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Worthy Revenge?

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Worthy Revenge? Empty Worthy Revenge?

Post by Eagle February 27th 2012, 3:38 pm

Drip, drip, drip was the sound that echoed around every street corner as the sky above wept it’s tears of grief for the events that were to unfold. An ocean of darkness crawled across the sky it’s pitch black depths covered the world within it’s ominous shadow, the dark grey rolling clouds that rumbled within the sky as they clashed against one another every now and then they let out a deep rumble of thunder that could be compared to the explosion of a canon, as the constant downpour of rain tapped against the ground there was no one out on the streets to complain about the unyielding weather, in fact many were already asleep blissfully unaware of any notion of danger within the city of Chicago, the only light that could be conceived within the streets were the streetlights that flared their artificial light but even they would go blank in an hour. In downtown Chicago in the River hotel an anomaly suddenly flickered as along the rows of dark rooms full of sleeping visitors one of the rooms suddenly lit up like a candle, although it’s light was dim it still resembled a lighthouse within the gathering darkness. Arthur Slate sat upon his bed looking around the dimly lit room his eyes darted around the small square room, it was two rooms big one which has the bed squeezed into the room along with a television for the viewers comfort the other was an even smaller room that was used as the bathroom. Arthur sighed to himself as the old bed felt smooth and welcoming especially after the long flight that he had suffered in order to arrive within Chicago, the amount of delays had put Arthur in an unbearable state of annoyance but this section of the day made all of his frustrations worth it. Slate looked down at his suitcase that was slung into the corner of the room before removing himself from the embracing sheets of the bed and shuffled his way over to the suitcase, Arthur opened the casing to reveal a bundle of clothing that he had no use for other than to help him with his miniature smuggling past the air port systems to bring his equipment and gear without raising suspicion.

Dumping the clothes out of the casing Arthur drew out a his notes that he had taken back in New York about enigmas that had struck Chicago, as Arthur shuffled through these notes his attention was drawn to where the recent crime spree’s seemed to be located, they were all stores that held state of the art computers or warehouses where similar products could be stored from recently being delivered into city. Arthur was also struck with slight suspicions about Mr. Roy Baker, once a wealthy business tycoon that held most of the world of financial exploits within the palm of his hand but had fallen from grace after a failed assassination attempt. I should of stopped that from happening, it seems to not matter how long I fight or struggle against it, it just always comes back in one way or another. Arthur shook his head through as if trying to shake the tenacious thoughts of defeatism away from his mind. Burying his head within his hands, his fingers pushing back his spiked black hair along with grazing his hands against the stubble around his face Arthur gave a huge sigh before standing up. “It’s time to fight back against those scum.” Arthur muttered as he discarded the notepaper and began to withdraw his clothing and equipment from the stores of the suitcases after which he got dressed into his equipment donning his long sleeved blue shirt before equipping the long sleeved bullet proof overcoat, it had the emblem of a white outlined Eagle with stretched wings as though embracing the black overcoat that Arthur wore. Finally Eagle placed the domino mask upon his face which obscured his features to anyone that happen to glance him, launcher, throwing knives, coat, smoke canisters, EMP chargers and good old fashioned explosive, I’m ready.

Grinning to himself the vigilante switched off the lights before proceeding to the window pulling it open with one hand Eagle felt the rush of cold air that struck against him, it felt soothing rustled past his hair bending it back like fields of grass along with the scent of decadence of crime freshly ready to be subdued, Eagle took in a deep gasp of air as he launched himself out into the night street, as gravity came to attention and the vigilante began to plummet from his glorious flight the masked man launched his wrist launcher into the night, it coiled through the night air like a snake as it struck against the nearest building before it receded pulling it’s master along for the ride. Slinging his way through the city gliding like a bird of prey hunting for fresh meat, Eagle’s overcoat fluttered with the heavy gust of wind, the vigilante looked down onto the empty streets awaiting for any sign that could point to a disturbance within the night, it would make a poor first impression on the streets of Chicago is all he did was grapple his way across buildings providing more dents and damage rather than good ironically. Rumbling down the street however, Eagle’s lead that he had been searching for rumbled along the silent streets normally Eagle wouldn’t look twice at this vehicle for it was just a large van that staggered along the roads although with the current climate of crime and the fact that this was the only vehicle travelling within this time of the night Eagle’s suspicions were aroused as he began to stalk the four wheeled beast. It had a white painted coat with obvious stains of dirt around the rim, there was a large chip in one of the left hand side of the car that made it easy to stay out of focus or view if anyone happened to glance at the ruined remains.
After a couple of minutes of tracking the van they finally arrived at their destination, it was an old warehouse that had been used for years with a fresh batch of goods stored for distribution, the van would pull up behind the building in a little blind spot that would avoid detection from the cameras.

The rumbling sound of the vehicle that echoed within the gloomy darkness suddenly collapsed into silence once again, a cacophony of noise exploded from the van however, as it sounded at least five people were rummaging inside along with the clank of metal that suggested firearms were also along with them, the back doors to the van flew open as three of the individuals crept outside they were wearing a Varity of rather shabby clothing nothing truly identifiable, it leather jackets or old shirts mostly anything that could be bought in a local clothing shop. Upon their faces was a different matter however, for to hide their identity they all had adopted the disguise of crimson red face paint, it made them seem much more intimidating, organised and above all much more harder to identify from anything that might be caught on the vigilant cameras that were on the lookout for any movement that may be caught on camera. “Jack, you got to the security systems already right?” the leader seemed to say, from the angle that Eagle was observing at he could indicate that the voice came from the largest of the group and by far the one with the most muscular bulk. “Yeah Tim, it was a piece of cake they never expected an insider, they even gave me the job of locking up, big mistake ‘ey?” the smallest and most scrawny of the group chuckle, it was clearly visible that even underneath the red paint the man looked like an oversized rodent.

Tim nodded looking at his posse before tilting his head towards the nearest entrance, as one they followed the retreating back towards the door not bothering to cover up their flank, it was hubris that was causing such an inconceivable mistake. Eagle swooped down upon the scene from his vantage point, with a dull thud from the ground the vigilante crouched low as he began to stalk his way to the entrance. Pressing his back against the wall and edging closer towards the open door that they had forgotten or planned to keep open, Eagle rummaged around in his inventory within the utility belt and drew out a shard of glass, with one eye glancing within he reflected the image of the interior of the building without giving away his position. Within the warehouse were three levels, the third was inaccessible to ordinary methods requiring ladders that had been stacked away for the night, the other two floors however, were stocked with goods yet not all of them fully based around technology which meant given the motivations of these other crime attacks would require a little bit of searching on their part. “Spread out! We want every power source, wire or anything else along those lines get searching boys! The boss doesn’t want to be kept waiting.” Tim was barking the orders like a general, he was obviously the one directing this little gathering however, in their rush to not dally too long in the area they had left Eagle an infiltration opportunity for none of them was watching the entrance. Eagle stretched out his arm around the doorframe and eased his body into the room sticking to the shadows that were gathered in the corner his breath for the fear that it would give himself away, his heart was pounding against his chest for if they saw him in flight he would have to deal with five armed thugs it wouldn’t pose too much of a problem but he would likely be forced to take them all out under the pressure of heavy fire and the brutal destruction of a gargantuan amount of resources for Chicago stacked within this warehouse.

