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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 29th 2012, 12:00 am

The sun was just beginning to set over the west, its golden head kissing the horizon through an array of cotton candy colored clouds. Lahnah was already up, standing at the edge of the city limits, leaning on a guardrail lining an overbridged section of the highway. Her flesh was smoldering uncomfortably and then healing immediately, but she didn’t seem to notice too much, she’d found that if she came out when the sun wasn’t so bright, it didn’t hurt as bad.

Thoughts of her past had dragged her out of her shelter a few miles inland and brought her to that place, she used to come there with her baby sister three years ago, when she was human. They used to listen to the sounds of the cars going by and dream that mom was in one of them, coming to get them, even though Mi-na didn’t really understand and thought she was her mother. She used to tell her stories there to lift her spirits on days when they were starving and had no money, one of her favorites was telling her that the clouds at sunset and sunrise were actually made out of cotton candy and the one day when they went to Heaven, she’d be able to eat them.

Lahnah smiled, reminiscing on those days, they weren’t happy ones but the precious moments she had with her sister had made the tough parts a little less hard. Coming out to the bridge made her remember that more clearly now, she’d realized recently that the memories of her life as a mortal were slowly beginning to fade one flashback at a time, and she was trying desperately to hold onto them despite how depressing they were. They were the only bit of humanity she had left.
Sighing gloomily the vampiress pushed away from the balustrade and grimaced as a ray of sunlight broke from the cloud coverage and hit her skin with particular malice. Her flawless flesh smoldered slightly on her shoulder until she started walking back towards the city and the shadows of trees cut out the light. She hadn’t tried coming out during the day in a long time, it was more painful than she recalled, but then it wasn’t that bad either she supposed, due to the dimming sun.
By the time she got back to the town, it was entirely dark and the moon hung high overhead, casting a white luminescence over her teal hair and slender figure. She was in no rush to get anywhere that night, she still had cash left from the last man she had dated even though he’d ditched her nearly three days ago, and her mind was perfectly content to just think for a while. However, fate had a different plan for her and as always it was ill willed.

The street was fairly crowded, but it was only a Tuesday night so it wasn’t as bad as if it had been Friday. Lahnah moved around the human’s as easily as though she was walking in a straight line, she was rather clumsy for a vampire but she’d lived her entire life on the streets of New York City, so crowd wadding was a bit of a specialty at that point. Ahead of her she could see the golden arches of a McDonalds and not for the first time she wished she could eat regular food.

It was around then that she felt her stomach tense and her vision blur slightly, the usual signs of weakness and fatigue were beginning to cloud her senses, she hadn’t eaten in far too long. Cringing, Lahnah looked around to make sure no one was watching, though in those streets that was rather difficult to determine, and slipped into an alley headed for a more secluded part of the city. In moments she found a decent target, a middle aged man carrying a cane and fiddling with keys in front of a door, and swooped in. He didn’t know what hit him; in moments she was by his side, with her teeth in his neck and her hand over his mouth before he could scream. She couldn’t stand taking blood from people, it broke her heart to think she was causing anyone pain, but she didn’t have a choice in the matter. When she’d taken just enough to sustain her for a while, she placed her hand over the gaping holes in his neck and when she’d pulled them away, they were no longer there. For some reason she’d never been able to figure out how to heal her venom in someone so the man would wake up in several hours as a vampire, but she imagined from the cane that it would be a second chance at life for him.

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by CainVulsore April 29th 2012, 1:12 am

Cain was walking down the streets of New York looking to his left and right, trying to find a meal. Something special though tonight, something different than his normal meal but nothing seemed to be hitting the spot yet. It seemed he would go that night without any source of the delicious red mercury that was until he spotted a very attractive young lady. Oh, he would have so much fun with this one and could possibly get a little out of her before he drank her dry of her blood, burnt her body, and lobbed her head off as is his calling card. When she ducked into an alley way it made it all the more sweeter and easier in his mind. Didn’t people ever think before they went into the deep dark alleys, well obviously not but still.

When he slipped in after her he silently and slowly walked after her, hands behind his back until he noticed something. Something odd, strange, and not what he ever expected to see; it seemed she too was a vampire. Or, that is what it looked like as she drained the man of his blood but not all of it so it seemed, she had to be a newly blooded. Shaking his head in disdain he walked up to her tapped her on the shoulder, “I hate sloppy seconds, but you really should put the old man out of his misery dear vampiress.” He whispered taking the body of the old man and sinking his own fangs into the body, draining the man dry of its blood and afterwards cutting the head off and setting the dismembered body on fire. Upon finishing he turned his attention back to her, and really got a good look at her, licking his bloodied lips. "So, how did a beautiful young lady like you end up being one of the walking dead?" He whispered bowing slightly in greeting.

