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Something just had to go wrong

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Something just had to go wrong Empty Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 12th 2011, 6:06 pm

The scorching sun of a blue skied Chicago beats down on the normal citizens and super powered beings of the city. The Ranger stands on top of one of the smaller sized building in Chicago smiling softly to himself, having recently become one of the 'elusive' Phantoms. A very unusual and not active in any sort of way type of day, looking around he takes his hood off and runs a hand through his hair before putting the hood back on and standing up straight. Jumping down on the fire escape he slides down it and when he reaches the ground in the ally he looks around hearing a siren going off and laughs grinning to himself. 'Knew it was way to quite around here, something just had to go wrong, I would have loved a burger.' The king of stealth quickly sprints off to the sound of the siren following the cops exactly at the same speed their going. "So what is the situation this time?" He mutters to the cops as they smirk at the young hero and take off trying to out speed the sprinter. This only makes The Ranger laugh and grin then frown as past memories of what happened not even two weeks ago, when he accidently killed Phillip. Sure he was the man, who murdered his parents in cold blood, but the guy still had a life, things to do in his life and he had no right to go and take that from him. He makes the sign of the cross over his body and sighs still sprinting off to the scene of the crime praying god will make haste in his actions and grant him the victory he deserves as well as forgiveness for his actions.

Last edited by The Ranger on October 14th 2011, 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine October 12th 2011, 6:34 pm

Paine had been walking around Chicago, well, more like running and jumping around of Chicago. The sun was good for a change, considering it had rained for the past two days here in the city. The sun was nice, though, and it smelled so much different than New York. Her hands gripped the metal railing jutting up from a ramp for the handicapped, her thin frame flipping over it. Her strength had her thrown into the air, her body turning, and center of gravity shifting from her head, down to her lower waist. She bent her knees to brace her landing, it being atop a police car. A police car that was parked parallel to a bank that was being robbed. Paine rose a brow and looked at the inside with a hand cupping her brow. She bent over and grinned devilishly. She could either: help the police or help the robbers. She was borderline on this one. She was feeling in a devilish mood, but she decided she would get into more trouble with the farm if the piggies found the dents on top of the car were not from her hastily helping them.

Paine dropped from the car's roof and chuckled. Today was becoming fun. She reached for the radio inside the car, calling for backup. "This is Paine, calling for back up down at the Chicago City Bank. Over and out."

A parked police car was sitting idly, the men inside chattering away about marriage and how Bob, the passenger with a heavy set frame and soft facial features and a hard stare, was ruining his life by tying himself to one woman. The driver, Jeff, was a single bachelor in his mid-twenties, chiseled features, but soft milk-chocolate eyes. The radio call had them confused. "Pain? That sounded like a woman, so Paine?" asked Jeff aloud, though picked up the radio and answered back. He started the car, turned on the siren, and started off for the bank. As he was driving, The Ranger, one of Chicago's favorite heroes, came bolting out of nowhere, racing them to the scene.

>Back at the bank...
She dropped the radio and walked into the spinning door, stepping into the bank. There was a lone cop, shaking in his socks, holding up his side arm, pointing it straight at one of the robbers. The other two were stuffing a bag full of cash from the vault that was forced open by a gun being pointed into the temple of the manager. Paine shook her head. This was not going to fly. "Hey, asshole," she called out, her head tilting to the right a bit while she smirked. She shifting her weight to her right foot and placed her left hand on her hip. Her right hand waved in the air, making a few motions that went with her talking. "No one's going to die, but you're gonna have to if you don't drop the weapon." Paine's feet were itching. She allowed ice to creep over the floor, a thin sheet that blended with the gleaming marble. This sheet of ice would act as a catalyst, tripping the man if he chose to step forward, which all hell-bent criminals would do. It was interesting seeing a robbery from the outside. She was usually doing something foolish like this. Instead, she was against it, for a change.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 12th 2011, 7:05 pm

The Ranger arrives at the scene of the crime a few seconds before the cop car does and takes his bow off his back. Slowly walking up to the bank he takes out a regular arrow notching it onto his bow and walking in, he raises an eyebrow notching someone else already there before him which is very odd for he is usually the first to arrive on the scene. Looking around he takes in the surroundings of the scene not saying anything for small talk does not do anything for anyone during a fight except distract them. That and Ranger was never much of a talker while in costume anyway, he watches as the young woman slowly starts to ice the floor to either distract the one with the gun or slip him up. He nods in approval only slightly he notches another regular arrow separating them between his index and middle finger before firing them off as they soar through the air and lodge themselves through the bags of money and stick into the wall, ripped out of the hands of the crooks. "Next time you decide to rob a bank make sure it isn't in The Phantoms city, or you will get caught." He mutters as they look over in surprise and go for their guns.