Eagle began to encroach upon his prey within the warehouse as the gathering pile of trash littered the ground, they were gathering all the useful items within the centre of the room for transportation. Eagle stepped lightly between the gathering heap scattering towards him before reaching his first targets, it was a man who had his back to him as he rummaged through an opened box, the other two of the group Tim and Jack that were currently rummaging through the boxes, Eagle stood up as silent as a whisper before tapping his prey upon the shoulder, in seemingly a tranquil state the man shook his head smiling as he turned to see Eagle, he was a man in his early thirties, his eyes widened in shock yet before he could raise the alarm the Eagle launched his fist into an uppercut along the man’s jaw line popping his hips with the motion of the movement, it sent the man flying into air before falling down onto the ground in a crumpled heap, it was here that Eagle’s experience kicked in as soon as the punch had landed his free hand had shot outwards launching the grappling hook away from the scene of the crime. As the serpent like coil shot outward it’s metal teeth snapping against the bars of the second level it’s metallic sound being disguised by the rummaging of the search. “Hold up! I think I heard something,” Tim issued to everyone as he looked to their fallen comrade who was laying knocked out along the ground, the entire group converged upon that position utterly unaware of Eagle who had clambered upon the second level as silent as a shadow. Gazing down at the flock of thugs gathering around their fallen comrade Eagle timed his movements like a bird of prey, digging within his overcoat he procured a smoke canister as the final touches to his plan came together.

“Who did this Tim?” Jack the man that looked like a rat asked, looking up to the leader of the small band. “I don’t know but, wait what the hell?!” Tim yelled as a canister clattered along the floor rolling between them as the small area before them was encroached in a thick bloom of smoke. Choking was quick to follow along with the sudden symphony of gunshots that screamed into the area, their bullets clattered across the ceiling or smashed screens of the models of new computers, the Eagle however, was prepared for this who had draped the overcoat over his body as the small amount of inaccurate shots flew towards him they were simply deflected by the lining within his overcoat rendering their weaponry useless. Eagle once again utilized his wrist launcher to sending the grappling hook back down to where he came from, it’s hook would puncture through the wall before it’s wings would spread outwards and tighten it’s grip around the puncture, Eagle flew with the contraction of the wire swooping down towards the red faced gang by passing or deflecting the ammunition that was used against him, it was as though he was an unstoppable demon. Eagle deactivated the grappling hook letting the winds fold inwards upon the hook, letting the large spike to fly within the device again, as Eagle flew forwards he extended his legs within his flight it had the effect of the twin boots that he wore colliding with the two nameless henchman. Their bodies flew backwards their feet lifting into the air before their unconscious bodies slammed against the wall before collapsing in a crumpled heap, Tim the leader of the gang was terrified now as he squinted through the darkness his heavy breathing were causing disturbance within the thick white substance obscuring his vision. “Come out you coward!” Tim would roar “If you want me to spoil the fun,” Eagle replied as he let loose a right hook across the unprotected face of Tim, the resounding punch echoed over the building but Tim only gave a little ground by staggering back slightly.

Retaliating to this transgression to his pride, Tim would send a wild yet powerful blow towards the source of the nearest shadowy outline within the smoke, his fist would crash across his jaw so hard that blood began to trickle down his fingers, the shadowy figure before Tim’s eyes fell to the floor like a freshly made corpse yet his scream of pain still echoed with heavy breathing of the man rolling along the floor holding his face, “ha!, not so cocky now are you!” “You know that was a good punch, I should thank you but we have to talk..” Eagle’s voice chuckled as he made the observation behind Tim as the realization came to the leader that he had just knocked out Jack instead of his intended target, as the smoke began to deep through the open door distributing the vision back to their eyes. Eagle would strike with tremendous force with his forearm against the chest of Tim letting his back collide with the wall so hard that it would leave a small imprint of his back within the metal wall lining, Eagle pinning Tim with one arm leaned his face in closer eye to eye with the man before asking, “let’s talk shall we?”

Wc: 2564

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-02-18

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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Jack Maroon February 29th 2012, 10:12 am

The Indignation of the Heavens

The sounds of the downpour beating upon the streets of Chicago contrasted heavily with the loud and high-pitched squeals of Japanese voice-actresses pretending to experience continuous orgasm. It was as if the heavens themselves had shrouded themselves in darkness and had called upon the rain to stifle these offensive noises; but it was to no avail. The volume was turned up indiscriminately loud, in sheer defiance of all forces that would try to deprive the listener from the sound of these overly ecstatic moans.
If it was not truly so that the heavens themselves had taken offense to this, and that the rain really was a simple and explainable natural phenomenon, it was at least the other tenants of the apartment complex who were put off by this. It was however far beyond their might to do anything about it. All of them knew whose room the vulgar noises originated from, and that this was a man not to be trifled with. A man who was currently too preoccupied with attending to his own nightly pleasures to give one flying fuck about what the other tenants thought about him. An attitude that he applied to nearly everything in life.

The apartment was messy. There were clothes, swords, used tissues and many other random objects strewn all over the floor. The walls were painted a simple white, and were covered in posters of obscure movies and animes, most prominent being a white flag with a red flaming skull-like figure wearing extremely pointy sunglasses , bearing a inscription below it that read: Row Row Fight the Power, which was seemingly scrabbled on it with a marker.
The bed was covered in books, dvd’s, vidyagames and anime figurines. The lone television screen that stood as the centerpiece of the room flashed with the animations that accompanied the sexual sounds that may or may not have offended the heavens.
This apartment’s owner was none other than Jack Maroon, the one and only. Dressed in casual attire, he wore only a black formal shirt; faux-Italian , mirrored aviator sunglasses (at night) baggy dark jeans and combat boots. Of course, as his current activities required, his pants were slipped down around his ankles instead of sagging slightly at his waist.

Rabu Rabu Panty-wars IV was the title of the dvd Jack currently had the pleasure of viewing, the fourth installment of the illustrious Japanese perverted animation show; often dubbed hentai anime. To put it simply, and to bring a quick and final end to the evasiveness pervading this text, the dude was jacking off to porn. Yeah.
But as Jack Maroon neared the climax of this nocturnal activity, so did the patience of the heavens reach its limit. They let out a thundering roar and in blind rage, tossed bolts of lightning at the city that harbored the man whose pornographic movies contained the noises that had so offended them.
With a flash and a crackle, the electricity in the entire apartment complex fell out; the heavens’ verdict to punish Jack Maroon for his impudence, and his incredibly poor taste in masturbatory aid.

He jumped off his chair and started for the television, nearly forgetting about having his pants down and tripping over them out of sheer concern for the dvd. It had cost him no small amount of trouble to acquire that limited edition collector’s disc version, and losing it would be unacceptable.
Frantically he pushed the buttons of the television and its built-in dvd-player, but it helped him not. After all, the power was out. Of course, this fact did not cross Jack Maroon’s mind, and patience was not to be his chosen course of action. Instead, he violently ripped apart the device that had trapped his precious disc. The disc, luckily, had been completely unharmed, despite Jack’s violent approach to retrieving it. The television however could be considered deceased at this point.

