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a very long day

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a very long day Empty a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 5:07 pm

After a long day of heroic deeds such as chasing the neighbors long lost cat mr.whiskers down the street for 50 bucks, or even being a body gaurd for a little old lady in a high stakes back room poker game. It's been a very productive day for no hit contracts comming in and yet Blood Wraith still had no money for his new ACR gun that he had been eye balling in the gun shop for quite some time.

It was time for a change in the pace of income he had to make things happen and so he planned and plotted and he came up with this. He would be homeless for a couple of days which means he would have to wear his older uniform the one with the holes in the left butt cheek and on his knee's. He had even painted a fake beard on the mask of it. Now it was time to put his plan into action, Derek began walking down to the local subway on this very hot summer day. The sun had been beating down on him off and on since about noon when he had started this act of heroism. Out of all days he had picked today not to shower which means he may actually smell the roll of a homelss person as well. As Derek arrives to the subway he takes in his surroundings just incase things get sticky and he has to make a quick exit.

The white concrete walls are covered full of grafiti and previously chewed bubble gums, but none the less the station is still filled with bustling people of all shapes and sizes. Derek spotted a nice dusty corner from across the station in which he pushed his way over to and plopped his little red hiney down. He noticed a real homeless a rather large man with a big burley beard and tattered clothing, this man had been holding a mug and Blood Wraith really wanted this mug it would most definately help his costume. So he showed the man his weapons and scared him off, but not before stealing the shifty old mug. Derek grinned he was pleased with himself as he sat in his corner looking helpless.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 8th 2011, 5:32 pm


The disgruntled bark had come from a rather large dog standing only a couple of yards away. He looked more like a wolf than a dog, but seemed completely tame, even wearing a rather worn collar around his neck; he also, however, looked rather miffed, eyeing the strange man in the costume with something almost like disgust. Apparently, he’d seen the whole thing, and didn’t think much of Derek’s actions.

A girl in a red raincoat came up next to him, glancing at Derek with a raised eyebrow before grabbing the dog’s collar and tugging on it. “Come on, mutt,” she said, “Don’t harass the homeless people, it’s rude.” The dog sneezed, then trotted after her as they headed towards the train.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

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Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 7:27 pm

Just as the strange pair had walked away a small group of men tall wearing dark suites along with the shades to match, theyre hair was all slicked back and they were carrying baseball bats,guns and ice picks it was the mafia. The had picked out Derek as a rival hit man and began kicking him around, but with Derek playing the roll of a homeless he just let it play out besides its not like they could do anything permenant to him.

The men continued beating the hell out of Blood Wraith but he just laid there in a puddle of his own blood humming the theme to the Thunder Cats.

"Thunder...Thunder....Thunder Cats HOOOOOO!!!!...Thats too early in the song you what I like that part...but its wrong...

The men haulted for a second gave eachother a look of confusion then shrugged it of and began beating the hell out of Blood Wraith

"Oh shock it to me baybuh"

His jaw now broken and arms limp he was nothing but a pile of bones and skin for the time being, what a day first he almost gets eaten by a wolf and now this. What had he done to Karma to deserve such a horrid day besides steal the complete first season of star trek from some 8 year old kid on the way to the that so horrid he was a die hard Spock fan after all.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 8th 2011, 8:02 pm

Apparently, though, karma wasn't completely against him.

"Hey assholes!" someone shouted from behind the thugs, catching their attention. They turned, one of them still holding up his baseball bat, prepared to bring it down on Derek's prone form.

It made an excellent target.

Next thing the poor fool knew a massive dog had leapt straight for him, snarling and catching the baseball bat in it's teeth. It's momentum sent them both crashing down, and the canine yanked the weapon out of his yank and threw it away over it's shoulder. The men shouted and started for it, intent on giving the animal the same treatment they'd given the man they'd attacked, when the ground cracked under their feet, and impossibly fast, vines grew up underneath them. The plants wrapped around their legs immediately, entangling them and sending them sprawling.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

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Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 8:23 pm

Blood Wraiths bones began cracking and splitting as they worked they're way back into place, his skin was now latching itself back to muscle and muscle back to bone. Derek had come back from the dead in under ten minutes and it was as though he had never been harmed. Blood Wraith raises himself from the ground drawing two short blades know as Kunai. Derek took notice of the two men tangled in the mysterious vines so he took advantage of the situation and plunged the Kunai in the back of the mens cerebral cortex. As he ripped them from his victims he caught another one running from the scene out of the corner of his eye so he through both Kunai as hard and accurate as he could one hitting him in the back of the neck and one in the back of the knee. The man drops as dead and cold as the stone he lied on Derek smirks and turns to the mystery woman.