Though before the two have time to even react The Ranger is upon them and grabs the guns throwing them to the side and ducking underneath any thrown punches. Slipping behind the two he grabs their heads and bashes them together to knock them out watching as they fall to the floor. Sighing he shakes his head and stands up loading another normal arrow and turning to look at the girl and final bank robber, "Need some help there or not?" He asks aiming his bow and arrow at the man with the gun simply giving him the warning that if he makes a move the arrow will go straight at him and not a warning shot in any way, the arrow will go straight into his leg to disable him.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine October 12th 2011, 7:31 pm

Paine rose a brow at the sight of the hooded man. Odd, like Robin Hood or something from a children's story. She chuckled and shook her head. "Hehehe.. nice to see a friendly here." Paine watched as the man moved lightning fast, disorienting the two grabbing the cash. She smirked and gave him a thumbs up and a loud 'Yeah!' when he knocked their melons together. The crook keeping the piggy at gun point buckled to his knees in fear, dropping his gun. Both of his hands moved up into the air. These kids were just that. Kids. It was weird seeing the villains drop so easily. There was something wrong about this picture. Paine blinked slowly and shook her head and held a palm up, making a stopping motion. She was halting the archer's motif. "Looks like crime is going down slowly but surely." said the cop, Jeff, as he walked in, pistol in both hands, but pointed at the floor. He held a smile, his partner Bob following in. "Yeah, good job you two." Bob commented, giving a smile to both Paine and the hooded man.

Paine shrugged her shoulders and let the ice melt away, turning into a fine mist to rise from the marbled floor. "It's whatever." She walked forward and grabbed hold of the kid in front of her, on the floor, on his knees. She pulled him up by the front of his leather jacket, her hard cerulean stare locked onto his own, puppy-dog gaze. "I'm only gonna ask you this once, dude. Who do you work for?" She narrowed her eyes and shook him gently, lifting him a bit higher, off of the ground. The man was a good six inches taller than her, but she had him held up without a single ounce of struggle. A pure showcase of her strength.

She was standing, feet shoulder width apart, her beaten green high tops overlapping a pair of stone-washed denim skinny jeans. Her torso was dressed in a tank top, hugging her feminine figure, but also showing off her toned arms. She had fixed up her hair since she last heard of Chaos being alive. She was going to meet up with him in Chicago. That was her main reason for being here, but meeting another Hero was a treat to her.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 12th 2011, 7:53 pm

The Ranger watches as the guy drops the gun and laughs very, very, softly as he puts the arrow back up in its quiver. Hearing the cops walk in he shakes his head, "You two are late, yet again." He says in a joking manner, these two cops being the ones that have showed up the last six or seven times he was on a crime scene, smirking as he puts his compound bow on his back with his other bow before crossing his arms. The Ranger watches the scene before him unfold raising an eyebrow at the woman’s display of strength, just now allowing him to watch her in action and taking notice of her features raising an eyebrow. He quickly shakes any thoughts off, which with how his mind is working right now is virtually none, "Hmm you better tell her what she wants to know, does not look like she is one to joke." He says softly in his dark, mysterious, yet smooth and collected voice that is only used while in the guise of The Ranger. His actual voice is defined as that of a siren, lovely, calm, welcoming, and 'perfect', or so it has been said the young college aged man knows nothing of this.