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 29th 2012, 10:31 am

Lahnah was just preparing to slip away into the abandoned streets, heading in the direction of her last boyfriends house -she still had some things of his she needed to drop off- when a touch on her shoulder made her jump. She spun around and tripped over the arm of the man she’d just gorged on, falling to the ground she looked timidly up at him, he was beautiful and she had just butt planted herself on the concrete. God she’d always been a klutz and becoming a vampire didn’t appear to help that any despite her new found speed.

“I hate sloppy seconds, but you really should put the old man out of his misery dear vampiress.” He told her, his smooth voice cascading over her ears. It didn’t appear as though he was frightened in the least, but then she could smell vampire all over him…and blood but not all his own. Typically when she ran across another vampire, many of them ones she had created in her fear of killing anyone, they simply stared her down and walked off without a word, but this one…he actually came over and spoke to her.

When he started to feast on the remaining blood in the man her eyes grew wide with dismay and she stood back to her feet, this time agility didn’t fail her, but there was nothing she could really do. She could tell he was one of those stronger vampires, the ones who got the physical modifications more so than she did. Standing there her blue eyes feel on the burning corpse, she wasn’t bothered in the sense of the blood or the severed head but by the fact that he had just taken that man’s life as though he was nothing but a deer in the woods. Even after two years Lahnah couldn’t get herself to realize that she was the predator now and that’s exactly how Mother Nature intended for vampires to look at humans.

“So, how did a beautiful lady like you end as one of the walking dead?” There was something so hypnotizing about that voice; she just couldn’t get mad at him. She convinced herself that he was only doing what his kind normally did, that didn’t make him a bad guy it made him a vampire that’s all. Looking down from his eyes instinctually when he bowed to her, she felt herself blush but rather than return with a curtsey or any such courtesy, she just stood there frozen. “I-it’s a long story…” She stuttered, moving her gaze from his feet to the left of his feet bashfully.

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by CainVulsore April 29th 2012, 11:28 am

Cain grinned as he listened to her say it was a long story, oh that was always his favorite answer when he met a new vampire. It was also the answer most of them gave anyway as they didn’t feel like telling, but he always got it out of them. Smirking, his blood red eyes glistening in the moonlight he stood up and slipped an arm around her waist then spoke. “Aren’t they all my dear…now how about you tell dear sweat Cain here how it all happened while we walk.” Though evil looking the moonlight complemented his eyes and made them look beautiful, though most would say red is strange color it actually complemented his style. That style being the ‘fancy’ cloths NightKill and Eris had him wearing whenever he went just walking around the town. Tonight his slick black hair was combed down to cover his eyes, and upon his body he was wearing a tuxedo with a red rose in the pocket. Though instead of a white t-shirt like with most tuxedos he had a deep dark purplish one, and upon his feet he dawned slick black dress shoes. “Then maybe after yours I will tell you some of mine.” He whispered into her ear.

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 29th 2012, 8:54 pm

Lahnah felt his arm slip over the small of her back, his strong arms ruffling the edge of her skin tight shirt just enough so that she could feel the cotton of his tux rub against her soft flesh. Her eyes grew wide and two cherry blossoms formed on her flawless cheeks, complimenting her large blue eyes and the thin brown eyeliner she wore as an added pop. She immediately grew nervous, he was already putting his hands on her and the worst part was that she couldn't help but feel charmed by it, old habits die hard. Then again, with his outfit and charisma, he had the potential to be her next fix for a while, seeing as her last boyfriend flew the coop and the money she had left wasn't going to last much longer.

The vampiress looked over her shoulder at the burning corpse then looked up at him innocently, her eyes reflecting the stars perfectly and her ankle length teal hair capturing the light of the moon. "It's...a little personal." She whispered, but she didn't sound at all convincing as he had just leaned down and whispered in her ear and with his breath sliding over her neck so seductively, it was hard to stay focused. "Where are we going?" She asked, so distracted by his charm she forgot to tell him the story about her change, not to mention she didn't want him knowing she used to be a prostitute...

