make sure Joshua survives.

Lurking on the shadows from building to building, Trevor deduced that someone was trying to wipe every single person that was part of that project. Joshua and Trevor where the only loose ends.
After one hour jumping and crawling buildings, Trevor was at one roof from NY's museum. The reptilian decides to stop at the rooftop across the street to plan how to sneak in...

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-04-17

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A night to remember Empty Re: A night to remember

Post by Forceaus April 23rd 2012, 4:46 pm

2 hours prior a scientist had just gotten home from work only to be ambushed mere seconds after closing his apartment door behind him.He was pinned to the floor by something that looked like it came directly out of a horror movie or someone's nightmares.This terrifying creature was not alone.There sitting in his chair was a man he had worked with many years before.The brilliant geneticist Doctor Ignatius Von Crauss."Why hello there Doctor Kaine.It's been awhile.In fact the last time I saw you was the day I was fired from the lab.."He said in a menacing manner but kept his voice low so as not to be heard.
"You."Kaine mumbled in anger."You're the one who's been killing off my team."
"Hmm.Yes and No.I have been the one arranging their deaths but as for who actually killed them.Well that honor belongs to my friend here.Behold Doctor Kaine my greatest success."Annihliatorah made a soft cry as its claws started to tear into the man's skin.
"You created this abomination?You always were mad."
"Mad you say.For having brought such a magnificent creature into this world.Then again I hear I'm not the only one who has been creating things that they shouldn't have.I have heard tales about what you have been up to lately.What happened to your team's boss for instance.In fact I can't wait to see the results for myself.Until then well.You do experiments that got I got punished for doing.Well you should face punishment too."Annihliatorah killed Kaine at that very moment.The two of them started to leave before Xelek noticed something.A moment later they left.They had other places to be.Places they were interested in being at.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A night to remember Empty Re: A night to remember

Post by Troglodyte April 29th 2012, 9:03 am

Unaware of all these scientific goings-on Manfred Gentle AKA The Blueblooded gentleman thief had chosen this particurlar night for a robbery. Not because it was a special night of any sort, but rather because this was the only time off he had this week. Yesterday he had been playing golf with Royce Mumphrey and later that evening there had been that dinner at the Hamptons place. Tomorrow he had been invited to a gala to save whatever animal it was that the infernal Salachio-girl wanted saved this month. But such was the unforgiven life of a dilletante. He had to caper to the amusement of these clowns untill he had enough money to afford his own galas.

The wall of the museum was made of brick and mortar, and most people would think that going through the front door was the easiest way of entrance, but those men were not The amazing Gentleman Thief. He looked rather out of place as he strolled down the alley, with his tophat and monocle, as well as the heavy cape fluttering inthe wind behind him, as he went. In his hand, as always was his trusty umbrella, far more usefull in his own hands than in the hands of some rank amateur. Manfred smiled slightly as he adjusted his top-hat, he looked through the refuse of the alley for a suitable "key" to make his entrance with, his left eye squinting behind the monocle, as if merely looking at the trash was an offense to his delicate, blue-blooded senses.

He soon found a trashcan that would make an adequate 'door-opener'. He grabbed ahold of it, quickly walking up to the museum and gently pushed it forward as he let go of the thing. He had not charged it fully, since the noise would simply be too much, but just enough to breach the outter wall, and breach it he did, causing an almost entirely round, trashcan lid-sized hole in the wall, wich our hero effortlessly climbed through, ending up in the mens bathroom.

Now all he had to do was to find the diamond hat of the czars and take it back home with him. He already had a buyer lined up, so all he really needed to do was to get it to the appointed place at the appointed time. It would be as easy as pie, almost too easy. However, then something unexpected happened. A rather plump-looking but broad-shouldered security-guard entered the bathroom, standing eye to eye with the Ostentatiously dressed, blue-blooded burglar. The Clever, Cultured, Caped Cavalier instantly reacted, moving forward, knocking the man over the head with the umbrella, causing him to fall unconscious and drop to the floor like a log. Normally an umbrella would have little use against a fully grown security guard, but this was far from normal. It was the gentleman thiefs umbrella!
"Sweet dreams you uncouth, unsightly brute." the gentleman said haughtily as he Mocked his fallen foe.

As he entered the main exhibit-hall, his eyes immediately fell on his prize, but as he started moving forward he heard a voice behind him cry out "Drop that umbrella of yer's and get on yer knees, ya clown! This'll be yer only warning." The voice was nervous and somewhat unsteady. The man was obviously rather surprised to find him here, but in his surprise he had turned nervous, and nervousness gives people a tendency to pull the trigger more easily than otherwise. He stopped moving as he mentally cursed his own lack of caution. Still, he was fairly certain that this situation would be quite easily remedied

"Clown? Clown!? How dare you use such words against me, you plebeian, uncoordinated, underpaid excuse for a lackey!?" Manfred said as he spinned around to face his tormentor, his cape swishing dramatically. The man fired a shot reflexively, but Manfred had already hardened his cape, so that the bullet bounced harmlessly of it. The guard looked confusedly at his opponent, then at his gun, seemingly wondering if something was amiss with it.

This little reprieve was all our anti-hero needed. He quickly grabbed his monocle with one hand, loading it with power and propelling it towards the mans gun by a fraction of a moment. The monocle flew through the air, and literally cut the gun into two peices before the man could react.

"What in the blazes. . . Who the fuck are ya!?" The guard said as he looked to the half of the gun still remaining in its hand.
"Oh, nothing but a small demonstration of one of my many talents, ol' chum." The concieted top-hatted man said arrogantly as he ambled towards the man, holding his umbrella like a fencer might hold a sword.
"As for who I am, I regret to inform you that I cannot divulge such a sensitive piece of information, but instead, allow me to shed some light on this persona dramatis I have created for myself. Voila! Stand back in hushed awe, for I am the Gentleman Thief! Master Criminal, as well as your better! A shadowy figure that reclaims riches stolen by a new class of commoners, greedily grabbing wealth and power, far finer than befits their lowly birth" He said, both proudly and theatrically, seemingly expecting some sort of applause for his performance.