The wind blows through the air and flaps his cape and hood softly making him blink in confusion. The Ranger raises an eyebrow and looks around only to realize it is the wind and calms himself at the strange gust of wind which seems to have come from nowhere. Walking forward he steps over the two knocked out men and picks them up and lugs them over to the cops placing them in their custody as he leans against the wall watching the scene before him unfold in silence taking it all in. The girl is obviously a super powered being like him, the ice and display of strength much greater than his the two most obvious reasons that show this. Though, whom she is, is a different matter altogether for if the girl is good or one of those 'renegade' type supers who do only what they want he does not know

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine October 13th 2011, 9:03 pm

Paine moved a hand up through her hair and scratched the back of her neck before letting her arm fall to her side. She closed her eyes for a moment, her left hand still latched onto the kids shirt. Her head shook, a brow raising while she peeled her eyes open like she had just woken from slumber. Maybe it was a treat to just do a good deed for once. She dropped the kid, whom of which was struggling against her grip. His body crumpled to the marble floor while Jeff and Bob moved to cuff him as well as the other two cronies. Paine chuckled and looked over to the hooded figure and narrowed her eyes, a smirk lacing her lips. "Yo, how about you cut the act. I can handle myself. No need to help." She let her eyes roll in that bratty sarcastic way while she turned and walked through the revolving doors to the bank. Once she was outside, she leaned herself against the side of the building, watching as another squad car had pulled up, and news reporters were coming onto the scene. One was making a bee-line for Paine, they seemingly knowing who she was. "Oh, no way!" came a shrill, ear piercing soprano. Paine grimaced and ducked underneath the mic that was held out toward her. The camera man shoved himself in front of her, another reporter coming up. "It's Paine, the daughter of The Hero, Pain!" There was almost too much excitement in her voice.

Paine growled and looked back at the reporters and sighed reluctantly giving into the presses wishes. She kind of felt like a hypocrite for her next move, but she needed to do it. "The robbers were only stalled by me, the real hero is inside." She shrugged at the cameras and then heard a few more questions about how the robbers were stopped, and how Paine even knew that a robbery was going on. She gritted her teeth and took a steady, slow breath through her nose. "Well, ya'see, I radioed the pigs and then they came running on over. This one guy, some bow and arrow Robin Hood type kid, came out of know where and basically stopped 'em all." Paine had a feeling there was something else behind of the robbery, so she shoved her hand down over the mic, stating she wasn't going to answer another question, and that they should see the other kid. A reporter knew who he was and rushed for the revolving door, waiting for Robin Hood to make his appearance.

Paine stepped away from the scene, making her way down the sidewalk. She slow her pace once she was a good ten feet from the bank and leaned against a low cement wall. She pulled herself up to sit, her feet dangling. She pulled out her cigarettes and looked at the pack of cloves. She was thinking about quitting, but one couldn't hurt. Her stress level was awfully high, anyhow. Chaos was going to meet with her today, and it wasn't going to make it easy for her to actually start seeing him again, either. "He is only my friend.. I cannot really get myself so upset about this.." She sighed and shook a clove out and took it betwixt her lips, lighting it with her silver zippo. She chuckled to herself after she exhaled the lungful of smoke, thinking about that kid with the red hood. Little Red Riding Hood was going to be his nick name if he ever came around her again.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 13th 2011, 9:29 pm

The Ranger rolls his eyes at what the girl says and stands up, getting off of the wall. Looking around the scene he arcs his brow noticing how young the bank robbers actually are which confuses him, why would they need to rob a bank at this age anyway? Don't delinquent kids stick to robbing stores and shoplifting or things like that; honestly sense when did they start going after banks? He wonders to himself only to then see the reporters dash through the building of the bank making him groan and roll his eyes at the hypocritical move the girl made, though bemused slightly as he turns invisible nearly escaping the beating questions that were sure to come. Sprinting out of the bank, at a much slower speed than his top speed, he gets past the reporters and what not whom are all looking around yelling 'Where's the Ranger? Where'd he go, dam it!' and other things like that. Watching the girl and hearing her name he raises an eyebrow, so she is the Pain's daughter Paine ehh? He shakes his head laughing softly to himself having heard of her and watched some of the stuff she did over the television when he had time to sit down and relax, which was not much at all.