"names Blood Wraith your friendly neighbor hood cheesy...what I cant help it I've always wanted to say that....but its your your mouth mister or i'm telling mom"

Blood Wraith cocked his head at the woman examining her from head to toe and doing the same with her beasial friend.

"so do you live around here or are you on some sort of sweet under cover mission that I'm probably not aloud to know about but really really do want to know about....did I mention my names Blood Wraith?

Derek took a deep breath then leaned against a near by wall to allow his wounds to heal before this womans eye's something he doesn't usually allow to happen.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 8th 2011, 8:33 pm

Seeing the men fall dead made the girl wince; she turned her attention to the rapidly-recovering man, watching him warily. Her animal companion stared at the fallen bodies, still as a statue.

”My name’s Sahara,” she finally said, brow furrowing as she heard him apparently argue with himself. ”Me and Grey here, we’re just passing through.” She reached down to touch the dog’s head, and he finally twitched, turning his head and growling softly at nothing in particular.

Sahara seemed to take that as a warning. ”Look, I just wanted to make sure you’re alright, but the police are gonna show up soon, and I don’t wanna be around when they start asking how those thugs wound up dead.” It didn’t matter if it was an act of defense, police never boded well for her and her brother.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 8:42 pm

Derek stroked his poorley drawn on beard as he stared off into the distance then back at the female infront of him.

Do you mind if I tag along I have no where else to go maybe would could hang out at your pad tonight and stay up and play xbox...and when morning comes I make a killer pan cake.

Blood Wraith stumbles off the wall and stands straight hiding all his weapons making them seemingly disapear. He then smirks at the wolf then hunches over resting both hands down on his knee's smiling and using one hand to reach towards the beast.

Who's a cute little puppy you are you are....dude I dont think he's a puppy...hey every dog is a puppy to me now back off...if you say so but he looks more like a man eater to me.

Blood Wraith cringed at this though and gave the dog a little bit of distance still smiling the best he can.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 8th 2011, 8:57 pm

Sahara frowned, and glanced down at Grey; the dog leaned his head back and growled, lips pulling back to reveal his teeth as he glared at Wraith’s hand. ”Sorry,” she said quickly, grabbing and tugging on his collar to keep him from snapping at the man. ”He doesn’t like being petted. And, well, I dunno if that’s such a good idea—I mean, we don’t have an X-Box, for starters,” she said with a little laugh.

”At the very least, though, we wouldn’t mind walking you out of here. It really would be best if we left, like… now,” she insisted, gesturing him to follow her to the exit. Grey whined and looked up at her, clearly not the least bit happy with this turn of events.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 9:13 pm

Wraith chuckled at Sahara as he raised back up placing his hands behind his head grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't you worry we can use my X-box if you dont mind taking a detour I bout this super secret lair with all kinds of books weapons and ammo. I know its not much but its all a struggling merc for hire and afford these days.

Derek gave them both a hopeful look, its not like he had many people in his life that he was willing to actually call friends. Most people just took two looks at him and ran away. As Wraith waited for an answer he motioned his two newest companions towards the exit or atleast his exit a man hole wich led them down into the sewer ways.

Nothing like the smell of fresh poo a brewin to wake you up at this is just so exciting bestie...I can call you bestie right? I mean we've basicly known eachother for an entire 15 minutes thats x-men material there.

Blood Wraith begins to skip down the walk ways of the sewer line humming the theme's of his favorite shows.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 8th 2011, 9:27 pm

The sewer made Sahara stop short, holding back with a look of disgust on her face. Grey protested immediately, barking sharply; his sensitive nose made the awful stench almost unbearable.

"Do we have to go this way?" she called after Wraith, grimacing. "Come on, there's an exit to the street above just over here..."

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 9:41 pm

Derek shakes his head, it was now impossible to take the normal route it would be crawling with law enforcement they had to take the less attractive route. Blood Wraith turn and looked back at his friends or atleast he had hoped they were his friends.

" Absolutely do you know how many times I've had to do this dont worry we should approach our exit with a 15 minute time limit I promise.

WOOOOO WOOOOO WOOOOO!!! Sirens can be heard above ground giving Blood Wraith the shutters he couldn't go to prison he would be jail bait and it doesn't matter how much of a healing factor he has no one recooperates from that.

