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Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by Eagle February 22nd 2012, 1:18 pm

Glistening within the heavens like a crooked smile sweeping within the midst of the few clouds that obscured parts of the grin from view, the moon spread it’s ghostly pallor over the sky above like a silver bird spreading it’s wings, the small amount of clouds that spread across the sky suggest a minor downpour of rain in the near future, as the blistering cold winds bellowed across the streets bypassing any kind of protection to chill an individual down to the bones along with the putrid odour of the slums of the majestic city gave many plenty of cause to stay far away from the facilities. Along the roads all was quiet only the flickering of a lamp or the odd mongrel howling towards the moon would break the dead silence that surrounded the city, almost all of the people that inhabited the city was already slumbering deep within their safe havens of home utterly unaware and oblivious to the world that awakened when they had locked their doors and turned off the lights. Suddenly a noise like an explosion erupted through the city as a sleek black car began to roar through the streets, the four wheeled beast headlights gleamed a mighty cloud of yellow light that illuminated the streets more so than any of the malfunctioning street lamps ever could. Inside of this vehicle were five men, five men who were all rather well dressed for their profession, they wore the more expensive things in life fine shirts, tailored coats along with various kinds of jewellery such as large golden rings or other kinds of accessories.

The driver who was the tallest of the group was named Trevor, Trevor slammed his foot against the accelerator far past the speed limit would normally allow as the wheeled monster swept through the streets, this seemed to annoy one of the back drivers who was much shorter than his companion but made up for it in the brain department. “Knock it off Trevor, we don’t want to be pulled over by the cops before we even get to the job, you don’t want to make the boss angry do you?” Trevor sneered but consented to the companions pleads all the same. As the car slowed down one of the other passengers the youngest of the group and least experienced piped up his own concerns about the job, “say.. Err, guys are you sure we’re ready for this? I mean this isn’t exactly robbing a liquor store, what if the cops really do catch on?” Trevor gave a loud snort of laughter as he wheeled around the corner and began to plummet through the darkness once again, “we shoot idiot, do you want to go to prison? The boss doesn’t want to be connected to this in anyway, so if you end up screwing this up and get caught you’re on your own.” The youngest member gulped but held his tongue before saying the wrong thing, he was slightly afraid of the other companions in the car one of which the boy was sure was a known serial killer who kept quietly beside him looking out of the window towards the moon with an almost wolfish expression upon his face, there was a certain mystique about him that gave many people that encroached upon his space feel like they were being dunked into the icy depths of a frozen lake.

“We’re almost there, get locked and loaded,” Trevor commanded enjoying the use of the cheesy cliché, none of them challenged Trevor’s command however, he was the most experienced out of the group along with the most fiery temper yet the boss had made a special executive decision that no one else was to lead this raid on the target. Trevor would steer around the back of an old museum where there was a fortunate blind spot in the out of date security procedures, “alright newbie you get behind the wheel and we’ll take care of business.” The newest member looked extremely disgruntled about being assigned this duty, but he could see the reasoning behind it for under pressure before he had fled or committed some mistake out of panic, a job like this would inevitably provoke another blunder in some other capacity. The group except for the newbie opened the car doors and stood outside, their armaments we various one was holding a sleek rifle with a silencer buckled upon the top it, it was perfect for stealth operations as this one Trevor and the smallest of the group that had caused the drop in speed to avoid detection were carrying the most simplistic of the weapons, it was a nine miler meter pistol with a silencer strapped to the end, yet they also carried the most utility equipment for their operations. The wolfish individual a known serial killer to the group had no gun however, instead he only carried a large thick knife that he had received in Australia, it made all of the members of the group nervous to gaze upon it only imagining what horrors it had inflicted upon people in the past.

“Alright Sid, find the power gird and defuse the security system, radio over when you got it.” Sid the smallest of the group nodded towards Trevor who made the order, Sid was a master of electronics and was making quiet a name for himself in the underworld with this rather useful craft under his belt. “Alright lads, you know what to do let’s move.” Trevor commanded as the companions agreed and moved towards their designated spots where as the rookie just sighed in exasperation.