Watching her walk away from the scene he reads her facial expressions and the way she moves, realizing she is very depressed and confused on something just as he was a couple weeks ago and still is. Wondering if the confusion is over the bank robbery or something else all together, or at least he tells himself this is why he's running after her, he sprints ahead ending up next to her before turning visible. "The robbery, did you think there was something else going on as well? That maybe just maybe those kids didn't do it themselves?" He asks softly not making eye contact with the girl, ready to disappear and leave to figure it out on his own if she didn't or is too much in a slump to have noticed, getting the vibe she just wants to be left alone. Even though he gets that feeling from the girl he has to ask to either confirm his suspicions on the robbery or to have it turned down and does some side research anyway. It is the way he works now, if he gets a hunch he attacks it like there is no tomorrow wanting everything to go perfect so nothing ends up like that blasted time.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine October 23rd 2011, 1:08 am

Paine let the clove rest between her lips, her right hand moving to find her phone. She flipped it open and stared down at it. She had a few text messages, but none from Chaos. She sighed and stuffed the phone back into her pocket, her eyes darting to the right to find Little Red Riding Hood standing there, looking anxious. She chuckled and bounced her heels off of the cement wall, scuffing the already worn out converse. She removed the cigarette from her lips with her left hand, holding it down to her side. She exhaled the sweet, spicy smoke, enjoying the nicotine that was circulating her lungs, and was now within her blood stream. She felt her nerves settle, and a bit of weight lift off of her shoulders. "Little Red Riding Hood.." she said, addressing him. "That's your new nick name. So, what do ya' want?" She rose a brow and smiled at him, her head tilting to the left while she brought the clove back to her lips. She took another drag, enjoying the taste.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 23rd 2011, 10:17 am

The Ranger raises an eyebrow at girl and sighs hearing the nickname she gives him. Shaking his head as she asks him what he wants realizing he must have asked the question a bit too quietly the first time so this time he asks a bit louder. "The robbery, did you believe it was commissioned or lead by someone else, those kids couldn't have done that by themselves. They were way too scared when we showed up." The Ranger says in his dark, mysterious, low, and breath taking. Noticing the cigarette in her mouth slowly and unnoticeably shaking his head in disapproval having had history of smokers in his family, simply his dad, who had lung cancer for the later part of his life before being killed by Phillip James. The gi-Paine is attractive but that does not change the fact that he does not like smoking, for it only kills you and slowly drags you six feet under if you allow it to go on long enough. Coming out of his slight ‘daze’ he looks over at Paine and waits for her to either answer or to bug off, either would be an acceptable answer because he could easily just go back to the Phantom lair and figure this out on his own. Well, he hopes he can at least, it would be pretty sad if it turns out he has to ask someone else for some help though that does not mean he wouldn’t like some of that said help.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine October 26th 2011, 2:13 pm

Paine noticed his reaction to her smoking, hanging on to his question lightly. Her mind processed it, a few alarms going off. She had no reason to trust him, but somehow he was right. He had said aloud what she had thought. "I don't know exactly, but I'm sure that they were working for someone, or something." She took a final drag of her clove, it being a safer trip to cancer, and rubbed it out on the side of the wall. She pulled her legs up and stood there, looking down at the kid. They were probably the same age, but Paine enjoyed being older, and etc. She did a little turn, dancing over her own feet before she dropped off the wall and landed on her feet next to Red Riding Hood. "Well, is that all?" she asked, tilting her head to side. She gave him a smile and pushed one of her hands into her pockets, the other tousling her hair.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 26th 2011, 6:45 pm

The Ranger waits and listens to what she has to say watching her jump down then looking at her from his height of six foot three. Quickly sizing her up having saw her display of powers already but wanting another check on this girl, the alleged daughter of Pain, to try and get an analysis of what he thinks she can do. After the five seconds that it takes for all of that to run through his head he nods hearing her answer, "good I had hoped I was not the only one to have noticed it." He says thinking to himself for a bit at her question before mentally shrugging and shaking his head physically. "No it is not all, normally I would check something like this out myself but would you mind helping me? If you're as good as people say madem..Paine" The Ranger says even though from all the info The Phantoms, well mainly Stalker Arrow, have on everyone he could have said her real name though that might have aroused suspission. Waiting for an answer he quickly looks around their surroundings nodding his head, knowing it would be a fine place for a training brawl or quick 'grapple' to see if she could pin him in whatever time limit he decides is good enough to see a real display of her power.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine October 27th 2011, 10:09 pm