Jack lamented the loss of his television, but consoled himself with the thought that he had at least managed to salvage Rabu-Rabu Panty-Wars IV from the debris. At that point, electricity was restored to the apartment, and for once, Jack Maroon kinda felt like an idiot. A description that actually fit him perfectly.
This feeling quickly passed, and made way for an obsessive desire to finish what he had started. He would have to go and acquire a new home entertainment system. A new television? A laptop? Maybe even a whole pc, with monitor, speakers and everything. The options were…finite, but they certainly were enough to give Jack a hard time deciding. But in Jack’s mind, distorted by the tumor that grew in his brain, a plan had hatched. A plan for adventure. He would set out on a quest to claim an artifact, the means to play this goshdarned disc and get his fix for the night.
Jack pulled up his pants and buckled his belt. It was time to get motherfucking serious. With his trusty katana 'Testament' in one hand and the 'Panty Wars IV' dvd in the other, Jack Maroon set out on his journey. A journey that would plunge him even deeper down the rabbit’s hole of his mild insanity, and unbeknownst to him, would grant him yet another opportunity to do that which he did best. Kick some fucking ass.

Soapcomp, Chicago’s largest multimedia store, was open 24/7 round the clock to cater to the needs of all those people who had been enslaved by this modern age’s greatest addiction: computers. Everyone had one; in fact, one could go so far as to say that this was the age of the virtual world, where computers and the internet dominated people’s lives to the extent that they would be lost without them.
Jack Maroon was not one of these people. He had done away with that obsession long ago, as part of the decision that had changed his entire life. And now he would return here, this church of technology, this bastion of hope for all those who could not find in the real world what their mind’s eye desired to see. At day, Soapcomp was mostly visited by respectable citizens in need of technological products. But at night, it belonged to the gamers, the otaku, the strange nerdy and perverted underbelly of the city that was just as unappealing to the general public as was the dark and shadowy world of crime that pervaded the city. These two worlds, that of the mobster and that of the geek, would soon clash, with at its center our unwitting and generally witless protagonist.

He had ran to the warehouse of technology within minutes, even though it was at a fairly long distance from his crappy apartment. Super-speed had its advantages. Moving from point A to point B at a speed of 250 miles per hour was certainly one of them. Others of course included finishing fights in the blink of an eye and being able to prank people without them ever seeing it coming, but those did not apply at the moment.
His super-speed however had not shielded him from the rain, and as a result, Jack’s clothes were soaked. As he walked into the store, he could feel the people’s stares turn on him. Of course they did. A tall, handsome and muscular man, dressed in jeans, sneakers and black custom fit shirt and wearing sunglasses at night, hair and clothes dripping wet from the rain and above all carrying with him an unsheathed katana in one hand and an adult animated porn-movie in the other. Certainly not a common sight. The stares burned into Maroon’s mind; he was aware of every single one of them. He just didn’t really give a crap. His attention was elsewhere. He headed to the ground floor’s information helpdesk in a straight line, upholding a frighteningly fast pace. He slammed down the dvd on the counter, eliciting a small gasp of fear from the man behind the counter. A man-boy like Maroon himself, only far less muscular and with an acne-ridden face greeted him with a less than confident “H-h-how can I help you, um, sir?”.

His name was Trevor. Until now, Trevor had been having a relatively normal night. Though the Soapcomp store had its fair share of nightly visitors, these people rarely inquired for help. Trevor’s job, though officially that of giving helpful information to those who asked for it, had actually been reduced to sitting around and keeping an eye on whomever entered the store.
He was a rather average person, his most distinguishing talent being his relatively high knowledge of computers and technology in general. When the pornographic dvd was slammed on his desk, he didn’t really know what to think. The man before him certainly didn’t fit the description of those who usually bought things like these, which the store held in the small adult corner, and certainly those people never came up to Trevor for anything.

“I need something to watch this on.” Jack said bluntly, but with a sense of urgence and dominance in his voice that would nearly make one forget he was asking for something to watch his porn on.

Trevor was, to put it lightly, somewhat confused. He nearly wanted to call the police, considering this man was holding a weapon in his other hand, but decided not to. The man was already too close, and could strike at him if he even reached for the phone.
“What kind of…um…product are you looking for..sir? A computer, or perhaps a television with blu-ray?” Trevor asked, trying to sound as helpful and confident as possible, failing spectacularly at the latter.
Jack raised an eyebrow. This wasn’t really because the boy’s question was stupid, but rather because he himself hadn’t really thought of it. An answer quickly formed itself in his head however, and he responded to the clerk’s question after only a short delay.
“A PC with monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers. Everything important. Yeah, that’s what I need.”
The rest of the interaction went somewhat more swimmingly, until the point of payment came up. When Trevor named the price, Jack blinked multiple times. Trevor’s grin, which had been set in place because he thought this man would make a huge purchase, began to fade. Jack had no money with him at all, and even if he did he wouldn’t be able to afford this.

“Right. I’m going to have to get back to you on that one.” Jack said. He took his dvd back and slung his katana over his right shoulder, leaving Trevor somewhat bewildered. Of course, Jack had not given up. He had simply realized he didn’t need to buy one. With his skill and power, he had another option open to him.

Yes, he would find a pc that was connected to a monitor, one put up for demonstration; there were a few of those around here, and then play his video here. At this point, Jack had already forgotten about the purpose the dvd had, and was only focused on getting it to work. After strolling around a bit and checking his options, Jack found what he was looking for.
The PON 3000 Gladiator; the strongest and fastest computer on the public market, a computer that could be compared to supercomputers from the beginning of the millennium. Jack grinned.

A model of the pc had been placed on the ground floor for people to try it out. Usually there was a rather large line in front of it of people wanting to experience the best the market had to offer (and what they would never be able to afford), but this night it stood alone.
Jack waited until he was sure Trevor or any of the few other Soapcomp employees weren’t looking, then dashed towards the PON. He took the disc from the box and slowly inserted it into the dvd-drive, savoring the moment of victory. Loading. Jack was running circles around the PON exhibit now, so excited was he. This would be the moment of pay-off, the final mile of his journey, this would be--
Jack had failed to notice the 5 men who had come in, dressed in black and wearing ski-masks. Trevor had not, but before he could act, the men drew their guns and pointed them at him and another employee who was standing nearby. One warning shot was fired, a shot that came frightfully close to hitting Trevor, impacting only a few inches beside him.

Completely oblivious of what was happening around him, Jack was heavily startled by the shot, and tripped comically at a speed of around 150 mph. He flew across the room and crashed into a pillar rather painfully, collapsing a pile of rubble on top of him. While he hadn’t exactly lost consciousness like any other human would have, or have broken something, he was certainly more than a little dazed.
The gangsters were surprised for a moment, but quickly decided this clown wasn’t worth their time and attention. “Come on guys, this clown isn’t worth our time.” The alleged ringleader conveniently paraphrased. Three of the men ran towards the supercomputer and began to carry it outside while the ringleader and another of the men made sure no one would be playing hero.
When Jack regained consciousness, the men had just left the room, and he found himself surrounded by concerned bystanders, wondering how the hell he had survived. “What happened?” Jack asked, having immediately regained his stoic-like composure.

“Oh, it was terrible. They just came in, waving their guns around, threatening everyone.” Trevor said, visibly shaken from what had just happened.
“It was the strangest thing. They only took the PON-3000 Gladiator and then left, leaving everything else alone. Why would they do such a thing I wonder?” A somewhat chubby female employee with pigtails said.
“They took the…what? NO!”

