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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird November 18th 2011, 7:49 pm

The streets of Chicago were covered in shadows as the day crept away. Andree was out for a midnight stroll as she was unable to get to sleep. As she walked down the street she pulled the hood on her hoodie up. A voice rang out to her that made her just want to keep walking, "Hey Beautiful." As she turned her head to see who was speaking to her she saw a group of about 11 Men, keeping their pace in rhythm with hers. She walked faster and heard them running up behind her. They could just be the normal type of creeps, right? She asked herself, blowing some of the blonde streak of her hair out of her face. Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder, "How about you come back to my place and we have some fun?" Came the same voice, this time with a more devious tone. "Why don't you just go back to the hole you crawled out of?" she snapped back. She could hear the knife being pulled out of a cover. She quickly dropped the bo staff from her sleeve into her hands but only extended one side of the staff. "Bad choice." She told them before smashing the staff into his rib cage. He was keeling over gasping for air already. "Any of you want to go? that's what I thought." she said as none of them answered. As she began walking a way the man she had knocked the wind out of got back up, "Get that bitch!" He yelled and the men came running at her. Well, this will be fun.

She pulled her staff out of her sleeve and extended the other side so it was at full length. One man came at her, quickly met with a blow to the neck, to the side and a kick to his stomach. The next man was loading up a gun when she quickly sent three punches to his stomach. She wrapped her hands around his neck and quickly brought his head down onto her knee, leaving him unconscious. The guy with the knife lunged at her, leaving him open to a hit to his back after she dodged. He was down for now, but not done. The fourth guy was met with a hit to his head by her staff. Staff, meet face. Face, meet staff. One man lunged at her with a broken bottle but she dodged it and smashed his head into the side of the building nearby. "Next?" She asked before taking out the man who lunged at her. These people just don't learn. Two men ran at her both going for a punch. She retracted her staff, ducked under their punches then moved out of the way and stuck her staff between then before extending it quickly. This sent the two to the ground quickly, the wind was knocked out of them and they were moaning She didn't see the next knife attack coming from behind so she was slashed in the arm. "Fuck." She muttered, continuing the fight with one hand on her staff the other one in pain. She picked out the guy in the back as the next target as he was loading up a gun. He quickly was knocked out by a kick to the head. Damn, I may need some help. She thought to herself as the men that were still conscious began to surround her. I can't wait for someone to help me, who knows what would happen by then. She reminded herself as she grimaced from the pain. Her staff was ready to be used on the first guy that came at her. She counted 9 guys around her. I definitely could use a bit of help. Please Lord, if you are listening, send some help. She prayed, which wasn't normal for her. Well, nor was being on the losing end of a fight. The blood was coming out of her arm slowly and steadily. The hoodie's sleeve was catching most of it, making the white hoodie a dark red in that area. Some was dripping all over the ground though, leaving a trail since she got the wound.

She put her staff under her arm to hopefully stop the blood flow using the hoodie., but saw the man coming at her and hit him with her one good arm.

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by The Ranger November 19th 2011, 4:49 pm

((if I can't join I'll delet my post xD))

The Ranger had been following his 'daughter' from the alternate future, making sure she did not get herself killed or something like that. He may not fully believe everything, or even most, of of her story but that doesn't mean he won't try to protect her; he will not loose another family member even if it's one from an alternate future. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop at about her speed, to keep up, he stops and watches the fight; simply waiting to see what she can do only going to jump in if things go wrong. As if Satan was playing a cruel joke on him as soon as the thoughts escape his mind all hell breaks loose, metaphoricaly speaking of course.

Cursing silently under his breath the King of Stealth readies his compound bow, notching three tranquilizer arrows and fires them off at three men. As soon as that is done, as if I divine archer, the Right Hand of Jesus loads three more and again releases them off at another three men, and all is done in under ten seconds yet with perfect accuracy. Sprinting to a different building he loads three more, waiting silently wanting to see what will happen next; not yet going to give up his position from the simple memory that no child wants to know their parents saved their ass in a fight. Well some wouldn't mind and would actually boast about it, but others would be very embarrassed, and Ranger doesn't know which young Andree is.

The Ranger
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird November 19th 2011, 7:18 pm

As Andree stood, ready to continue fighting three men fell tot he ground. Some of the ones still standing looked around, confused and frightened. This gave her the perfect opportunity to strike. The one carrying the knife was met by her bow when it struck him in the jaw. This fractured it, leaving it open for another attack later. Quickly, get the knife out of his hand. She did just as she thought, ducking under an attack from his knife and pulling it from his hand. She pulled it down his arm in roughly the same spot he cut her. "Doesn't feel good, does it?" She asked him before breaking his jaw with another blow to the same spot on his jaw. She leaned down and grabbed onto his calf. Then she mustered all the strength she could to use her injured arm to break his knee. "Pity you boys had to do this." Three more thugs went down quickly. This time she was able to see what got them. Arrows. Hello Dad. Or Stalker Arrow. But most likely Dad. She though to herself as she jump front kicked a guy in the chest. The man behind her was met by a hook kick which knocked him down for a moment. Another man was picking up the knife when he was met by a kick in the knee which was placed properly so that it would weaken it. She followed through with a kick from her right leg which broke his as well. I wasn't hoping for you Dad. But, this is better than nothing. Hopefully no one sees though.

