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How could this day get any worse?

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How could this day get any worse? Empty How could this day get any worse?

Post by Mockingbird December 20th 2011, 12:00 am

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmph! Mmmph!" Came Andree's cries of terror as Lucy placed the cloth on her face. Her screams trailed off at the end due to the power of chloroform. Her body went limp as a rag doll as Lucy began dragging her out to the garage and shoving her into the trunk of her car. The ride to the wherever it was that Andree was going to be kept was uneventful for the most part. That was until she woke up from the effect of the chloroform. It was just as the two of them had arrived. As the trunk sprang open and rain began to fall onto Andree's face, she attempted to struggle to no prevail due to the weak sensation she felt from the constant dosages of Dilaudid and the recent dosage of Chloroform. Lucy taped her entire torso in tape after taking her out of the car. As she rapped the rag around her face, Lucy leaned in and told her "Don't worry about the suit. I'll be sure to win a costume contest next year or something."

She attempted to struggle against the tape that was holding her upper body in place but was unable to escape. A single tear slipped down the side of her cheek. Today was definitely not her day. Whoever was her next captor, she hoped that she wasn't as cruel as her previous one. Maybe it was her Dad. Or her Mom. She hoped this but knew that would most likely not be the case. Her new tormentor would most likely be cruel as well, just hopefully not as cruel. But Lucy would probably have chosen someone that she knew would be cruel. It was not looking good for her. The creaky sound of a door opening sprung her back into reality as she looked up into the light of the newly opened door and faced her newest captor.

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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Alpha December 20th 2011, 12:20 am

Elena was relieved to know that she was the one who had won this morbid auction. Giving her a most useful tool in her future endeavors. She never had a fresh human, well since Huntress, and Phillip worked for her, but one was dead. The other was in GUN prison where she would rot in the end. Well she should be rotting, but thats not how it would work sadly. Today she decided to simply to go as she was, with none of the guards that usually accompanied her. Only herself, in a pair of tight fitting jeans, and a warm jacket. A santa hat on her head as she swaggered along. Following the directions given for her new prize. With a sigh, she pushed the door to the room open. Orangish hair flowing in a slight breeze." Why hello there. It seems i'm in the right place." She approached the young woman, appraising her with wary eyes.

" I am the one who bought you. Names Elena Marie Thiels. Heir to the Thiels house, and your master now. If you don't go against me, I think we will have a good relationship. Though we will have to do a few things first won't we." She began muttering in an ancient language, placing her right index on Andres forehead. If it went correctly, the person would feel a tingling sensation in their skull. As they were put into bondage for her. They would be unable to harm her, on the fear of dropping dead. As well as being unable to say no to Elena."I'm going to cut the tape around your mouth, and you will not yell. You will act civil, and obey me." With a shrug she cut the tape form Andres mouth."Now tell me about you. I want to know everthing. It was always best to know your tools before you used them.

How could this day get any worse? CjhXQha
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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Mockingbird December 20th 2011, 12:50 am

Her new captor: Elena Marie Thiels. Shit. Out of the billions on this planet it had to be her? Really? What kind of cruel joke are you trying to perform here God? The Woman with orangish hair was approaching her now. Andree was despising every moment of this already. Why couldn't have been Mom or Dad? She asked herself before reminding herself You knew it wasn't going to be them. The world never works that way. The woman continued speaking about her being her master now while Andree thought to herself I know I'm beaten. You don't have to be an arrogant bitch and rub it in my face. Elena Marie had placed her finger on her forehead and began chanting in a tongue that Andree did not understand. As Elena did this, Andree could feel her skull tingling. It was a strange feeling she had not experienced before. For some reason the thoughts of wanting to kill the woman in front of her were replaced by fear of what she could do to her if she tried. She could tell these were not her own thoughts, much like the way when someone tells you not to think of whatever and you think of it. Whatever the witch did, she didn't like it.

All Andree wanted to do to the woman was say no at her request to act civil but for some reason she could not. She could not say no and disobey her. But the next part disturbed her the most. Despite wanting to say no to the crimson witch when she asked her to tell her everything about herself, she could not bring herself to do it. Instead, she began to speak. "My name is Andree Miller. I am nineteen years old. I'm-" She cut herself off, trying to resist. She knew what she was trying to say. The truth, that she was from the future. Her clever mind was able to devise a way to tell the truth and not say no but at the same time, not reveal everything. "I'm not from around here. I live at the apartment building on 1400 Villanueva way." Her eyes were swelling up with tears at what she had revealed to her red headed captor. Though she dared not say it right now, her eyes revealed what she wanted to say. I hate you.