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by CainVulsore April 29th 2012, 10:02 pm

Cain smirked as he felt that the shirt was skin tight just as he figured by the thin tight look, but feeling his arm ‘floating’ on the skin confirmed that. He smirked when she said it was personal then laughed slightly and shrugged when she asked where they were going. “Aren’t all of those stories personal my dear sweat…what’s your name exactly?” He said laughing then shrugged upon the second question, “as to where we are going, that is entirely up to you beautiful, we can walk the night away until the sun rises as you tell Cainey how you came to be a vampiress and then I’ll possibly tell you mine.” The New York Vampire said with a slight smirk on his face, letting the shadows roll up her leg under her skirt then up her back and out the top, all on her backside, to make it feel as if something was tickling her back. Truthfully all he knew was that she was a vampire, beautiful, and someone else he could use to further his plans. That and the fact that she could be used for things Vlad could not do, she could seduce the foolish humans and then they could all swoop in and take the blood they needed.

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 29th 2012, 10:35 pm

Lahnah was still looking up at him with those wide innocent eyes; so trusting, so vulnerable, so easily manipulated. Her lips curved slightly in the tiniest of smiles, utterly charmed by his dominant charisma; she just couldn't help herself and she didn't try to any longer. "My name is Lahnah...and you're Cainey?" She said timidly if not a bit dimwittedly, her gaze not wavering and completely enamored by him. "I guess I can tell you-" Suddenly her blush grew wider and she jumped partially, looking down from Cain's enchanting red eyes in order to see what had just happened. She had felt something smooth over her leg like a hand then continue up her skirt and back, caressing her flawless pale skin gently.

Unsure of what was happening she returned to stare wide eyed at the "bad boy" and gaped, "What was that?" She asked, shocked. Usually men were easy to figure out, there didn't seem to be much depth to them, especially not from her experiences, but this vampire she could not figure out in the least. He was sweet, good looking, romantic, and playful all at the same time, in fact he reminded her of the vampire that had made her who she was today, he too had all the same characteristics.

"Anyways..." She made one last attempt to peek at what was tickling her back but when that didn't work she assumed he was doing it on purpose and tried to ignore it; it seemed wiser to let him have his fun with her for a bit, maybe she could convince him to let her stick around if she was a good girl, after all he was definitely strong enough to protect her. "I used to be a prostitute -my sister and I were left on the streets by my father and I didn't have much of a choice, it was either do that or die of starvation- and I was working one night..." She turned away for a moment and put a balled fist to her chest before continuing, "A man had asked me for my services and took me back to his Camero, we talked for a long time -you remind me a lot of him actually he had the same charm and way with-" She found herself starting on a rabbit trail and quickly focused herself again, "Sorry, anyways, he took me to his car and talked to me for a long time, then when we were finished but before he paid me, he asked me if I wanted to be like him...I didn't know what he meant at the time I thought he was some sort of gangster and I figured "why not?" so I told him yes. After that he bit me and several hours later I found myself in an abandoned alley in the slums with super speed and healing powers." It was really alarming how simple it was to get information out of her, like opening a can of soda and drinking all its contents...easy to do and satisfying while doing it. When she was finished she smiled and allowed herself to giggle, "What about you, what's your story Cainey?"

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by CainVulsore April 30th 2012, 6:42 am

Cain grinned at the name she said and chuckled, "Well it is a pleasure to meet you dear Lahhnah, and no not Cainey. I am Cain, Cain Vulsore." He whispered blood red eyes glistening all across her beautiful body. Looking to her soft blue eyes, she has that perfect look of innocence but as he was about to find out she wasn't truly that innocent. "What was what my dear?" He whispered having another shadow do the exact same thing he had the other do except curve when it reached her middle back and carreras her blossoms only slightly then go right back down. Yet, durning that he kept a cool and calm face as to not draw attention to himself. When she started to tell her story he led them into an abandoned park and leaned them against a tree,"Poor girl, poor beautiful Lahnah, someone as beautiful as you shouldn't have to live a life like that. You see your vampire buddy probably blooded you to simply take away the pain of fighting to survive." He said just loud enough to hear and he turned to face her. "If you want if you have no one, I could be your protector, could protect you from the animals who would harm you." He spoke leaning closer to her and slidding up against her and kissing her forehead. "Now about my story...."

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 30th 2012, 5:48 pm

Lahnah couldn't help but be enamored by his crimson eyes, they were such a new color of hue for her, so dark, so deep. If her heart could pound any longer she knew it would be loud against her chest, beating so fast she'd have had a hard time thinking. Even now her thoughts seemed cloudy, like a distant memory of her past, she knew she had them but when she was near him for whatever reason they all left her. He introduced himself as Cain, not Cainey, and she didn't even realize the juvenile mistake she had made, she was so far gone.

"What was what my dear?" She heard him say and suddenly she felt the caress against her soft flesh again, crawling up her back and this time around the inside of her shirt in order to grace her chest for half a second then the feeling slithered away once more. The moment it touched her bosom she yelped and took a brash step forwards, looking up at him still wide eyed.

