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White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE)

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White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE) Empty White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 15th 2012, 4:23 pm

Coming back from a quick robbery, a long, slender figure hid between two walls of an old apartment complex. The young woman around the age of 25-30 lived in a tiny room in the apartment, as it was all she could afford now ...but she had a dark secret...she was a criminal and constantly hid all the money and jewlery she'd steal in her small apartment....Essmerelda was an orphan. She once had parents...abusive parents...and in the end, her own mother, not wanting her to be around the nw baby, put her in an orphanage at the age of 8. From 8 years old to 11 year old, Essa lived in that orphanage, being kicked out of every school she went to because they alwayas teased her for her firzzy long hair, pale pale skin, and creepy blue eyes...and in return, she snapped back and fought...Once she'd finally been adopted, her foster mother died of breast cancer and her foster father stopped caring for her...Essa grew up living a life of being ignored...being forced to remain strong just to survive the next day of being neglected and forgotton. But what attributed to her criminal repuation was the fact that she was a highly skilled martial artist. her foster parents had taught ehr from an early age because she was tired of being afraid.....and the years and years of painful training made her just that: Strong, determined, and unafraid. 

Letting out a low grumble, she took her hair from out of the ponytail, letting the long bleach blonde curls ripple down her back, washed the blood and dirt from her now, beautiful, porcelin face, and sat back, popping a cigarrette into her mouth. Because of everything she'd gone through, Essa never got passed 1st grade, dropped out of highscool, and never had the CHANCE to get into college...but despite this, Essmerelda was quite smart....Always thinking ahead of her moves, having a very wide knowledge of weapons, and everything to get away from the cops...Essa wasn't EVIL...just misunderstood, angry, and wanting to be known..not just that 'freaky tall girl with anger issues and no color at all..But one downfall was that, as she'd met a certain young man, he influenced her a lot...Her boyfriend currently was a criminal and a well known drug dealer--big surprise there....He was slowly skittering by in college, but constantly causing crimes...Essa liked him so much because of how much alike they were and that she could tell him anything and he'd understand it...but he did drugs...and now Essa was constantly on them as again as well.Taking a long drag, she took off her clothes and then set to work grabbing a bag of ice from her freezer, and dragging it to her bathroom. Dumping it in the tub, she gradually eased in to take an ice bath, relaxing her aching muscles. Finally finishing off her third cigarette, she sighed. She wanted something to do...

Slipping back into her clothes, the pale vixen pulled her long blonde locks into a dripping ponytail, grabbed her belt, her brass knuckles just in case, and then sauntered outside.

The streets of New York--home. A jungle of endless ruckus and crime; if you could make it here, you could make it anywhere. Well that's what everyone said. And so far in her life, Essmerelda wasn't making it anywhere.

Stopping at a night club, she glanced around cautiously before heading inside. She liked nightclubs more than bars truth be told. There were usually singers and bands playing, drinks, and friends lounging--not that she had friends. 

Apparently it was open microphone night; friends were laughing, hustling each other to sing. Raising an eyebrow, Essa ordered a glass of wine and began talking to the bartender.

"You seem like you got a nice set of lungs--go sing. Make some friends." Cocking an eyebrow, the massive woman took a long, relieving swallow of her wine. "Kid, I sing like a fucken' angel--I'm just not good at making' friends." 

Simply shrugging the young man nudged her, "C'mon honey everyone's lounged and laid back. Have some fun. I ya gotta good voice and talent, everyone's gonna wanna be your friend." "I'll think about that."

And eventually the spotlight was on her and the MC annoyingly bothered her to sing something. "MotherFUCKER. I come here to have a drink and you bitches won't leave me in peace . . . ?"  Finally, they left the  rather irritable woman alone.

But this changed as Essa sat back and watched a snooty young girl, probably about 20 years old. Broadway wannabe and a total snobby bitch. Only one person got to think she was the shit, and that was Essmerelda. This 20 year old had a nasally, highly obvious choir kids voice and pronounced each word carefully and annoyingly. 