Paine rose a brow and let her hand fall from her hair. She pulled her other hand from her pocket and laced her fingers together, raising her elbows and lowering her palms so that pressure was applied to her knuckles. She allowed her arms to follow down, arching in to further crack her knuckles. Her hands slid apart and she moved forward, quickly pressing her hand up against the Hood's neck. She was sure he could react fast enough, but who wouldn't want Paine up against him. Her strength was a bit too powerful, and because of his vulnerability, she should, and could be able to wrap her hand around of his throat. "Why do you think I should help you? Why would I even consider helping you?" She may have went out of her own way to save a bank, but it doesn't mean she's going to just help some kid that thinks red is a good color to wear from head to toe. She narrowed her eyes up at him, her shorter five feet six inch form having the ability to stand on her toes and easily lift this male, muscular as it seems, off of the cement sidewalk.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger October 28th 2011, 5:14 am

The Ranger watches her move forward, waiting, knowing in his mind he should move but allows her to think she will be able to damage him. "Why? Because this is my city miss O'Day, welcome to Chicago, the city protected by The Phantoms. I simply was giving you the chance to help us but now it seems you are simply just a rouge doing what ever the hell you want." He states watching her fingers curl around her neck if she is anything like what he has heard, and was told about by the other Phantoms, she might just decide to squeeze him a bit which would deffinately hurt but his suit should obsorb most of the pain at least. "Come, lift me up, throw me, show to the world that you aren't a hero that you would kill one who was simply asking for you help in something that could possibly save a thousand lives." The Crimson Archer says standing there waiting for her to do what he said saying it so to make her realize either how stupid her idea seems or to actually gode her into doing so and maybe seeing the error of her ways; though the second is more than likely not going to happen.

Because of how close she is his hood shows small features of his face, not all of it is revealed though, like his dashing,'beautiful', brown, eyes his cheekbones and a whisp of his dirty blonde hair. 'It's a game of chess, she has me in check and believes she has one but I have a knight up my sleeve. Now all she has to do is simply let go.' He thinks to himself slightly wondering where the thought came from but shrugs it off and looks straight at her, having nothing else to look at becasue of her fingers around his neck, eyes never faultering, breath never raisesing. Right now The Ranger is the perfect look of a statue, still, calm, colected, at ease, and consius of everything but scared of nothing happening. He can see the good in everyone and always strives to bring it out of them, which is exactly what he is doing her with Paine to maybe get her to do something good and productive in her life instead of trying to kill of her old man or whatever it is she does evil for.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by Paine November 22nd 2011, 9:02 pm

Paine smirked and let her grip tighten a bit around of his neck before sitting him up on the wall, his ass meeting the concrete. "Ha.. you're right. I'm not a hero." She chuckled and yawned, throwing her laughter off completely. Her facial expression, at one point holding happiness, was a scowling souring purse. She furrowed her brows and narrowed her eyes, a step being taken back from the hooded male. She caught sight of his face, but she didn't pay too much attention to what was noticeable. Her own cerulean hues were darkened by the eyeliner she wore, the green shadow upon her lids adding a bit of brightness to her pale features. The hair, naturally silver, was a stark white with pink streaks. It also accented her punkish, yet petite feminine side. She moved a hand into her pocket and took out her Cloves and looked at them for a moment. She smashed the full packet and threw it at him. "Changing my life, one step at a time." The impulse was odd, but she didn't care. She wouldn't give up that Zippo though. It was a souvenir. Something passed on from her own father or something.. maybe that was another lie from her mother, though.

Something just had to go wrong Vywjf8
Something just had to go wrong Paine1
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Something just had to go wrong Empty Re: Something just had to go wrong

Post by The Ranger November 23rd 2011, 10:22 am

The Ranger grunts feeling himself pushed up into the wall so that his ass is practically sitting on the bricks listening to what she's saying with a frown on his face though it doesn't show because of his hood. As she steps back he stands up a bit only to then be hit in the chest by the smushed drugs, whichever they were he doesn't know, and has to wipe them off; flinging them to the ground he looks up at her. "Thanks for that but I don't smoke..." Ranger mutters underneath his breath inaudible to those without enhanced hearing or some type of gadget that enhances ones hearing. As she starts to walk away he only shakes his head in disaprovale, "you say your not a hero and though that may be true in some cases but there is good in you; so why give away the chance to bring it out even further and show the world what you can do." He mutters unsure if she can hear him or not, it doesn't matter to him if she did or not only that she can't see the good in herself that he can. But then again he always seems to see the good in everyone even if its deep down and they themselves won't admit that they can do good.

Last edited by The Ranger on December 19th 2011, 7:05 pm; edited 3 times in total

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Something just had to go wrong TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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