As the night air grew colder and the streets grew quiet once again, the small rattling sound of a wrist launcher being fired echoed at the pitch of the tiny squeak of a mouse, the launcher fired a grappling hook that swept through the wind like an uncoiling snake before sinking it’s fangs into the edge of the rooftop, the wire began to recoil as the fangs dug deeper into the building to keep it’s grip upon it’s prey as it’s noose tightened and tightened before the original source of the spring was finally pulled upwards, a gloved black hand wrapped around the tiles of the rooftop with a titan like grip pulling the rest of the bodies components upwards on top of the ledge. The overcoat over the man soared through the wind as with an almighty heave of strength his body flew onto the building, the coat bellowed in the strong winds behind him along with rustling through his spiked black hair making them almost look like blades of grass rustling within the wind, upon his belt the silver moon light glow glinted off the utility belt and as his eyes turned towards the commotion that had enraptured the streets moments beforehand the glistening of the pitch black domino mask that obscured his identity came into view, the blue shirt that he wore appeared to be dyed grey with the darkness ripping the light away from it. Eagle looked down over the streets his breath holding still in the air as a ghostly whip of vapour rippled before his eyes protruding from his lips almost like the smoke from the end of a cigarette. Strolling along the rooftop the sweeping eyes found his target as the short little thug was scanning the side of the museum Eagle had heard of this hit weeks beforehand from information relived unwillingly from one of the members of their little gang, the motive for such an attack still remained a mystery to him unfortunately.

Sid the thug gave a smirk of relief as he found what he was look for, it was a breach in the defences of the museum that needed to be connected by some kind of power source to function due to it’s old design and ill updated ways. Moments beforehand he had clambered atop of the rooftop where his instincts told him where all the connects were hotwired, and he had struck cold not only were the security systems leads all ripe for the picking there was also the cord to deliver an immediate warning to the police in case an alarm went off during the investigation, rummaging within his pack he began to look for the necessary tools to proceed with the work. Eagle watched from the rooftop before pointing the wrist launcher at the level just above the criminal, with one flick of the finger the vigilante activated it’s motor launching the cord outwardly into the night yet again, it’s hook gripped onto the ledge before dragging it’s operator along to the desired point all without hardly making a sound. Eagle swept through the sky like a bird of prey hunting down his target, as his boots made contact with the ground with floorless precision and balance he unhooked the teeth of the grappling hook and stored it away again, the thug was still rummaging through his bag humming to himself as he ploughed through the materials. Eagle’s hands lowered smoothly towards his own set of tools for his desired work, his fingers wrapped around a winged throwing knife which he withdrew with a small flourish holding it by the tip of the blade for perfect accuracy, Sid removed the tool and held it in the air grinning with delight however, his enjoyment was short lived as the throwing knife within Eagle’s hand was quickly thrown over arm down at the thug, the knife swept through the air with a cold hum of gleaming steel that grew louder and louder as it drew closer and closer towards it’s target, it struck it’s target straight on the bulls eye as the tool went flying out of the fingertips of the thug, giving an astonished gasp of fright the convict looked up to Eagle who was already hurtling down towards the criminal with his boot outstretched, the Eagle out reached his almost talon like foot to strike at his prey.

A cold, wet and bone chilling slam echoed around the area as the boot made contact with Sid’s face, Sid gave a muffled cry of fright before the boot sunk deeply into his skull blood sloshed through the air as his body moved downwards his features etched with sheer surprise, his nose was broken and the pain along with the sheer shock of the moment had knocked him out cold, his limp body began to fall off the ledge and dangerously hurtle towards the ground headfirst, but this was quickly countered as the Eagle grabbed the now blood stained designer coat the man wore preventing him from falling to his death from the awkward angle. Putting the criminal down onto the ground the Eagle proceeded to put his arms behind his beck and lock the wrists into handcuffs with a small clinch of metal one of the targets had been eliminated from the game with fluid ease, now it was time for the other members to be rudely shown the danger they were now wrapped into at this situation, it would take a miracle to save them or a disaster to put the final point on their downfall.


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Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-02-18

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Re: Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 22nd 2012, 1:54 pm

Cassiopeia or simply Cassandra as she liked to be called in her petite form, had been taking quiet walk to clear her mind and keep in contact with her ancestors . . . The city's clatter was annoying to the tribal princess sometimes--She could ignore them most of the time, but often, it became too much. Humans were loud. At heart and from birth, Cassandra was a quiet, intellegent Xeadian. She was royalty and was expected to act as such from birth. Hearing the clatter of human yelling and a fight, Cass let out a blunt sigh and simply began to morph into her massive 7 foot Xeadian form. Things were short-libbed as she noticed one man seemed to have it all under control. " . . . Well, this is strange . . . " She mumbled quietly to herself.