" I promise that this is the only plausable way to go have I ever lied to you....NO and you know what thats the kind of friend I am the kind that tries to push you in the right direction in the worst of times, the kind of friend that kills an evil men who try to beat you up, the kind of friend that offers your puppy dog 12 ribeye steaks as soon as we get back to the pad.

A giant rat scampers passed Sahara, and a enormous albino spider drops down directly infront of her face. Derek looked excited it was this kinda enviroment that really got his blood pumping for adventure.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 8th 2011, 9:56 pm

The 'wildlife' didn't necessarily bother Sahara—she saw spiders all the time in the woods when she went hiking, and she'd never had a problem with rodents—it was just the sheer grossness factor of being in a sewer. Still, the sound of the sirens finally prompted her to follow, brushing the spider away from her before she went down after him. Grey whined, apparently not quite sure if a dozen steaks fully outweighed the price of having to go down into that disgusting muck, but finally followed as well.

Both of them were more than happy that there was at least a walkway to go on. God knew how that sewer water would cling to Grey's fur. After about a minute of walking, Sahara finally had to ask something, though.

"Hey, are you okay after that beating you took?" she asked. She had seen him healing, but it never hurt to check.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 8th 2011, 11:07 pm

Before Wraith had the time to answer they had reached they're destination and his humble home. Derek climbed up a long ladder leading up into a secret hatch inside his bathroom this hatch was conveniently place directly under his toilet. As Wraith pulled himself through the hole in the floor once in he began to process the new room and all of the wonders that made this home to him. Which promptly included the following one large jacuzi tub, a stand up shower with multiple spouts, a large over decorated sink,but that was not all of the seemingly milionairs house he still had the living room to examine, this included one large black leather wrap around couch which was placed perfectly in the middle of the room a 50 inch plasma television centered infront of the couch, one majorly awsome xbox set up, a bay window to the right of the entertainment center with a most beautiful view of the city, multiple art pieces and sculptures, a large diamond chandeler hung just above the couch giving off the most erotic of lights, along with the final touch an elevator to his room. he took a deep breath of fresh air and ran straight for the kitchen to prepare the steaks he had promised his new kanine friend.

As he prepared the steak's he yelled from the kitchen in his most warming voice.

"About your question earlier yeah I'm fine this stuff happens all the time in my line of work...cept most the time the people that they do that to dont come back I love having super powers even though it would pretty sweet if I had super strenght and could fly...if only I could fly

Blood Wraith then began hopping and skipping around the kitchen flapping his arms about, he then climbed atop the table only to do a nose dive straight into the floor breaking his neck in the process he layed silent for moments not even making a twitch.

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 12th 2011, 12:01 am

For a few moments, all either of his two guests could do was stare in stunned disbelief. Then, slowly, it sank in.

"Wraith?!" she shrieked at a pitch that had Grey flattening his ears and cringing, immediately rushing to his side to check for a pulse. She cursed when she couldn't find one, then immediately held up her hand towards him and focused on a healing spell. "C'mon, c'mon, you said you had super-healing or something, come back alive already!" This was-- This was beyond insane, had this guy done that deliberately?!

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

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Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 12th 2011, 12:33 pm

The sounds of bone scraping bone are muffled by Derek's skin as his spinal column and neck worked its way back into place. Then with a large gasp of air his lungs filled with sweet oxygen, it was a beautiful sight and yet it almost made your blood curdle. Blood Wraith raised his back up off the floor sitting straight up, he then yawned and stretched and looked over to the red lady and her canine companion. He looked frightened,no he looked terrified he couldn't remember a thing about today.

WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!!!....dude they're our friends remember they saved us...lies all lies why do you have to lie to me so...I'm not lying in fact I am you so why would I lie to myself tell me that...because your evil?

Derek jumped up and went back to cooking the steaks watching his house guest out of the corner of his eye as though they were there to kidnap him, but none the less he found warmth from them and learned to finally relax himself once more.

At last with a "SSSSS" the steaks come off the skillet and were ready for the one known as wolf. Twelve steaks are slapped onto a single plate in the manor of a stack of meaty pancakes, and then two more steaks are prepared on seperate plates. One in which he hands to his new friend "Red".

"Now I know I didn't ask but who turns down steak? besides when was the last time you actually ate a home cooked meal?

Derek mumbles this as he sat down at the kitchen table fork and knife in hand ready to dig in stuffing his stomach till he could no more

a very long day Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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