At hearing this news, Jack immediately lost his newly regained composure again, and went absolutely apeshit. “Where did they go? What direction?” He asked the people around him for directions and clues forcefully.
After having forced out some directions, the model of the van and the license plate, Jack retrieved his Testament from the rubble, and ran outside, back into the rain. He knew the general direction the thieves had gone away in, and had gotten a description of the van they were driving. Oh, he would find them. The night was still young, and he had plenty of time to catch them. He would find them, follow them to their base, take down their operations, kill their leader, slaughter their families, impregnate their daughters and….he was getting carried away. Even Jack Maroon sometimes knew when he was simply going too far.

No, he would track them down and follow them. Find out what evil these villains were up, asides from stealing his porn, and put a stop to it. Then he would retrieve his rightful prize; that which had been taken from him. Oh yeah, this would be one hell of a night. With his sword in hand and renewed motivation, Jack Maroon set out into the rain-filled darkness to pursue his destiny.

And so began yet another epic adventure of our young hero. Jack Maroon.

I'm aware that this text is rather long, and gives little opportunity for interaction.While I do not intend my next post to be so long, and will try to make interaction with Jack a hella lot easier (so we can finally all rp together~), this does not change the fact that this post is a tad on the long side and might be unappealing to read for others. I do not wish for people to feel obligated to read a post of such length, so I've decided to give a check TL;DR section below here to give a general idea of what happened in this post to those who don't want to read it.

-Jack Maroon is fapping to some hentai anime, and there's a lot of gibberish text about the heavens not being happy about this.
-Jack lives in an apartment complex in a messy room. The other tentants dislike him because he's too loud, and his porn is far too loud.
-A power outtage occurs due to the bad weather, or the heavens being angry; whichever you prefer. Jack flips out and breaks his tv and dvd-player to extract his porn-dvd. The lights go back on and Jack realizes he's done something incredibly stupid again.
-Jack leaves for Soapcomp, a large department store in Chicago specializing in technological needs that is open 24/7 for some overly convenient reason.
-Jack wants to buy a computer, but doesn't have any money.
-He decides to watch the porn right there in the store, and inserts it into a supercomputer that was conveniently on display.
-Mobsters enter, threaten customers and employees and fire a warning shot.
-At the same time, Jack is being a total kid and is running superspeed circles around the computer, waiting for it to start up and the dvd to play.
-he is distracted by the shot, trips and flies into a concrete pillar, crashing it down on him and covering him in the rubble.
-The mobster thugs steal the supercomputer that now contains the pornographic anime dvd and leave in a van.
-Jack inquires standers-by what direction the thugs went, what the license plate was and what kind of van it was.
-Jack leaves Soapcomp to pursuit the men who took off with his precious pron.

Wordcount 2530
Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 193
Location : Glorious Nation of Dutchlandia
Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Forceaus February 29th 2012, 8:11 pm

From the moment he had arrived in the city he had seen only dark clouds and poring rain.By the looks of things it didn't seem that would be coming to an end any time soon.It seems the windy city would remain a rainy one for quite some time.The weather was never what one wanted it to be.Nature has a way of putting a damper on one's plans.Chicago did not seem in a very inviting mood today.John really had no plans to speak of when it comes to the second city.At this moment in time he was sitting in the 4th floor room of the hotel they were staying at eating some of the local style of pizza and searching through the channels for something to watch.Some might find this to be quite dreary and boring but to him this was quite enjoyable.He was the type who greatly preffered these simplest of things.

He knew that a couple of his teammates were also supposed to be arriving here.He wasn't sure when they would be however or if they had already.He didn't exactly feel like going about searching through the city for either of them.Least not while the rain was coming down on the city.He could not for the life of him seem to remember why it was that they were coming here in the first place.He was also curious as to how they had managed to arrange to come here at the same time as his father's business trip here.He supposed it must be coincidence considering none of them knew his secret identity let alone that he even had one at all.Still it bothered him as he continued to think about it.He rather hoped that they had not managed to find out about him.He preferred for such a thing to remain secret.At the very least until he decided to reveal anything to anyone himself when he was ready to.

He had finally found something on the tv that he felt like watching but the sound of the rain drowned all other noise.Being able to hear it didn't really matter to him since it was just a rerun that he had seen several times already.He still watched however due to his love of the show.That and he really simply could not find anything better on to watch besides this anyways.

More time passed as he waited on any word from either member of the talons that was supposedly in town as well.He was starting to think that they may not even be coming at all.He didn't really mind though.The prospect of a vacation sounded quite nice to him.His love of the show was not enough to keep his interest however.He walked over to the window and stared out into the cloudy, rainy sky.Alot of things were on his mind at his moment in time.His father, his life as a superhero, his newfound allies and memories of his life flooded his mind.The memories were causing him to become quite nostalgicHe had not been feeling like his normal self lately.He had noticed since that one incident that had caused his abilities to become enhanced that he tended to get rather moody at times.He had hypothesized that the magnet had caused his brain's electrical impulses to become unbalanced.The prospect of such a thing unnerved him immensely.He wondered if it could cause his personality to become altered thus changing who he was.

He was getting tired of simply standing here thinking about stuff he did not want going through his head.He decided to go for a walk even though it was raining.Since his father wasn't going to be back for several hours he knew he had quite a lot of free time available to him.As he grabbed his coat and prepared to open the door to leave his hotel room he suddenly remembered the reason for his teammates intentions for coming to Chicago.They were intent on stopping the plans of a local mobster.He wondered how they knew about the guy.Did one of them have connections established in this city.He walked away from the door and headed over to his bed where his suitcase lay.He opened it up and started searching through the various contents for something in particular.Clothes, medicines, and random personal items were tossed aside in search of what he was looking for.It took him a moment but he finally found it.He had buried it deep in his suitcase so as to keep it from being found.After finally retrieving his communicator that he had received upon joining the talons he looked at all the stuff he had removed from his suitcase.He knew he needed to repack all that stuff.He sure as hell was not going to leave it lying around.He activated his communicator and began trying to establish contact with anyone of his teammates.While waiting for a response he gathered everything that he had tossed aside.When he had finished doing that he decided to hang up the communicator.He hadn't received a response.He put the communicator back inside his suitcase and put everything else back where it had been burying the thing again.John however left one thing out.His superhero costume.He quickly changed into it then put his normal clothes back on over it.Finally he put his coat on and headed out the door, down the staircase, through the lobby and out into the rainy sky.One way or another he was going to find out what was going on.
During the course of remembering the information he had learned days before from the last time he had heard of a possible place and time where they might be arriving.And the fact that he had agreed to meet them when they arrived.That very place was where he was heading to.A well hidden location.The change in timezone between New York and Chicago had him wondering if he would even arrive there at the right time or perhaps arriving either an hour too early or an hour too late.They had not specified which timezone they were going by.After quite some time he finally arrived hoping against hope that he had arrived at the right time.He was there with a couple minutes to spare and saw no sign of their vehicle meaning he wasn't late and was scanning the skies for any sign of their arrival.

WC: 1111

Last edited by Forcewave on March 4th 2012, 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Plural March 1st 2012, 6:16 pm

It was raining. Everybody knew it but perhaps no one was more aware of it than those whose responsibility it was to fly aircrafts in the midst of the storm. It was funny how common occurences like weather patterns could so easily dominate the minds of every single individual, animal, man, or otherwise.

Thoughts like these were what kept flowing through the mind of one Blond haired teenager as he monitored the systems of high speed amphibious vehicle through the air. It was called The Pelican and had been designed and built by that same teenager and this was it's first cross continental flight, and even through the turbulent winds and water of an early season thunderstorm, it was handling like few other crafts in the world could. He had grown so confident in its capabilities shortly after take off that he was letting his various trains of thoguth wander off track and had started pumping up the bass on a heartpounding, dance inducing playlist along the way. Really he was just distracting himself from his work he knew was coming ahead. There was little point in obsessing over the details because he had long since covered them in his head.