Always being a bit shyer, she appraoched the man slowly. Seeming to understand that seeing a massive humanoid cat going towards them would be a bit starnge, she began to shift back into her wee 5 foot form. Quietly pulling her curly bronze hair back, she asked in her sweetly--intellegently accented voice, "Do you need any assistance, sir?"

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Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Re: Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by Bane February 22nd 2012, 2:08 pm

Meanwhile, from the rooftops, a certain gray-skinned, mismatch-eyed artificial human looked on as the man easily manhandled the goons, indicating to him that they were Level 1 goons, easily dispatched any newbies that log in and start a new game. He was gonna jump in and do some Level Grinding on these goons that keep popping in the many random encounters he gets. Unfortunately, it never happened since a new player came in and stole his kills, the damn kill-stealer. He was going to jump in and take out the little newbie until a woman came in and asked him if he needed assistance. Deciding to jump in before some other players decided to play the game, he jumped down off of the roof and landed like a cat perfectly on his feet. He grinned a psychotic grin at the man and cracked his knuckles. "Alright newbie, it's time the MLG come in and start a Killing Spree on you, since you decided to Blue Shell me, causing you to Wake The Witch and spawning the hoarde you little kill stealer. You H4XX3D my game and stole my random encounter so looks like it's gonna a be Kill Cycle on you and Achievement Unlocking for me" he said, rambling incoherently in confusing video game lingo as he cracked his neck.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Re: Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by Eagle February 22nd 2012, 2:50 pm

Crimson red heaps of blood trickled in a small pool from the ledge from the broken nose of the criminal, the breathing came in short gasping patterns reflecting how much pain the man’s body was withdrawing from but also indicating that he was still breathing and able to survive sufficiently on his own vile systems. Eagle removing the handcuffs clasped the wrists together before adjusting with a small whirling of measurement the width and length of the wrists, the cuffs snapped shut locking the knocked out convicts hands together restraining him from assisting the other members of the group. The cold air rushed past Eagles head roaring within his ears obstructing any kind of noise that could be tuned in for a brief moment, the overcoat whirled around his knees as with keen eyes looking through the domino mask the rather broad mind of the vigilante was calculating how to best approach the next targets of this small operation. “Do you need any assistance, sir?” Came an intellectual voice from behind, Eagle gave a slight quiver from the lurch of surprise down his spine at how swiftly and quietly this individual had approached without even making the smallest notion of sound, one could only compare it to the slinking of an extremely stealthy cat.

Eagle turned around and took in her appearance, she had a unique colouring of hair of which origin he could not place, the long golden bronze hair was being ringed between her fingers, there was something unmistakably feline about her appearance but nothing too out of the ordinary from the point of view of the vigilante. “I usually work alone, but I have a feeling that even if I asked you nicely you won’t turn away, so if you want to help that’s fine but there’s a heavy risk of being shot.” Eagle confirmed as his eyes set down onto hers to judge any sign of wavering morale at what she was offering, it seemed rather out of the ordinary to be offered help after bludgeoning a criminal the way he did sheer moments ago. “If you want to help all you have to do I--” Eagle’s voice was interrupted by a third arrival that had arrived onto the scene, this new figure that seemed to walk in from no where was much less subtle than his counterpart the young feline featured woman, this what could only be described as boy was grey skinned an odd complexities with two mismatched eyes that glinted like gems within the shadows of the night. "Alright newbie, it's time the MLG come in and start a Killing Spree on you, since you decided to Blue Shell me, causing you to Wake The Witch and spawning the horde you little kill stealer. You H4XX3D my game and stole my random encounter so looks like it's gonna a be Kill Cycle on you and Achievement Unlocking for me.” Eagle simply looked at the new comer blankly as a long moment of silence encroached around the area, the only thought that was passing through the mind of Eagle was along the lines of who the hell is this guy? Or what the hell did I just listen to?

