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I hate malls (closed to Zaboo)

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I hate malls (closed to Zaboo) Empty I hate malls (closed to Zaboo)

Post by Mockingbird November 12th 2011, 12:30 pm

The shops whizzed past Andree as she was running full speed through the mall before realizing, Stop doing that, someone might notice. She reminded this. She had a small amount of money to buy some clothes, she only had what she had on, A white V neck T shirt and skinny Jeans all that she had brought with her from her time. You should have thought that through genius. The mall was a place she did not enjoy. Full of stores that make one feel self conscious and stores that were way too expensive. Where are the cheap stores? Or at least, cheaper than these ones. She continued running before skidding to a halt in front of a comic book store. She had been running at full speed again and went over one of the planters in the middle of the isle. Well, comic book stores sometimes have cheap shirts. She reminded herself as she pulled dirt out of her hair. The store was small with a few shelves that didn`t look very stable and were swaying. The aisles were small and comic books lined each shelf and wall. At the back she could see what she was looking for. She made her way over to the T shirts on the back wall and picked out a few with stuff to do with real heroes. There we go, now I can get out of here.

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I hate malls (closed to Zaboo) Empty Re: I hate malls (closed to Zaboo)

Post by Guest November 19th 2011, 3:24 pm

There's a thought experiment called Schrödinger's cat. The thought experiment effectively says, and this is the simple version, that a cat is in a box. The cat could either be alive, or it could be dead. The key is that you will not know unless you open the box and look. Schrödinger's Indian would involve Sachin in a box, and his states would either be sleeping, dead or reading/writing a comic book.

A comic book writer, as indicated, spends a shitload of time in comic book stores. At the least, an incredibly geeky writer like Sachin did. So the Indian boy was wearing his standard black T-shirt and blue jeans, and sat around in the back, reading his own comic book. The ego needed regular feedings.

Then he saw a girl in the comic book store, looking at superhero costumes.

He turned around, and glanced up. "Hey there, what are you looking for?" he asked her, starting to get up from his chair. "I can probably help you find something if you need it."

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I hate malls (closed to Zaboo) Empty Re: I hate malls (closed to Zaboo)

Post by Mockingbird November 19th 2011, 5:34 pm

Andree heard a voice behind her so she spun around to face it. The man standing there was an Indian boy maybe a little older than her. "I'm just looking for cheap shirts." She tells him smiling shyly. She felt a little out of place in the store seeing as there weren't any other girls that she could see and she was hoping to get out fast. Though the guy seemed nice so there was no harm in possibly talking with him for a bit. Her eyes darted between the man and the floor as they always did when she talked to a stranger or someone that intimidates her. This man was just a stranger, definitely not intimidating. "Do you work here?" She asks him as he wasn't wearing a uniform, though she didn't see any employees wearing any anyways so he could be an employee.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I hate malls (closed to Zaboo) Empty Re: I hate malls (closed to Zaboo)

Post by Guest November 20th 2011, 9:33 pm

Sachin's face brightened. Ah, now here was a conversation he'd enjoy..."I suppose I do, in a way." he said proudly. "In fact," he said, holding #6 of The Other Gods, "I fucking write these comics." he said. "And draw, too." He waved at the beautifully drawn illustration of a horde of horned demons flying through a portal and attacking the Sears Tower. "I do damn well love my job." he said, now standing up fully from his chair. The other geeks in the store didn't even bother to look. It was evident they had been through this before. Sachin didn't really seem to care though. "I write the Other Gods, and a few other things. Penned a Batman comic once."

"But that's just the side stuff." he said, calming down a bit from his excitement. "What kind of shirts do you want? I can help you get one, since I know this store pretty well anyway."

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