He, and one of his superheroing peers, were on their way to Chicago in order to investigate the possible actions of one Roy Baker. the guy had been of interest to Adam Greyrose for several years as the guy had been one of if not the top engineering businessmen in the business. his tech and designs rivaled some of the genius teen's own work and as things go, rivalries run deep. That was at least until over a year ago when Roy was attacked and fell into a deep coma.

Adam found it to be unfortunate but he still kept an eye on the details of the assassination attempt and the events and machinations leading up to it. It was this research that tipped him off actually. The guy was practically a blank slate after a certain point which was...unsettling to say the least. thousands of specualtive potential reasons for this had crossed Plural's mind in the time since he had started his research. Destroying records wasn't too difficult especially for people versed in computer science and hacking, but a lack of information only leads to more questions. One doesn't remove records and details of their past unless they have something to hide.

Turns out Roy had plenty to hide once you started digging into rumors. Connections to the criminal underworld to be exact. This implied nefarious activities by the man to even a juvenile investigator. So when stories began to arise about thefts of technological devices and mobsters coming up missing or severely injured and Roy having risen from that coma, signs pointed in one direction.

For some reason the potential fall from grace of one so promising in his own fields of study and creation, stirred Adam into wanting to prevent it anyway possible. It wasn't too late for Roy, but that was only if someone who could connect the dots and actually cared perhaps put a stop to it before he was lost to destruction and crime.

So there was Plural, and his ally Phoenix, aloft on the jetstreams approaching the Windy City.

"So Phoenix, just to let you know, this is rather important to me. I won't explain exactly why but this is a matter that needs a careful hand. It's one of thsoe standard stories of revenge possibly but I need to look into the details a little closer to be sure. If I'm right, a frequent occurence as you know, the guy I'm trailing is trying to make up for lost time since he spent a year in a coma and he's pissed because a substantial fortune sort of...went missing," Plural began, turning down the music with a simple downward motion of his finger on a holographic screen.

A quick glance at the autopilot screen showed they were approaching their destination. "Reduce speed and maintain altitude. begin broadband radio scans for crimes in progress or silent alarms in locations involving high end tehnical devices. Also search for any mafia related medical records in the past 2 months. Financial records for Roy Baker as well and the information from file Alpha-priority RB 001.3. Scan for signals from Talon member 03 Forcewave too please."

With a nonchalant gesture, he reached up and pulled up his Multiple Goggles, which had been resting around his neck for the past half hour. Instantly information and data streams flowed across the lenses transparently allowing him to also glance past the images to the holo-screens in front of him. the data scrolled and highlighted sentences he had previously designated as important. in his ear he heard a brief message that had been broadcast a few minutes before from Forcewave. A simple hailing message, then of course a ping came back telling the blond hero that his teammate was standing somewhere below the ship. A spot predesignated for meeting in the foreign city. Well foreign to most. Plural had years ago taken the time to study maps for major cities across the globe, Chicago included, so he knew the streets and general layouts of the city beneath him.

"Pelican, maintain stealth system and reduce altitude to 10 feet above the ground below, then hover above my location approximately 25000 feet overhead until ordered otherwise. Phoe. You ready to drop? Force is down there waiting I'd presume. Hope he brought an umbrella though cuz I didn't bother. he asked releasing his seatbelt and stretching his muscles, preparing himself for the night ahead, contemplating the idea of leaving a duplicate of himself in the pilot's seat of the Pelican to continue going through the data for anything of import but decided against it. He wasn't into being bored even if it was a clone of himself.

Out of the sky, the sleek ship dropped down to almost ground level, almsot impossible to see as it approached the earth again, visible as a mild distortion in the falling droplets of rain, reflecting the flashes of lightning that streaked across the sky. Silent as a whisper, two slats opened un the bottom, allowing the two heroes within to drop out with the utmost ease. Plural came down with a subtle splash as his boots hit the softened earth and grass of the secluded field they had designated. standing back to his full height, he looked around with infrared vision and quickly spotted his other teammate in the gloom of the sodden cityscape. Givign a subtle wave, he stepped out from beneath his ship and a brief shimmer belied his forcefield as the electrmagnetic field compensated for the water that collided with it. His body remained dry as the percipitate ran off of his shield as if it were glass.
In his ear he heard several reports of the crimes of the type he had indicated. "Map the locatiosn and timestamp the crimes please Smart Box. Hey Force. Great night for idiotic child crimefighting wouldn't you say?" Plural said, stepping under the cover of a tree, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh and Smart Box. Send a text message to Mockingbird. Quote: I'm in your city. meet up? Working a case. Brought partners. end quote. Link program 'Terminate' to delete message after 1 hour. Sorry. Putting out the word to a local contact is all. Let's get started on this investigation. I'll explain the details on the way," the hero spoke, his eyes seemingly on The Pelican as it rose into the air on autopilot and disappeared from view after a few stories.

((sorry rather unmotivated but there it is. WC 1290))




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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Andrew March 1st 2012, 7:19 pm

As Phoenix sat aboard the Pelican, he kept thinking about the making sure he didn't mess up his first big mission.
He looked up at Plural and listened to him. "Hey, I know we haven't known each other very long, but we're a team now you can tell me things. You may find I am a great listener."

Phoenix wondered to himself what Plural's personal attachment to the mission was. He hadn't known his team very long, however they had grown on him quickly. He found himself actually worrying about the others personal lives and feelings. Phoenix made a very small ball of fire, and was moving it around in small circles. Darkfire had been training him with his fire manipulation, and now he could control to the smallest amount of it. The rain was really coming down now. Ironically Phoenix really enjoyed the rain, being a fire user. However, he liked the cool sensation, and the calmness it brought him.

Phoenix had no personal attachment to the mission at hand, however he had started looking into Mr.Baker. He had a erie feeling about him. He looked out the window "The windy city, what do you know." Phoenix had never been to Chicago, but he always wanted to. So Phoenix stood up, and put on his jacket. It was black with a red phoenix on the front, and on the back the talons logo. He put the hood up. He then put his mask on, and put his sword on his back. He took a deep breath and looked up at Plural. Phoenix pressed the button on his dog tags, to communicate with the rest of the Talons back home.
"Phoenix to Talons, we have arrived in Chicago, we will give you all information as we come across it. Over and out."

Phoenix knew the mission was important, but he couldn't help but find himself smiling. He was so proud of himself for coming this far as a hero. A few months ago, h could barley control his fire, and now, well now he was the leader of the Talons and was on an important mission. "So, you said this one means a lot to you. So i'll let you start. What is your plan Plural?" he asked. He wasn't a cocky leader, in fact he liked when his team had suggestions. They were a team, he may be the leader, but he still needed them.
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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Mockingbird March 1st 2012, 11:53 pm

In a glass tower that stretched to the sky of the windy city, Chicago, was that apartment where Andree Miller resided. Nothing to do again. One of the many diseases we have yet to cure, boredom. We should add that to the list alongside all those other diseases. She thought to herself with dry sarcasm. To the wall it is. Her train of thought continued as she walked into the kitchen and picked up a large, shining, silver blade. Pulling it from the wooden block that had been holding it, she proceeded to grab a few more large steak knives. With the four shining blades in her hands, she made her way over to a chair in her apartment. Collapsing into the black, leather armchair, she raised one of the four silver bladed knives and hurled it at the dark blue wall. The blade lodged itself deep into the wall with no sound at all until it made contact with the wall besides the almost impossible to hear sound of it sailing through the air.