This girl butchered one of Essas favorite artists and songs: Etta James and the song Tough Lover. That bitch. The bluesy song was meant to be aggressive, powerful, and sexy--not pronunciated out the ass, sang softly, and with no power at all. As soon as the song was over, the Amazon watched through ice-fiery eyes as everyone clapped and whistled at the overly dramatic, rather annoying broadway wannabe. This shit wasn't gonna fly.

Once the clapping died down, she smirked a bit, took a sip of her wine, cracked her knuckles and stood up. And with that Essmerelda did something she never did: she sang. (that's the song and how I've always thought of Essas singing voice--fuckin sexual. x)

Once finished with the song and receiving tons of applause, she found the rather pissed off looking wannabe woman and sneered, "Listen, Madame Bitchy britches. Next time you butcher a song with y'ur fugly ass voice, make sure I ain't around or I'll grill your ass."


White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE) Empty Re: White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE)

Post by Arcana April 15th 2012, 5:02 pm

Sean took the scene of the club in slowly, though it only took him a second to realize he hated it already. Personally Sean hated nightclubs and the only reason he ever graced the doors of one was to….hunt for a lack of better terms. The guys were always better in these types of clubs and he always had the luck to find them. Thus his reason for being there in the first place. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt with a skull design on it and khaki colored cargo pants that managed to cover the scars that lined the upper part of his legs.

Some things he did not want people to see, and they were just one of the things. His hair was combed down neatly and swept to the side. A red amulet hanging from his neck that seemed to burn with heat every time it touched his skin. Though his eyes were just scanning the room as he bought himself a drink and sat down. Nursing it down as a girl about twenty went up to the stage, singing a song he had never heard before. If she worked on that whining quality in her voice,it would have been much better but that was his humble opinion.

After her was a tall albino chick with the strangest color of hair. Then she sung, which was impressive to him. She had some talent. Next insulting the girl before her,which sounded almost like childish banter really. Sean shook his head as he stepped up almost automatically. Making his way to the stage as eyes diverted to him, though he put them off as he stepped up. Taking his turn at the mic as he tested it. Next he requested a song, hoping they had it. Which surprisingly they did. This had to be a first for a place like this but he couldn’t spurn a blessing like this. ”So I’m going to sing for you guys. Yeah,that’s about it.” People gave him the strangest looks after that,though he only returned it with a smug grin as the music began to pump out.

Sean held the microphone his both hands, clenched tightly. Waiting for the instrumental part to finish before he began to
. Voice pumping out of the speakers at a close enough pitch to sound….well pretty damn good. People slowly beginning to cheer him on until the room was loud. He was enjoying the attention far too much but why shouldn’t he? Sean was only human after all.

”Thank you! I’ll be here all week!” He said before walking off stage with the most pleased expression he could have on his face.

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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE) Empty Re: White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE)

Post by ScarletteGoddess April 24th 2012, 9:51 pm

Essmerelda was now sitting at the bar, talking to the bartender as she smoked a few cigarrettes. But as the younger kid, seeming to be an older teen, sang, she leaned back in her chair, seeming quite calm for once as she watched. Once he was done, the Amazon couldn't help but clap once or twice--Maybe three times out of her innate human nature to respect the talented. She had no qualms with this kid, so why not congragulate him a bit?

Grabbing her drink and thanking the kind--probably gay--bartender, she made her way rather easily through the somewhat tipsy crowd.Casually plopping down in the lounging chair beside the kid that had previously sang, Essa kicked her feet up, leaned her head back, and gave a little nod to the teen.

"'Ey, kid, you sound pretty good up there. Confident as hell. Most boys your age wouldn't be caught dead singing. Name's Essmerelda, but friends call me Essa--That is if I had any friends. What's up . . . ?" She yawned a bit, blowing out a puff of thick smoke and then taking a large chug of her wine.


White Girl Swag--Yah, she got it. (OPEN TO ABSOLTELY ANYONE) Tumblr_m7lt9k7NEJ1r827vgo1_400

7 feet and 200 pounds of pure woman.
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