After the long moment of silence had passed between the two, the Eagle gave up on trying to analyse what the other person was trying to say and turned back to the feline woman, “as I was saying they should all be gathered on the other entrance of this building, if you want to help try and lure their attention towards you while I take them down from above, if your forced to fight don’t kill any of them or I’ll be forced to go after you as well.” Eagle was very stern on this point, his eyes pricing through the domino and gazing with a huge magnitude of intensity towards the woman before him. I wonder if she’ll do it, either way taking out these thugs shouldn’t pose a problem. Tilting his head towards the boy spouting gibberish on an inhuman level he simply stated. “You can go straight home though, isn’t if past your bed time?” With a little smirk upon his humour he didn’t stick around for the reply, the Eagle raised one arm so the wrist launcher was pointing upwards, with one switch click the grappling hook launched upwards with a high velocity of speed soaring through the sky like a serpent before latching atop of the roof of the museum, the cord retracted almost instantly after a solid foundation for the teeth of the hook had been met, it was within a few seconds before Eagle’s body was pulled upwards with the retracting motion much like a fish being pulled in with a fishing line.

Eagle’s feet touched the rooftop tiles before crouching upon his knees, to keep his centre of gravity as low as possible, it was experience taking over his body as the adrenaline was beginning to be released into his heart feeling the blood pumping within his arteries with increasing speed, inside of his stomach the automatic changing of the nervous system kicked in as the butterflies arose. Eagle felt ready for combat as he awaited the first sign of the distraction if it was to come.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-02-18

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Re: Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by AngelofDarkness February 22nd 2012, 3:25 pm

Her focus was thwarted as another human popped in. Wonderful. Listening to this human boy for only a few seconds, Cassandra's head was ringing. If humans were GOING to be loud, wy couldn't they speak loud and PROPER as well? It frustrated her. Their use of grammar made her skin crawl. Rolling he eyes slightly, she shoved both hands into her sweater pockets and took a few steps away from the younger human.

Cassandra didn't enjoy taking orders-particularly from humans. But at that moment, she simply sighed and nodded. Morphing right back into her massive 7 foot cat form, she slid back into the building. She inwardly groaned as the group of men seemed shocked by her and started to come towards her. This is had better work . . .

She watched in satisfaction as they seemed to leave the other entrance and go towards her, curiously, cautiously, but ready to fight. Seeing this, the massive she-act had her claws out and continued to ease them towards her. Her ears flicked up suddenly as one rather bold man barelled towards her, wanting to get in a cheap shot. Letting out a little snarl, she whacked the poor man into the air like a distatesful gnat. Humans . . . Never have a before or after plan. It is amusing to say the least . . .

Glancing over at Eagle, she blinked her metallic silver eyes and backed up more as the humans began getting closer and closer to her, getting them straight to their desination for defeat.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Re: Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by Bane February 24th 2012, 12:34 pm

Bane twitched at the two of them for ignoring him. He scowled at the two of them before hanging back and watching as they started to kick ass and take names. He grinned to himself as he decided to move in and quickly kill the lowly goons, quickly and silently dispatching them as he mowed through the ones that managed to make their way through them. He snickered at the sheer absurdity of how easy it was to kill them and made a mental note to find someone with decent fighting skills. He was hoping that by killing the lowly n00blet goons here the heroes would step in and try to stop him, thereby allowing him to have some fun and get to go wild on them.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Age : 32
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Flying the nest. (Invite only.) Empty Re: Flying the nest. (Invite only.)

Post by Eagle February 25th 2012, 6:10 am

(Congratulations Bane you entirely missed the point of the topic and destroyed my set up in hardly more than 100 words, well done.)