Getting up, she made her way over to her bedroom and removed a neon yellow marker from a drawer in her wooden desk. Her feet made small sounds against the hardwood floor as she made the trek back to the living room. Advancing to the wall, she raised the neon yellow marker in her hand and touched it to the wall. Her arms moved to create a smiley face target on the dark blue background. With the yellow smiley face watching over her, she sat back down in the armchair. Raising another knife from the arm, she hurled it at full speed in an attempt to nail the drawing in the eyes. The knife that had left her grip seconds before lodged itself into the spot just below the eye. Damn it. She thought as she picked up the second to last knife resting on the arm of the black chair. As she chucked the blade, and the dark brown handle left her hand, a smile crossed her lips as it sailed into the eye of her target. Nailed it! Was the thought that passed through her mind as the wall was scarred by the blade.

The ringing of a cell phone on the kitchen counter reached Andree's ears. The alert couple with the vibrations was telling her that she had received a text message. But from whom? Her feet moved her across the wooden floor to the kitchen. Resting on the counter was the mobile phone that had beckoned to her. she reached over and picked it up, activated it, typed in the password "Mockingbird", then checked her messages. There was a text from that Plural guy from New York. She had been meaning to figure out who owned the number so she could know his real name but had not gotten around to it just yet. Reading the message, her fingers replied with taps across the digital keyboard. The message that she had typed would appear to Plural with "Yeah, sure, I'm just about to go out and do some stuff myself. I've been looking into someone. What do you want me to do?"

After sending the message to Plural, her feet slid her across the hardwood floor to her bedroom so she could find her suit. After digging under a pile of clothes, she found her suit under it. Holding it up, she examined it and picked off a few pieces of lint. She stripped out of her dark blue pajama's she had been lounging around in and slipped into a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top. After getting into those, she climbed into her suit and placed her gadgets on her belt. As the final piece of equipment, she slipped her cell phone onto her belt.

She crawled out onto the window ledge and jumped off. The cape slowed her descent as she rapidly approached the concrete but she raised the grappling gun, that she had retrieved from her belt, and fired it to connect with a nearby rooftop. As the black cord tightened from the hook making contact on the roof, the motor in the gun began reeling in at high speeds to pull her to the top of the building. The wind from the momentum of the upward motion whipper her hood and hair, which was inside her hood, around. She landed on the rooftop in a kneeling position and dug into her belt to pull out her phone. Her fingers moved across the screen, unlocking it once more so that she could view her data on her target. This thought was completely shoved out of her mind for a more immediate problem. The police signal scanner in her ear informed her that there were gunshots fired at a store called Soapcomp.

Considering that this placed people into more imminent danger, Mockingbird took off in that direction with her super speed. As she sped 125 miles per hour across the rooftops, she looked ahead to see the store in view a few rooftops away. Her eyes were able to detect the van that was pulling out of the area. Changing her course of action, she ran after the van that she could see, using her enhanced vision, the laptop thieves in. It wasn't a large crime but everything had to be dealt with. The man that was sitting in the passenger seat noticed her following them from the rooftops and removed his pistol from his belt. The man's finger pulled back and a bullet erupted from the barrel of the death inducing weapon. As the bullet missed Mockingbird, the man pulled it once again to fire a second piece of lead. This time, the bullet whistled past her ear. That was a little too close for comfort. Her hand made it's way to her wrist to activate her durability and endurance booster so that if a bullet was to hit her, it wouldn't take as much damage. The van picked up speed so that they surpassed the speed that Mockingbird was able to run at. The back doors swung open so that a few more men in the back could fire off rounds at her. Something important must be on that laptop. One of the bullets found it's way into her shoulder. The suit protected her from the bullet lodging itself into her shoulder and the shattered pieces. No blood bled from her shoulder like it would if she was wearing normal clothes. Instead, there was just a bit of a sting. The impact from this hit, on the other hand, had made her fall over, losing the van. Drat. I'll text Plural to see if he is nearby. Whipping out her phone, she sent a message to Plural that read "On rooftops across from Soapcomp if you want to meet. If you don't come in about 10 minutes, I have to get going." Maybe he can help me with this. There has to be something important on that laptop, why would they shoot at me otherwise?

(WC: 1,180)

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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Eagle March 2nd 2012, 4:48 pm

Wham! The sound of Tim’s back slamming against the metal lined wall sent echoes of pain reeling around the room, Tim gave a spasm of anguish along with a constant heaving of groan as the last of the smoke swerved away. Eagle’s face although concealed behind his domino mask held malice within his eyes that bore themselves deep within the depths of the criminals soul the vigilante could feel the bones and muscle pushing up against the collar of the victim, Tim was gasping for air as the arm dug deeper like the bite of a shark constantly pushing downward. Tim gave some ragged gasp of breath as the eyes behind his red mask began to roll back briefly becoming a perfect sheet of white before Eagle would release his choking noose like grip from the thug letting the man fall down briefly onto the concrete. Tim smashed along the ground like a sack of meat while keeping a cacophony of coughing and wheezing to clear his passages from the sudden strike. “Yo--” Tim started before being interrupted by his own barrage of wheezing coughs before continuing more coherently this time. “You bastard, why are you here? What do you want?” Eagle looked down to the thug as his eyes quivered with the undeniable mark of terror, the vigilante could almost smell the anxiety writhing off him if it wasn’t over shadowed by his own natural stench. “The locals have given me the name Eagle I suppose it will do although what I’m doing here is none of your concern.” Eagle stated calmly as he reached down grabbing the renegade by the collar of his shirt before hoisting him off the ground, he could feel the strain on his muscles by achieving this after all Tim was a rather bulky individual. Tim’s toes were brushing along the concrete ground who despite being surrounded by his fallen comrades could not tear his eyes away from the demon before him, “what is our concern however, is what you are doing here.” Eagle put extra enfaces on the word as he reeled his prey in closer, Tim blinked once or twice wavering within his thoughts. “I’m not telling you anything, I’m not a snitch.”

Tim responded with a touch of bravado behind his words. Seconds snagged by as Eagle raised his prey further into the air so that his feet’s tip toes tapped gently against the floor, yet the silence was soon broken. Eagle launched Tim away with a wave of the arm, Tim was caught off balance after allowing gravity to have control over him once again, he stumbled backwards barely missing the unconscious body of Jack as his back slammed against a nearby desk. The contents of this desk was scattered around the area, two our of three of it’s draws had been discarded onto the floor and the paperwork inside was scattered like fallen leafs upon the floor, Tim’s body crashed against the desk with a thunderous clash. The bench groaned under his pressure and was pushed back a few centimetres while it’s supports screamed in protest. “Very admirable of you but I have no time for these games.” Eagle put bluntly as he moved up towards Tim who had staggered upright at last rubbing his back from the excruciating pain, Eagle would not allow him to recover however, without hardly missing a beat in his footsteps Eagle popped his hips upwards along with delivering his fist into an upwards thrust catching the poor blighter underneath the chin. Tim already heavily bruised and disorientated had no time to react to the encroaching impact, he could only close his eyes and feel the blow collide underneath his chin. The fist made a cold slapping sound as blood was drawn from the fresh wound upon the chin, the body of Tim was sent in an upwards thrust toppling clumsily over the desk before landing on a heap upon the floor.

