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Intelligence Limitations

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Intelligence Limitations Empty Intelligence Limitations

Post by Sul-Fury May 4th 2012, 10:44 pm

I'd like to get a few Moderators to join the topic as well. As we all know, Energy Projection got limitations added to it. Having 7 Energy Projection, does not mean you can have 7 EP Regeneration, 7 EP Fire Blasts, and 7 EP Energy Shields. It's just too powerful to have one Stat give everything.

I've seen this been abused a little with Intelligence as well. 7 Intelligence has no limitations on how powerful the items are, or how many items they can have. In some ways I believe it can be abused just as easily to have Technical weapons, Technical Shields, and Advanced Medical "Healing" Stimulation packs ect.

Now, clearly, we cannot 'stack' Intelligence the same way we can have Multiple Energy Projection powers. You can only be so smart. You cant have 4 Intelligence and 7 Intelligence. So my suggestion is one of the following:

Intelligence Idea One: Your Intelligence can only be applied to one 'type' of item. Weapons (Plural! It can be knives, guns and Ninja stars for all I care. but theyre all offensive items), defensive items, or a healing item. All your other 'gadgets' and tools are of average and normal potency. Not enhanced by Intelligence levels. Example is Night Vision, Smoke Grenades, items that don't need a strength.

Intelligence Idea Two: Split the Strength in your items. 7 Intelligence, 5 Intelligence in a Gun, 2 in a Healing Medical Stimulation pack.

Intelligence Idea Three: Both. Have the option to have full potency in one type of item. Weapons. (Plural!) defensive items (Plural) or Healing items. Or split their strengths to have multiple items.


Here's where I leave the ideas to the Community and Moderators. Do you think that Intelligence should be treated Equally to Energy Projection? If so, how would you do it? Administration, do you think the idea and solutions are viable?

- Sul

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Intelligence Limitations Empty Re: Intelligence Limitations

Post by Sul-Fury May 4th 2012, 10:53 pm

Double Post, for a reason.

Let's use this as an example. An Item Application for a Phasing Modulator

While this character can become Intangible for virtually no cost, other characters have to spend Energy Projection to do the same thing. Example, Mist Spends 4 EP to do the Exact same thing.

Meanwhile, Intelligence characters cannot only have Strong abilities equal to EP abilities, but powerful attacks as well. Fair? Your call.

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Intelligence Limitations Sullz2_zpsehmnrnvg
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Intelligence Limitations Empty Re: Intelligence Limitations

Post by Rith-Heart May 5th 2012, 8:47 am

Aloe Sul-Fury

I like the idea of this. In general a person would be more skilled and knowledgeable in a specific skill set, rather than anything and everything. The problem is the actual allocation of these categories.

As a character needs to have INT of at least 4 to make anything, should they not have access to a field per point over 3 (with maybe 7 worth 2 fields). Then if they want more advanced or powerful gadgets they could invest multiple times into the same field. That would allow scaling of the power of gadgets based on intelligence.

The down side of this is that it would require gadgets to be categorised. Maybe something like the following:

  • Simple for stuff that is more common but still requiring intelligence to make (sort of a level 0 field), stuff that could be made by anyone of INT 4.
  • Enhanced for the first level of specialised items, requiring special insight into a field to be made.
  • superior for more advanced items
  • Master for uniquely powerful items or those equal to powerful EP based abilities.

Another issue would be defining the category. I am leaning towards Offence, Defence, Healing, Transportation/Vehicles, Robotics/Bionics (like EP Summoning/Morphing?) and Utility (catch all for everything else).

Just my thoughts on the matter. I know i am new so this might not be reasonable expectation or applicable to the current game environment. But otherwise i do agree, it does seem to need rebalancing. All these stat ability iterations may mess up the look of the power grid though, as EP already has splits. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Intelligence Limitations Empty Re: Intelligence Limitations

Post by Sparrow May 5th 2012, 4:58 pm

No. The int items are regulated well enough without another rule to control them. They are different to EP powers in the respect that they can be disabled and EP powers are not so easily taken out as the items. The phasing item can be taken out by destroying it, while you have to knock Mist out to make her power unusable or have some sort of power dampening device. This rule seems unnecessary and I give it a no.

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Intelligence Limitations Empty Re: Intelligence Limitations

Post by Ace May 5th 2012, 8:52 pm

Like Skylar said, No.
Also, what determines if its a offensive, defensive or healing item. What if it doesn't fall into any of those categories. Like a Grappling Hook, It could be considered a Offensive item because you can smash people in the face with the hook, But it could also be a defensive item, by using it to get away or cover distance. Or a dart glove that also has a radar built in to it. Lots of things could be considered two types of items.

The problem i have with the second option is, other than the fact it doesn't make any logical sense to "Split" Intelligence, is that you could only ever have one item, because the base stat for made items is 4 and the max you can have is 7.

Finally, it would stuff up a lot of Int based characters, giving EP charries the advantage and then someone would come on and make a suggestion so Int is more balanced and the cycle continues.
Anyways, its a No from me.

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