By the time she had finished her story, they had wandered into an abandoned park...that was never a good sign but she ignored the strange feeling she had and continued with him. Before long he pushed her lightly against a tree and leaned over her, his gentle voice cooing convincingly. He wooed her for a moment and then he asked the question she had hoped he would almost the moment she got over him killing the man earlier. "...I could be your protector, I could protect you from the animals who would harm you." She drew in a breathe sharply and gawked at him, he was already will to do that for her?

Next was the emotions; she felt tears swell up in her eyes as he kissed her forehead and she could smell his pleasant aroma wash over her, when he spoke again she was sobbing softly, nuzzling her cheek into his neck. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she clung there, blue eyes twinkling in the stray rays that parted through the branches of the tree and gazing up at him completely star-crossed. Finally a chance at life again, he would protect her! He was the first one to tell her that, sure plenty of men said they loved her, especially with her old job, but no one ever said they would keep her was ecstasy to her ears and she would do whatever it took to make sure she repaid him. "Thank you...thank you so much..." She whispered into his ear.

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by CainVulsore April 30th 2012, 6:08 pm

Cain smirked slightly when she started to sob softly and nuzzle her cheek into his neck; he too wrapped his arms around her waist and held her closer to him. He knew he had her hooked and that this would be an easy sweep, hell he could possibly get whatever he wanted out of her and all he had to do was continue to protect her and never take her anywhere near Sage Mannor. “You are welcome sweet, sweet, Lahnah. Like I said a poor girl like you should never have to go through something like that again.” He whispered to her as he slowly moved one hand up her side and put it on her chin, lifting her face up to look down into her eyes where he lightly kissed her upon the lips, then both her cheeks then once again on the lips.

After the second placement upon the lips he pulled his away and slowly rubbed her back, keeping an act on for her just now as he thought of his story. Well at least what he wanted to tell her from his dark, and vile past piled up with bloodshed, betrayal, murder , rape, sex, drugs, and everything in between. “Now, tell me where you would like to go and we shall pick up your stuff and move it to my residence to protect you better if you deem it fit.” He spoke trying to keep his history away from this girl’s ear, and though he may be evil he would not torture her just yet with it until she bugged him. But, he had a feeling she would probably forget about it because of the past few events that took place.

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 30th 2012, 6:55 pm

Lahnah's tear filled gaze fell on him as he slipped his fingers beneath her chin and gently pulled it so that they could have one intense moment where both of them looked into each others eyes. Her face flushed red from that alone but in another moment she felt her body fill with adrenaline for he had leaned down and pressed his lips upon hers. She could feel their bodies pressed together, the sweet sensation of his mouth on hers and then on both her cheeks, the comforting knowledge of knowing she was safe again, and the endearing thought of being able to make him happy. Her dead heart would maybe pump again in a different way, for she'd never felt the love of a man who cherished her, perhaps she could finally share that with someone...with Cain.

She had readily kissed him back, her passion coming from a deep rooted trust despite how quickly and easily he had earned it, and it was dangerously obvious from her swoon that this was the case. "My place is only a block from here. I have a couple things it won't take me long." She told him, knowing this was especially true because she had impressive speed. "Can you keep up?" She asked, batting her lashes playfully as she took him by the hand and started running. As he was also a vampire, she imagined he could run pretty fast, but she supposed she would find out soon as she reached her peak of 150mph.

When they had been running for about 2 minutes she skidded to a stop in front of an old boarded up house, whose ramparts were falling apart and roof was caving in from age. She lead him around the back of the tall building and smiled at him, her hand was still in his but before she let go she leaned over and kissed him, "You can wait out here or come with me." She told him then slipped through a large hole behind a loose board on the wall. About three minutes later her head popped out of the house and she carried a small pink backpack that looked more like a large purse slung over one shoulder and hanging at her side. It was dirty and the thread was coming undone in areas but she seemed content with it. Inside she had a change of clothes -a simple white dress and a pair of blue flip flops- as well as sanitary things, and a small leather journal that was her diary. In the sole of her current shoes she had 30 dollars left from her past relationship and these were all of her possessions. "Where too?" She seemed much less timid now, however she still carried that sense of submissive shyness in her eyes, that was something she would never be able to fake.