“You don’t have the right to do this! Where’s the police when you need ‘em!” Tim yelled the tone of his voice had changed, it was quivering much more so than before however, this was mainly due to the increased amount of pain. “The police have no will to do what needs to be done, they can be bought out or held back by regulations, I can’t so there is no easy way out for you.” Eagle stated as he walked around the desk to the figure of Tim attempting to sit upright propped up upon his elbows. “We’re working on our own me and my brothers over there, we heard there was a good batch here an--” Eagle held up his hand to silence the man always keeping eye contact, the lies were plainly written over the man’s features for the thug was brave there was no denying it however, the man’s poker face was a flimsy façade and betrayed the truth. “If you continue to accidentally hide the facts from me, I will have no choice but to do something that even I might regret.” Eagle spoke grimly for the man had let loose at least one comment, he had associated himself in a brotherhood with these individuals connected truly or not it was a potential weakness in the chain that he intended to pursue. “Ha, your just a pig you haven’t got nothing on me.“ Tim stated proudly before his feigned smile of triumph faltered once again. “If you won’t clue me in on the news, then maybe one of your brothers will you’ll have a front row seat of course, they will all know how you put yourself over them.” Bulls eye, Eagle thought to himself as he witnessed the draining of colour within Tim’s complexion along with the trembling hands and diluting of the eyes. “Yo-- you wouldn’t!” Tim stated pathetically as Eagle gave him a cold look of disdain before beginning to move towards the slump body of Jack.

“Wait!, Wait! You got me, you just be cool and I’ll tell you everything.” Eagle turned back looking towards Tim once again before leaning his body against the table folding his arms awaiting to be told his story for the night. “See, I don’t know if you heard of this guy but his name’s Roy Baker used to be a big business buff with a lot of spare cash from his glory days. See the thing is he’s been hiring guys like us from the local neighbourhood on jobs like this to steal anything that has a circuit.” Eagle would cut off Tim’s downpour of information with a question, “Mr. Baker is one of the greatest technological geniuses there has ever been, he could build any of the things found in here in hardly more than a few days, why does he need these components?” Tim gave a shrug before stating truthfully, “I have no idea I’m just told to bring the goods and get paid.” “Where do you make the transaction." "It’s not that far from here, it’s down by that old abandoned factory just a little north from here, you won’t have a chance of getting in though, I was only allowed to make the delivery at the doorstep, I doubt you would be able to turn the street corner.” Eagle give a small smirk of disbelief for he trusted in his own evaluation of his skills rather than this broken thug’s personal assessment of his abilities.

“So we cool? Are we free to go?” Tim asked as Eagle shook his head ominously while straightening from his resting position on the desk. “No, you’ve broken too many laws for me to allow you to walk.” Eagle stated as he walked up towards the open door, Tim was in such a brutally wounded state that he no longer could summon the physical strength to lift himself upright, nor did he have the desire to. “Give my regards to your friends,” Eagle stated as just before exiting the building he turned towards the security operating systems that workers would use to deactivate or reset the alarms with the proper codes. Eagle tapped the keypads randomly for a few moments before wiping his prints off the consul with a brush of his overcoat. Three seconds dragged along before a silent alarm was directed towards the police, Eagle would give one last look back to his handiwork before exiting the building and arriving in the world once again. “Old factory, Mr. Baker large security I’m going to need quiet the distraction to draw their attention if I’m going to have any chance to infiltrating by the sounds of it.” Just then the silence was split by the thunderous sound of the roaring engine of a vehicle that flew past him way over the speed limit, Eagle blinked a few times but before he could react of say anything at all, the blurring motion of a smaller figure but going at no less the pace of the original vehicle flew before his eyes leaving a trail of destruction before it. “That could work.” Eagle blurted out to himself as he blinked a few times to make sure his eyes were still working, it was strange but Eagle could of sworn that the second figure was actually running and gaining ground on a vehicle in full flight. “I must be going mad.” Eagle suggested as he scratched his head surveying the sheer carnage of what the chase had left behind.

Wc: 1578
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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Jack Maroon March 4th 2012, 5:37 am

Chicago in the rain at night, a storm brewing on the horizon. Despite the best efforts of the Phantoms and other superpowered vigilantes, the city remains a den of iniquity, where sins fester in every nook and cranny; a place where criminals can thrive by clinging on the border of the law. In a world where supervillains bent on world domination or mindless slaughter, and anything in between, have taken the spotlight, Chicago was a refuge for the old guard of crooks. Those who preferred to do things the old-fashioned way, hiding in the shadows of the legal system.

The scene is set for a film-noir flick, albeit one with elements of the superhero genre. We have the Eagle, our hard-boiled detective with an insatiable thirst for justice. and the balls to act on it. Then we have the other heroes, an organized group of vigilantes, their eyes a'twinkle and their heads filled with lofty ideals. The smart ones. The courageous ones. The heroes.
All of these characters more or less fit into this story; a thrilling tale of revenge and moral ambiguity that would drag them deep into that shadowy underworld hidden by day.
All of them fit the bill. Except maybe one. Jack Maroon.

Jack had left the Soapcomp building, beginning his pursuit of the van that was already out of sight.
His goal? To get back that was rightfully his, the holy treasure that was stolen from him. The idea of getting his item back had burrowed so deep into his brain that it had become his number one priority. He had imprinted the idea so strongly that it no longer really mattered to him that it was just a porn-movie. It had become the MacGuffin of this story, a convenient and by itself meaningless plot device.

Despite his intense devotion to the story unfolding in his head and the motivation that gave him to track down the van, it was nowhere to be seen. Of course, the van was only a street or two away, but Jack didn't know that. He ran in the general direction the van had supposedly gone off to, according to the Soapcomp night-shift employees, hoping to find his quarry before it was too late.
The sound of gunshots and screeching tires was music to Jack's ears. Screw the soapcomp people, these were all the directions he would need. Jack accelerated to around 200 mph, not his highest speed, but it should prove enough to catch up in time. It took only a quick run around the block for the van to reveal itself, racing away at its top speed. A speed Jack could easily surpass. Only a few moments before, another hero had been chasing the car, though her speed proved insufficient to match the vehicle's, and she had ceased her pursuit after sustaining gunfire.

It was no miracle then, that the thugs in the van had become wary, and were on full alert. Jack lacked the skills at stealth that the Mockingbird had, but had an even more profound lack of wit compared to her. Compared to her and many others. Jack's approach, once he had come close enough to the van, was met with a volley of lead death. Contrary to his earlier reaction to the sudden sound of gunfire, back at Soapcomp, when he comically tripped and crashed into a concrete pillar out of surprise, Jack's reaction was now a little more controlled. His reflexes took over, calmly assessing the bullets' trajectories and having Jack move out of their way. Dodging bullets was no easy feat though, even though the gunmen were absolutely shit. For every bullet dodged, Jack lost some momentum, decreasing his speed.
This contented the thugs, as they thought they had been able to shake off the speedster and they were getting close to their destination.