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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Alpha December 20th 2011, 1:10 am

"Pleased to meet you Andree, it's a pleasure. I can tell you hate me, and I don't blame you in the least. Though thats the way of the world, and we all are simply caught in the sad current of reality. Though I have no plans to mistreat you in any way. If you obey me, I will give you the respect you should get. Simple as that." She reached over, and tapped a pair of headphones with a santa face that hung around her neck. It was simply a nervous tick, considering she didn't press the button that expelled the healing pills. This girl hated her, but that was to be expected really. "So tell me. I want to know about your family life a little, mostly who raised you. If you have any powers of note, and if your parents have any as well. Do powers run in the family? " She asked in a rapid fire. Tapping in a number in her cell, as she called for a limo." I'll make sure we get to New York soon enough. Have to pick out your room, and make sure you are all settled in for your first assignment." Elena sighed, rolling her shoulders casually as she waited for the call that her ride was in position.

How could this day get any worse? CjhXQha
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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Mockingbird December 20th 2011, 1:25 am

Oh this witch was asking for it. Asking about her family like this? God, this made her just hate her more and more. Andree did not want to answer Elena's prying questions but she was unable to resist the crimson witch. "Parents, my parents are Anthony Miller and Christine Summers." Well it may have been a bit of a lie, but there was some truth in it. When she was younger and they would visit New York City, her Grandparents would watch out for her while her parents needed some time out alone. So, during that time they were like parents. Kind off. But it was enough that whatever spell Elena put on her allowed it past. "I'm smart, fast and have heightened senses of smell and hearing. My Dad was able to turn invisible was smart and could run at high speeds. My Mom had heightened senses, smart as well and had above average flexibility." Her eyes were tearing up still, hopefully Elena was unable to tells she was lying about the parents thing and wouldn't be able to find her parents from their powers. The last part was more unlikely but it was still a nagging fear in the back of her mind. New York? Room? Assignment? Somehow Andree was certain this was not going to be a simple kidnapping. This woman was going to use her.

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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Alpha December 20th 2011, 1:37 am

"Invisibility, and super speed you say? Well that sure is an interesting mixture. Only one hero I know with that, and he should be in Chicago around now doing Phantom things. After all, I was responsible for him coming here anyway. The Ranger always loved Theresa but they never had the time to get together. Though thats the past. I have you now, and there is much work to be done isn't there?" With a sigh she stood up, slinging the bag of drugs over her shoulder. She was told this was required for the young girl, but why did she need it? " Well come on, we have work to do. Its going to be a wondrous opportunity indeed. After all, you are the second to have this spell used on you. Maybe you and him can meet. I'm not the bad guy, or I don't have to be if you work willingly with me."

With a snap of her fingers, a young man, dressed in feudal Japanese garb appeared out of thin air . Wielding a katana."Cut the tape from her." With an ease he cut the binding, making sure not to harm her. When he was done he faded as if he were never even there." Now lets see if thats any better."

How could this day get any worse? CjhXQha
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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Mockingbird December 20th 2011, 1:57 am

"Work?" Andree asked curiously. This confirmed her suspicions. She was going to have to work for Elena Marie, and she was powerless to resist. The feeling of being powerless further intensified her anger towards the Crimson Witch right now. She really wanted those drugs right now. To help her escape this nightmare that was unfolding in front of her. To allow her to be free of this pain. At least I would experience pain from the past, where I know what happens. But here, I have no idea what comes next. What happened next shocked her a little. Out of thin air appeared a man, dressed in Japanese garb. The man cut her out of the tape that Lucy Brillows had wrapped around her torso so she wouldn't fight back. Slowly getting to her feet, she looked up at her new Red headed captor whom she could not resist obeying. The thought that she was forced to obey her was sickening. But at the moment she didn't have a choice. All she could do was play along with this woman's twisted fantasy until Elena Marie let her go or she escaped on her own. As she stood, she realized just how weak she felt. The drug dosages had both brought back nightmares of the past, which were nothing compared to this, and weakened her body. Persevering, she followed her new "master". God, where are you now? What kind of cruel joke are you performing on me this time?

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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Alpha December 20th 2011, 5:53 pm

The black limo drove around the curve, its windows deeply tinted. As to thwart the unwanted eyes that pried to see who was inside. Elena was a very suspicious woman when it came down to it, since being nice rarely got her anywhere. Be nice to anyone, and get a bullet in the face for it. So it was better in her mind to bend someone to your will before you showed any decency. So they couldn't shoot you in the face, and or stab you."You first, its going to be a long flight to New York. " She opened the door, motioning for the young woman to step in.

How could this day get any worse? CjhXQha
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How could this day get any worse? Empty Re: How could this day get any worse?

Post by Mockingbird December 20th 2011, 5:59 pm

Sliding into the long black, shiny limo Andree though to herself Nice car, not that that sort of thing matters right now. Tear were forming in her eyes once more. Dad, where are you when I need you? He had helped her with the men who ambushed her a few weeks ago but she did not need it then as much as she did now. Right now, she had no escape and no will to fight. Even if she was able to resist her and fight back, she knew that right now she was to weak to fight. Just give me the drugs, let me escape. Her mind begged as they drove away.

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