The night air flowed around Eagle as the moon behind him illuminated his features from behind, he was perched upon the rooftop observing the criminals below that were awaiting the signal there was four in total as they stood around talking with each other, their armaments were nothing too sophisticated one was an ordinary nine milometer pistol hardly more than a glorified toy to most weaponry, the other carried a long sleek rifle that looked brand new and never shot before in it’s life, it had a silencer screwed atop the end of the barrel to make any shots that would be let loose within this mission be silent as possible and not to raise any alarms, the last wasn’t carrying any kind of ballistic weaponry instead he carried a long thick knife with a long silver glint that reflected the moonlight down onto the ever deepening darkness, as the thick breeze trickled freely atop of the rooftop pushing past the vigilantes features pulling his hair back slightly like blades of grass, Eagle listened in on their conversation until the woman with the feline features appeared if she was going to at all. “What’s taking Sid so long? He should of taken down security systems down by now,” the vigilante could hear the crease of tension within his voice showing that he was starting to develop nerves about their whole operation, “quiet you, he must be having difficulty finding the generator, it’s a wonder he usually find his socks when he wakes up let alone that thing.” Trevor replied in a much more relaxed tone, he was always the example of professionalism in these situations. However, the one with an overly sized knife made no comment at all, he gave Eagle the most foreboding by the sheer menacing presence of the man, it was shared by the knife wielding individual’s companions as even in their tight space they stood away from the man as though he was a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment.

Suddenly looming through the darkness the Eagle saw the outline of a huge monstrous creature encroaching from the shadows, his fingers automatically went to his winged throwing knives stored within his belts yet before his fingers could even graze the edge of the hilt the creature stepped into one of the few lights in the area. It’s huge body standing at roughly seven foot, Eagle had to blink for a few moments before his eyes could comprehend the sight of the huge cat like creature walking towards them until comprehension dawned upon his mind. Well, this is something I don’t see every day, I really hope she remains on my side or else I might be in trouble.” Her quick, agile and dream like movements encroached further and further upon the criminals as the looming figure in the distance caught their attention, the one with the knife raised it aggressively snarling slightly which was possibly his response to everything new that ever crossed his eyesight. “What the hell is that!?” Trevor yelled raising up his pistol, attempting to step as far away as possible the barrel shaking left and right with an audible rattle from the amount the hand was shaking, the other raised his rifle but was in so caught up in the absurdity of the creature before him that when he attempted to unload a magazine into the creature his shock caused him to forget to unlock the safety switch. Playing the role as exactly as Eagle intended the previous rather small individual now turned into hulking gigantic cat began to back off little by little, she was setting out the bait and waiting to reel in the fish like an expert.

Eagle perched himself ready for flight to intercept the thugs off guard and dispose of them quickly and efficiently. Moments passed as the criminals looked at each other before following the creature, Trevor was murmuring to his companions his voice lifting upon the breeze in a hushed excited whisper, it sounded more like an explosion however, as it sliced through the tension like a knife cutting through butter. “Think how much the boss will reward us for capturing that thing? Imagine the money we’ll never have to work dead end jobs like this for the rest of our lives!” Suddenly seemingly from no where the young, intolerably incoherent boy ran out from the shadows with an amazing display of being fleet footed as he silently crept up behind the thugs, the structure of the building along with the sheer speed obscured Eagle’s vision of the thugs and the boy for just a moment before their screams lifted thought he air. “Who the hell is-- AGHH!” Trevor screamed as his life was put to an end in sheer seconds with no disregard for his life whatsoever, the others were quickly to follow the mere notion of their skills or personalities escaping any notice of the psychopathic man, their blood trickled out from the building in a sway of crimson wine as all that they were was brought low in a matter of seconds. Eagle could only watch in sheer horror as the blood slithered further and further, before a fury took hold of him his eyes become emblazoned in the red mist of revenge as the criminals were dispatched so easily without the sheer mention of justice, fairness or any respect at all, Eagle himself was known for being a loose canon at his time in service with the police force but he would never stoop to such lowly underhanded tactics like that, it undermined his efforts to bring these people to justice along with giving an open slap to the assistance he was receiving for momentarily putting her life on the line.

It became clear who the real thug was here, as the vigilante withdrew his smoke canister his hands shook slightly at the amount of anger that was pulsing through his mind. I’ll get that bastard if it’s the last thing I do. Eagle kept repeating to himself furiously as he let his body take control of his actions, as soon as the criminal came into eyesight once again the Eagle launched the canister down towards the boy, it would strike the floor or at least an area around the person immediately enveloping the ground and air in a thick layer of smoke that obscured the vision of the person within so terribly they would normally not be able to witness their own hands in front of their face. Swooping down like a bird of prey Eagle launched himself from the top of the building with his legs outstretched his hips firmly lifted upwards in order to provide an extremely powerful dropkick directly into the smoke that would inevitably raise with an attempt to provide an opening crushing blow around the cranium or ribcage.

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Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2012-02-18

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