They had not. Jack was still in hot pursuit of them, and began accelerating again, this time to his max speed. Jack was quickly starting to catch up on the van, but when it took a sharp turn to the left, Jack was unable to adjust his trajectory and headed straight for a building. As it was a relatively short structure, no higher than 65 feet, Jack didn't let it stop him. Parcours was easy when you had superhuman strength and could run at 250 miles per hour. Jack Maroon then fulfilled the unattainable wishes of many a free runner; he ran up an entire building, landing safely on top. The building now had multiples holes and cracks were Jack's feet had trodden, and there was a small crater of impact on the roof, but Jack had no time to worry about that. Not that he would worry even if he had the time; he really didn't give a crap about some stupid building.
This was good. From the roof of this building Jack could easily see where the van was headed. The old factory a few blocks ahead. Right, why was he not surprised?

He knew where he had to go, and thought it better to lay low for a minute. It would be good for him if the enemy thought they had lost him. Give him the element of surprise, for a change.

The factory was a large and ominous structure. It reminded Jack of the videogames he had always been fond of playing. There was always some kind of level that took place in something like an abandoned factory. As one would have come to expect from our hero, he did not plan out an attack strategy, nor did he try to sneak his way in. No, he tried to take the front door, which turned out not be the wisest decision. Well, not like wise decisions were his thing.
The entrance was guarded by about 8 men, all armed to the teeth. Of course, that didn't stop Jack from not giving a shit and leaping right into the battle. The only warning given to the thugs was the sound of Jack's 250 mph-approach, which at this speed was already impossible to identify as the sound of a man running. It was too brief of a time-frame for them to ready themselves for combat, which became abundantly clear when Jack Maroon broke through the iron fenced gate, grabbed one half of the dislodged gate and threw it at a group of the men clustered together. They began to fire their guns, but it was already too late. Impaled and sliced open by the gate that was supposed to keep them safe, half of the guards posted at the entrance had been massacred by a single man.

By executing this move however, Jack had come to a standstill, and had become an easier target for the remaining guards to fire at him. If they had not been scared out of their minds by the gruesome display of coldblooded murder Jack had treated them to, they might have even hit him. Still, the situation was little hairy for Jack, so he dashed around the corner, taking cover behind the wall that once held the gate. Now all he had to do was wait for the men to run out of bullets, or for them to be stupid enough to chase him around the corner. Jack readied his blade for the kill.

(OOC: I'd rather we get some interaction with each other's characters around now. I'm having trouble solo-ing this. Not my forte.)

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Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Forceaus March 4th 2012, 3:41 pm

Forcewave stood just outside the city, standing under a tree to get some degree of shelter from the cold pouring rain that had already soaked through his outermost layer of clothes and felt like it was starting to soak through the next layer and that seemed to be without any sign of letting up even a little bet at all, let alone ending any time soon.The shelter of the trees was not providing much of anything in the terms of what he was hoping they would.He stood there waiting the arrival of 2 of his teammates as they would be arriving at this location in only a matter of time.Phoenix and Plural were arriving via Plural's personal jet which he had named the pelican.Forcewave really was not sure why he had named it that.He had been planning on asking but never really got up to doing so.He was not interested in possibly offending the guy.
He continued to watch the sky even though it was hard to see very much at all.He shook his head to get rid of some of the grogginess that had overcome him because of the weather and when he looked back up to the sky he had spotted the incoming jet.So they really were arriving at the exact time they had informed him they would be.What a relief he found that to be.He was also actually quite surprised by this.He was so used to people being late on him that he had come to expect to have to wait even when he showed up late.He stood under the tree and watched as the jet stopped in mid air several feet off the ground and the two of them descended from it and landed on the ground now having arrived in Chicago.
Plural walked over to him and said hello"As good as any night could be for such a thing.I am really starting to think that they should call this place the rainy city instead of what it is called now.I'm soaked to the bone and beyond"He responded in a very bored and somewhat distraught manner.Being as wet as he was right now was bringing down his mood quite a bit.He was walking alongside the other two as they walked to the city."Alright let us get started on it then.So what did you guys come here for exactly?"He asked either one of them for an answer to his question.

Mega Poster!
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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Plural March 7th 2012, 7:45 am

" No problem Force, We're here because I'm on the hunt for a man named Roy Baker. You might know his name. He used to be a top class engineering businessman until about a year ago he went into a coma. Unortunately the reason for that coma was because, if the rumors are to be believed, he had connections to the criminal underworld and cut them out of his earnings so they tried to assassinate him. Didn't work out though they did take him out o the game. And so just recently he woke up but his whereabouts are unknown but several people reportedly a part of the Mob, have come up dead or missing and this crime spree going on here with thieves taking high end tech, seems to point toward Roy as a potential suspect behind it all. I'm here to find out if my deduction is correct and put a stop to it beore the guy ruins his name further. Not to mention it's quite possible given the stuff that's gone missing, that something rather dangerous could be crated by someone like me or Roy. And even if I'm wrong, this technological crime wave needs to be....stopped" Plural replied as he lead the way on foot down a street, pausing at the end as The Smart box filtered out several accounts of a pair of speedsters in pursuit off a van.

"And I think I just found our first lead...Come on this way."

A few minutes later the blond had lead the others to where Mockingbird had Asked them to meet up and then he quickly got the story from her before informing them he had an idea of where the van had gone...mostly because of several traffic violations by some guy with a katana....

Adam found the details to be somewhat odd but quickly chalked it all up to the fact that superhero problems and situations were by their very nature, weird. And a speedster with a katana really wasn't that abnormal. Or so he imagined.

The trail wasn't tough to follow. bullet holes here and there, a few craters in the ground and several police cars with lights flashing to light the way.

Someone else is already in pursuit of whatever is exactly going on but whoever it is they clearly lack any degree of subtlty. But then again so too do the criminals committing the crime meaning they're all lackies which means someone or maybe a small group are pulling the strings of these puppets. But to what end...With all these bits of silicone and a bit of an imagination just about anything is possible...

"I think we should perhaps try out some kind of stealth here because whoever else is in on this is a giant distraction. We shouldn't let his efforts go to waste, guys." the replicator suggested as the small crew made their way to the warehouse district tracking the trail to a gate. Well the remains of one.

Plural looked on with a grim face as he saw the dead men severed in half most of them, semi auto weapons in death grips or slackly dropped beside them, a pool of blood trailing of deeper into the shadows.

"Judging by the signs, this isn't that old...not more than maybe 10 or 15 minutes. They're still warm, there's hardly a scent and phantom bioelectricity in a few of them. The culprit for this massacre is definitely somewhere close by...I'd guess that building with the craters up the side or the building next to it maybe. Now would be a good time to draw weapons if you want them we'll slip onto one of the roofs and see what's going on," Plural said, his voice even and seemingly unphased by the ghastly murder of so many people.

Without another word he stepped further into the compound like warehouse area, glancing around looking for more information before heading to a different building about 3 stores tall and opposite of the building he had previously indicated. his scans showed it was empty of heat sources outside o what seemed to be a few rats. After asking i anyone needed help up onto the roof , the hero made a single jump, alighting onto the building as i it were simple.

"Filter vision, X-ray and infrared intermittent. Scan for energy signatures and zoom"




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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

Post by Andrew March 9th 2012, 1:29 pm

Suddenly Phoenix's Talon communicator went off. "I'm needed back in New York. Good luck you too, Forcewave you're leading this mission now." and Phoenix ran off to head back to his city and team who needed them.

(ooc: I have to back out of this i'm sorry to many posts. However i felt this is a better way than to just walk out. good luck with the mission guys.)
Mega Poster!
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Worthy Revenge? Empty Re: Worthy Revenge?

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