She quickly countered the next man's attack. He charged at her again but she jumped up the wall of the building and landed on his back. This knocked him to the ground. She leaned down, grabbed him by his hair and smashed his head into the ground, leaving him unconscious. As she climbed up she called out jokingly "Are you really stalking me? You may be as bad as Stalker Arrow." She took off her hoodie and tied it around her cut. It wasn't deep it was just bleeding a fair amount. She climbed up the fire escape of the building where she could see her Dad as she was wearing her special contacts. "Thanks." She muttered quietly, she wasn't a fan of having her ass saved by her Dad but right now he is her age she could just say he's her brother if anyone sees. "If anyone saw that you are my brother, cousin or friend." She told him.

Last edited by Mockingbird on November 19th 2011, 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by The Ranger November 19th 2011, 9:43 pm

The Ranger watches impressed nodding his head in approval, firing off electric net arrows off at all the downed men so the cops can deal with them later. As she comes up beside him he lets a small smirk come to his face as he removes his hood shaking his head to ruffle and straighten his 'amazingly, breathtakingly' hair as some would say yet he has no idea. "Andree, relax please, you would have died be lucky I showed up; I was only going this way as part of my route and duties as a Phantom. Also, I assure you none can be as bad as stalker Arrow his eyes are glued to that moniter twenty four seven." He says chuckiling slightly as he looks over at her letting out a slow breath, seeing some of himself in her to be sure but more so the Huntress and the thought spooks him everytime. The thought of how he endded up having a kid with, and marrying, hopefully not in that order, with one of his most skillfull enimies; one he counts as being close to his archenimie. Well her and Elena Marie of course sense Phillip James is deseased now, and yes secretly even he went to the man's funeral which was a saddened day to alll even though all knew whom he was and what he had done in his life.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird November 20th 2011, 12:31 am

"This is relaxed. She said before letting him continue, I know Dad. And I am grateful you showed up, I really am." Andree tell him giggling a bit at his joke, "I was only joking about you stalking me and being worse than Black Arrow. I was joking about everything I said to you." She looks at him a bit gratefully. "Do you still not believe my story?" She asks him after silently profiling him. It bugged her that he didn't completely believe her but it shouldn't surprise her seeing as it would seem a bit far fetched to her too if her daughter or son came back in time. She sighed before looking back up at him. "I'll admit it, I didn't see the guy coming. If you didn't come I would probably have been at the very least pretty scraped up. Thank you." She said honestly to him, she didn't like to admit it but it was true.

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by The Ranger November 20th 2011, 3:12 pm

The Ranger smirks in bemusement as he listens to her then sighs as she comes onto the part of his story, giving a slight shrug. "I want to believe what you are telling me is true but it is a far fetched story, true you know more about me than anyone else but that gives me even more reason to be wearry of your story." He says spinning one of his dsggerss before pointing it at her wounds, "we need to get you fixed up." The Ranger mummers standing up and placing his hood back upon his head, holiding a hand out to her in offer of help. "Come now, the hospital is about a mile away I'm sure I cn get you there much faster than an ambulience." The Crimson Archer mummers as he puts his bow back upon his back, waiting for her to take his hand so he can 'wisk' her away to the hospital thus getting her the proper medical attention that she needs.
((sorry it's short))

The Ranger
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird November 20th 2011, 3:30 pm

"Yeah, I suppose I would be thinking the same thing if i was on your side of this." Andree swayed a bit on the spot while she spoke. "Still, I could always tell you some stuff as an attempt, Rey." She said with a smirk as this was the first time she had actually called her father by his first name and she was curious how he would react. "I can run actually." Now she was walking in a circle around him while she spoke, like a cat circling its meal. "I have beaten you a few times, though I'm pretty sure you let me once or twice. If you want, you can try to outrun me and I can win again. Or for the first time I suppose." She did want to race and by saying this she hoped he might let her race him to the hospital. "What do you say?" She had stopped circling by now and knew that although she needed to get her arm fixed up, she could still run. "My arm's not going to keep me from running."