"Are you like. . . A crazy person?" The guard asked hesitantly, to wich the gentleman thief sighed heavily.

"I am Gentleman thief. A thief and a gentleman, as no doubt suggested by my top-hat and monocle." he said in a tone of voice more suited to a frustrated teacher dealing with the slowest of slow students.

"You may call me 'sir' for a less. . . Syllable-intensive workout." He said with a sigh, as he gave up trying to impress the man with his theatrical performance, before quickly moving forward, smacking the man unconscious with his umbrella and retrieving his monocle, wich had ended up embedded in a stone-wall nearby.

"Pearls before swine. . . " He said, shaking his head slightly as he ventured on, looking for the Diamond hat of the czars.
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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A night to remember Empty Re: A night to remember

Post by Bidy April 30th 2012, 12:26 am

*With a powerful jump, Trevor finally reaches museum's rooftop. Looking trough the window, he sees nothing but darkness and silence. It was easy for him to force the window open and sneak inside.*

*The lizardman crawls on the roof to avoid detection by noise, his natural cammouflage keeping him perfectly hidden.*

*As he moves on, he could not help but notice a strange man wearing distinctive old fashioned clothes and a monocycle. The lizardman arrived just in time to watch as the stranger kicks the living hell out of a security guard. Whoever he was, wasn't exactly what Trevor would consider harmless.*

*Wondered if he was an assassin send to kill Joshua, if that was the case, then he's a treat, and Trevor knows how to deal with treats.*

*Hides in the corner, in a place where he can have a good visibility of the man and at the same time mobility enough to take evasive movements if necessary.*

*Starts to follow his movements, at least until he makes sure the man is not a treat to his plans...*

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-04-17

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A night to remember Empty Re: A night to remember

Post by Forceaus April 30th 2012, 5:28 pm

After having tooken out yet another of the scientists who had accosted and shunned him in years past for work that they said was unethical yet they too engaged in such activities as per their own arrogance.But that was enough of going on and on about occurences of the past.It was the present and future that deserved his attention.For they are the things that he could now have an effect on thanks to his true genius.
He simply walked down the street back to where his van was located at.His precious creation Annihliatorah could not.It had to stealthy sneak back to it via flying just above the rooftops.Even at night such a creature had to stay hidden from view.When Xelek reached his van he opened the back door so his pet could use it to quickly get in and be hidden again.He stood there for a moment awaiting the creature.Not a patient man by nature he was getting annoyed at how long this was taking.He looked up towards the top of the building to see why this was taking so long.From here he could see his genetic masterpiece behaving strangely.Something was bothering it.
Xelek signaled for his creation to come down and notify him of the reason why something was bothering it.The creature was a natural predator and Xelek could tell that something had caught its intrigue.The not so good doctor himself was interested to find out what had caught its intrigue.He directed the creature to lead him to what it had caught its attention.He hopped into his van and followed the creature down the streets of the city as it had tooken to the skies in search of its prey.
After having had traveled down one street after another, running a couple red lights in the process of which he had finally arrived at a location that seemed to be the place where what Annihliatorah sought after was for it had descended from the skies and landed.They found themselves in the parking lot of the museum of the city of new york.The brilliant doctor was curious as to what was here that his pet was so interested in.From inside the building itself he could hear gunshots being fired and screams of fear and death.Now what could be going on in here he wondered.Something big no doubt.The two of them headed towards the museum and after a few minutes of sneaking around eventually snuck into it to see what was going on.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A night to remember Empty Re: A night to remember

Post by Troglodyte April 30th 2012, 6:43 pm

The Gentleman Thief was quite relieved to see that his monocle was completely unharmed and without scratches and cracks, despite being used to rip a gun in half, but such was the nature of his powers. Although, he was somewhat dissapointed to see that it had become quite dusty from colliding with the wall, and thus he took a small silk handkerchief out of his inner-pocket and started to polish the Moncle so that it would gleam menacingly with the same lustre it had possessed before being used as the means to rip a pistol in twain.

However, as he polished, he caught a glipse of something moving in the shadows, something barely visible to the naked eye, seemingly having some sort of unnatural near-invisiblility or stealth-based superpower. If he had not caught hte reflection, it would have easy to miss him, but now that he had seen his contures, he knew what to look for. Obviouly a rival for the Diamond hat of the Czar. Well, they would just have to se about that. The Gentleman had come this far already, and he was not going to give up just because some competition showed up suddenly, and whilst the man may be very hard to see, Manfred knew he had fate on his side. After all, the blood of kings ran in his veins, and he would not let some uppity commoner with a genetic condition stand in his way.

He calmly put his monocle on and walked over to a stand with various brochures, grabbed a handfull and flourished around, facing the creature his heavy cape swooshing dramatically as he did so, locking his eyes on the creature. It was much bigger than he had initially thought "My, my. It seems I have some competition in this little enterprize, eh? I propose we settle this like gentlemen, and I shall try my best to keep this sporting." He said haughtily as he hurled a handfull of brouchures towards the half-visible creature. Even though brochoures usually are considred rather useless as ranged weapons, it was obvious that they constituted a danger, not merely from the fact that they hurtled through the air at the the aproximate speed ofa bullet, but also becaue of the fact that one ofthem flew straight through an ornamental stone pillar, shattering into dust without slowing down even a little bit. Yes, each of these projectiles had more than enough power to smash a hole in the museum wall and keep flying.
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 486
Registration date : 2011-11-06

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