(ooc: Does he have a way of keeping up with her o-o if you don't then I'll rewrite this, I didn't realize until after I wrote it that he's only get 2 speed xD)

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by CainVulsore April 30th 2012, 9:08 pm

(( xD he doesn't but I'll bull shit it and say he somehow use the shadows to help him keep up))

Cain smirked when he felt the passion coming from her return kiss and he knew he already had her wrapped around his shadowy finger. It seemed that vampires just got easier and easier to manipulate sense that 'fateful' night where he became the true Lord of Shadows, able to comand all of the creatures of the night. He nodded his head at what she said an simply rolled his eyes in mock scorn when she asked if he could keep up and batted her eyelashes. Oh, if only Vlad could see him now, the vampire would shak his head and smak him upside the back of his head for getting another girl under his palm. He already had three others though Eris was debatable as she could easily be just as demanding and vicious as him. Corra/Cadia he had 'tamed' by simply defeating them and proving his might while Anu... Anu was an interesting character all by herself. Yet, none of this did the other girl need to know because even with Vlad he had a feeling defeating these four would be a tough feat on deed, not out of the range of possibility but hard none the less. After about two minutes or so they stopped as he had the shadows stop pushing him, because sadly he was not granted speed as a power when he became a vampire, instead endurance, durability, strength, and shadow manipulation/control. When she kissed him he lightly kissed back, not without squeezing her ass of course though too, and chuckled at her offer. "I will stay and wait for you beautiful." He whispered giving a half bow and wink having figured she'd catch the squeeze. When she entere he stood up and quickly texted Vlad that they would be reviving another person staying with them and to clean the place up. He has just put the phone up from replying to the fool that yes she'd be staying in his room when she came out and he put it up. Luckily for him this phone was made by NightKill and untraceable. "Where to? Well to my place of course my dead, you will be staying there with me and one of my friends. Another Vampire, Vladimir Judasteee Alucard, perhaps you've heard of him. Perhaps not." He said with a shrug and held a hand out to her.

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah April 30th 2012, 9:34 pm

Lahnah was tickled with the way events turned out for her that night, she had been worried about how she was going to find another guy to protect her before her money ran up. Granted she didn't need to get food from the store anymore so she wasn't going through the cash very quickly, all it took was one purchase of clothing and she would be up the river without a paddle again. So when Cain laid his hands on her butt and gave it a squeeze before she slipped into the house, she was more than happy to let him without hesitance. She would make sure he was happy to have her around, then perhaps she wouldn't have to hop from guy to guy anymore.

When he answered her question about where they were going she smiled at him, "Sorry, I'm new to being a vampire so I probably don't know him. Is he famous?" She asked, taking his hand.

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty I

Post by CainVulsore April 30th 2012, 10:07 pm

Cain chuckled at the question and instead slipped his arm aroun her waist, holding her closer and shook his head. "Vlad is not famous that much I can say, but whom he is reincarnated from may be if you heard of Dracula." He smirked and continued walking through the back alley's with her as they went to his apartment. A place he liked to call the apartment of shadows, if only because if one were to stumble upon it all they would see is nothing, just the regular shadows of an alley you see betweent two buildings. But venturing deeper it got darker and if you didn't know your way you could either get turned around it wander animisly forever going in circles, or at least until Cain or Vlad came a long and drank your blood. Yet, as this was his home and he didn't wish to scare her too much when they got on deep enough he had the shadows part to the sides in front of them and thy walked up to the building and the door was opene by Vladimir himself. "Lahnah this is Vlad, Vlad this is Lahnah, she will be staying with us and we will protect her. He said as Vlad gave a smirk and bowed then shook his head telling Cain that the whine supply was low and the electricity would need to be 'payed for' again. He would talk to Cain about his new pet later as he figured they would be going to his room soon for 'fun'.

Cain Vulsore
Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Pbucket

Creatures of the night
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 434
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Empty Re: Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain]

Post by Lahnah May 1st 2012, 2:24 pm

Lahnah stared around her but she could see nothing for what seemed like an eternity; shadows encased the dark world, creating an illusive landscape that would have any human terrified. For her, however, they only made her feel safer, like she could always escape into this otherworldly realm if she felt threatened and the shadows would hide her.

Cain cleared the unnatural fog after a moment, probably thinking she wouldn't like the darkness and suddenly an apartment like estate appeared before them. She stopped cold and looked wide eyed at the building towering over them and the intimidating man who opened the door to it. Cain had said something about him being Dracula or knowing him, she wasnt really sure which. Either one she was a bit put off by him. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Vlad. I promise I won't be any trouble." she told him in earnest with a slight curtsey. "If you both would like I would be happy to go get wine...i'll just need an escort from these shadows." she offered kindly.

Cain party of three [Closed; Lahnah and Cain] Lasig10

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2012-03-18

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