Last edited by Mockingbird on December 1st 2011, 2:11 am; edited 1 time in total

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by The Ranger November 26th 2011, 9:40 pm

The Ranger listens to what she says then stiffens up as she says his real name not used to anyone besides his family members or the people back at harvard, where he went for college, saying it and that is only when he is out of costume. " not call me by that, when I am on 'duty' you will adress me as The Ranger and only thus." He mutters softly then smirks and her assumption of being able to defeat him in a race which makes him roll his eyes in bemusement. "Young...Mockingbird, that is what you go by correct?" He asks before continuing, "if you defeated me in a race ever it was because I let you beat me, in your time I would have trained with Entropus over a hundred times and would more than likely be the second fastest person alive." He says but shrugs anyway, "Though I will admit, I do love a good from here to the hospital thats about three miles, no problem." Ranger pulls his hood up upon his head and jumps down onto the pavement waiting for her to follow before getting in a sprinting position. "On your marks.....get set...GO!" He yells and takes off at full speed twoards the hospital knowing he has her beaten, this isn't Atlanta but he's still been in Chicago for a couple months now, much longer than she has been here.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird November 26th 2011, 10:17 pm

"All right, Ranger." Andree tells Ranger before letting him continue. "Yes, that is what I go by." As her father continued she nodded her head, partly staring at the building over his shoulder which muffled the sound of his voice a little bit. "Well, we'll just see about that." She smiled a little bit, who knows, he might have been she honestly couldn't remember. "Well, I'm hoping to be third then." She said, smiling once more. Awesome! She thought to herself as the Ranger was in a sprinting position. Quickly, she got herself into the same position. Three, two, one. She thought to herself, in sync with Ranger. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him running along the ground. She quickly ran diagonally towards him so that she would land beside him. She didn't know where the hospital was but running beside him would work. As she landed beside him she smirked before continuing in her attempt to outrun him. "Surprised i can keep up?" She asked him while the two sped towards the hospital.

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by The Ranger November 30th 2011, 10:17 am

The Ranger shakes his head at her words still sprinting at around 85% of his full speed, "no, I knew you could keep up just didn't know how fast you truley were. Alas, seeing as how you think you got me I believe it's time to speed up, don't you?" He grins taking off at full speed, ariving at the hospital in under two minutes, and by at least ten seconds before Mocking bird. Once there he stops and signals for one of the workers explaining the situation to her, she nods and runs inside to get a doctor and or nurse whom comes outside to assist them. "better luck next time Mockingbird, I'm sure you'll be able to lkeep up sooner or later" He smirks watching the nurse take her to the room and quickly turn invisible, sneaking in he signs all her bills and what not to his 'cover' or second bank account that is unknown by everyone but accepted everywhere. After that is done he sprints out hearing a siren and ready for some action but it'll be over long before Andree was done at the Emergency Room.
((sorry it's short))

Last edited by The Ranger on December 1st 2011, 3:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Ranger
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird November 30th 2011, 10:57 am

"Just you wait until I wake up." Andree smiled as she rubbed her eyes. Disappointing, I will beat him next time though. "This is just like the first week of university all over again. Except I was thirteen not nineteen." She could remember the incident like it was yesterday.

As she walked back home she didnt notice the two guys from her criminology class following her. Once she was part way down the street, on grabbed her and held her for the other guy to take a few swings at. Well, that didnt happen. While he was about to throw his first punch he was met by a foot in his face. The other guy decided to take a knife and put it around her throat. The guy throwing punches took the knife and went to cut her before getting the knife kicked out of her hand. But as she got out of the first guys grip, he got the opportunity to cut her leg with the knife. He took it and the two left, leaving her to limp home. Mind you, there was no hospital trip that time.

"Some kids dont like a middle school kid being smarter than them." She smirked a bit, "Well, I suppose I wouldn't enjoy it in their position either. Still doesn't give them an excuse for what they did though." People from inside the hospital ran outside to her. "Errr... Thanks." Andree said to the doctor who guided her inside and to a hospital bed, she hoped that Ranger might come in with her but she was unsure about that. Man, I hate the smell of hospitals.Too clean and sanitary but not in a natural way. In the chemicals everywhere way. As she began spinning a bit of hair around her finger, as she did when she got nervous or was in a situation she didn't like. They guided her into the operating room and began to stitch up her arm. She looked over at what they were doing, it made her want to hurl. She was never good with blood or any other stuff that is inside your body. It is inside because it shouldn't be seen.

Eventually, she was finished and wheeled out to a room nearby the waiting area. It was small, with blue curtains hanging over the exit. About now was when they would tell patients friends, family or other people with them that they could see them now. She wondered silently to herself if she might get one.

Last edited by Mockingbird on December 1st 2011, 2:40 am; edited 4 times in total

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Markj1998 November 30th 2011, 3:50 pm

(deleted Comment)

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My Two heroes created for justice -
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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Mockingbird December 1st 2011, 10:22 am

(sorry, I should have put down that his was open to just one person. If you would like to make a thread with me sometime, I can do that though)

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by Markj1998 December 1st 2011, 11:39 am

( Sad ok then i'd like that too)

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

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You picked a fight with the wrong person (open) Empty Re: You picked a fight with the wrong person (open)

Post by CainVulsore December 1st 2011, 3:49 pm

((he could join if he wants, I don't have time right now to make an exit post so I edited the other one to say he left))

Cain Vulsore
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